Moses Floyd (Sr) and Mary of Horry Co., SC Home > Genealogy > Floyd > Families > Moses

Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report

Revision History:

·        24 Feb 2008 - Created by Marty Grant.

Moses Floyd (Sr) was born before 1755 per his age on the 1800 census. His parents are unknown, nor is it known how he relates to the other Floyds of Horry County. There was a younger Moses Floyd in the region at the same time. That one used "Jr" to distinguish himself from this one (who sometimes was listed as "Sr"). They were associated with each other so could be father and son.

Moses Floyd married Mary (---) before 1790 presumably. She was also born before 1755 per the 1800 census.

They are listed on the 1790 census in Georgetown District:

1790 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1790 Georgetown District, Prince George Parish, SC pg 507 Moses Floyd 2-2-3-0-0
2 Male(s) 16 and Up (before 1774)     1-Moses Floyd (bef 1755)
2 Male(s) under 16    (1774/1790)     1-Son?
3 Female(s) any age (before 1790)     1-Mary (—) Floyd (bef 1755), wife
                                      3-Daughter? (1784/90)

On 5 Mar 1792 Moses Floyd was granted 423 acres. This was mentioned in a deed dated 5 Feb 1796 (see below).

On 16 Oct 1792 Ezekial and Sarah Chinners deeded 100 acres to Aaron Cooper. The land was on the north side of Chinners Swamp adjoining Ezekiel Chinners and Moses Floyd. Witnessed by Joseph Cooper. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 164 online at Horry County Historical Society)

On 22 Jan 1794 Moses Floyd deeded 23 acres to David Rowland, north east side of Little Pee Dee, north side of Treadwell Creek. Witnessed by George Lewis. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 173 online at Horry County Historical Society)

On 9 May 1795 Moses and Mary Floyd deeded 1000 acres to David Rowland. The land was on the north east side of Little Pee Dee on little prong of Chinners Swamp, bordering Thomas Booth, Abraham Skipper, George Lewis and Constantine Newton Sr. Witnesses were Moses Floyd Jr. and Jesse Cannady. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 174 online at Horry County Historical Society)

On 5 Feb 1796 Moses Floyd Sr (and wife Mary) sold 423 acres to Thomas Hux. It was described as on the north east side of Little Pee Dee, big prong of Chinners Swamp bordering Ezekiel Chinners, having been granted to Moses Floyd on 5 Mar 1792. Moses Floyd and Mary both signed with marks. Witnesses were Joseph Hux and George Lewis. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 165 online at Horry County Historical Society)

On 9 Nov 1797 Moses Floyd Sr deeded 246 acres to David Rowland. North east side of Little Pee Dee on Savanah Creek, bordering Timothy McReady, Arthur Skipper and Moses Floyd. Witnesses were George Lewis, Abraham Skipper and Loruhannah Floyd. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 176 online at Horry County Historical Society)

On 4 Dec 1798 Moses Floyd Sr and wife Mary sold 570 acres to James Jordan. The land was on the south west side of Waccamaw River, north side of Maple Swamp on Pasture Branch bordering Joshua Long, Mr. Plyme, and Adam Jordan. Witnesses were Adam Jordan and Loruhannah Floyd. Mary Floyd relinquished her dower rights on 23 Apr 1800. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 167 online at Horry County Historical Society)

He was listed on the 1800 census in Georgetown District:

1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1800 Georgetown Dist, Kingston Co., SC pg 767/381 Moses Floyd 00001-01001-0-0
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1755)     Moses Floyd (bef 1755)
1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1755)     Mary (—) Floyd (bef 1755) wife
1 Female(s) 10-15     (1784-1790)     Daughter? (1784/90)

On 25 Sep 1801 Thomas Hux (and wife Elizabeth) of Kingston County, planter, sold 423 acres to James Jordan. The land was described as the same granted to Moses Floyd Sr on 5 Mar 1792. It was in Chinners Swamp of Little Pee Dee bordering Ezekiel Chinners and Moses Floyd Sr. Witnesses were William Jordan Jr, James Baker, John Alford and Sam Carrel. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 145 online at Horry County Historical Society)

On 4 Jun 1803 Arthur Alford sold several tracts to John Conway, Trustee for Clarkey Alford, Warren Alford, Levy Alford and Arthur Alford Jr. One tract was 130 acres bordering William Singleton, John Prince and Moses Floyd. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book A1, page 159 online at Horry County Historical Society)

At some point Moses Floyd Sr deeded land to Moses Floyd Jr. That deed may be lost, but Moses Jr sold two tracts that were referred to as land deeded to him by Moses Sr. (See his page for more information.)

Moses Floyd wasn't listed on the 1810 census in Horry. Deeds found that year and afterwards suggest he was still in Horry at this time. Perhaps due to his age he was living with one of his children.

On 29 Dec 1810 Moses Floyd made a deed of gift, for love and affection, to his beloved son-in-law John Sarvis. All his land and other items. Moses signed with a mark. Mary wasn't mentioned so she may have died before then. Witnesses were David Durant, Jere Crouch, and Samuel Sing. (Horry Co., SC Deed Book B1, page 4 online at Horry County Historical Society)

On 21 Jan 1811 Moses Floyd deeded 450 acres to Joshua Long. The land was part of a large grant to Moses Floyd on both sides of Bug Swamp bordering David Anderson, John Alford, Hilling, William Alford, Joshus Josiah Anderson Long. Moses signed with a mark. Wife Mary wasn't mentioned. Witnesses were James Crouch and William Alford.  (Horry Co., SC Deed Book B1, page 3 online at Horry County Historical Society)

I don't know when Moses Floyd and wife Mary died or where. 

Children of Moses and Mary Floyd. The 1790 census seems to show 3 sons and 2 daughters. The 1800 census shows all of them gone from home except one daughter. An 1810 deed proves that one of their daughters married John Sarvis. Her name isn't given on the deed. It seems to me that Moses Floyd Jr may be a son of Moses and Mary but that is far from proven. Loruhannah Floyd may be their daughter.

1.      Daughter who married John Sarvis.

2.      Unknown Son (bef 1774).

3.      Unknown Son (1774/90).

4.      Unknown Son (1774/90).

5.      Unknown Daughter (bef 1790).

6.      Unknown Daughter (1784/90).

Moses Floyd had a daughter, name unknown, who married John Sarvis before 29 Dec 1810.

Two men of that named were listed on the 1800 census in Georgetown District, Kingston County.

1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1800 Georgetown Dist., Kingston Co., SC pg 772/386 John Sarvice Senr 00001-10110-0-11
1800 Georgetown Dist., Kingston Co., SC pg 772/386 John Sarvice Junr 00010-10100-0-0 
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1755-1774)     John Sarvis (1765/74)
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1774-1784)     (—) (Floyd) Sarvis (1774/84) wife
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1790-1800)     Daughter? (1794/1800)

It seems likely that John Jr is the one who married Miss Floyd. The elder John's wife was named Hannah.

Only one John Sarvis was listed on the 1810 census in Horry and it appears to be the younger of the two from 1800.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Horry Dist., SC pg 480/146 John Sarvice 10010-01010-0-0
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1765-1784)     John Sarvis (1765/74)
1 Male(s) 0-9         (1800-1810)     Son?
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1765-1784)     (—) (Floyd) Sarvis (1774/84) wife
1 Female(s) 10-15     (1794-1800)     Daughter? (1794/1800) 

There were two Johns on the 1820 census in Horry. The older John from earlier was back. This census also shows that John's wife, Miss Floyd, had apparently died in the 1810-1820 timeframe.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Horry Dist., SC pg 20 John Sarvis Senior 101101-11001-0, slaves=4211-7221
1820 Horry Dist., SC pg 20 John Sarvis Junior 001101-00100-0, slaves=0000-0000
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1775)     John Sarvis (1765/74)
1 Male(s) 16-25       (1794-1804)     Son? (1802/04)
1 Male(s) 16-17       (1802-1804)     * (Same as above)
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1794-1804)     Daughter? (1794/1800) or 2nd wife

There was only one John listed in 1830 Horry and it is the older one, listed as age 70-79 (born ca 1750/60). John Jr. must have died or left Horry. I searched but didn't find him elsewhere in 1830, 1840 or 1850.

Unknown Son (bef 1774). Moses had an apparent son this age with him in 1790. He was gone by 1800. This could be Moses Floyd Jr, but that isn't proven yet.
Unknown Son (1774/90). Moses had two sons this age with him in 1790, they were gone by 1800. No likely matches appeared on the 1800 census that could be either of these apparent sons.
Unknown Son (1774/90). Moses had two sons this age with him in 1790, they were gone by 1800. No likely matches appeared on the 1800 census that could be either of these apparent sons.
Unknown Daughter (bef 1790). Moses had two apparent daughters with him in 1790 (no ages given). One of them was gone by 1800. This could be the child who married John Sarvis.
Unknown Daughter (1784/90). Moses had two apparent daughters with him in 1790 (no ages given). One of them was still home in 1800, aged 10-15 (1784/90).
Researcher List

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Register Report

First Generation

1.     Moses Floyd was born before 1755. He died after 1811 in Horry Dist, SC.

Moses married Mary. Mary was born before 1755. She died after 1800 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC).

They had the following children.

                2    F           i.    Floyd was born in 1774/1784 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). She died in 1810/1820 in Horry Dist, SC.

Floyd married John Sarvis in 1790/1800 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Horry Co, SC). John was born in 1765/1774. He died after 1820 in Horry Dist, SC. Home > Genealogy > Floyd > Families > Moses