Husband: Gadi T James |
Born: JUL 1841 in Marion Dist, SC Married: 1860/1867 in Marion Dist, SC Died: Father: Henry James Mother: Sithney Spouses: |
Wife: Martha Elizabeth Kirton |
Born: 12 FEB 1841 in Marion Dist, SC Died: 08 FEB 1917 in Marion Co, SC Father: Henry Kirton Mother: Hannah Phillips Spouses: |
Children |
01 (F): Sarah Elizabeth James Born: 23 NOV 1866 in Marion Dist, SC Died: 11 JAN 1939 in Marion Co, SC Spouses: Henry W Godbold |
02 (F): Addy J James Born: 1868/1869 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
03 (F): Florence C James Born: 1871/1872 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
04 (M): David Henry James Born: DEC 1873 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
05 (M): Julian W James Born: JAN 1876 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
06 (M): Walter R James Born: MAR 1879 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
07 (F): Anna R James Born: 14 AUG 1881 in Marion Co, SC Died: 17 APR 1955 in Lee Co, SC Spouses: Boyd P James |
08 (M): Lonnie Williford James Born: 05 MAR 1885 in Marion Co, SC Died: 21 MAR 1948 in Marion Co, SC Spouses: |
Gadi T James:
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 192/193*
Henry James 40 Farmer $500 Marion
Sarah 32
Samuel 11
George 9 <--- (sic)
Matthew 6
John 3
Daniel 1
*Lot of things wrong with this entry, but it is same family as in 1860, 1870, etc.;
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist., SC Marion, Marion PO # 2143/2111
Henry James 50 Farmer $2500/500 SC
Satheria 42
Gadi 18
John H. 13
David C. 10
Danl P. 6;
!CIVIL WAR:Roll of Company L, Tenth Regiment Infantry G.T. JAMES, Pvt;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Legett Twp # 206 Gadi T. JAMES, 29 (1840/41) born SC;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Legett # 193 Gadi T. JAMES, 38 (1841/42) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;
Martha Elizabeth Kirton:
!NOTE:Maiden name KIRTON per D/C of daughter Sarah;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 630/634
Henry Kirton 58 Farmer $- Marion
Hannah 41
Rebecca 14
Thomas 11
Martha 8
Julia 7
Annis 3
Ann 6/12
Joseph Smith (Sinith?) 17;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Legett Twp # 206 Martha E. JAMES, 28 (1841/42) born SC;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Legett # 193 Martha G. JAMES, 38 (1841/42) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;
(02) Addy J James:
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Legett Twp # 206 Addyuse J. JAMES, 1 (1868/69) born SC;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Legett # 193 Addie M. JAMES, 11 (1868/69) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;
(03) Florence C James:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Legett # 193 Florence C. JAMES, 8 (1871/72) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;
(04) David Henry James:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Legett # 193 David H. JAMES, 6 (1873/74) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;
(05) Julian W James:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Legett # 193 Julian W. JAMES, 4 (1875/76) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;
(06) Walter R James:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Legett # 193 Walter R. JAMES, 1 (1878/79) born SC, father born SC, mother born SC;
Revised: June 27, 2024
Copyright © 1996-2024 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All rights reserved.