James Holland Bradley (1802) and Martha "Patsy" Grant (1805) of Rutherford, Haywood, Jackson and Swain Co, NC

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I (Marty Grant) am a 1st cousin, 6 times removed of Martha (Grant) Bradley.

Special thanks to Donald Reagan and Martha Brookshire and others for data shared on this family. Most of the full birth and death dates I have came from him, unless otherwise noted. I don't know what his sources were for any of them, so I've got "source?" listed after most of them.

Martha "Patsy" Grant was born 25 Jul 1805 (source?) in Rutherford County, North Carolina.  "Patsy" is a common nickname for "Martha".  She was probably named after her maternal grandmother (Martha, wife of John Morris).

Martha was the last child born to Alexander and Susanna (Morris) Grant, as her father died roughly around the same time she was born. She is a proven child, as named in the estate records of her father, and in deeds among his heirs dividing property.

In January 1809 term of Rutherford County Court, Susanna Grant was appointed guardian of the infant (under 21) children of Alexander Grant, deceased. (In those days children were considered "orphans" when their father died, even if the mother was still living.) This record named these children, all under 21 (or born in the range of 1788/1809): William, Polly, John, Morris, James & Patsy Grant, orphans and infants of Alexander Grant, deceased. Margaret, the oldest known child, wasn't named, as she was already 21 and already married.

Martha was probably home with her widowed mother for the 1810 census. She would have been about 4 or 5 years old, and Susanna did have one apparent daughter aged "under 10" (born ca 1800/10) with her that year.

Martha would have been about 14 or 15 by the time of the 1820 census. Her mother Susanna was not listed as a head of household on the 1820 census, however, it seems that she and her unmarried children were all residing with her son John Grant. John's household included a girl age 10-15 (born ca 1804/10), which is probably Martha Grant.

On 24 Aug 1823 a deed was made dividing land among Alexander Grant's heirs: William Grant, Polley Morgan, James Grant, Patsy Grant, John Grant and Peggy Morgan. This deed proves Alexander's family quite well. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 34 page 186).

In the above deed, Patsy Grant received "Tract 3", consisting of 25 1/2 acres.

On 31 Dec 1826 Susanna's lands were divided in a deed, naming the heirs of "Susanna Grant, deceased, relict of Alexander Grant, deceased". Heirs were: William Grant, James and Peggy Morgan, James Grant, Jesse and Polly Morgan, John Grant, Holland and Patsy Bradley. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 36 page 20).

The above deed is problematic in one way. It is dated 1826, yet is lists Martha as already being married to Holland Bradley, yet her marriage bond was dated 20 Feb 1827. This may indicate that one of these two records is in error (date-wise), or that she and Holland were already married prior to getting the marriage bond. The deed was only two months prior to marriage bond date, so perhaps the deed was not finalized until after her marriage.

On 20 Feb 1827, Holland Bradley (James Holland Bradley) obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford County to marry Patsy Grant. James Moore (no known relation) was bondsman. Holland Bradley was born 12 Aug 1802 (source?), son of Isaac Bradley and Ann Allison. Holland Bradley had been married previously to someone (don't know her name), and had several children with her.

They were listed on the 1830 census in Rutherford County. Unfortunately this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell who their neighbors were.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 445 James H. Bradley 2100100000000-0000100000000
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1800-1810)	James Holland BRADLEY (1802) s/o Isaac
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	Isaac BRADLEY (1822) son
2 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)	Morris BRADLEY (1825) son
					Wilson BRADLEY (1826) son
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1800-1810)	Martha GRANT Bradley (1805) wife

On 11 Mar 1833, Holland Bradley and wife Patsy Bradley of Rutherford County, sold land to William Grant (Patsy's brother), being her 25 1/2 acres she received from the estate of her father Alexander Grant. Witnesses were H. Harris. Although his name was "Holland Bradley" in the opening of the deed, he signed as "James H. Bradley". (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 39/40 page 60).

They were still in Rutherford for the 1840 census. He was next door to Isaac Bradley (c1800/10), possibly a brother. He was not far from brother-in-law William Grant who was on the following page. Their household enumerations seem to be off somewhat at least in regard to the sons.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 338 James H. Bradley 2310010000000-1000010000000
1 Male(s) 30-39        (1800-1810)	James Holland BRADLEY (1802) s/o Isaac
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1825-1830)	Morris BRADLEY (1825) son
3 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	Wilson BRADLEY (1826) son
					James BRADLEY (c1834) son
2 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Osborne BRADLEY (1835) son
					Augustus BRADLEY (1835) son
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1800-1810)	Martha GRANT Bradley (1805) wife
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1835-1840)	Mary Jane BRADLEY (1839) daughter

Shortly after 1840, they moved the family west to what is now known as Quallatown, North Carolina. At that time, this land was in Haywood County (now it is in the border region between Jackson and Swain County). This is the area that includes the Cherokee Indian Reservation.

James Holland Bradley died in this area on 30 Jul 1843 (source?). At the time it was Haywood County, but now is either Swain or Jackson County, depending on where they lived exactly. I don't know where he is buried, nor if his grave is marked.

Martha Grant Bradley was listed on the 1850 census in Haywood County, in the household of her step-son Morris Bradley. No other Grants were in Haywood County, though plenty of her Grant cousins were in neighboring Macon County at that time. The Macon County Grants were not too far from where Martha lived, so it is conceivable they were in contact with one another, though that is just speculation.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HAYWOOD CO, NC Page 166   House/Family #  483/ 493  -  Twp

BRADLEY MORRIS        24 M W FARMER                  50 NC                   1825/1826
BRADLEY MARTHA        40 F W                            NC                   1809/1810
BRADLEY JAMES         15 M W                            NC                   1834/1835
BRADLEY OSBURN        14 M W                            NC                   1835/1836
BRADLEY AUGUSTIS      10 M W                            NC                   1839/1840
BRADLEY MARY           8 F W                            NC                   1841/1842
BRADLEY CAROLINE       7 F W                            NC                   1842/1843
BRADLEY MARTHA         5 F W                            NC                   1844/1845

In 1851, Jackson County was created from the western portion of Haywood County, including the Quallatown region where the Bradleys lived.

Martha was listed on the 1860 census in Jackson County with her son James Bradley. Interestingly, they were on the very last page of the census for that county. Unfortunately, this census taker lazily only listed everyone by their initial, and did not give their actual names, but it is fairly easy to determine who was who.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 JACKSON CO, NC Page 343   House/Family #  985/ 985 -- WEBSTER P.O.

BRADLEY JAMES         25 M W FARMER             300   500 NC                   1834/1835
BRADLEY M             50 F W                              NC                   1809/1810
BRADLEY O             23 M W                              NC                   1836/1837
BRADLEY C             20 F W                              NC                   1839/1840
BRADLEY M             18 F W                              NC                   1841/1842

Martha was still in Jackson County for the 1870 census, listed in Quallatown Township.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 JACKSON CO, NC Page 272   House/Family #   91/  94--QUALLATOWN Twp

BRADLEY MARTHA        60 F W KEEPING HOUSE          100       NC              1809/1810
BRADLEY CAROLINE      25 F W WORKS IN HOME                    NC              1844/1845
BRADLEY REBECCA A      7 F W                                  NC              1862/1863

In 1871, Swain County was formed from a portion of Swain and Macon Counties, and the border ran right through the old Quallatown Township. I don't know which side of the border the Bradleys lived on.

On 27 Feb 1879 (source?) Martha Grant Bradley died in the Quallatown region, either in Swain or Jackson County. I don't know where she is buried, nor if her grave is marked.


Holland Bradley and Martha Grant had six children, and Holland had four children with his first wife (name unknown). I have names and dates for many of these children as shared with me by other researchers. I don't have primary sources for the birth dates and some of them are overlapping and incompatible with each other, and also incompatible with ages as given on census records (which isn't unusual). So keep that in mind before accepting any of the birth dates as factual.

Isaac Bradley (1822)

Susan Bradley (1824)

Morris Bradley (1825)

Wilson Bradley (1826)

James Bradley (c1835)

Osburn Bradley (c1834)

Augustus Bradley (1835)

Mary Jane Bradley (1839)

Sarah Caroline Bradley (1842)

Martha Louisa Bradley (1843)

Isaac Bradley was born 6 May 1822 (source?) in Rutherford Co, NC. He is a son of Holland Bradley and his first wife. I don't know what the proof is that he is Holland's son, but his name was given to me by other researchers. He (or someone his age) appeared to be home with his parents in 1830 (age 5-9, born ca 1820/25), but not home in 1840, so probably on his own, or dead by then. He would have been 18, so he could have been living elsewhere.

The 1840 census shows two Isaacs in Western NC. One in Rutherford (too old, born ca 1790/1800) and one in Haywood, also too old (born ca 1790/1800).

I did not find Isaac in 1850 either.  There is an Isaac M. Bradley age 32 (born ca 1818) in nearby Yancey Co, NC in 1850, but I don't know if he is the same person or not.

Susan Bradley was born 21 Feb 1824 (source?) in Rutherford Co, NC, and died 20 Jul 1829 (source?), also in Rutherford Co, NC. She is a child of Holland Bradley and his first wife. I don't know what the proof is that she is Holland's child, but her name was given to me by other researchers.

Morris Bradley was born 24 Dec 1825 (source?) (or ca 1825/26 per 1850 census) in Rutherford Co, NC. He is a son of Holland Bradley and his first wife. He appeared to be home with his parents in 1830 (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and still home in 1840, (age 10-14, born ca 1825/30). In 1850 he was listed as the head of household, with his step-mother and half-siblings living with him.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HAYWOOD CO, NC Page 166   House/Family #  483/ 493  -  Twp

BRADLEY MORRIS        24 M W FARMER                  50 NC                   1825/1826
BRADLEY MARTHA        40 F W                            NC                   1809/1810
BRADLEY JAMES         15 M W                            NC                   1834/1835
BRADLEY OSBURN        14 M W                            NC                   1835/1836
BRADLEY AUGUSTIS      10 M W                            NC                   1839/1840
BRADLEY MARY           8 F W                            NC                   1841/1842
BRADLEY CAROLINE       7 F W                            NC                   1842/1843
BRADLEY MARTHA         5 F W                            NC                   1844/1845

In 1851, Jackson County was created from the western portion of Haywood County, including the Quallatown region where the Bradleys lived.

Morris Bradley died in Jackson County on 24 Mar 1856 (source?).

Apparently he never married.

Wilson Bradley was born 7 Jul 1826 (source?) in Rutherford Co, NC. He is a son of Holland Bradley and his first wife. I don't know what the proof is that he is Holland's son, but his name was given to me by other researchers. He appeared to be home with his parents in 1830 (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and probably still home in 1840 though it, (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35).

I believe I found him on the 1850 census with his future Mingus in-laws (Sophia was widow of Ephraim Mingus).

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HAYWOOD CO, NC Page 204B  House/Family # 1000/1027  -  Twp

MINGUS C B            27 M W FARMER                1000 NC                   1822/1823
MINGUS SOPHIA         56 F W                            NC                   1793/1794
MINGUS ELIZABETH      29 F W                            NC                   1820/1821
MINGUS RHEBECCA       19 F W                            NC                   1830/1831
MINGUS SARAH          16 F W                            NC                   1833/1834
BRADLEY WILSON        20 M W FARMER                     NC                   1829/1830

On 20 Mar 1851, Wilson Bradley obtained a marriage bond in Haywood County to marry Elizabeth T. Mingus. Her brother C. B. Mingus was bondsman.

In 1851, Jackson County was created from the western portion of Haywood County, including the Quallatown region where the some of Bradleys lived. I don't think Wilson lived in that region, for he was still in Haywood County for the 1860 census. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

I've been told they later moved to Missouri.

James Bradley was born ca 1834/35 (per 1850 and 1860 census) in Rutherford Co, NC.  He appeared to be home with his parents in 1840 (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35). He was home with his mother in 1850 ("James" age 15), and he was head of household in 1860 ("James" age 25) with his mother and siblings living with him.

I don't have him on the 1870 or 1880 census, at least not in North Carolina.

Osburn Bradley was born ca 1835/36 (per 1850 census) in Rutherford Co, NC.  He appeared to be home with his parents in 1840 (age "under 5", born ca 1835/40). He was home with his mother in 1850 ("Osburn" age 14), and home in 1860 ("O." age 23).

I don't have him on the 1870 or 1880 census, at least not in North Carolina.

Another researcher stated that Osburn married Lydia Trantham on 8 Apr 1861 (source?) in Jackson County. I didn't find a marriage record to confirm this.

Augustus Bradley was born ca 1839/40 (per 1850 census) in Rutherford Co, NC.  He appeared to be home with his parents in 1840 (age "under 5", born ca 1835/40). He was home with his mother in 1850 ("Augustus" age 10).

I have no data on him after this. He may be the Augustus Bradley I found in 1860 Polk County, NC (age 25).

Mary Jane Bradley was born 22 Apr 1839 (source?) (or ca 1841/42 per 1850 census) in Rutherford or Haywood Co, NC.  She was home with her mother in 1850 ("Mary" age 8), but gone by 1860.

Mary Jane Bradley married Isaac Trantham on 29 Dec 1859 in Jackson County. They were married by "R. Evans", Elder.

I did not find them on the 1860 census, or later census records.

Sarah Caroline Bradley was born 31 Jul 1842 (source?) (or ca 1842/43 per 1850 census) in Rutherford or Haywood Co, NC.  She was home with her mother in 1850 ("Caroline" age 7), and still home in 1860 ("C". age 20), and still home in 1870 ("Caroline" age 25). I don't have her on the 1880 census, but she may be in Tennessee that year.

Caroline seems to have a child born out of wedlock (Rebecca, born ca 1863).

I'm told they moved to nearby Sevier County, Tennessee where Caroline died on 16 Jan 1886 (source?).

Martha Louisa Bradley was born 11 Nov 1843 (source?) (or ca 1844/45 per 1850 census) in Rutherford or Haywood Co, NC.  She was home with her mother in 1850 ("Martha" age 5), and still home in 1860 ("M". age 18), but gone by 1870, so probably married or dead by then. I have no data on who she may have married.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. James Holland1 Bradley , born 12 Aug 1802 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 30 Jul 1843 in Haywood Co, NC (now Swain Co, NC), son of Isaac Bradley  and Ann Allison .  He married (1) bef 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC ? (---) , died bef 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC; (2) on 20 Feb 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC Martha "Patsy" Grant , born 25 Jul 1805 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 27 Feb 1879 in Jackson Co, NC or Swain Co, NC, daughter of Alexander Grant Pvt  and Susanna Morris .


      Children of James Holland Bradley and ? (---) were as follows:

      2          i      Isaac2 Bradley , born 6 May 1822 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      3          ii      Susan2 Bradley , born 21 Feb 1824 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 20 Jul 1829 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      4          iii      Morris2 Bradley , born 24 Dec 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 24 Mar 1856 in Jackson Co, NC.

+    5          iv      Wilson2 Bradley , born 7 Jul 1826 in Rutherford Co, NC; died in MO.  He married Elizabeth T Mingus .


      Children of James Holland Bradley and Martha "Patsy" Grant were as follows:

      6          i      James2 Bradley , born 1834/35 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Jackson Co, NC.

      7          ii      Osburn2 Bradley , born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC.  He married on 8 Apr 1861 in Jackson Co, NC Lydia Trantham .

      8          iii      Augustus2 Bradley , born 1839/40 in Rutherford Co, NC.

      9          iv      Mary Jane2 Bradley , born 22 Apr 1839 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 2 Aug 1888 in Jackson Co, NC.  She married on 29 Dec 1859 in Jackson Co, NC Isaac Newton Trantham .

+    10         v      Sarah Caroline2 Bradley , born 31 Jul 1842 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 16 Jan 1886 in Gatlinburg, Sevier Co, TN.  She married (---) ? .

      11         vi      Martha Louisa2 Bradley , born 11 Nov 1843 in Rutherford Co, NC.


Generation 2


5. Wilson2 Bradley  (James Holland1), born 7 Jul 1826 in Rutherford Co, NC; died in MO.  He married on 20 Mar 1851 in Haywood Co, NC Elizabeth T Mingus , born 1820/21 in Haywood Co, NC, daughter of Ephraim Mingus  and Sophia Ellis .


      Children of Wilson Bradley and Elizabeth T Mingus were as follows:

      12         i      Ephraim H3 Bradley , born 1851/52 in Haywood Co, NC.

      13         ii      Judson T3 Bradley , born 1853/54 in Haywood Co, NC.

      14         iii      Corra E3 Bradley , born 1855/56 in Haywood Co, NC.

      15         iv      Mary J C3 Bradley , born 1858/59 in Haywood Co, NC.



10. Sarah Caroline2 Bradley  (James Holland1), born 31 Jul 1842 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 16 Jan 1886 in Gatlinburg, Sevier Co, TN.  She married Not married (---) ? .


      Children of Sarah Caroline Bradley and (---) ? were as follows:

      16         i      Rebecca A3 Bradley , born 1862/63 in Jackson Co, NC.

martygrant.com: Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Martha