Husband: James Morris |
Born: JUN 1775 in Tryon Co, NC Married: 20 APR 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC Died: 11 MAY 1855 in Rutherford Co, NC Father: John Morris Mother: Martha "Patsy" Powell Spouses: |
Wife: Elizabeth Garrett |
Born: 1791/1792 in Rutherford Co, NC Died: after 1855 in Rutherford Co, NC Father: Mother: Spouses: |
Children |
01 (F): Eliza Ann Morris Born: 05 MAY 1821 in Rutherford Co, NC Died: 05 FEB 1841 in Rutherford Co, NC Spouses: James McEntire Greenlee |
04 (F): Jane E Morris Born: 28 OCT 1828 in Rutherford Co, NC Died: 22 MAR 1888 in Rutherford Co, NC Spouses: Samuel Wilkins |
05 (M): James Byron Morris Born: 28 APR 1831 in Rutherford Co, NC Died: 18 APR 1893 in Rutherford Co, NC Spouses: Martha Ann Gaither |
James Morris:
!COURT:-- Jul 1782 Rutherford Co, NC Or'd that William GRANT do take unto his posession Thomas MORRIS, Jean MORRIS, William MORRIS, James MORRIS, Francis MORRIS, George MORRIS, and Elizabeth MORRIS, infants, children of John MORRIS, decd until the come of proper age to choose guardians;
!NAMED:-- Oct 1794 Rutherford Co, NC Wills & Misc A-35 Be it remembered that James MORRIS, eldest legitimate son and heir of John MORRIS, decd, being desirous to establish his legitimacy and also his being the heir of said John decd. Called on Timothy RIGGS, Esq, one of th Justices of said county who voluntarily came into court and being solemnly sworn in due solemn form of law deposeth that he celebrated thr rites of marriage between John MORRIS and Marth POWEL in the Spring of the year 1773 and joined them together as man and wife in due form of law. S: R. LEWIS, CC. S: Timo RIGGS, JP. Be it further remembered that Thomas MORRIS being of age came voluntarily into court at the request of the above James MORRIS and being duly sown saith that he knew the said James was the first child born in wedlock of John, decd. That James was born about the latter end of June 1775 and that he hath known James from his childhood till this time and knowning that he is now in Court hath made this requistion is the same first legitimate son and heir of John MORRIS, decd. S: R.D. LEWIS, C.C. S: Thomas MORRIS;
!DEED:20 Nov 1795 Rutherford Co, NC Q-84 Thomas MORRIS of Rutherford Co, NC to James MORRIS, only heir of John MORRIS, deceased for 100, 200a both sides of Mountain Creek of Broad River, the mouth of Maple Creek. Also a tract that John McFADEN conveyed to James McFADEN and James to James LAUGHTER and from him to Thomas MORRIS and from MORRIS to "Said EVES" and conveyed as follows from Thomas MORRIS Sr to James MORRIS between the branch and mill. Witness: Richard LEWIS, Allen TWITTY.;
!DEED:11 Oct 1797 Rutherford Co, NC Deeds 8-183 James MORRIS of Rutherford Co, NC to Richard BRADLEY of Rutherford Co, NC for 10 shillings, 200a Turky Otter of Cove Creek of Broad River, granted 15 Sep 1772 to John MORRIS Sr. Witness: John GOODBREAD, John SORRELS. "I assign the contents of the above over to Richard BRADLEY as the heir of John MORRIS deceased";
!DEED:10 Jan 1798 Rutherford Co, NC 9-381 James MORRIS Sr and wife Elizabeth of Rutherford Co, NC to James MORRIS of same, $80, 100a on Grants old Mill Creek above James MORRIS own land, near the waggon road granted 31 May 1787. Wit: Alexr. GRANT, Thomas GRANT;
!DEED: 8 Nov 1799 Rutherford Co, NC Deeds 17-456 James MORRIS of Rutherford Co, NC to William BALLARD of Rutherford Co, NC, L150, 200a Mountain creek and the mouth of Maple Creek, joining John McFADDEN. Wit: William MORRIS;
!CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 127 James MORRIS age 16-25 (1774/84) "00300-00100";
!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 119 James MORRIS age 26-44 (1765/84) "10010-00000";
!MARRIAGE:20 Aug 1818 Rutherford Co, NC James MORRIS & Elizabeth GARRETT;
!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 398 James MORRIS, Clerk age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-00100";
!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 528 James MORRIS age 50-59 (1770/80) "00000001-130001";
!WITNESS:22 May 1837 Rutherford Co, NC pr Jul 1837 Wills E-33 George MORRIS. Wife Mary. Children Catherine METCALF, Sally MORRIS, Thomas MORRIS, Churchwell MORRIS. S: George Morris. Wit: James MORRIS;
!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 337 James MORRIS age 60-69 (1770/80) "010000001-0121001";
!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co., NC Broad River # 1459/1508
James Morris 76 Farmer $7150 NC
Elizabeth 56
James B. 20
Martilda 16
* Next door to Thomas Morris 81;
!WILL:27 Feb 1855 Rutherford Co, NC Wills & Misc E-292 pr Aug 1855 James MORRIS Sr. Wife Elizabeth MORRIS. Son James B. MORRIS. Grandson David M. GREENLEE, son of my daughter Eliza. daughter Mary M. wife of James D. BININGS. daughter Martha L., wife of Erastus ROWLEY. daughter Jane E., wife of Samuel WILKINS. daughter Matilda C. MORRIS. Wit: Edmond FOSTER, James M. GARRETT. S: James MORRIS;
Elizabeth Garrett:
!MARRIAGE:20 Aug 1818 Rutherford Co, NC James MORRIS & Elizabeth GARRETT;
!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 398 w/James MORRIS, Clerk age 16-25 (1794/1804);
!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 528 w/James MORRIS age 30-39 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 337 w/James MORRIS age 40-49 (1790/1800);
!CENSUS:1850 Rutherford Co., NC Broad River # 1459/1508
James Morris 76 Farmer $7150 NC
Elizabeth 56
James B. 20
Martilda 16
* Next door to Thomas Morris 81;
!NAMED:27 Feb 1855 Rutherford Co, NC Wills & Misc E-292 pr Aug 1855 James MORRIS Sr. Wife Elizabeth MORRIS. Son James B. MORRIS. Grandson David M. GREENLEE, son of my daughter Eliza. daughter Mary M. wife of James D. BININGS. daughter Martha L., wife of Erastus ROWLEY. daughter Jane E., wife of Samuel WILKINS. daughter Matilda C. MORRIS. Wit: Edmond FOSTER, James M. GARRETT. S: James MORRIS;
Revised: June 27, 2024
Copyright © 1996-2024 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All rights reserved.