Marty and Karla Grant
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Many of my older web pages (and some new ones) are in “book style” meaning everything about each family is written out in narrative form. I don’t have pages like that for every person or every family as they are very hard to maintain. However, the pages are here scattered throughout the website, but many are woefully out dated.
All of my up-to-date family data is online in two databases (TNG and Ged-Gen). Each person's record will contain all that I know about them in the notes section. If anyone is listed without notes, then I have failed to add any for them, and I will correct that upon discovery (let me know if you find any like that). Since my main database has over 121,000 names, it is certain that there are errors, omissions and other problems within, so use at your own risk. Many people have assisted with this research over the years, and some are not properly credited within my notes, so I apologize in advance for that. I will be adding those names over time as I can get to it. I will also be updating the TNG database about once a month to reflect anything new that has been found.
The database also contains non-related persons who share my surnames of interest and who lived in the same general area as my own ancestors. Most of the people in this file are White, though there are some Blacks and Native Americans included where we share the same surnames and general locations whether connected or not.
TNG Website. New as of 2025. Will be kept up to date.
∙ Surnames (Scroll down the current page for links to my own ancestral surname pages).
∙ Search
Old Ged-Gen website will not be kept up to date as the software no longer works properly and the company is gone. However, many of my narrative style web pages still have links to these pages, so I’ll leave it online for as long as needed.
Ancestral Origins - Europe, Africa, Melungeons, Black Dutch, etc.
Reference Materials - Census transcripts, county formations, etc.
Source Documentation - Some notes on proper source documentation
Resources - Useful Links
DNA Testing - I've taken the FamilyTreeDNA Y-Chromosome DNA test (Kit # 20976) and also the FamilyFinder test (same kit #). I’ve also taken the AncestryDNA test (listed as Marty Grant). My data is also in the GedMatch database as # T632776. If we have a DNA match look at the Pedigree Chart below to see if we have a known common ancestor.
Pedigree Chart - A pdf file showing my tree beginning with me. This is the best place to take a quick look to see if we have a common ancestor. It is 60 pages. A full name index is at the end of the document.
Ancestral Surnames - Each of the links below will take you to a sub-site devoted to that surname. These are my ancestral names and each site contains a great deal of data. These are not all the surnames on my site, just my ancestral ones. Other surnames and specific people can be located by using the search option at the top and bottom of this page or the complete surname indexes listed above. Note that some of my ancestral surnames don't yet have their own sections. Those are lines that I have not done much research on thus far. The pages below contain additional information than what is in the databases above.
A |B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
ALDEN - Middlesex and Essex Co., VA. Also Alden, Aldin, Alldin, Allden.
ATKINSON - England; Bucks Co., PA.
BAKER -(1) Rowan, Wilkes and Ashe Co., NC.
BAKER - (2) Lincoln Co., NC.
BARNES - (1) Marion Co., SC and nearby counties in SC and NC.
BARNES - (2) PA to Orange, Chatham, Surry and Wilkes Co., NC.
BEASLEY - Onslow Co., NC. I’ve not done much research on this family.
BELLAMY - Horry Co., SC. I’ve not researched them at all.
BLACKMAN, BLACKMON - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties
BOWLES - Virginia and North Carolina. My line in Middlesex and Hanover Co., VA and Surry Co., NC. My line: Thomas Bowles (1744-1781) and wife Sarah Burch. Their daughter Nancy Bowles (c1770-1809) married Caleb Winfrey in Surry Co., NC.
BRADDY - Duplin and Wayne Co., NC: Fairlise Braddy (1770/75-1840/50) married --- Ayers; 2nd Henry Hobson. She might be daughter of Stephen Braddy of the same area.
BROWN - Salem Co., NJ, Augusta (later Botetourt, now Roanoke) Co., VA; Orange and Randolph Co., NC. Henry Brown (Sr) (d 1757) and first wife, their son Daniel Brown (c1720-1791) and his first wife, and their son Joseph Brown (c1740-1815), and his first wife, and their daughter Mary Brown (1758-1833) who married Edward Carter in 1781.
BRUCE - James Bruce (c1730-1819) of Pendleton Dist., SC married Mary, their unknown daughter married Burt Moore. I haven't done much research on the Bruce family much yet.
BRYSON - Southern USA. My line in Lancaster Co., PA; Rowan, Iredell, Buncombe, Haywood, Macon and Jackson Co., NC; Pendleton and Pickens Co., SC; Union Co., GA. This section of my website is very large and one of my most visited. Three Bryson Books can be purchased from this site. Click for more information.
BURCH - Virginia and North Carolina. My line in Caroline and Albemarle Co., VA and Surry Co., NC. My Line: Thomas Burch (1700-1775) and Ann parents of Sarah Burch (c175?-1814) who married Thomas Bowles.
BURNETT/BURNETTE - Virginia. Rachael Burnett married Robert Johnson (1759-1849) ca 1778. No research on this line thus far.
CAMPBELL - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties in SC and NC. I've published a Campbell book. Click for more information.
CARPENTER - Western North Carolina. My line in Surry, Wilkes, Ashe, Burke, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, Cherokee and Graham Co., NC.
CARTER - PA; NC; GA. Samuel Carter (1733-1804) and wife Mary Barnes; their son Edward Carter (1761-1838) and wife Mary Brown; Their son Jesse Carter (1784-1871) and wife Lavina Sams; Their daughter Nancy Matilda Carter (1814-1890) married William H. Cathey. I haven't done much Carter research. There is already a book on this family and I’ve relied heavily on that for the earlier generations.
CATHEY - Southern USA. My line in Lancaster Co., PA; Augusta Co., VA; Rowan, Burke, Buncombe, Haywood, Macon, Jackson and Swain Co., NC; Union Co., GA. Two Cathey Books can be purchased from this site. Click for more information.
CHANCEY - Pasquotank, Bladen, Orange, Chatham Co., NC.
CHEEK - Beaufort, Cumberland, Moore Co., NC.
CHILDRESS - Buckingham, Washington Co., VA, Sullivan, Knox Co., TN. I haven’t done much research on this line.
COLLINS - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties in SC and NC.
COX - Western North Carolina. My line from Monmouth Co., NJ; Lincoln, Buncombe and Haywood Co., NC.
CRAWFORD - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties in SC and NC.
CRIBB - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties in SC and NC.
CROSS - Western North Carolina. My line possibly from Loudoun Co., VA; York Co., PA; Lincoln Co., NC. My ancestor Mary Cross (1755/60-1843) married John Miller (Johannes Muller) ca 1779. They lived in Lincoln and Buncombe Co., NC. She died in Macon Co., NC. Parents unknown.
DAVIS - (1) Western North Carolina. My line from Burke, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery, Cherokee and Graham Co., NC; Blount Co., TN.
DAVIS - (2) Brunswick and Columbus Co., NC.
DELANEY - Orange, Culpeper and Madison Co., VA; Sullivan Co., TN. My line: Joseph Delaney (1682-1769) and wife Mary Lewis; their son John Delaney (1718-1803) and wife Frances Stanton; their daughter Elizabeth Delaney (1746-1812) and husband John Pemberton, of Sullivan Co., TN. Most of what I have on the Delaney family thus far is not my own research.
DILLARD - Buncombe and Haywood Co., NC. We are either from John Dillard (c1755-1842) or Thomas Dillard (c1768-1827) or some other unidentified member of that same family.
DUGGER - USA. My line from Surry, Brunswick, Lunenburg and Pittsylvania Co., VA; Granville, Surry, Wilkes and Ashe Co., NC; Washington, Carter and Johnson Co., TN.
EASTRIDGE, ESTRIDGE, ESTES - Buncombe Co., NC. My ancestor Fanny Eastridge (aka Estridge) (1798-1855), wife of Jeffrey Graham (aka "Grimes") lived in Buncombe Co., NC. No additional data on her. Probably from Wilkes Co., NC originally.
EDWARDS - (1) Eastern North Carolina and Eastern South Carolina. My line from Dobbs, Lenoir and Wayne Co., NC; Horry, Marion and Florence Co., SC. Also with ancestry in Madison Co., TN.
EDWARDS - (2) William Sams (Jr) (c1755-c1825) married Martha Edwards in Henry Co., VA. She is a daughter of Thomas Edwards (d 1791 Pittsylvania Co., VA) and Lucy. I haven't done much Edwards research yet.
EVANS - Western North Carolina. My line from Buncombe, Macon, Jackson and Swain Co., NC.
FABER - Michael Faber (c1698-1778) of Germany and Rowan Co., NC, married Sarah Meinhert. Their daughter Maria Magdelena Faber (1735-1813) married John Miller.
FAWDON - England to Isle of Wight Co., VA. My line: Major George Fawdon (c1600-1655); daughter Hester Fawdon and husband Isaac George.
FELL - Lancashire, England. Christopher Fell (d 1705) had a daughter Margaret Fell who married Christopher Atkinson in 1679. The Atkinsons sailed to America ca 1699. I don’t know if members of the Fell family came.
FLOYD - Horry Co., SC and nearby counties.
FOUTS - North Carolina. My line from York Co., PA; Frederick Co., MD; Randolph, Rowan, Wilkes, Ashe and Macon Co., NC.
GARST - (Karla’s line) - Germany; Lancaster Co., PA; Botetourt, Roanoke Co., VA;
GEORGE - Virginia, Tennessee and North Carolina. My line from Charles City, Isle of Wight, Middlesex, Essex, Caroline, Halifax and Pittsylvania Co., VA; Sullivan, Carter, Blount and Monroe Co., TN; Cherokee, Macon and Graham Co., NC. I've published a two volume George book. Click for more information.
GILBERT - Western North Carolina, North Georgia. My line in Burke, Yancey and Rutherford Co., NC; Union Co., GA.
GRAHAM, GRIMES - (1) Western North Carolina. My line in Buncombe Co., NC.
GRAHAM - (2) Horry Co., SC. My line: Jane Graham (c1795-1860/70) and husband, Pugh Floyd. Not much research on this line yet.
GRANT - Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Tennessee. My line in Virginia (county unknown); Tryon, Rutherford, Burke, Yancey, Macon, Jackson and Swain Co., NC; Union Co., GA. I've published a two volume Grant book as well as a Grant census book. Other Grant books are also available from this site. Click for more information.
HALDERMAN, HALDEMAN - (Karla’s line) - Germany; Montgomery, Chester Co., PA.
HATCHER - (Karla’s line) - England; Henrico, Chesterfield, Bedford Co., VA; Blount, Sevier Co., TN; Sullivan, Taney Co., MO.
HENDERSON - Western North Carolina. My line in Rutherford Co., NC, Sumner and McMinn Co., TN and Union Co. GA.
HENSLEY, HENSLEE - Southern USA. My line in Washington and Scott Co., VA; Sullivan, Knox, Blount and Monroe Co., TN. This is my most popular website section and also the largest. I've published two Hensley books. Click for more information.
HESS - (Karla’s line) - York Co., PA
HOBSON, HOPSON - Duplin and Wayne Co., NC. My line: Henry Hobson (bef 1765-1813/20) and wife Fairlise Braddy; their daughter Rebecca Hobson (c1808) and husband Richard Roberts.
HOLMES - James Holmes (wife Sarah) died ca 1749 Lancaster Co., PA. His daughter Isabella Holmes married William Bryson there, then moved to NC. I haven't done much Holmes research.
HOUSTON - Eastern NC. I haven’t done much Houston research yet.
HUFFMAN - Onslow Co., NC. I haven’t thoroughly proven my connection to this family yet.
JAMES - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties in SC and NC.
JENKINS - Onslow Co., NC.
JOHNSON, JOHNSTON - (1) Marion Co., SC and (2) Horry Co., SC.
JOHNSON, JOHNSTON - (3) Knox, Blount and Monroe Co., TN.
JONES - Tabitha Jones (c1810-1860/70). Married Cornelius Davis ca 1830/33 in Brunswick (now Columbus) Co., NC. Her 1850 census entry gives birth place as NC while 1860 gives SC. Don't know which is correct. I’ve only done a small amount of research on the Jones family thus far.
JORDAN - Mary Jordan (c1704-1750/55) married John George (1704-1784) ca 1724 in Essex Co., VA. Her parents are unknown and this line has been nearly impossible to trace.
KEY - Elizabeth Key married William Barnes in 1708 in Philadelphia, PA, lived in Chester Co., PA afterward. I’ve done no research on this surname so far.
LANE - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties in SC and NC.
LEWIS - (1) Jacob Lewis of Robeson Co., NC. Father of Elizabeth Lewis (1755/65-c1810/18) who married James Floyd in Horry Co., SC. I haven't done much Lewis research as of yet.
LEWIS - (2) Zachary Lewis of VA 1600s, early 1700s. Most that I have is from published sources, not verified by me.
MACKEY - Rutherford Co., NC. My line: Martha Mackey (1755/60-1850) married Andrew Grant in 1788. I have not positively identified her parents, but I suspect Alexander Mackey Sr (d ca 1774) of Albemarle Co., VA.
MANGUS - (Karla’s line) - Germany; York Co., PA; Rockingham, Botetourt, Roanoke, Montgomery Co., VA; Macoupin, Christian Co., IL; Nance, Gage Co., NE; Morgan Co., CO; Weston Co., WY; Clark Co., WA.
MARTIN - Marion Co., SC. Precious little information found thus far. My Martin’s don’t seem to be related to the more prominent Martin family of the same county.
MILLER - Western North Carolina. (1) Bucks Co., PA and Surry Co., NC; (2) PA; Rowan and Ashe Co., NC; (3) York Co., PA; Lincoln, Buncombe and Macon Co., NC.
MILLER - (Karla’s line) - Cattaraugus Co., NY;
MOODY - Western North Carolina. My line from Surry Co., NC and Franklin Co., GA.
MOORE - Western North Carolina. (1) Rowan and Buncombe Co., NC; (2) Halifax Co., VA; Pendleton Dist, SC; Henderson and Macon Co., NC; Union Co., GA.
MORRIS - (1) Monmouth Co., NJ, John Cox married Margaret Morris either in 1749 or 1769, then later moved to Lincoln Co., NC. (2) William Grant (c1720-1795)’s wife Mary *might* be a Morris, but this is far from proven. They are intertwined with the Rutherford Co., NC Morris families.
MURPHY - Virginia and North Carolina. My line from Halifax and Pittsylvania Co., VA; Surry Co., NC; Lincoln Co., KY.
NAILL, NAIL, NEALL, NEAL - Agnes Naill married Andrew Bryson 1783 Rowan (now Iredell) Co., NC.
NIXON - Henry Nixon (d 1790/92 Wayne Co., NC) and wife Sarah. Parents of John Nixon (1755/65-1805). John is father of unknown daughter who married Henry Roberts ca 1790.
NODEN - England and Caroline Co., VA. My line: Hugh Noden (c1690s-1751) and wife Elizabeth (moved to Caroline Co., VA); their daughter Elizabeth Noden (c1737-aft 1799) and husband James George moved to Pittsylvania Co., VA.
PACK - Jane Pack married James Henderson in 1818 in Sumner Co., TN. To McMinn Co., TN, then to Union Co., GA. I believe her father is John Pack of Rutherford Co., NC.
PATTERSON - Western North Carolina. My line from Mecklenburg, Tryon, Rutherford, Buncombe and Macon Co., NC; Union Co., GA and Huerfano Co., CO.
PATTON - Rowan and Buncombe Co NC; My line: Robert Patton (d 1772) and wife Charity; their daughter Margaret Patton (c1749-1814) and husband William H. Moore (1726-1812). I’ve done very little Patton research thus far.
PEMBERTON - Virginia and Tennessee. My line from Orange, Culpeper and Madison Co., VA and Sullivan Co., TN.
RANK, RANC, RANCK, RONK - (Karla’s line) - France; Germany; Lancaster Co., PA; Botetourt Co., VA.
ROBERTS - (1) John Moody married Mary (1780/84-1840/50) in Surry Co., NC. No solid proof but it seems she may be a Roberts and a daughter of Olive Branch Roberts (d 1827) and Sarah Woodson. I've done very little research on this family yet.
ROBERTS - (2) Eastern North Carolina. My line from Carteret, Johnston, Dobbs, Wayne and Duplin Co., NC, later to Horry and Marion Co., SC.
RYAL - Onslow Co., NC. I’ve only just begun researching this line.
SAMS - William Sams (c1752-aft 1828) married Martha Edwards in VA. They moved to TN, then to NC, later to KY and IL. Daughter Lavina Sams (1786-1856) married Jesse Carter in Buncombe Co., NC, moved to GA.
SANDERS, SAUNDERS - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties.
SCARBOROUGH - William Scarborough (d 1676) and wife Amy are parents of Edward Scarborough (d 1717 Surry Co., VA). Edward and wife Ann are parents of Mary Scarborough (c1695-1783) who married Daniel Dugger. I haven't done much Scarborough research yet.
SHEARER - Catherine Shearer (1750/55-aft 1840) married John Leonard Fouts. I haven't done any Shearer research yet.
SHOWALTER - (Karla’s line) - Switzerland; Germany; Northampton, Bucks Co., PA; Botetourt Co., VA.
SMITH - (1) Carter and Johnson Co., TN.
SMITH - (2) Chatham Co., NC Quaker connections. Thomas Smith (c1720) and wife Esther, their son Daniel Smith (c1750-1791) and wife Pleasant Chancey.
SMITH - (3) Halifax and Martin Co., NC. Patience Smith married John Turner before 1765.
SMITH - (4) Brunswick and Columbus Co., NC. Not entirely proven to by my line yet. William Smith (c1788-1866) > Unknown son/daughter > William B. Smith (c1843) & Mahala Davis (not married).
SMITH - (Karla’s line) - Noble Co., OH; Grundy, Linn Co., MO; Morgan Co., CO.
STANTON, STAUNTON - Thomas Stanton (d 1741) and wife Sarah Robinson are parents of Frances Stanton (1723-1804) who married John Delaney. I haven't done any Stanton research yet.
STARKEY - (Karla’s line) - Norway; Allamakee Co., IA; Jerauld, Hughes Co., SD; Sargent Co., ND; Clark Co., WA.
STEWART, STUART - Western North Carolina. My line from Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Haywood and Macon Co., NC; Union Co., GA and Polk Co., TN.
STROUD, STROWD - Virginia, North Carolina and Georgia. My line in Prince George and Brunswick Co., VA; Granville, Orange, Burke, McDowell and Macon Co., NC; Union and Towns Co., GA.
TANNER - Western North Carolina. My line from Burke, McDowell and Macon Co., NC and Union and Towns Co., GA.
TERRY - Benjamin Terry (d 1760) and wife Elizabeth Dickerson are parents of Keziah Terry (c1728-1809) who married Richard Murphy.
TURNER - Marion Co., SC and nearby counties.
TUTT - Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina. My line in Buncombe Co., NC.
TYSON - Moore Co., NC. Not completely proven to be my line yet.
WALLEY - Chester (now Delaware) Co., PA. Late 1600s to mid 1700s.
WATERS - Western North Carolina. My line in Mecklenburg, Cabarrus, Haywood and Macon Co., NC.
WATSON - Eastern North Carolina and Eastern South Carolina. My line from Onslow and Columbus Co., NC and Marion Co., SC.
WEBSTER - Carteret Co., NC.
WELCH - Marion Co., SC.
WILLIS - England, Lancaster and Middlesex Co., VA.
WILSON - Burke, Yancey, Mitchell, Avery Co., NC.
WINFREY, WINFREE - Virginia and North Carolina. My line in Surry, Wilkes and Cherokee Co., NC.
WOOD, WOODS - Marion Co., SC.
WOODSON - Virginia.
WRIGHT - Western North Carolina. My line in Surry, Wilkes and Cherokee Co., NC; Union Co., GA. I've published a Wright book. Click for more information.
ZIMMERMAN - See Carpenter.
Revised: March 3, 2025
Copyright © 1996-2025 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All Rights Reserved.
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