Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: Joseph Johnson
Born: 1755/1765 in Craven Co, SC (now Horry Co, SC)
Married: before 1787 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC)
Died: 1833 in Horry Dist, SC
Father: Johnson
Mother: >>>
Wife: ?
Born: 1755/1765
Died: 1820/1830 in Horry Dist, SC
01 (M): John L Johnson
Born: 1786/1787 in Horry Dist, SC
Died: 1855/1860 in Horry Dist, SC
Spouses: ?; Ann
02 (M): Joseph Johnson
Born: 1787/1788 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC)
Died: after 1850 in Horry Dist, SC
Spouses: Charity
03 (F): Mary Johnson
Born: 1793/1794 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC)
Spouses: James
04 (M): James Johnson
Born: 1794/1795 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC)
Died: after 1860 in Horry Dist, SC
Spouses: Anna
05 (M): William Johnson
Born: 1799/1800 in Horry Dist, SC
Died: after 1860 in Horry Dist, SC
Spouses: Nancy
06 (F): Lucy Johnson
Born: 1799/1800 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC)
Spouses: Elly Hughes
07 (F): Sarah "Sallie" Johnson
Born: 1780/1790 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC)
Died: after 1840 in Horry Dist, SC
Spouses: John Richardson
08 (F): Elizabeth Johnson
Born: 1799/1800 in Horry Dist, SC
Died: after 1860 in Horry Dist, SC
Spouses: Isham Reynolds
Additional Information

Joseph Johnson:


!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist., SC, Prince George Parish p. 55
Joseph Johnson age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-1-1-0-6
Joseph Johnston age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-2-1-0-1;

!CENSUS:1800 Georgetown Dist, SC Waccamaw Co, p. 778
Joseph Johnson age 26-44 (1755/1774)
My analysis (who each person *might*) be:
1m 26-44 (1755/1774) Joseph Johnson (1755/65)
1m 10-15 (1784/1790) Joseph Johnson (Jr) (c1788) son
2m 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. James Johnson (c1795) son
.m 0-9 (1790/1800).. 2. William Johnson (c1800) son
1f 26-44 (1755/1774) Wife? (1755/1765)
1f 10-15 (1784/1790) Daughter?
1f 0-9 (1790/1800).. Mary Johnson (c1794) daughter;

!CENSUS:1810 Horry Dist., SC p. 143
Joseph Johnston age 45+ (bef 1765)
My analysis (who each person *might*) be:
1m 45+ (before 1765) Joseph Johnson (1755/65)
2m 16-25 (1784/1794) 1. Joseph Johnson (c1788) son
.m 16-25 (1784/1794) 2. James Johnson (c1795) son
1m 10-15 (1794/1800) William Johnson (c1800) son
1f 45+ (before 1765) Wife? (1755/65)
2f 16-25 (1784/1794) 1. Mary Johnson (c1794) daughter
.f 16-25 (1784/1794) 2. Lucy Johnson (?) daughter
2f 10-15 (1794/1800) 1. Sarah Johnson (?) daughter
.f 10-15 (1794/1800) 2. Elizabeth Johnson (c1800) daughter;

!CENSUS:1820 Horry Dist., SC p. 136
Joseph Johnston Sr age 45+ (bef 1775)
000201-00101, Slaves=1010-3010

!CENSUS:1830 Horry Dist., SC p. 265
Joseph Johnston Sr age 60-69 (1760/1770)

!WILL:21 Jun 1832 Horry Co, SC Will Book A page 65 -Transcribed by Glenda Moore, online at HCHSONLINE.ORG:

Will of Joseph Johnston Sr.
In the name of God Amen. I Joseph Johnston Sr. of Horry District in the State of South Carolina, the District of Horry, being of a sound and disposing mind and memory and understanding Glory to almighty God for the Same, do make and declare this to be my last Will and Testament. In manner and form following Viz I give to my son John Johnston one negro woman Peg. During his natural life and give it to the heirs of his body. I loan the use of one negro woman Philis to my son Joseph Johnston during his natural life and give it to the heirs of his body. I give the use of one negro woman Beck and her child Sam to my son James Johnston during his natural life and I give them to the lawful heirs of his body. I loan the use of Peter and Hiram to my son William Johnston during his natural life and then I give them to the heirs of his body. I loan the use of one negro woman Rachel to my Daughter Lucy Hughes during her natural life and give her to the lawful heirs of her body. I give to my daughter Sarah Richardson one dollar more than she has already had. I give to my daughter Elizabeth Runnals one dollar more than she has already had, I give to my daughter Mary James one dollar more than she has already had which I think as a sufficiency of my Estate to my three last named daughters.
I do constitute and appoint my friend John H. Johnson and my brother William Johnston Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all and every other Will and Testament at anytime heretofore made by me and I do declare this to be my last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hear unto Set my hand and Seal this twenty first day of June and in the fifty Sixth year of the American Independence 1832.
Signed Sealed published and delivered by the above named Joseph Johnston Sr. and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names as witness to the Same.
Joseph Johnston (Seal)
Wm. Johnston Sr. )
W. H. Johnston )
Daniel Johnston )
Recorded in Will Book A. Page 65
Recorded October 4, 1833.
Recorded by John Durant, Ordy. H.D.
Box 5 Bundle 2
Contributed by Glenda Moore <> on Saturday, February 06, 1999.



!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Co, SC Prince George pg 55 w/Joseph JOHNSTON no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Georgetown Dist, SC Waccamaw Co, pg 778 w/Joseph JOHNSON age 26-44 (1755/74);

!CENSUS:1810 Horry Dist, SC pg 143 w/Joseph JOHNSTON age 45+ (bef 1765);

!CENSUS:1820 Horry Dist, SC pg 136 w/Joseph JOHNSTON Sr age 45+ (bef 1775);

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