Harmon Floyd and Ada (---) of Marion Co., SC

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Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report

Revision History:

·        17 Mar 2008 - Created by Marty Grant

Harmon Floyd was ca 1798/99 per his age on the 1850 census (51). He was probably born in what is now Horry County, though the 1850 census lists his birth place as Marion District. That could be correct, but it seems unlikely. He is a son of Samuel Floyd (bef 1755) as proven by an 1821 deed when Samuel gave property to his son Harmon.

Harmon seems to be home with his parents for the 1800 census aged under 10 (born 1790/1800), and still home in 1810 age 10-15 (1794/1800). He is either with his parents in 1820, aged 16-25 (1794/1804) or with his brother Francis, same age group.

On 10 Feb 1815 Theophilus Floyd (probably a 1st cousin) and Harmon Floyd witnessed a deed from Benjamin Arnett of NC to William Hill. It was proven before Samuel Floyd, QU on 10 Feb 1815. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book G page 149).

On 12 Mar 1821 Samuel Floyd Senr deeded land to his sons Harmon and Samuel Floyd.  Witnessed by Levi Alford and William Hill. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book C1 page 124 Horry County Historical Society).

Harmon Floyd married Ada (---) before ca 1823, either in Horry or in Marion District. She was born ca 1809/10 in SC (Marion District per the 1850 census). I don't know her maiden name.

On 6 Oct 1825 James Floyd Senr. of Horry made a deed to Francis Floyd of Marion District. It was 300 acres on north east side of Little Pee Dee and both sides of the raft swamp. The description mentioned a branch where "Major Floyd" now lives.  Witnesses were James Floyd and Lewis Floyd (sons of James Senr.). The deed was proven on 13 Nov 1827 before Harmon Floyd, Q. U. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book N, page 17).

"Q. U." (and "J. Q.") means Justice of the Quorum. It was an official position like Justice of the Peace. Harmon appeared in that capacity on a few deeds in Marion District, not as often as his brother Francis did though.

On 6 Nov 1828 Lewis Floyd of Horry (1st cousin?) sold Harmon Floyd of Marion District 251 acres near Little Pee Dee River on both sides of raft swamp (for $150). Witnessed by James E. Newsom and William Looper. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 79).

On 23 Feb 1829 Harmon Floyd, Q.U. witnessed a dower relinquishment for Elizabeth Floyd wife of James Floyd Senr for a deed to David P. F. Newsom. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book N page 42)

Harmon Floyd is listed on the 1830 census in Marion District.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Marion Dist., SC pg 19 Harmon Floyd 0100010000000-1100100000000
1 Male(s) 30-39        (1790-1800)    Harmon Floyd (c1799)
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)    Charles P. Floyd (c1823) son
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1800-1810)    Ada (—) Floyd (c1810) wife
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1820-1825)    Daughter? (1820/25)
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)    Daughter? (1825/30)

On 9 Sep 1830 Francis Floyd, Q. U. (brother) and Harmon Floyd witnessed a deed from William Looper to David Hill. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 340).

On 5 Mar 1832 Francis Floyd "for the love and good will that I bear towards my father I give and bequeath unto the lawful begotten heirs of that he shall begat by his wife Polly Floyd" he gave four slaves (Mingo, Viny, Luke and Hannah) to be equally divided between the heirs after the death of his father and and his wife Polly. He never mentioned his father's name in the deed, but it is pretty clear he was referring to Samuel. The deed was witnessed by Samuel Floyd Jr and Harmon Floyd. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book O, page 145)

On 2 Dec 1833 Harmon Floyd sold John Norton 100 acres in Horry District being part of a 490 acre survey granted to William Norton lying on Cedar Creek and Cypress Branch and west on James L. Floyds land. The deed was for $20 paid by George Ford. Harmon Floyd signed the deed, his wife wasn't mentioned. Francis Floyd and William Floyd witnessed. [** Who is William Floyd? This may be William Ford instead **] (Marion Co., SC Deed Book P, page 260).

On 12 Nov 1835 Francis Floyd and Jesse Ford of Marion Dist., made a deed to Everet Nichols and Harmon Floyd for $350 for 300 acres on north east side of Little Pee Dee and both sides of Raft Swamp, being the same land purchased from James Floyd Sr. Francis signed, but his wife wasn't mentioned. Jesse Ford also signed. Samuel Floyd (brother) and John Yelverton witnessed. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 48).

On 2 Feb 1836 Harmon Floyd and John Yelverton witnessed a deed from David P. F. Newsom to Averitt Nickols. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 22).

On the same date (2 Feb 1836) David P. F. Newsom deeded Harmon Floyd 240 acres in Cross Bay on both sides of Raft Swamp. Witnesses were John Yelverton and Avoritt Nichols. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 33).

On the same date (2 Feb 1836) David P. F. Newsom sold Harmon Floyd another 164 acres. Same witnesses as above. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q, page 34).

On 5 Apr 1838 Harmon Floyd and Nelson Ford witnessed a deed from William Ford to Stephen Smith. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book R, page 80).

They are listed on the 1840 census in Marion District.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Marion Dist., SC pg 164 Harmon Floyd 0001001000000-1001010000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1790-1800)    Harmon Floyd (c1799)
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)    Charles P. Floyd (c1823) son
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1800-1810)    Ada (—) Floyd (c1810) wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)    Daughter? (1820/25)
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1835-1840)    Emaline Floyd (c1837) daughter

On 7 Apr 1841 Harmon Floyd and J. W. Floyd [** Who is this? **] witnessed a deed from John Morris and Robert Morris to J. A. McDurmit. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, page 179)

On 13? Dec 1842 Harmon Floyd and A. Nichols witnessed a deed from William Luper to Hugh Johnson. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book T, page 71).

On 1 Apr 1843 C. P. Floyd (his son) and Harmon Floyd witnessed a deed from J. A. McDermot to John Goodyear. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, page 298).

On 19 Jul 1843 H. Floyd and Charles P. Floyd (his son) witnessed a deed from Benjamin Lee to Lovet Goodyear. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, page 246).

On 19 Oct 1843 Harmon Floyd and John Norton witnessed a deed from A. Carmichael, Sheriff of Marion District, to Everitt Nichols. (Marion Co., SC Deed Book S, page 374).

They are listed on the 1850 census in Marion District: Harmon Floyd 51 born Marion, Ada 40, Charles 27, Emeline 13, Amanda 8, Lucy 6, and James D. Oliver 30 School Teacher.

They are listed on the 1860 census in Marion District, Floydsville Post Office: H. Floyd 63, Merchant born SC, Ada 50, Amenda J. 17, Lucy M. 15 and Danl. M. Shaw 39, Clerk, born NC.

Harmon Floyd died on 9 Mar 1865 in Marion District, South Carolina as proven by his Probate records (Roll # 1435).

Ada was listed on the 1870 census with her daughter in Hillsboro Township, Marion County: James Williams 30, Lou 25, Edna 60, Stella 3. Even though it clearly says "Edna" it is most certainly Ada. The 1870 census for Marion is atrocious and contains many errors and omissions.

Ada was listed on the 1880 census in Marion County, Hillsboro Township with her daughter: James Williams 45 (born NC-NC-NC), Lucy, wife 36, born SC-SC-SC, Stella 13 daughter, Clarence 9 son, Nina 8 daughter, Ada Floyd 67 mother-in-law, widow, born SC-SC-NC, and Harvey Johnson, black, 12, servant.

Ada died sometime after 1880 in Marion County.

Children of Harmon and Ada (---) Floyd. The probate records name some of the heirs of Harmon Floyd as well as the heirs of his son Charles P. Floyd who was the administrator but died before the estate was settled. Probate Roll # 1435 (Harmon Floyd) and Roll # 1445 and # 1445A (C. P. Floyd) reveal a little about this family. Unfortunately none of the records name all of the heirs. The known children are those who were home with them on the 1850 census. Earlier census records show at least two unidentified daughters.
  1. Charles Pinkney Floyd (c1822-1869)
  2. Unknown Daughter (1820/25)
  3. Unknown Daughter (1825/30)
  4. Emaline Floyd (c1837)
  5. Amanda Floyd (c1842)
  6. Lucy M. Floyd (c1844)
Researcher List

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Register Report

First Generation

1.     Harmon Floyd was born in 1798/1799 in Marion Dist, SC. He died on 9 Mar 1865 in Marion Dist, SC.

Harmon married Ada before 1823 in Marion Dist, SC. Ada was born in 1809/1810 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1880 in Marion Co, SC.

They had the following children.

+              2    M         i.    Charles Pinkney Floyd was born in 1822/1823. He died on 11 Jun 1869.

                3    F          ii.    Emaline Floyd was born in 1836/1837 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1850 in Marion Dist, SC.

                4    F         iii.    Amanda J Floyd was born in 1841/1842 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1860 in Marion Dist, SC.

+              5    F         iv.    Lucy M Floyd was born in 1843/1844. She died after 1880.

Second Generation

2.     Charles Pinkney Floyd (Harmon) was born in 1822/1823 in Marion Dist, SC. He died on 11 Jun 1869 in Marion Co, SC.

Charles married Zilpha Roberts, daughter of Redden Roberts Pvt and Penelope Dawson, in 1850/1852 in Marion Dist, SC. Zilpha was born on 22 Nov 1823 in Marion Dist, SC. She died on 7 Aug 1903 in Marion Co, SC.

They had the following children.

                6    F           i.    Nancy Cornelia Floyd was born in 1851/1852 in Marion Dist, SC.

                7    F          ii.    Sarah E Floyd was born in 1852/1853 in Marion Dist, SC. She died in 1860/1870 in Marion Dist, SC.

                8    F         iii.    Minerva Attelia Floyd was born in 1854/1855 in Marion Dist, SC.

                9    M       iv.    Charles P Floyd was born in 1855/1856 in Marion Dist, SC.

              10    M        v.    Henry Bascom Floyd was born in 1858/1859 in Marion Dist, SC.

              11    F         vi.    Martha Roberta Floyd was born in 1858/1859 in Marion Dist, SC.

Martha married Lewis S Bethea, son of John R Bethea and Harriet B Bass, after 1880 in Marion Co, SC. Lewis was born in 1852/1853 in Marion Dist, SC.

              12    M      vii.    Robert Giles Floyd was born in 1863/1864 in Marion Dist, SC.

              13    F       viii.    Sarah Elizabeth Floyd was born in 1865/1866 in Marion Dist, SC.

5.     Lucy M Floyd (Harmon) was born in 1843/1844 in Marion Dist, SC. She died after 1880 in Marion Co, SC.

Lucy married James Williams in 1860/1867 in Marion Dist, SC. James was born in 1839/1840 in NC.

They had the following children.

              14    F           i.    Stella Williams was born in 1866/1867 in Marion Dist, SC.

              15    M        ii.    Clarence Williams was born in 1870/1871 in Marion Co, SC.

              16    F         iii.    Nina Williams was born in 1871/1872 in Marion Co, SC.



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