Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Richard Sumner
Born: 1760/1770
Married: 1830/1840 in Buncombe Co, NC
Died: 1851 in Buncombe Co, NC
Spouses: ?
Wife: Elizabeth
Born: 1784/1785 in NC
Died: 1850/1851 in Buncombe Co, NC
Additional Information

Richard Sumner:


!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co., NC, PHF 331-1863-1863
R. Sumner 74 M Farmer 1000 NC
Elizabeth 65 F “
Dempsey 47 M Laborer “
Mary Marshall 30 F “
H. Frayday 14 M “

ALOB, Vol. X #5, p. 89-47:
"p. 152. 11 Jan. 1851.. I, Richard Sumner, being aged & infirmed, but of sound & perfect mind & memory. First I desire that all my just debts to be paid, as I have heretofore given to all my children excepting Dempsey near the amount I allowed them to have out of my estate. So I now give to my dtr. Susannah Whitaker the sum of $20, likewise the sum of $1 to each of my other daughters, Sarah McRary, & Judy Clemmons, also one dollar to my son William, also one dollar to the heirs of my son Samuel, likewise one dollar to the heirs of my dtr. Elizabeth Jones, decd. also I give the sum of one dollar to the heirs of my son James. I now give to my son Dempsey all that tract of land I now own, it being 245 acres, with all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, tools also all household & kitchen furniture. I desire that my said son Dempsey shall pay to each of the aforesaid legatees one dollar each.
I appoint my son Dempsey as executor.
Wit: E. Reed, Jurat & John Merrell Juratt..
Signed Richard X Sumner..
Proved by the oath of E. Reed and John Merrill in open court July session 1852. R.B. Vance, clk.."



!CENSUS:1850 Buncombe Co., NC, PHF 331-1863-1863
R. Sumner 74 M Farmer 1000 NC
Elizabeth 65 F "
Dempsey 47 M Laborer "
Mary Marshall 30 F "
H. Frayday 14 M "

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