Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: John Stewart
Born: 1765/1774
Married: 12 AUG 1803 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: 11 JUN 1825 in Guilford Co, NC
Father: Finley Stewart
Mother: Prudence Shaw
Wife: Nancy Agness Gorrell
Born: 1774/1784
Died: after 1826 in Guilford Co, NC
Father: Ralph Gorrell
Mother: Mary Kerr
01 (F): Mary Kerr Stewart
Born: 1803/1810 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: after 23 FEB 1826 in Guilford Co, NC
02 (M): Ralph Washington Stewart
Born: 1803/1810 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: about NOV 1828 in Guilford Co, NC
03 (M): James Addison Stewart
Born: 02 NOV 1810 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: 06 DEC 1890 in Guilford Co, NC
04 (F): Prudence Caroline Stewart
Born: 01 OCT 1812 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: 24 JUN 1832 in Guilford Co, NC
05 (F): Catherine Ann Stewart
Born: 15 FEB 1815 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: 03 SEP 1865 in Guilford Co, NC
06 (M): David Gorrell Stewart
Born: 08 APR 1817 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: 09 MAR 1857 in Guilford Co, NC
07 (M): Robert Shaw Stewart
Born: 27 OCT 1820 in Guilford Co, NC
Died: 07 JUL 1906 in Guilford Co, NC
Additional Information

John Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

!NOTES:Birth given as 1760 by many online trees, but no proof.
1790 16+ (before 1774)
1800 26-44 (1755/1774)
1810 26-44 (1765/1784)
1820 45+ (before 1775)
All combine to 1765/74.

!CENSUS:1790 x
!CENSUS:1800 x (with father, I think), aged 26-44 (1755/1774)

!NAMED-WILL:12 Jun 1807 Guilford Co., NC Finley Stewart
Wife Prudence
son John
son Robert
grandson Finley Stewart
son James Stewart
grandson Finley G. Stewart
daughter Susanna
daughter Jennet
grandson Finley Stewart Ferbis
dau Euphemea
granddau Sarah Hannah alias McAdoo
grandson Finley Shaw Stewart
son John Stewart and son-in-law David Gorrell, executors.
S: Finley Stewart
W: Rolely Hennah?, Isaiah McBride
Proven Feb 1809 court;

!CENSUS:1810 Guilford Co., NC
p. 924 John Stewart 20010-11011-0-10 Next to Andrew Donell
p. 990 John Stewart 00210-33001-0-0

!NAMED-WILL:15 May 1819 Guilford Co., NC Prudence Stewart
son Robert Stewart
son John Stewart
dau Susan Close?
Heirs of my son James Stewart deceased
dau Uphama Gorrell
gr-dau Sarah Hammer?
my four grandchildren, children of my daughter Judith McAdoo
Grandsons Findley Washington Gorrell and Findley Stewart Close
my three grandsons Robert Shaw Stewart son to Robert Stewart*
and Robert Shaw Stewart son of James Stewart*, and James Addison Stewart son of John Stewart
* This section is hard to put together.
Sons Robert Stewart, John Stewart and son-in-law David Gorrell executors.
S: Prudence Stewart
W: W. Causbie, Daniel (or David) Albright.
Codicil, 4 Jun 1819. Dauh Jane Forbis
W: W. Causbie
Proven May Term 1821 by William Causbie;

!CENSUS:1820 Guilford Co., NC p. 116
John Stewart age 45+ (bef 1775)

Nancy Agness Gorrell:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

(01) Mary Kerr Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

(02) Ralph Washington Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

!ESTATE:Nov 1828 Guilford Co. NC Ralph W. Stewart, deceased;

(03) James Addison Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

!NAMED-WILL:15 May 1819 Guilford Co., NC Prudence Stewart
son Robert Stewart
son John Stewart
dau Susan Close?
Heirs of my son James Stewart deceased
dau Uphama Gorrell
gr-dau Sarah Hammer?
my four grandchildren, children of my daughter Judith McAdoo
Grandsons Findley Washington Gorrell and Findley Stewart Close
my three grandsons Robert Shaw Stewart son to Robert Stewart*
and Robert Shaw Stewart son of James Stewart*, and James Addison Stewart son of John Stewart
* This section is hard to put together.
Sons Robert Stewart, John Stewart and son-in-law David Gorrell executors.
S: Prudence Stewart
W: W. Causbie, Daniel (or David) Albright.
Codicil, 4 Jun 1819. Dauh Jane Forbis
W: W. Causbie
Proven May Term 1821 by William Causbie;

(04) Prudence Caroline Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

(05) Catherine Ann Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

(06) David Gorrell Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

(07) Robert Shaw Stewart:


!NOTES:For more information and analysis see my web page for this family.

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