A History of the Grant Family of Western North
Carolina (Two Vols.), by Marvin A. Grant, Jr. © 2003
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Western North
Carolina was home to many Grant families, almost all of whom were
related to each other (whether they knew it or not.) I have documented
the family of William and Mary Grant who came to Rutherford County,
North Carolina from Virginia before the Revolutionary War. They are the
ancestors of a huge number of Grants who settled in various parts of
Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee as well as many other
states. Volume One contains all the known descendants of William
and Mary (---) Grant.
Volume Two contains information on other Grant families in the area
as well as information on related families of Mackey, Bradley, Morris
and Dalton.
- 676 pages (there is no index in volume one) (free online index here)
Each family line traced down to the present day when possible.
Photographs, maps
- Chapter 1 - The origins of the Grants
- Chapter 2 - William Grant (c1720-1795) and Mary of Virginia and
Rutherford County, North Carolina
- Chapter 3 - Elizabeth Grant (c1755) and James Morris of
Rutherford County, North Carolina
- Chapter 4 - Alexander Grant and Susannah Morris of Rutherford
County, North Carolina
- Chapter 5 - William Grant Jr. and Elizabeth (---) of Rutherford
County, North Carolina
- Chapter 6 - Clementine Grant of Rutherford County, North Carolina
- Chapter 7 - Andrew Grant and Martha Mackey of Rutherford and
Macon County, North Carolina

- Chapter 8 - Charles Grant and Sarah Wyatt of Rutherford County,
North Carolina
- Chapter 9 - Thomas Grant and Amy Coxey of Rutherford and Buncombe
County, North Carolina
- (No index in volume I, but you
can view the index or download it for free by clicking this link)
Volume Two:
- 160 pages
- Chapter 10 - Other Grant Families in Western North Carolina (very
- Chapter 11 - Bradley, Dalton and Morris families of Rutherford
County, North Carolina
- Chapter 12 - Mackey family of Rutherford County, North Carolina
- Full Index for both volumes
Physical Details:- Edition: Second, Nov 2003.
- Binding: Perfect (Paperback)
- Pages: Vol. I: 676; Vol. II: 160.
- Size: 8.5 x 11 in.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008273225
here to find this book in a library near you.
- (Note, if your local library doesn't have a copy and you think
they'd benefit from it, please buy them one!)
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one combined item, so if you want both, you'll have to put them into
your cart separately.
Volume I, Printed Book, $29.00 
Volume I, E-Book (PDF), $10.00 
Volume II, Printed Book, $16.00

Volume II, E-Book (PDF), $7.00 
To Order via Snail-Mail (Printed Edition only):
If you wish to pay by check or money order you
must order it from me via snail-mail. Send the money to me at: Marty
Grant, 3291 Alton Phillips Road, Kinston, NC 28504. The price for
snail-mail orders includes shipping and handling. Once your check has
cleared I will order the book(s) for you and have it shipped to your
address. Volume I by itself: $36.00,
Volume II by itself: $20.00,
both volumes: $56.00.
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