Husband: Congressman William S Collins |
Born: 10 MAR 1822 in Marion Dist, SC Married: 1860/1866 in Marion Dist, SC Died: 10 JUN 1905 in Marion Co, SC Father: William J Collins Mother: Dorothy Eagerton Spouses: |
Wife: Adaline |
Born: 1845/1846 in Marion Dist, SC Died: Father: Mother: Spouses: |
Children |
01 (M): Henry Collins Born: 1865/1866 in Marion Dist, SC Died: Spouses: |
02 (M): Thaddeus Collins Born: 1866/1867 in Marion Dist, SC Died: Spouses: |
03 (M): Andrew Collins Born: 1869 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
04 (M): William Collins Born: 1871/1872 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
05 (M): John Collins Born: 1873/1874 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
06 (F): Mary Collins Born: 1875/1876 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
07 (F): Carrie Collins Born: 1877/1878 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
08 (F): Annie Collins Born: 1878/1879 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
09 (M): Collins Born: JUN 1880 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
Congressman William S Collins:
!NOTE:William S. COLLINS is not a proven son of William S. COLLINS, but it seems likely he belongs here;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC # 179 William S. COLLINS, 24 (1825/26) born Marion, residing with William A. McCALL, 21 (Darlington) and Louisa, 22 (Marlborough). Listed as Overseer;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 6/7
William S. COLLINS, 45 (1824/25) born SC, Representative in State Legislature
Adaline, 24 (Mul.) SC
Henry, 5 (Mul.)
Thadeus, 3 (Mul)
Andrew, 8/12 (Mul.)
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 William COLLINS, 55 (1824/25) born SC/SC/SC;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 6/7
William S. COLLINS, 45 (1824/25) born SC, Representative in State Legislature
Adaline, 24 (Mul.) SC
Henry, 5 (Mul.)
Thadeus, 3 (Mul)
Andrew, 8/12 (Mul.)
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 Adaline COLLINS, 33 (1846/47) born SC/SC/SC, race = "B";
(01) Henry Collins:
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 6/7
William S. COLLINS, 45 (1824/25) born SC, Representative in State Legislature
Adaline, 24 (Mul.) SC
Henry, 5 (Mul.)
Thadeus, 3 (Mul)
Andrew, 8/12 (Mul.)
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 Henry COLLINS, 14 (1865/66) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(02) Thaddeus Collins:
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 6/7
William S. COLLINS, 45 (1824/25) born SC, Representative in State Legislature
Adaline, 24 (Mul.) SC
Henry, 5 (Mul.)
Thadeus, 3 (Mul)
Andrew, 8/12 (Mul.)
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 Thaddeus COLLINS, 12 (1867/68) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(03) Andrew Collins:
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 6/7
William S. COLLINS, 45 (1824/25) born SC, Representative in State Legislature
Adaline, 24 (Mul.) SC
Henry, 5 (Mul.)
Thadeus, 3 (Mul)
Andrew, 8/12 (Mul.)
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 Andrew COLLINS, 10 (1869/70) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(04) William Collins:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 William COLLINS, 8 (1871/72) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(05) John Collins:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 John COLLINS, 6 (1873/74) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(06) Mary Collins:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 Mary COLLINS, 4 (1875/76) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(07) Carrie Collins:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 Carrie COLLINS, 2 (1877/78) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(08) Annie Collins:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 Annie COLLINS, 1 (1878/79) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
(09) Collins:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Wahee # 37 (not named) (m) COLLINS, born June (1880) born SC/SC/SC, race = "M";
Revised: June 27, 2024
Copyright © 1996-2024 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All rights reserved.