Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Richard Graham
Born: before 1755
Married: in Randolph Co, NC
Died: about 1801 in Randolph Co, NC
Wife: ?
Born: before 1755
Died: after 1800 in Randolph Co, NC
01 (M): Richard Graham
Born: 1755/1774 in Randolph Co, NC
Died: after 1805 in Randolph Co, NC
02 (F): Nancy Graham
Born: in Randolph Co, NC
Spouses: LIVING
03 (F): Rosannah Graham
Born: in Randolph Co, NC
Spouses: LIVING
04 (F): Jane Graham
Born: in Randolph Co, NC
Spouses: LIVING
05 (F): Mary Graham
Born: in Randolph Co, NC
Spouses: LIVING
06 (M): Thomas Graham
Born: in Randolph Co, NC
07 (M): Alexander Graham
Born: 1755/1774 in Randolph Co, NC
Died: after 1800 in Randolph Co, NC
08 (M): John Graham
Born: 1765/1774 in Randolph Co, NC
Died: after 1810 in Randolph Co, NC
Spouses: Sarah Rains
Additional Information

Richard Graham:


!NOTE:Info shared by Troy Graham 23 Mar 2007 <>
Marty, looking at your web page, you are looking for information on a John Graham from Buncombe County, North Carolina.
Maybe I can help you alittle ? My g, g, g, g, g, g grandfather Richard Grimes / Graham, Sr. died in Randolph County, North Carolina in 1801. The Randolph County Court in the fall term, named his son, Richard Grims / Graham, Jr. to handle his fathers estate. I have a copy of a 1805 Deed where the children of Richard Grimes / Graham, Sr. are selling land.

It names a John Graham of Randolph County, North Carolina and a John Graham of Buncombe County, North Carolina.
The John Graham of Randolph County, North carolina is in fact the son of this Richard Grimes / Graham, Sr.. Now this other John Graham from Buncombe County, North Carolina must be a husband of a daughter of Richard Grimes / Graham, Sr.

Of the known daughters of Richard Grimes / Graham, Sr. that are alive in 1805 for this deed, they are listed with their husbands and if the daughter is dead only the husband or the daughters children are listed. So this John Graham from Buncombe County, North Carolina is listed without a wife, meaning she had past away before 1805 ( my best guess )

The 1800 Buncombe County, North Carolina census list a John Graham 26 to 44 years old and a female 26 to 44 years old, which I would take to be his wife. Now if this is the same John Graham listed in this 1805 deed that would be great ! But I'am still looking for the name of this daughter who married this John Graham, but seeing they both have the same last name ( Graham ) this has been a up hill battle. So maybe we can help each other out alittle ??

Other names who married into this Grimes / Graham family line are Anthony Rains married Nancy Grimes / Graham, George Rains married Rosannah Grimes / Graham, George Frazer or Frazier married Jane Grimes / Graham and a Unknown Rains married a Mary Grimes / Graham.

Son's of Richard Grimes / Graham, Sr. 1. Richard Grimes / Graham, Jr., 2. Jiohn Grimes / Graham ( who married a Sarah ? ), both listed in the 1790 Randolph County, North Carolina census. 3. Thomas Grimes / Graham, and Alexander Graham. All of these sons married, but I have not been able to put a name to them for as you know there are alot of John Graham's, Richard Graham's Thomas Graham's Alexander Graham's and so on. I do know that my John Graham went to Tennessee between 1807 and 1809 and I believe Richard Graham, Jr. went also

I guess thats about it for now, let me know what you think of all this ?

!CENSUS:1790 Randolph Co., NC pg 286
Richard Grimes Sr age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-0-0-0";

!CENSUS:1800 Randolph Co., NC pg 314 Richard Grimes age 45+ (bef 1755)

(01) Richard Graham:


!NOTE:Info shared by Troy Graham 23 Mar 2007 <>

!CENSUS:1790 Randolph Co., NC pg 286
Richard Grimes age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-5-0-0";

!CENSUS:1800 Randolph Co., NC pg 314 Richard Grimes age 45+ (bef 1755)

(06) Thomas Graham:


!NOTE:Info shared by Troy Graham 23 Mar 2007 <>

(07) Alexander Graham:


!NOTE:Info shared by Troy Graham 23 Mar 2007 <>


!CENSUS:1800 Randolph Co., NC pg 314 Alexander Grimes age 26-44 (1755/74)

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