Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Dr B K Henagan
Born: 1797/1798 in Marion Dist, SC
Married: before 1832 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1850 in Marion Dist, SC
Spouses: Mariah Wickham
Wife: ?
Died: before 1850 in Marion Dist, SC
01 (M): James Henagan
Born: 1831/1832 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1850 in Marion Dist, SC
02 (M): Andrew Henagan
Born: 1837/1838 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1850 in Marion Dist, SC
03 (M): Robert Henagan
Born: 1839/1840 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1850 in Marion Dist, SC
04 (F): Mary Henagan
Born: 1845/1846 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1850 in Marion Dist, SC
Additional Information

Dr B K Henagan:


!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1105/1110
Dr. B. K. Hennegan 52 M. D. $4000 Marion
James 18
Andrew 12
Robert 10
Mary 4;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 213-218
So far as Marion County is concerned, the first of the name in this county was John C. Ellerbe, of the same family spoken, of above. He married a Miss Wickham, daughter of Dr. Thomas J. Wickham, a man of much note in his day in Liberty or Marion; she was wealthy and perhaps the only child; at any rate, John C. Ellerbe married her and came down into Marion and settled on her property, and lived and died there ; he retained her property and increased it ; not an old man when he died-he died some time in the forties; his widow survived him, and afterwards married ex-Governor B. K. Henagan ; no offspring from the marriage; they both died in a few years. John C. Ellerbe left his family in good condition; his large property went, as the law then was, mostly to the Henagans that is, the personal property; the large landed estate went to the heirs of the widow, who, I think, survived him. By John C. Ellerbe's marriage, be had and raised three sons and three daughters. The sons were William S., Richard P. and Edward B. ; the daughters were Joanna, Julia and Sallie. ;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 213-218
This was the second death of a Governor while in office in the history of the State—Governor Patrick Noble died in office, in 1840, and Dr. B. K. Henagan, then of Marlborough, afterwards of Marion, being the Lieutenant-Governor, filled out Governor Noble's unexpired term. ;

(01) James Henagan:


!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1105/1110
Dr. B. K. Hennegan 52 M. D. $4000 Marion
James 18
Andrew 12
Robert 10
Mary 4;

(02) Andrew Henagan:


!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1105/1110
Dr. B. K. Hennegan 52 M. D. $4000 Marion
James 18
Andrew 12
Robert 10
Mary 4;

(03) Robert Henagan:


!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1105/1110
Dr. B. K. Hennegan 52 M. D. $4000 Marion
James 18
Andrew 12
Robert 10
Mary 4;

(04) Mary Henagan:


!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1105/1110
Dr. B. K. Hennegan 52 M. D. $4000 Marion
James 18
Andrew 12
Robert 10
Mary 4;

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