Braddy Genealogy - Duplin and Wayne County North Carolina and area

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Braddy Genealogy - Duplin and Wayne Co., NC

Welcome to my Braddy web pages. This surname might be connected to the Brady name, but I'm not sure of that.

My most recent Braddy ancestor is Fairlise (a.k.a Pheriby) Braddy (c1770's-1840s) who married first to a Mr. Ayers, and second to Henry Hobson, my ancestor. They lived in Duplin and Wayne Counties in eastern North Carolina. I have not determined who Fairlise's parents were, but I suspect she is a child of Stephen Braddy who was the only other Braddy in the area.

There were not many Braddy's in Duplin and Wayne County. The few there all seem to be related to one another. There were others of this surname in nearby Johnston County who might be connected.


There is currently no Braddy DNA Project as far as I'm aware.

Braddy is the 8,001st most common surname in America. Brady is the 448th most common. (Source: Name Statistics)