Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Doodes Minor
Married: before 1672 in Middlesex Co, VA
Died: 1695 in Middlesex Co, VA
Wife: Elizabeth Montague
Died: 1708 in Middlesex Co, VA
01 (F): Elizabeth Minor
Spouses: Tobias Mickleborough
02 (M): Minor Minor
Born: about 1672
Died: 30 NOV 1716 in Middlesex Co, VA
Spouses: Toseley; Alice George; Elizabeth Norman
03 (M): William Minor
04 (M): Garret Minor
Born: APR 1679 in Middlesex Co, VA
Died: 1720
05 (M): John Minor
Born: SEP 1683 in Middlesex Co, VA
Died: before 1694 in Middlesex Co, VA
06 (M): Peter Minor
Born: MAR 1685/1686 in Middlesex Co, VA
Additional Information

Doodes Minor:


Will of Doodes Minor
In the name of God. Amen. I Doodes Minor of the County of Middlesex being of sound and Perfect mind and Memory Do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following and first and chiefly I bequeath my soul to God who gave it hoping through the merit of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Christ Jesus to obtain perfect forgiveness and Remission of all my sins and as touching such worldly goods as God of his great goodness hath bestowed upon me I do Dispose of the same as followeth, and do commit my body to ye earth from whence it was taken to be Decently buried at ye Discretion of my Exra hereafter named.
Imp I give and bequeath to my loving son Minor Minor my seal gold ring.
Item I give and bequeath to my loving grand Daughter Elizabeth Mickleburrough one Silver Mugg to be Delivered to her immediately after my now wife's disease or if she should marry then this to be delivered as aforesd.
Item I lend unto my loving wife Elizabeth Minor During her widdowhood all and singular my goods and chattels of what nature of quality soever the same be together with all Debts whatsoever and it is my will that ye same Do Remain upon my now dwelling plantation to be managed as she shall think convenient During her widdowhood as aforesd and when she shall Intermarry (or at her death) then I give the same as is aforesd to my fower sons, that is to say, Minor Minor Wm Minor Garat Minor & Peter Minor to be equally Divided Between them.
Item It is my will that my loving wife Elizabeth Minor Do Remain upon and be peaceably possessed wth my dwelling plantation During her widdowhood and also that she have liberty to fell and make use of any timber upon any part of my land for ye good and Benefit of ye sd plantation.
Item I give and bequeath to my loving sons Minor Minor, Wm Minor Garat Minor & Peter Minor all and every part and parsill of Land wch I die possessed of in the upper part of this County of Middlesex to be equally divided Between them to them and to their Lawfull heirs forever and if any of them shall dy without such heirs then and in such a case it is my will that their part of my land Be equally Divided among my surviving Children.
Item I do Constitute and appoint my loving wife Elizabeth Minor and my loving sons Minor Minor and Wm Minor to be my Lawfull Exrs. of this my last will and testament and I doe request my loving friends Mr Maurice Cock Mr Tobias Mickleburrough Mr Wm Montague and Jno Smith to make an equall Division of my land and other estate at the time appointed Between my then surviving sons having regard to the quality and after Division it is my will yt my eldest sons when he shall come of age to have his first choyce and so successively as they shall come of age to be Possessed with their part or share of land and I do deliver this to the world as my last will and testament making Voyd all former wills by me made.
In testimony whereof I do hereunto sett my hand and fix my seal this 13th day of November Anno 1694.
These words Interlined before signing (upon their part of: of Land).

Doodes Minor [Seal]

Signed and Sealed in Presence of Maurice Cock Nicolas Curtis Arthur Hancock John Smith

Att a Court held for the County of Middlesex &c ye 27th day of May 1695 Mr. Maurice Cock Mr. Jno Smith and Arthur Hancock made oath that they see the above named Doodes Minor sign seal and publish the above written will to be his last will and testament and that he was then in perfect mine and memory.
Teste Edwin Thacker, Clerk

Elizabeth Montague:


!NOTE:From Genforum: Melanie Atkins.
Middlesex Co., VA, Will Book A, pg. 210:
Elizabeth Blaise... 7 Jan 1706/ 1 Nov 1708...
Son Minor Minor and then granddaughter Elizabeth Minor (U=under 21).
Son Garrett Minor.
Son Peter Minor.
Jane Smith.
Agatha Blewford.
Exor: Son Garrett Minor. Wit: John Smith and Thomas Mountegue.

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