Husband: Gilbert |
Born: Married: Died: before 1953 Father: Mother: Spouses: |
Wife: Lillie Iowa Hogan |
Born: 20 MAR 1880 in Towns Co, GA Died: 10 MAR 1953 in Cherokee Co, NC Father: Rev Nathaniel Rice Hogan Mother: Matilda Styles Spouses: |
Lillie Iowa Hogan:
!NOTES:Is it possible that Lillie Iowa Hogan Gilbert is the same person as Orra Hogan Gilbert?
(1) Lillie is 3 months on 1880 census, and her D/C gives 20 Mar 1884 as B/D, but 1884 can't be right since she was alive in 1880. So 20 Mar 1880 is probably the correct B/D. However, I have no record of Lillie other than the 1880 census and her D/C (1953) which lists her as a widow Gilbert and D/O Nathaniel Hogan and Matilda Stiles.
(2) Orra Hogan was born 6 Mar 1881 according to her T/S, and that almost matches her 1900 census entry showing B/D of Aug 1881. She was with her parents in 1900, and with husband Thomas J. Gilbert after that. No D/C was found for her, and her side of the shared T/S only has her name and B/D, no D/D.
The above strongly suggests that Lillie and Ora are the same person, but if not, then where is Ora's D/C? and who was Lillie's Mr.Gilbert?;
!CENSUS:1880 Towns Co., GA Brasstown Dist No 918 # 212/225
Rise Hogan 22 M Laborer GA-NC-NC
Matilda 24 wife GA-NC-GA
Burton 3 son GA-GA-GA
Bertha A. 2 dau
Lilly 3/12 Dau (birth month not given)
* Next to John Styles 60 and Rebcca 75;
Revised: June 27, 2024
Copyright © 1996-2024 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All rights reserved.