Husband: Solomon Huggins |
Born: 17 JAN 1801 in Marion Dist, SC Married: 25 OCT 1860 in Marion Dist, SC Died: 29 NOV 1875 in Marion Co, SC Father: John Huggins Mother: Nancy Ann Campbell Spouses: Smithy Bryant |
Wife: Susan C Altman |
Born: 13 SEP 1845 in Marion Dist, SC Died: 06 MAR 1923 in Marion Co, SC Father: Stephen Altman Mother: Ann Coleman Spouses: |
Children |
01 (M): Solomon Siscero Huggins Born: 29 DEC 1862 in Marion Dist, SC Died: after 1880 in Marion Co, SC Spouses: |
02 (F): Anor Culbreth Huggins Born: 19 JUL 1869 in Marion Co, SC Died: 06 APR 1932 in Marion Co, SC Spouses: ? |
03 (M): John Huggins Born: 1877/1878 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
04 (F): Minnie B Huggins Born: 01 NOV 1882 in Marion Co, SC Died: Spouses: |
Solomon Huggins:
!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist, SC pg 83 w/John HUGGINS age 0-9 (1800/10);
!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist, SC pg 59 w/John HUGGINS age 16-25 (1794/1804);
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 33 Marion Co., SC Jesse Bryant, 1822
... large file ...
Will 24 Feb 1818
dau Smithy
wife Morning
other children -
Elizabeth Martin
William Briant
James Briant
Jesse Briant
Mary Finklea
Sally Perritt
Morning Harrel
Citsey Peritt
Milly Gasque
Smithy Briant
Execs: Son-in-law Aaron Martin and Jesse Briant
S: Jesse Bryan
W: James Crawford, Levi Finklea, Willis Finklea.
Proven 28 Oct 1822.
Will contested ... Willis Finklea one of the witnesses is also a legatee ...
27 Feb 1830 Petition of Jesse Atkinson for himself and Ebenezer Atkinson and Sarah Atkinson minors under 21, Hugh Atkinson, Jesse Atkinson, W. Bryan, James Bryan, Jesse Bryan, Willis Fincklea and Mary his wife, David Perrit and Sally his wife, Mourning Bryan wife, Needham Perrit and Kitsey his wife, Henry Gasque and Milly his wife, and Mourning Bryan.
2 Jan 1832 ... Solomon Huggins also named as heir ...
!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 20 Solomon HUGGINS age 20-29 (1800/10) "00001-10001";
!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 174 Solomon HUGGINS age 30-39 (1800/10) "100001-121001";
!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 116 Marion Co., SC Jesse Bryant Sr. 1841
Adm Bond 6 Dec 1841 David Perritt, Asa Godbold, Neal Carmichael.
... 6 Sep 1830 Mourning Bryant from my son William Bryant, planter, 310a ... commissioners voided deed ...
(no date) We, Elizabeth Martin, William Bryant, James Bryant, Jesse Bryant, David Perritt, Needham Perritt, Jonathan Harrell, Henry Gasque and Smithey Huggins wife of Solomon Huggins, legatees ... after death of Mourning Bryant ... agree that the children of decd wife of Jesse Adkinson shall have equal share, viz Hugh Adkinson, Jesse Adkinson, Ebenezer Adkinson, Sarah Ann Goldbold wife of Vincent Godbold, also the children of Mary Finklea, to wit 4 in number (not named).
... Elly Finklea named as heir in list dated 12 Nov 1845 ...
... Ann Adkinson mentioned 1845 ...;
!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist, SC pg 52, # 781 Solomon HUGGINS, 49 (1800/01) born Marion Dist, SC;
!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC Marion Twp, Pg 74, # 1160 Sol HUGGINS, 60 (1799/1800) born SC;
!MARRIAGE:25 Oct 1860 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 57 Solomon HUGGINS married second time to Miss Susan ALTMON;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 247 Solomon HUGGINS, 70 (1799/1800) born SC/SC/SC;
!DEATH:29 Nov 1875 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 29 Solomon died Nov the 29th 1875;
!Probate:Marion Co, SC Probate Roll # 1629 (Vol III page 108), includes Will;
!REFERENCE:"A History of Marion County, South Carolina" by W.W. Sellers, Esq. 1902. Pg 263 - 267;
!PROBATE:Marion Co, SC Probates Vol III, Roll # 1629, Page 108;
Susan C Altman:
!MARRIAGE:25 Oct 1860 from Diary of Rev. Simeon Campbell: pg 57 Solomon HUGGINS married second time to Miss Susan ALTMON;
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 247 Susan HUGGINS, 25 (1844/45) born SC/SC/SC;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 189 Susan HUGGINS, 33 (1846/47) born SC/SC/SC;
!CENSUS:1900 Marion Co, SC pg 329 Reeves # 258/261
Susan C. HUGGINS, Head, Sep 1845 54, Wd, 4/4 SC/SC/SC
Anna C. dau Jul 1869 30, single
Minnie, dau Nov 1882, 17
John L. gr-s, May 1897, 3;
!CENSUS:1910 Marion Co, SC Reeves pg 247B # 146/147
Susan C. HUGGINS, Head, 64 wd, SC/SC/SC
Anna, dau, 36, single, 4/4
Minnie, dau, 24
John L., son, 12
Essie, dau 9
Elmar, dau, 4
---, son, 4/12;
(01) Solomon Siscero Huggins:
!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 247 Cicero HUGGINS, 8 (1861/62) born SC/SC/SC;
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 189 Cicero HUGGINS, 19 (1860/61) born SC/SC/SC;
(03) John Huggins:
!CENSUS:1880 Marion Co, SC Reaves # 189 John HUGGINS, 2 (1877/78) born SC/SC/SC;
(04) Minnie B Huggins:
!CENSUS:1900 Marion Co, SC pg 329 Reeves # 258/261
Susan C. HUGGINS, Head, Sep 1845 54, Wd, 4/4 SC/SC/SC
Anna C. dau Jul 1869 30, single
Minnie, dau Nov 1882, 17
John L. gr-s, May 1897, 3;
!CENSUS:1910 Marion Co, SC Reeves pg 247B # 146/147
Susan C. HUGGINS, Head, 64 wd, SC/SC/SC
Anna, dau, 36, single, 4/4
Minnie, dau, 24
John L., son, 12
Essie, dau 9
Elmar, dau, 4
---, son, 4/12;
Revised: June 27, 2024
Copyright © 1996-2024 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All rights reserved.