Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Henry Lewis Barnes
Born: 1835/1836 in Marion Dist, SC
Married: 1850/1860 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1880 in Marion Co, SC
Father: Joel Barnes
Mother: Anna Jane
Wife: Zilpha Ann Bartell
Born: 1841/1842 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1880 in Marion Co, SC
Father: Silvester Bartell
Mother: Frances
01 (F): Susan W Barnes
Born: 1862/1863 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1870 in Marion Co, SC
02 (F): Frances E Barnes
Born: 1868/1869 in Marion Co, SC
Died: after 1880 in Marion Co, SC
Additional Information

Henry Lewis Barnes:


!NOTES:Henry Lewis Barnes was born ca 1835/36 in Marion Dist, SC. I don't know who his parents were, but I suspect he is a son of Joel Barnes, but have no solid proof of that though. Joel had a son this age (born ca 1835/40) with him in the 1840 census. Most records list him as "Lewis", though in a few cases he is listed as "H. L." or "Henry L.".

Lewis Barnes was residing with Benjamin Barnes and wife Jane on the 1850 census. I suspect his is a brother of Benjamin. Of interest is the fact that Joel Barnes, suspected father of Lewis, also had a son Benjamin's age (ca 1825/30) with him in the 1840 census. That doesn't prove that Joel was the father of Benjamin and Lewis, but it does help a little.

!CENSUS:1840 ? Marion Dist, SC pg 177 w/Joel BARNES age 0-4 (1835/40);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC Page 28, # 423/426
Benjamin Barnes, 23 farmer $150 Marion
Jane 35
Sarah 2
Mary 4/12
Lewis 14;

Lewis Barnes married Zilphia Ann Bartell before 1860, probably just before. She was born ca 1841/42 in Marion Dist, SC, daughter of Silvester and Frances Bartell.

I first found her maiden name via the Will of her Uncle William Bartell who named her as an heir, but did not specifically state her relationship. He listed his brother Silvester Bartell as heir, but if he were dead already, then to Frances Huggins, Zilpha Ann Barnes and Sarah Poston. It appears from the context of this record that those three girls were children of Silvester. This is further proven by the Will of Silvester Bartell who named his heirs in his 1862 Will, including daughter "Zilpha Ann". (Probate Roll # 1196 and 1198, published in "Probate Records, Marion County, South Carolina Volume Two", by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, 1985, page 172).

Lewis and his new wife were listed in the same community, though many pages away from brother Benjamin. They were just two houses from Zilpha's parents.

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1898/1898
Louis Barnes, 24 SC
Zilphia A. 18;

!CIVIL WAR:Roll of Gregg’s Battery, Co. D, Manigault’s Battalion Artillery (page 613-620) Henry L. Barnes, Pvt.

Lewis Barnes was listed on the 1870 census in Marion Co, SC in Pee Dee Township (modern Florence County). His brother Benjamin's widow Jane was just 5 houses away. Peter Bartell was next door. I'm sure he is related to Zilpha, but don't know how.

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee Twp # 207/210
Lewis Barnes, 35 Farmer $166/150 SC
Zilphia A. 28
Susan W. 7
Francis E. 1;

Lewis Barnes was still in Pee Dee Township for the 1880 census. Daughter Susan Barnes (ca 1862/63) was not with them in 1880, but an "L" or "S" Shackleford, age 16 (ca 1863/64) was with them. She was listed as a boarder, and "Single", so it doesn't seem like this is the same person as Susan (though it is possible). Zilpha's widowed mother was listed next door, by herself, and relationship was listed as "Mother", probably indicating that she was actually living with the Barnes, but for some reason, given a different family and household number.

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee # 171/206
L. Barnes, 45 SC-SC-SC
Zilpha, 38 wife
Francis E. 11 daughter
L. (or S.) Shackleford 16 boarder, single;

Zilpha Ann Bartell:


!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 23B # 349 Zilpha BARTLE, 8 born Marion;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 1898/1898
Louis Barnes, 24 SC
Zilphia A. 18;

!NAMED:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol II, Roll # 1196 William BARTELL, page 172;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee Twp # 207/210
Lewis Barnes, 35 Farmer $166/150 SC
Zilphia A. 28
Susan W. 7
Francis E. 1;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee # 171/206
L. Barnes, 45 SC-SC-SC
Zilpha, 38 wife
Francis E. 11 daughter
L. (or S.) Shackleford 16 boarder, single;

(01) Susan W Barnes:


!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee Twp # 207/210
Lewis Barnes, 35 Farmer $166/150 SC
Zilphia A. 28
Susan W. 7
Francis E. 1;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee # 171/206
L. Barnes, 45 SC-SC-SC
Zilpha, 38 wife
Francis E. 11 daughter
L. (or S.) Shackleford 16 boarder, single <==same person as Susan?

(02) Frances E Barnes:


!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee Twp # 207/210
Lewis Barnes, 35 Farmer $166/150 SC
Zilphia A. 28
Susan W. 7
Francis E. 1;

!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Pee Dee # 171/206
L. Barnes, 45 SC-SC-SC
Zilpha, 38 wife
Francis E. 11 daughter
L. (or S.) Shackleford 16 boarder, single;

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