Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Salathial Davis
Born: 1797/1798 in Burke Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC)
Married: before 1832 in Burke Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC)
Died: after 1860 in Union Co, GA
Father: William Davis
Mother: Sarah
Wife: Elizabeth
Born: 1804/1805 in NC
Died: after 1860 in Union Co, GA
01 (M): Reuben H Davis
Born: 1831/1832 in Burke Co, NC (now McDowell Co, NC)
Died: after 1860 in Union Co, GA
Spouses: Emily A Curtis
02 (F): Martha Davis
Born: 1842/1843 in McDowell Co, NC
Died: after 1850 in Union Co, GA
Additional Information

Salathial Davis:


!NOTES:I (Marty Grant) am not related to this person as far as I know. However, I am interested in all Davis families in western North Carolina to some extent.
* I am interested in McDowell County Davis families through 1860.;


!CENSUS:1800 Burke Co., NC p. 740
William Davis age 26-44 (1755/1774)
My Analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 26-44 (1755/1774) = William Davis (1755/74)
1m 16-25 (1774/1784) = Son? Brother?
1m 10-15 (1784/1790) = Thomas Davis (c1791) son
2m 0-9 (1790/1800) = 1. David Davis (c1790/94) son
"m 0-9 (1790/1800) = 2. Salathial Davis (c1798) son
1f age 16-25 (1774/1784) = Sarah (---) Davis, wife
5f 0-9 (1790/1800) = 1. Mary Davis (c1790) dau
"f 0-9 (1790/1800) = 2. Ruth Davis (c1797) dau
"f 0-9 (1790/1800) = 3. Sarah Davis (c1800) dau
"f 0-9 (1790/1800) = 4. Daughter?
"f 0-9 (1790/1800) = 5. Daughter?

!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co., NC p. 118-332
Sarah Davis age 26-44 (1765/84)
My Analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 16-25 (1784/1794) = Thomas Davis (c1791) son
1m 10-15 (1794/1800) = David Davis (c1794) son
3m 0-9 (1800/1810) = 1. Salathial Davis (c1798) son
"m 0-9 (1800/1810) = 2. Jehial Davis (c1802) son
"m 0-9 (1800/1810) = 3. Meredith Davis (c1807) son
1f 26-44 (1765/1784) = Sarah (---) Davis

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co., NC p. 93
Sally Davis age 45 and up (before 1775) = Sarah (---) Davis
My Analysis (who each person *might* be)
3m 16-25 (1794/1804) = 1. Salathial Davis (c1798) son
"m 16-25 (1794/1804) = 2. Jehial Davis (c1802) son
"m 16-25 (1794/1804) = 3. Son?
2m 10-15 (1804/1810) = 1. Meredith Davis (c1807) son
"m 10-15 (1804/1810) = 2. Son?
1f 45 and up (before 1775) = Sarah (---) Davis
2f 16-25 (1794/1804) = 1. Ruth Davis (c1797) dau
"f 16-25 (1794/1804) = 2. Sarah Davis (c1800) dau
1f 10-15 (1804/1810) = Jane Davis (c1805) dau

!CENSUS:1830 x

!CENSUS:1840 Burke Co., NC p. 336
Salathial Davis age 40-49 (1790/1800)
My Analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 40-49 (1790/1800) = Salathial Davis (c1798)
1m 5-9 (1830/1835) = Reuben Davis (c1832) son
1f 30-39 (1800/1810) = Elizabeth (---) Davis (c1805) wife;

!CENSUS:1850 Union Co., GA 85th District # 806/806
Salathial Davis 52 Farmer $325 NC
Elizabeth 45
Reuben 18 Laborer
Martha 7;

!CENSUS:1860 Union Co., GA Blairsville PO # 269/266
S. Davis 62 Farmer $600/200 NC
Elizabeth 55;



!NOTES:I (Marty Grant) am not related to this person as far as I know. However, I am interested in all Davis families in western North Carolina to some extent.
* I am interested in McDowell County Davis families through 1860.;


!CENSUS:1840 Burke Co., NC p. 336
Salathial Davis age 40-49 (1790/1800)
My Analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 40-49 (1790/1800) = Salathial Davis (c1798)
1m 5-9 (1830/1835) = Reuben Davis (c1832) son
1f 30-39 (1800/1810) = Elizabeth (---) Davis (c1805) wife;

!CENSUS:1850 Union Co., GA 85th District # 806/806
Salathial Davis 52 Farmer $325 NC
Elizabeth 45
Reuben 18 Laborer
Martha 7;

!CENSUS:1860 Union Co., GA Blairsville PO # 269/266
S. Davis 62 Farmer $600/200 NC
Elizabeth 55;

(02) Martha Davis:


!NOTES:I (Marty Grant) am not related to this person as far as I know. However, I am interested in all Davis families in western North Carolina to some extent.
* I am interested in McDowell County Davis families through 1860.;


!CENSUS:1850 Union Co., GA 85th District # 806/806
Salathial Davis 52 Farmer $325 NC
Elizabeth 45
Reuben 18 Laborer
Martha 7;

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Revised: June 27, 2024

Copyright © 1996-2024 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All rights reserved.