Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Gewood Berry
Born: 25 NOV 1821 in Marion Dist, SC
Married: 24 SEP 1850 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1880 in Marion Co, SC
Father: Henry Berry
Mother: Charity Crawford
Wife: Joanna M Ellerbe
Born: 1835/1836 in SC
Died: after 1870 in Marion Co, SC
Father: John C Ellerbe
Mother: Mariah Wickham
01 (F): Margaret Berry
Born: 1852/1853 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: 10 JUL 1853 in Marion Dist, SC
02 (M): John H Berry
Born: 1853/1854 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1870 in Marion Co, SC
Spouses: Madge Fore
03 (F): Anna Maria Berry
Born: 1855 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: 03 MAY 1855 in Marion Dist, SC
04 (M): William Augustus Berry
Born: 1856/1857 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1870 in Marion Co, SC
05 (M): Edmund Burke Berry
Born: 1858/1859 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1870 in Marion Co, SC
Spouses: Mary Manning
06 (M): Ashton Berry
Born: 1860/1861 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: in FL
07 (F): Mary Berry
Born: about 1862 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: 01 NOV 1867 in Marion Dist, SC
08 (M): Thomas Wickham Berry
Born: 1862/1863 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1870 in Marion Co, SC
Spouses: Tommie Manning
Additional Information

Gewood Berry:


!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist, SC pg 6 w/Henry BERRY age 5-9 (1820/25);

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 137 w/Henry BERRY age 15-19 (1820/25);

!CENSUS:1850 Marion Dist., SC # 1175/1180
Henry Berry 54 Farmer $37,500 Marion
Charity 52
Cade 30 "
Geewood 28 Merchant
Elisha 24 "
Telatha 18
James 15
Stephen 13;

!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 346
Gewood BERRY, 39
Joanna, 24
Baston, 6
Agustus, 3
Burke, 1;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Marion # 107
Gewood BERRY, 48 SC
Joanna M. 35
John,1 5
William, 14
Burke, 12
Ashton, 9
Thomas W., 7;

!NAMED-PROBATE ROLL # 2033 Henry Berry, Marion Co., SC 1876
Will 25 Feb 1876
Sons Gewood, Elihu and James Berry
dau Mary Fore wife of Stephen Fore
Gr-da Leucinda Edwards wife of Willie Edwards and Margaret E. Sellers wife of John C. Sellers, children of my dau Virzilla Mace decd, wife of John Mace.
... much more ;

!CENSUS:1880 * Marion Co, SC Marion # 48 Gewood BERRY, 58 (1821/22) born SC/SC/SC, retired Merchant, widowed, race = "B";

Bible Record of Henry and Charity (Crawford) Berry
Bible is in the possession of Mary Berry Welch who contributed photocopies of the Bible pages.
Pee Dee Queue, January-February 2010 pp. 4-5

Henry Berry was married to Charity Crawford April 1st 1819
G. W. Berry was married to Joan Elerbe Sep 24= 1850
Elihu Berry was married to Mary Jane Hasselden April 15= 1852
James Berry was married to Harriet Alford August the 13th 1861

Henry Berry son of Stephen Berry was born January 13th 1796
Charity Crawford wife of Henry Berry was born April 1, 1798 [date is in starkly different hand]
Caid Berry, son of Henry Berry and Charity his wife was born February 6th 1820
Gewood Berry, son of Henry Berry and Charity his wife was born November 25th 1821
Elihu Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born June 21st 1824
Mary Berry daughter of Henry and Charity Berry was born August 20th 1826
Telathia Berry daughter of Henry and Charity Berry was born January 25 1829
Verzilla Berry daughter of Henry and Charity Berry was born December 30th 1830
James Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born Jan 15 1833
Stephen Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born June 15 day 1835 [in different handwriting]
David Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born May the 24th 1837 and
died at the age of 2 years [inserted in different hand]
Ann Crawford was born September the 7th 1827 A.D.
Mary Crawford was born December the 5th 1829 A.D.

[Second page of Family Record]
H. Tart was born July 22= 1820
Thomas Tart was born September 20= 1822
Jane Tart born September 25= 1824

Lucinda daughter of John Mace Verzila her mother born January the 8th 1849
Margaret E. daughter of John Mace Virzila her mother was born May the 1th 1851 a.d.
Telatha Easterling was bornd the 30 of Aug 1844
Flora was borned in 1848

[The below is on a separate, blank page of what appears to be a Bible study book.]
Henry Berry Jan 13 1796
Charity Crawford 1798
married - April 1st 1819
Mary Berry -
Telatha Berry Jan
Verzila Berry December 3- [day and year illegible]
Caid Berry ---
Telatha Easterling;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 148-157
... Cross Roads Henry Berry was a man of fine business sense, honest and upright in all his various dealings with his fellowman; he applied himself strictly to his own business (farming) and succeeded therein, not for show and ostentation at county and State fairs, but for profit. He settled on 150 acres of land, acquired through his wife, Charity Crawford (then unimproved), and with very little means otherwise began life at the Cross Roads, afterwards and yet called Berry's Cross Roads, where he lived and where he spent his whole life, and there and thereabouts made his large property. He entered into no schemes of speculation ; he at first acquired slowly but surely ; he took care of what he made and kept adding to it, making it larger and larger year by year ; lived well at home, but without ostentation; made most of what he used on his plantation ; he acquired a large landed estate around him, more than ten thousand acres, most of which he deeded to his children before his death; his land's were very valuable; he avoided debt through life ; he raised to be grown five sons and three daughters. The sons were Cade, Gewood, Elihu, James and Stephen, all of whom are now dead, except James, who lives on the old homestead of his father.
Gewood, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and the only one of the family to whom a collegiate education was given, married Joanna Ellerbe, a daughter of the late John C. Ellerbe, and a sister of the late Captain W. S. Ellerbe; the fruits of this marriage were five sons and a daughter; the daughter died in childhood, the sons were all raised to be grown. Three of the sons, John H., Edward Burke and Thomas Wickham Berry, are among our best and most respected citizens ; the two others, William E. and Ashton, emigrated West ; William E. Berry is dead, leaving a family somewhere in the Western States. Ashton lives in Florida, and is doing well, as is said.
Of the sons of the late Gewood Berry, John H. married Miss Madge Fore, a daughter of Tracy R. Fore ; they have only one child living, a daughter. Edmund Burke married Miss Mary Manning, daughter of the late Thomas J. Manning; they have only one child living, a boy, named for his father, Edmund Burke. Thomas Wickham Berry, the youngest son of Gewood Berry, married Miss Tommie Manning, a sister of Edmund Burke's wife; they have several children, all girls ; they are in the Little Rock community.

Joanna M Ellerbe:


!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 346
Gewood BERRY, 39
Joanna, 24
Baston, 6
Agustus, 3
Burke, 1;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Marion # 107
Gewood BERRY, 48 SC
Joanna M. 35
John,1 5
William, 14
Burke, 12
Ashton, 9
Thomas W., 7;

Bible Record of Henry and Charity (Crawford) Berry
Bible is in the possession of Mary Berry Welch who contributed photocopies of the Bible pages.
Pee Dee Queue, January-February 2010 pp. 4-5

Henry Berry was married to Charity Crawford April 1st 1819
G. W. Berry was married to Joan Elerbe Sep 24= 1850
Elihu Berry was married to Mary Jane Hasselden April 15= 1852
James Berry was married to Harriet Alford August the 13th 1861

Henry Berry son of Stephen Berry was born January 13th 1796
Charity Crawford wife of Henry Berry was born April 1, 1798 [date is in starkly different hand]
Caid Berry, son of Henry Berry and Charity his wife was born February 6th 1820
Gewood Berry, son of Henry Berry and Charity his wife was born November 25th 1821
Elihu Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born June 21st 1824
Mary Berry daughter of Henry and Charity Berry was born August 20th 1826
Telathia Berry daughter of Henry and Charity Berry was born January 25 1829
Verzilla Berry daughter of Henry and Charity Berry was born December 30th 1830
James Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born Jan 15 1833
Stephen Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born June 15 day 1835 [in different handwriting]
David Berry son of Henry and Charity Berry was born May the 24th 1837 and
died at the age of 2 years [inserted in different hand]
Ann Crawford was born September the 7th 1827 A.D.
Mary Crawford was born December the 5th 1829 A.D.

[Second page of Family Record]
H. Tart was born July 22= 1820
Thomas Tart was born September 20= 1822
Jane Tart born September 25= 1824

Lucinda daughter of John Mace Verzila her mother born January the 8th 1849
Margaret E. daughter of John Mace Virzila her mother was born May the 1th 1851 a.d.
Telatha Easterling was bornd the 30 of Aug 1844
Flora was borned in 1848

[The below is on a separate, blank page of what appears to be a Bible study book.]
Henry Berry Jan 13 1796
Charity Crawford 1798
married - April 1st 1819
Mary Berry -
Telatha Berry Jan
Verzila Berry December 3- [day and year illegible]
Caid Berry ---
Telatha Easterling;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 148-157
Gewood, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and the only one of the family to whom a collegiate education was given, married Joanna Ellerbe, a daughter of the late John C. Ellerbe, and a sister of the late Captain W. S. Ellerbe; the fruits of this marriage were five sons and a daughter; the daughter died in childhood, the sons were all raised to be grown. Three of the sons, John H., Edward Burke and Thomas Wickham Berry, are among our best and most respected citizens ; the two others, William E. and Ashton, emigrated West ; William E. Berry is dead, leaving a family somewhere in the Western States. Ashton lives in Florida, and is doing well, as is said. ;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 213-218
So far as Marion County is concerned, the first of the name in this county was John C. Ellerbe, of the same family spoken, of above. He married a Miss Wickham, daughter of Dr. Thomas J. Wickham, a man of much note in his day in Liberty or Marion; she was wealthy and perhaps the only child; at any rate, John C. Ellerbe married her and came down into Marion and settled on her property, and lived and died there ; he retained her property and increased it ; not an old man when he died-he died some time in the forties; his widow survived him, and afterwards married ex-Governor B. K. Henagan ; no offspring from the marriage; they both died in a few years. John C. Ellerbe left his family in good condition; his large property went, as the law then was, mostly to the Henagans that is, the personal property; the large landed estate went to the heirs of the widow, who, I think, survived him. By John C. Ellerbe's marriage, be had and raised three sons and three daughters. The sons were William S., Richard P. and Edward B. ; the daughters were Joanna, Julia and Sallie.
Of the daughters of old John C. Ellerbe, Joanna, the oldest, married the late Gewood Berry; the results of which were five sons raised, viz : John H., William E., Edmund Burke, Ashton and Thomas Wickham Berry; of these, John H., Edmund Burke and Thomas Wickham are now among us, and are among our. best citizens, doing well and highly respected. ;

(04) William Augustus Berry:


!CENSUS:1860 Marion Dist, SC # 346
Gewood BERRY, 39
Joanna, 24
Baston, 6
Agustus, 3
Burke, 1;

!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Marion # 107
Gewood BERRY, 48 SC
Joanna M. 35
John,1 5
William, 14
Burke, 12
Ashton, 9
Thomas W., 7;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 148-157
Gewood, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and the only one of the family to whom a collegiate education was given, married Joanna Ellerbe, a daughter of the late John C. Ellerbe, and a sister of the late Captain W. S. Ellerbe; the fruits of this marriage were five sons and a daughter; the daughter died in childhood, the sons were all raised to be grown. Three of the sons, John H., Edward Burke and Thomas Wickham Berry, are among our best and most respected citizens ; the two others, William E. and Ashton, emigrated West ; William E. Berry is dead, leaving a family somewhere in the Western States. Ashton lives in Florida, and is doing well, as is said. ;

(06) Ashton Berry:


!CENSUS:1870 Marion Co, SC Marion # 107
Gewood BERRY, 48 SC
Joanna M. 35
John,1 5
William, 14
Burke, 12
Ashton, 9
Thomas W., 7;

!REFERENCE: A History of Marion County, South Carolina From Its Earliest Times to the Present, 1901, by W. W. Sellers, Esq., of the Marion Bar. 1902. pp. 148-157
Gewood, a graduate of the University of North Carolina, and the only one of the family to whom a collegiate education was given, married Joanna Ellerbe, a daughter of the late John C. Ellerbe, and a sister of the late Captain W. S. Ellerbe; the fruits of this marriage were five sons and a daughter; the daughter died in childhood, the sons were all raised to be grown. Three of the sons, John H., Edward Burke and Thomas Wickham Berry, are among our best and most respected citizens ; the two others, William E. and Ashton, emigrated West ; William E. Berry is dead, leaving a family somewhere in the Western States. Ashton lives in Florida, and is doing well, as is said. ;

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