Francis Floyd and Mary (---) of Horry and Marion Co., SC and Smith Co., MS | Home > Genealogy > Floyd > Families > Francis |
Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report |
Revision History: · 14 Mar 2008 - Created by Marty Grant. |
Francis Floyd (Sr) was ca 1789/90 per his age on the 1850 census
(60). He was born in South Carolina, presumably in what is now Horry
County. He appears to be a son of
Samuel Floyd (bef 1755), though I haven't seen a record that proves
this conclusively, but it seems almost certain. He didn't seem to be with his parents on the 1790 census, so probably not born yet. He does seem to be home with them in 1800 aged under 10 (born 1790/1800), and still home in 1810 age 16-25 (1784/94). On 16 Dec 1814 a plat (survey) was made for Francis Floyd for 960 acres on the north east side of Drowning Creek on Gapway Swamp bordering Joshua Barfield, Mourning Tyler, the state line, Micajah Griffin and William Griffin. (Horry Co., SC Plat Book B, page 58, online at Horry County Historical Society.) On 5 Dec 1816 George Ford of Marion Dist., SC deeded land to Francis Floyd of Horry Dist., SC. The deed was for $400 for 140 acres on north side of Little Pee Dee River on the Back Swamp between James Johnsons and Joseph Fords land. Witnesses were Cornelius Floyd (Francis's brother) and Theophilus Floyd (cousin). The deed was proven on 27 Jun 1817 before Samuel Floyd, J. Q. (probably son of Frederick Sr.) (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 410). On 12 Apr 1818 Samuel Floyd deeded a slave (Edith) to his daughter Ara. The deed was witnessed by Francis Floyd and Cornelius Floyd. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book C1 page 64 Horry County Historical Society). Francis Floyd married Mary (---) before 1820 either in Horry or Marion District. She was born ca 1799/1800 per her age on the 1850 census (50). I don't know her maiden name. They are listed on the 1820 census in Marion District, the only Floyds in that county at the time. There is an extra adult male in the household which may be his brother Harmon (c1798) or Samuel (c1800), either of whom would fit. It is noteworthy that their father (in Horry at this time) only had one son with him that age, so it seems the other one was with Francis. 1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census) 1820 Marion Dist., SC pg 58/12 Francis Floyd 100110-00100-0, slaves=1000-1110 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 26-44 (1775-1794) Francis Floyd (c1790) 1 Male(s) 16-25 (1794-1804) Harmon Floyd (c1798) or Samuel (c1800) brothers 1 Male(s) 0-9 (1810-1820) Son? (1815/20) 1 Female(s) 16-25 (1794-1804) Mary (—) Floyd (c1800) wife On 17 Mar 1820 Francis Floyd and Mary Floyd (probably his wife) witnessed a deed from James Johnston (probably his brother-in-law) to George Ford. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, page 217). On 20 Mar 1820 James Johnston of Marion District made a deed to Francis Floyd of same place for 350 acres on Back Swamp, north side of Little Peedee River. Samuel Floyd and George Ford witnessed. It isn't clear whether this was Francis's father Samuel or his brother Samuel (c1800) who witnessed the deed. It is entirely possible that James Johnston is Francis's brother-in-law, if he is the one who married Avi Floyd. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, page 205.) On the same date (20 Mar 1820) James Johnston also deeded Francis Floyd some livestock for $95. Same witnesses. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, page 206.) Francis Floyd was listed on several Marion deeds as "Q. U." or "J. Q." which means Justice of the Quorum. The deeds were proven before him by one or more of the witnesses. The first one I found was dated 21 Aug 1820 (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 125). The last one was dated 3 Nov 1837 (Marion Co., SC Deed Book R, page 55). On 21 Aug 1820 Francis Floyd, Q. U. witnessed a deed from Lurany Goodyear to Samuel Goodyear. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 125). On 31 Aug 1821 Francis Floyd, J. Q. witnessed a deed from Lurany Goodyear to Love Goodyear. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 123). On 20 Feb 1822 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and John Miller witnessed a deed from William Goodger to James Hays. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 166). Francis Floyd was listed on the 1824 tax list in Marion District, and taxed $2.16. His brother Neal Floyd (Cornelius) was also listed. On 16 Dec 1824 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and William Ayres witnessed a deed from Furney and Nancy Barfield to Barrett Barfield. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book N, page 7). On -- Mar 1825, Francis Floyd Q.U. and J. B. Hays witnessed a deed from Preserved Ford to Bennett Allen. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book M, page 52). On 3 Apr 1825 Francis Floyd, Q.U. and Daniel Shaw witnessed a deed from William Goodger to William Yelverton. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book L, page 349). On 10 May 1825 "F. Floyd, QU" and George Ford witnessed a deed from William Allen Jr. to S. B. Watson. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book L, page 246). On 25 May 1825 Mary Floyed and Francis Floyed, Q. U. witnessed a deed from William Goodger (Goodyear) to Martha Shaw. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book M, page 15). On 6 Oct 1825 James Floyd Senr. of Horry made a deed to Francis Floyd of Marion District. It was 300 acres on north east side of Little Pee Dee and both sides of the raft swamp. The description mentioned a branch where "Major Floyd" now lives. Witnesses were James Floyd and Lewis Floyd (sons of James Senr.). The deed was proven on 13 Nov 1827 before Harmon Floyd, Q. U. (Francis's brother). (Marion Co., SC Deed Book N, page 17). On 22 Feb 1826 Francis Floyd and wife Mary Floyd deeded land to John D. Jones for $750, being 500 acres on the north east side of Little Pee Dee River and the Back Swamp being the same land purchased from James Johnston in 1820. Francis signed, Mary made her mark. Jesse Ford and C. Floyd witnessed. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 413). On 7 Oct 1826 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and Levi Hays witnessed a deed from Benjamin Hays to John Yelvington. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book M, page 111). On 17 Nov 1826 Francis Floyd deeded George Ford a Negro girl named Chana for $50. Witnesses were H. McKay and N. Davis. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book P, page 255). On 27 Nov 1826 Francis Floyd sold George Ford a negro girl named Chaney for $50. Francis signed, and John Newsom witnessed. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book M, page 55). On 24 Feb 1827 Frs. Floyd, Q. U. and Elias Ford witnessed a deed from Jesse Ford to John D. Jones. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 418). On 12 Oct 1827 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and Samuel Floyd (his brother) witnessed a deed from David P. Newsom of Marion Dist., SC to Thomas Coatsworth Floyd of Robeson Co., NC. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book N, page 16). On 7 Dec 1827 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and James Floyd (son of James Sr.) witnessed a deed from James Floyd Sr. of Horry to David P. F. Newsom. On 26 Jan 1828 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and Jesse Ford, Q. U. witnessed a deed from Lewis Johnson and wife Apsy to James Gaddy. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book M, page 182). On 6 Feb 1828 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and Neal Carmichael, J. P. witnessed a deed from David P. Newsom to Lovet Goodyear. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 125). Francis was listed on the 1830 census in Marion District. 1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census) 1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 19 Francis Floyd 1010010000000-1201010000000 Slaves=000000-010000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 30-39 (1790-1800) Francis Floyd (c1790) 1 Male(s) 10-14 (1815-1820) Son? (1815/20) 1 Male(s) 0-4 (1825-1830) Cornelius Floyd (c1829) son 1 Female(s) 30-39 (1790-1800) Mary (—) Floyd (c1800) wife 1 Female(s) 15-19 (1810-1815) Daughter? (1810/15) * not with him back in 1820 2 Female(s) 5-9 (1820-1825) Daughter? (1820/25) Daughter? (1820/25) 1 Female(s) 0-4 (1825-1830) Sarah “Sally” Floyd (c1827) daughter On 9 Jun 1830 Francis Floyd and James E. Newsom witnessed a deed from David P. F. Newsom to Hardy Lewis. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 49). On 9 Sep 1830 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and Harmon Floyd (brother) witnessed a deed from William Looper to David Hill. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 340). On 30 Dec 1830 Harmon Floyd and Francis Floyd, J. Q. witnessed a deed from James E. Newsom and wife Rachel P. to Averit Nichols. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 17). On 5 Mar 1832 Francis Floyd "for the love and good will that I bear towards my father I give and bequeath unto the lawful begotten heirs of that he shall begat by his wife Polly Floyd" he gave four slaves (Mingo, Viny, Luke and Hannah) to be equally divided between the heirs after the death of his father and and his wife Polly. He never mentioned his father's name in the deed, but it is pretty clear he was referring to Samuel. The deed was witnessed by Samuel Floyd Jr and Harmon Floyd. The heading of the deed says "Francis Floyd to heirs of M. Floyd." (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 145) On 27 Nov 1832 Francis Floyd, Q. U. and John Yelverton witnessed a deed from Samuel Gale to Lovet Goodyear. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 97). On 3 Jan 1833 Frs. Floyd, Q. U. and Charles Reaves witnessed a deed from John Hays to Wright Floyd. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book V, page 287). On 23 Aug 1833 Francis Floyd and Lazarus Lee witnessed a deed from Benjamin Lee to Farmer Lee. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 85). On 12 Nov 1835 Francis Floyd and Jesse Ford of Marion Dist., made a deed to Everet Nichols and Harmon Floyd for $350 for 300 acres on north east side of Little Pee Dee and both sides of Raft Swamp, being the same land purchased from James Floyd Sr. Francis signed, but his wife wasn't mentioned. Jesse Ford also signed. Samuel Floyd (brother) and John Yelverton witnessed. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 48). The last record I found for Francis in Marion was dated 3 Nov 1837 (Marion Co., SC Deed Book R, page 55). Sometime after that Francis Floyd moved his family to Smith Co., MS. I wasn't able to find Francis Floyd on the 1840 census in Mississippi or elsewhere. They were listed on the 1850 census in Smith Co., MS. Allen Floyd (son of Frederick Floyd-1788) is nearby. Their household includes: Francis Lloyd (sic) 60, Mary 50, Sally 23, Cornelius 21, Mary 19, Ave 16, Charles 12 (Idiot), Adeline 12, William 10, John 6. All were born in SC except the last two who were born in MS. Francis was clearly listed with surname "Lloyd" but his family was split between two pages, and on the second page the surname was given correctly as "Floyd." I wasn't able to find Francis or wife Mary on the 1860 census in Smith Co., MS or anywhere else. I found three of the unmarried children living together in Smith County on that census. That suggests the parents were dead by then: Sarah Floyd 31, Mary 24, John 16. All were listed with both real and personal property. |
Children of Francis and Mary (---) Floyd.
The 1850 census proves several children. The 1820 and 1830 census
suggests there were several children who were no longer home by 1850.
Unknown Son (1815/20).
Francis Floyd had an unidentified son this age with him for the 1820
census, aged under 10 (1810/20) and home in 1830, aged 10-14 (1815/20).
He was gone from home in 1850.
There were two Floyd men in Smith Co., MS in 1850 who fit this age (more or less): Allen J. Floyd (c1813) and John M. Floyd (c1818). However, both of them have proven parents (Allen is a son of Frederick-1788, cousin to Francis) and John is a son of Cornelius Floyd (Francis's brother). I don't know who this unidentified son is. Perhaps he died before the 1850 census. |
Unknown Daughter (1820/25). Francis Floyd had two unidentified daughters this age. They were with him on the 1830 census, aged 5-9 (born 1820/25), but not home with him in 1850, so probably married or dead by then. I don't know who either of them are. |
Unknown Daughter (1820/25). Francis Floyd had two unidentified daughters this age. They were with him on the 1830 census, aged 5-9 (born 1820/25), but not home with him in 1850, so probably married or dead by then. I don't know who either of them are. |
Sarah Floyd was born ca 1826/27
(per 1850 census) in Marion Dist., SC. She seems to be with her parents
in 1830, aged under 5 (1825/30). She was still with her parents in 1850
("Sarah" age 23), and in 1860 she was head of household with some of her
siblings still with her: Sarah Floyd 31, Mary 24, John 16. All were
listed with both real and personal property. I didn't find her on the 1870 census. |
Cornelius Floyd was
born ca 1828/29 (per 1850 census) in Marion Dist., SC. He seems to be
with his parents in 1830, aged under 5 (1825/30). He was home in 1850
("Cornelius" age 21).
I didn't find him on the 1860 census. |
Mary Floyd was born ca 1830/31 (per 1850 census) in Marion Dist., SC. She was with her parents in 1850 ("Mary" age 19), and in 1860 she was with her sister Sarah ("Mary" age 24). |
Avi J. Floyd was born
ca 1833/34 (per 1850 census) in Marion Dist., SC. She was with her
parents in 1850 ("Ave" age 16), and in 1860 she was with her sister
Adeline ("Avy J. Floyd" age 22 SC). I didn't find her on the 1870 census. |
Charles Floyd was born
ca 1836/37 (per 1850 census) in Marion Dist., SC. He was with his
parents in 1850 ("Charles" age 13), and listed as an "Idiot" on that
record. I couldn't find him on the 1860 census. |
Adeline Floyd was born
ca 1837/38 (per 1850 census) in Marion Dist., SC. She was with her
parents in 1850 ("Adeline" age 12).
She seems to have married C. W. Tullous before 1860 in Smith Co., MS. They are listed on the 1860 census there with sister Avi J. Floyd living with them: C. W. Tullous 20 MS, Adaline 19 SC, Avy J. Floyd 22 SC. I didn't find them on the 1870 census. |
William Floyd was born
ca 1840/41 (per 1850 census) in Smith Co., MS. He was with his parents
on the 1850 census ("William" age 9).
I wasn't able to find him on the 1860 census. I found a possible match on the 1870 census in St. Helena Parish, LA, a William Floyd age 29, born Mississippi. He had a wife and children including a son "Cornelius" which makes it look possible it is this same William. |
John Floyd was born ca 1843/44 (per 1850 census) in Smith Co., MS. He was with his parents on the 1850 census ("John" age 6). John was with his sisters Sarah and Mary for the 1860 census in Smith County ("John" age 16). |
Researcher List
Register Report |
First Generation 1. Francis Floyd was born in 1789/1790 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS. Francis married Mary before 1820 in Marion Dist, SC. Mary was born in 1799/1800 in SC. She died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS. They had the following children. 2 F i. Sarah Floyd was born in 1826/1827 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS. 3 M ii. Cornelius Floyd was born in 1828/1829 in Marion Dist, SC. He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS. 4 F iii. Mary Floyd was born in 1830/1831 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS. 5 F iv. Avi J Floyd was born in 1833/1834 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS. 6 M v. Charles Floyd was born in 1836/1837 in Marion Dist, SC. He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS. 7 F vi. Adeline Floyd was born in 1837/1838 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS. Adeline married C W Tullous in 1850/1860 in Smith Co, MS. C W Tullous was born in 1839/1840 in MS. He died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS. 8 M vii. William Floyd was born in 1840/1841 in Smith Co, MS. He died after 1850 in Smith Co, MS. 9 M viii. John Floyd was born in 1843/1844 in Smith Co, MS. He died after 1860 in Smith Co, MS.