Jesse Morgan (1785) and Mary "Polly" Grant (c1793) of Rutherford and Buncombe Co, NC Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Mary


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I (Marty Grant) am a 1st cousin, 6 times removed of Mary "Polly" Grant.

I have had several people share data on this family with me over the years. I'll have to dig through my notes in order to put a list here of those to thank. Until then, thanks to all who've shared data. Offhand, I recall Frank Block, Charmaine Ernst and Ken Israel sharing data with me.

I have a large number of birth and death dates for members of this family, and in my notes, I have no record of the sources for most of them. This is a genealogy "no no", but I don't want to throw them out, for I'm sure most of this data is accurate, though I can't prove it. In each case I quote a full date (Birth, death, marriage), I'll put "(source?)" next to it if the source is unknown, or I'll list the actual source, if it is known.

Mary "Polly" Grant was born ca 1790/94 (based on census analysis) or "1793" per other researchers (source?) in Rutherford County, North Carolina.  I base her birth date on her various census entries. In 1820 she was age 26-44, or born ca 1775/94. In 1810, assuming she was with her mother (which I think she was), she was age 16-25, or born ca 1784/94. In 1800, she was probably home with her parents, and probably "under 10", or born ca 1790/1800. Combine all these, and ca 1790/94 is the logical result. The "1793" date used by other researchers falls into this range, so it may be correct, but I'd like to know the source of it.

Mary Grant was possibly named after her grandmother Mary Grant. She apparently the name "Polly", which is a common nickname for "Mary".

Mary Grant is a proven child of Alexander and Susanna (Morris) Grant She is proven as named in the estate records of her father, and in deeds among his heirs dividing property.

Mary Grant seems to be home with her parents for the 1800 census, aged "under 10" (born ca 1790/1800).

In January 1809 term of Rutherford County Court, Susanna Grant was appointed guardian of the infant (under 21) children of Alexander Grant, deceased. (In those days children were considered "orphans" when their father died, even if the mother was still living.) This record named these children, all under 21 (or born in the range of 1788/1809): William, Polly, John, Morris, James & Patsy Grant, orphans and infants of Alexander Grant, deceased. Margaret, the oldest known child, wasn't named, as she was already 21 and already married.

On 1 Dec 1809 Jesse Morgan obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford County to marry "Polly Grant". Permenter Morgan (Jesse's father) was bondsman. Presumably they married shortly after this date. Jesse Morgan was born 28 Oct 1785 (source?), in North Carolina, presumably Rutherford County. He was son of Permenter Morgan and Gracie Jones.

Although they were already married, I did not find Jesse Morgan on the 1810 census. He had previously purchased some land in Buncombe County (in 1802), but he was not listed in that county in 1810, nor in Rutherford. However, I'm reasonably sure that Jesse and Mary were still at home with her widowed mother Susanna in 1810, for she had "extra" people with her that year who fit Jesse and Mary perfectly. Since they were not located elsewhere, and they had only been married a short time, it seems reasonable that they were with her.

Jesse Morgan was listed as head of household for the 1820 census in Rutherford County.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 368 Jesse Morgan 500010-30010
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1775-1794)	Jesse MORGAN (1785) s/o Permenter and Gracie
5 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)	Enoch MORGAN (1812) son
					William E. MORGAN (1813/14) son
					Abner Bruce MORGAN (1815) son
					Silas Marion MORGAN (1818) son
					Son? (1810/20) --> gone by 1830
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1775-1794)	Mary GRANT Morgan (1790/94) wife
3 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Martha MORGAN (1814) daughter
					Susan MORGAN (1819) daughter
					Margaret MORGAN (1819/20) daughter


On 24 Aug 1823 a deed was made dividing land among Alexander Grant's heirs: William Grant, Polley Morgan, James Grant, Patsy Grant, John Grant and Peggy Morgan. This deed proves Alexander's family quite well. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 34 page 186).

In the above deed, Polley Morgan received "Tract 4", but the deed stated they transferred it to William Grant (her brother).

On 22 Sep 1825, Jesse Morgan and wife Polly Morgan sold part of their inheritance (of Alexander Grant and Susanna Grant's land) to James Grant, her brother. Witnessed by Elijah Morgan (Jesse's brother), and "H. Grant", whom I can't identify. The "H" may have been misread. Jesse Morgan signed, and Polly made her mark. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 39/40 page 325).

On 31 Jan 1826 Susanna's lands were divided in a deed, naming the heirs of "Susanna Grant, deceased, relict of Alexander Grant, deceased". Heirs were: William Grant, James and Peggy Morgan, James Grant, Jesse and Polly Morgan, John Grant, Holland and Patsy Bradley. (Rutherford Co, NC Deed Book 36 page 20).

Other researchers show that Mary "Polly" Grant Morgan died in "1831", but it looks like she died earlier than that, for no one her age was living with Jesse on his 1830 census record. The oldest female with him was in her 20's, so born ca 1800/10, and it just so happens that Jesse's 2nd wife was born ca 1801. There are two ways to reconcile this. One, this is Mary still home in 1830, but enumerated in the wrong age group, and she died the following year (1831), or, two, Mary died before 1830, and the "1831" death date is erroneous, and this woman with Jesse in 1830 is his second wife. I'll let the reader decide, but for the record, I think Mary died between 1827 and 1830.

So, if Mary Grant Morgan died before 1830, it was sometime between the birth of her last child (Jesse, born 19 Apr 1827) and the 1830 census (taken in June, 1830), so ca "1827/1830" is her approximate date of death. That can be narrowed down even further if we accept that Mary "Polly" Morgan, born in 1829 (source?) is daughter of Jesse and his 2nd wife (Ann Justice). If so, then Mary died between 1827 and 1829, and Jesse and Ann named their first child in honor of Mary. Either that, or Mary (1829) was Mary's last child.

Assuming my analysis is correct, then Jesse Morgan married second to Ann Justice (source for maiden name?) ca 1827-1829 in Rutherford County, North Carolina (no marriage record found), or possibly in Buncombe County. Ann Justice was born ca 1800/01 (per 1850 census), in North Carolina. I don't know who her parents were, nor what the proof is of her maiden name of "Justice".

Jesse Morgan was listed on the 1830 census in Rutherford County. Unfortunately this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell who his neighbors were.  His household enumerations don't leave room for all of his children, so I suspect some of them may have been living with other relatives this year, especially after the death of their mother. That said, my analysis of who was who in 1830 may be off considerably since there is no way to know for sure who was still at home.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 458 John Grant 1121001000000-1021100000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1780-1790)	Jesse MORGAN (1785) s/o Permenter & Gracie
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1810-1815)	Enoch MORGAN (1812) son
2 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)	William E. MORGAN (1813/14) son
					Abner Bruce MORGAN (1815)
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	Silas Marion MORGAN (1818) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)	Jesse T. MORGAN (1827) son
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1800-1810)	Ann JUSTICE Morgan (1800/01) wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1810-1815)	Martha MORGAN (1814) daughter
2 Female(s) 10-14      (1815-1820)	Margaret MORGAN (1819/20) daughter
					Grace MORGAN (1820) daughter
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Elizabeth MORGAN (1825) daughter

On 24 Oct 1831, the Morgans moved to (or had just moved to) neighboring Buncombe County, North Carolina, settling in the Hominy Creek area. On that date, Jesse Morgan received two deeds. The first was for 137 acres on the North Fork of Hominy Creek, from Robert W. H. Rutherford, and the next was for 150 acres on Hominy Creek from Zachariah Candler. (Buncombe Co, NC Deed Book 141 page 494, and Deed Book 141 page 500).

Jesse Morgan was listed on the 1840 census in Buncombe County, North Carolina. He was just a few houses from his brother James Morgan.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Buncombe Co, NC pg 157 Jesse Morgan 1110000100000-0111010000000
1 Male(s) 50-59        (1780-1790)	Jesse MORGAN (1785)
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1825-1830)	Jesse T. MORGAN (1827) son
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	James Henry MORGAN (1833/34) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Stephen MORGAN (1835/36) son
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1800-1810)	Ann JUSTICE Morgan (1800/01) wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)	Grace MORGAN (1820) daughter
1 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Elizabeth MORGAN (1825) daughter
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Mary MORGAN (1829) daughter

Jesse and family were listed on the 1850 census in Buncombe County.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 BUNCOMBE CO, NC Page 307B  House/Family # 1515/1515  -  Twp

MORGAN JESSE          64 M W FARMER                 700 NC                   1785/1786
MORGAN ANN            49 F W                            NC                   1800/1801
MORGAN JAMES          16 M W LABORER                    NC                   1833/1834
MORGAN STEPHEN        14 M W                            NC                   1835/1836
MORGAN JOHN           12 M W                            NC                   1837/1838
MORGAN MARION          8 M W                            NC                   1841/1842

Jesse Morgan died on 30 Oct 1858 at his home in Buncombe County. An obituary recorded his death, and listed his age at 74. No family details were given. ("Marriage and Death Notices from Extant Asheville, North Carolina Newspapers 1840-1870 An Index" by Robert M. Topkins, North Carolina Genealogical Society 1977 pg 105)

I do not have widow Ann Justice Morgan on the 1860 or 1870 census, but in 1880 she was in Buncombe County with her son Marion Morgan.

Ann Justice Morgan died in Buncombe County in August 1894 (source?).


Jesse Morgan and Mary Grant had ten children, and Jesse and Ann Justice had five children. I'm not sure what the proof is for all of these children. Some were home for the 1850 census, and other tidbits prove some of them are siblings. Ken Israel has told me that their is a complete estate division of old Jesse's estate that took a long time to get finalized, in fact it was not done until 1899, which was many years after his death (41 years!). So, this record not only names his children, but many other descendants as well. I do not have a copy, nor a transcript, but I'm told it proves out the family pretty well.

I'm not going to include additional documentation for these children at present, but I will come back to it at some future date, and include all the documentation that I have for each of them. For their offspring, see the Register Report below.

Enoch Morgan (1812)

William E. Morgan (c1814)

Martha Morgan (1814)

Abner Bruce Morgan (1815)

Silas Marion Morgan (1818)

Susan Morgan (1819)

Margaret "Peggy" Morgan (c1820)

Grace Morgan (1820)

Elizabeth Morgan (c1825)

Jesse T. Morgan (1827)

Mary "Polly" Morgan (c1829)

James Henry Morgan (c1834)

Stephen Morgan (c1836)

John P. Morgan (1839)

Marion H. Morgan (1843)

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. Jesse1 Morgan , born 28 Oct 1785 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 30 Oct 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC; buried in Hominy Bapt Ch, Candler, Buncombe Co, NC, son of Permenter Morgan  and Gracie Jones .  He married (1) on 1 Dec 1809 in Rutherford Co, NC Mary "Polly" Grant , born 1793 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1827/29 in Rutherford Co, NC, daughter of Alexander Grant Pvt  and Susanna Morris ; (2) in 1827/29 in Rutherford Co, NC Ann Justice , born 1802 in NC; died Aug 1894 in Buncombe Co, NC.


      Children of Jesse Morgan and Mary "Polly" Grant were as follows:

+    2          i      Enoch2 Morgan , born 22 Jul 1812 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Jun 1895 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Rebecca Morgan .

+    3          ii      William E "Squire"2 Morgan , born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) Martha Morgan ; (2) Martha J Brisco .

+    4          iii      Martha2 Morgan , born 7 Jul 1814 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Jun 1896 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married Williams Green .

+    5          iv      Abner Bruce2 Morgan , born 12 Aug 1815 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 10 Dec 1887 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Martha M Ledford .

+    6          v      Silas Marion2 Morgan , born 10 Jun 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Oct 1896 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) Sarah Myra Grant ; (2) Rebecca A Morgan ; (3) Emily Candler .

+    7          vi      Susan2 Morgan , born 7 Jul 1819 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Oct 1849 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married Wesley Green .

+    8          vii      Margaret "Peggy"2 Morgan , born 1819/20 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1850/60 in Union Co, GA.  She married Morris G Morgan .

+    9          viii      Grace2 Morgan , born 28 Aug 1820 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 7 Jul 1878 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married Wesley Green .

+    10         ix      Elizabeth2 Morgan , born 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 7 Jan 1896.  She married Thomas Albert Starnes .

+    11         x      Jesse T2 Morgan , born 19 Apr 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 6 Jul 1898 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Rutha Morgan .


      Children of Jesse Morgan and Ann Justice were as follows:

      12         i      Mary "Polly"2 Morgan , born 1829 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married aft 1850 in Buncombe Co, NC Whitehead Green , born 11 Sep 1826 in Buncombe Co, NC, son of Jeremiah Green  and Katharine Hagaman .

      13         ii      James Henry2 Morgan , born 1833/34 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1869.  He married on 5 Jun 1859 in Buncombe Co, NC Rachel Eliza Luther , born 22 Apr 1836.

      14         iii      Stephen2 Morgan , born 1835/36 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1863.  He married aft 1850 in Buncombe Co, NC Nancy McRevies .

      15         iv      John P2 Morgan , born 17 Aug 1839 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 2 Jan 1915.  He married (1) in 1850/60 in Buncombe Co, NC Martha Morgan , born 1839/40 in Buncombe Co, NC; died bef 1866 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of Stephen P Morgan  and Nancy Jane Buckner ; (2) in 1866 in Buncombe Co, NC Della Willis , born 19 Aug 1842; died 19 Sep 1887 in Buncombe Co, NC; (3) on 30 Sep 1888 in Buncombe Co, NC Cassie Bishop .

+    16         v      Marion H2 Morgan , born 15 Aug 1843 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 24 May 1928.  He married Julia C Luther .


Generation 2


2. Enoch2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 22 Jul 1812 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Jun 1895 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 15 Nov 1855 in Buncombe Co, NC Rebecca Morgan , born 18 Jun 1818 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 17 Jun 1888 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of Jonathan Morgan  and Rebecca Wilkerson .


      Children of Enoch Morgan and Rebecca Morgan were as follows:

      17         i      Josephine3 Morgan , born 11 May 1857 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 3 Jan 1928.  She married on 21 Mar 1878 in Buncombe Co, NC John J Miller , born 1855/56 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      18         ii      Enoch Judson3 Morgan , born 28 Dec 1859 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 14 Feb 1928.

      19         iii      Sarah R3 Morgan , born 15 Aug 1862 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1 Feb 1940.  She married on 11 Jan 1889 in Buncombe Co, NC Dallas B Jamison .



3. William E "Squire"2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 1813/14 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) in 1850/55 in Buncombe Co, NC Martha Morgan , born 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 6 Oct 1854 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of Stephen Morgan  and Mary "Polly" Stanley ; (2) on 17 Oct 1861 in Buncombe Co, NC Martha J Brisco , born 1828/29 in Buncombe Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC.


      Children of William E "Squire" Morgan and Martha Morgan were as follows:

      20         i      Jesse3 Morgan , born 1854/55 in Buncombe Co, NC.



4. Martha2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 7 Jul 1814 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Jun 1896 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 1 Dec 1837 in Buncombe Co, NC Williams Green , born 14 Mar 1816 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 21 Jan 1898 in Buncombe Co, NC, son of Jeremiah Green  and Katharine Hagaman .


      Children of Martha Morgan and Williams Green were as follows:

      21         i      Mary J3 Green , born 1 Apr 1839 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 17 Dec 1898.  She married Pinkney Morgan , born 22 Aug 1846 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 Sep 1868, son of Lewis R Morgan  and Grace Morgan .

      22         ii      Jesse M3 Green , born 24 Apr 1840 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 29 Sep 1906.  He married on 1 Aug 1867 in Buncombe Co, NC Laura L Thrash , born 1845; died 1928.

      23         iii      Grace Elizabeth3 Green , born 7 May 1842 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 11 Aug 1867 in Buncombe Co, NC Isaac Allison .

      24         iv      Alfred J3 Green , born 7 Jul 1843 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 21 Jun 1892.

      25         v      Thomas L3 Green , born 14 Jan 1845 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 14 Aug 1921.  He married Matilda Swanger , born 1848; died 1921.

      26         vi      W Hilliard3 Green , born 25 Aug 1848 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 Jan 1892.  He married on 3 Nov 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC Elizabeth Wilson .

      27         vii      Enoch W3 Green , born 7 Jul 1852 in Buncombe Co, NC; died Mar 1937.  He married (1) (---) Warren ; (2) on 2 Jun 1898 in Buncombe Co, NC M E Christopher , born 1875/76 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      28         viii      Martha M3 Green , born 19 Dec 1853 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married Monroe Mull .

      29         ix      Montraville B3 Green , born 29 Oct 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 5 Apr 1925.  He married Mattie Taylor .



5. Abner Bruce2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 12 Aug 1815 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 10 Dec 1887 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 16 Sep 1841 in Union Co, GA Martha M Ledford , born 20 Jan 1826 in NC; died 18 Jun 1877 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of Benjamin J Ledford  and Grace Owenby .


      Children of Abner Bruce Morgan and Martha M Ledford were as follows:

      30         i      Lavada3 Morgan , born 2 Oct 1842 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 26 Nov 1904.  She married on 24 Dec 1865 Hamilton A Luther .

+    31         ii      Jesse W3 Morgan , born 13 Jun 1846 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 26 Jun 1901.  He married Mattie E Osborn .

+    32         iii      Benjamin L3 Morgan , born 4 Sep 1847 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 4 Feb 1917.  He married Mary M Culberson .

      33         iv      Silas Marion3 Morgan , born 15 Apr 1850 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 4 Jan 1882 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 7 Jan 1880 Emily L Israel , born 17 Feb 1862; died 24 Mar 1887, daughter of Jesse T Israel  and Lavina Grace Young .

+    34         v      Enoch Judson3 Morgan , born 27 May 1852 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 Aug 1927 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Mary E Israel .

+    35         vi      Franklin Perminter3 Morgan , born 2 Sep 1856 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 8 Nov 1902 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) Rachel Israel ; (2) Tiny Clark .

      36         vii      Martha Ann3 Morgan , born 9 May 1859 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1938.  She married on 24 Aug 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC Richard Hyatt , born 1859; died 1941.

      37         viii      Amy C3 Morgan , born 3 Feb 1862 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 9 May 1879.  She married on 15 Nov 1877 in Buncombe Co, NC J W Smathers , born 1856/57 in Buncombe Co, NC.



6. Silas Marion2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 10 Jun 1818 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Oct 1896 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) on 10 Mar 1855 in McDowell Co, NC Sarah Myra Grant , born 1832/33 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 26 Dec 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of William Grant  and Sarah "Sally" Elms ; (2) on 13 Dec 1859 in Buncombe Co, NC Rebecca A Morgan , born 1839/40 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1861/67 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of Jones H Morgan  and Rebecca Morgan ; (3) in 1861/67 in Buncombe Co, NC Emily Candler , born 1826/27 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1870/80 in Buncombe Co, NC.


      Children of Silas Marion Morgan and Sarah Myra Grant were as follows:

      38         i      Mary Ann "Polly"3 Morgan , born 16 Sep 1856 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 May 1916.  She married on 16 Jan 1879 in Buncombe Co, NC Enoch Judson Morgan , born 14 Nov 1856 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 20 May 1938, son of Lewis R Morgan  and Grace Morgan .

      39         ii      Sarah Myra3 Morgan , born 29 May 1857 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 12 Oct 1934.  She married on 15 Jan 1874 in Buncombe Co, NC James A Reeves .

      40         iii      Silas Lafayette3 Morgan , born 21 Jun 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 29 Jan 1929.  He married on 24 Dec 1895 in Buncombe Co, NC Elmira Morgan , born 1870/71 in Buncombe Co, NC.


      Children of Silas Marion Morgan and Rebecca A Morgan were as follows:

      41         i      Rebecca3 Morgan , born 6 May 1861 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 19 Feb 1897.  She married on 25 Oct 1884 in Buncombe Co, NC G W Chandler , born 1879/80 in Buncombe Co, NC.


      Children of Silas Marion Morgan and Emily Candler were as follows:

      42         i      Martha3 Morgan , born 8 Feb 1867 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 24 Mar 1896.  She married on 23 Mar 1884 in Buncombe Co, NC L Mont Reeves , born 1855; died 1928.



7. Susan2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 7 Jul 1819 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 11 Oct 1849 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married in 1830/39 in Buncombe Co, NC Wesley Green , born 22 Apr 1814 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1885 in Buncombe Co, NC, son of Jeremiah Green  and Katharine Hagaman .


      Children of Susan Morgan and Wesley Green were as follows:

      43         i      Mary A3 Green , born 1838/39 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 18 Sep 1853 in Buncombe Co, NC Alfred Webb .

      44         ii      Grace3 Green , born 1841/42 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      45         iii      Temperence M3 Green , born 1843/44 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 13 Apr 1862 in Buncombe Co, NC David Benson .

+    46         iv      Jane3 Green , born 14 Jan 1845 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 6 Jul 1892.  She married Jonathan L Morgan .

      47         v      Martha3 Green , born 1845/46 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 Jun 1868 in Buncombe Co, NC.



8. Margaret "Peggy"2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 1819/20 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1850/60 in Union Co, GA.  She married in 1830/37 in Buncombe Co, NC Morris G Morgan , born 1809/10 in Buncombe Co, NC, son of James Morgan  and Margaret "Peggy" Grant .


      Children of Margaret "Peggy" Morgan and Morris G Morgan were as follows:

      48         i      Rebecca3 Morgan , born 1834/35 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 14 Feb 1856 in Union Co, GA Robert H Parker .

      49         ii      Jonathan3 Morgan , born 1835/36 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      50         iii      Martha3 Morgan , born 25 Nov 1837 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 18 Jul 1924.  She married on 1 Dec 1859 in Union Co, GA William Peebles , born 15 Jan 1838 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 25 Nov 1910, son of George Peebles .

      51         iv      Margaret3 Morgan , born 1837/38 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      52         v      James3 Morgan , born 1841/42 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      53         vi      Enoch3 Morgan , born 1843/44 in Union Co, GA.

      54         vii      Mary3 Morgan , born 1846/47 in Union Co, GA.

+    55         viii      Morris Grant3 Morgan , born 22 May 1851 in Union Co, GA; died 11 Oct 1927 in Union Co, GA.  He married Rachel Owenby .

      56         ix      Lucinda3 Morgan , born 27 Feb 1853 in Union Co, GA; died 6 Jun 1910.



9. Grace2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 28 Aug 1820 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 7 Jul 1878 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married in 1849/50 in Buncombe Co, NC Wesley Green , born 22 Apr 1814 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1885 in Buncombe Co, NC, son of Jeremiah Green  and Katharine Hagaman .


      Children of Grace Morgan and Wesley Green were as follows:

      57         i      Susan M3 Green , born 13 May 1851 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 4 Feb 1869 in Buncombe Co, NC Waller A Pharr , born 1852; died 1909.

      58         ii      Telitha R3 Green , born 8 Dec 1853 in Buncombe Co, NC.

+    59         iii      Jesse C W3 Green , born 7 Oct 1855 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 29 Oct 1910.  He married Nancy Rebecca Brooks .

      60         iv      Jeremiah William3 Green , born 22 Oct 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 24 Oct 1910.  He married on 20 Feb 1879 in Buncombe Co, NC Sarah Artiller Brooks , born 1 Jun 1859 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 9 Mar 1920.

      61         v      Wilson H3 Green , born 8 Jun 1859 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 6 Oct 1928.  He married (1) on 4 Dec 1881 in Buncombe Co, NC Kittie McFee , born 1862/63 in Buncombe Co, NC; (2) Mary Best .



10. Elizabeth2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 1825 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 7 Jan 1896.  She married on 5 Dec 1842 in Buncombe Co, NC Thomas Albert Starnes , born 8 Apr 1818 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 28 Dec 1897, son of John Starnes  and Mary Hice .


      Children of Elizabeth Morgan and Thomas Albert Starnes were as follows:

      62         i      Susan E3 Starnes , born 1843/44 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married R S Smith .

      63         ii      Grace Caroline3 Starnes , born 1844/45 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married Sims Owenby .

      64         iii      Mary Ann3 Starnes , born 1845/46 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 28 Feb 1867 in Buncombe Co, NC Thomas H Reeves .

      65         iv      Martha Louisa C3 Starnes , born 1846/47 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married W Pennington Clark .

      66         v      John W3 Starnes , born 1849 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 20 Feb 1878 in Buncombe Co, NC Mary J Plemmons , born 1862/63 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      67         vi      Margaret E3 Starnes , born 1851 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      68         vii      Thomas C3 Starnes , born 1852 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Montgomery Campbell .

      69         viii      Jesse R3 Starnes , born 1855 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Margaret Brant .

      70         ix      George H3 Starnes , born 1857 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 1 Jun 1893 in Buncombe Co, NC Theresa E Hackney .

      71         x      Clingman3 Starnes , born 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      72         xi      Eva Miriam3 Starnes , born 1859 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      73         xii      Gonano3 Starnes , born 1860 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      74         xiii      Ida Zone3 Starnes , born 1861 in Buncombe Co, NC.  She married on 9 Sep 1891 in Buncombe Co, NC James J Treadway .



11. Jesse T2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 19 Apr 1827 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 6 Jul 1898 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 28 Feb 1851 in McDowell Co, NC Rutha Morgan , born 17 Feb 1833 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 Feb 1917 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of Elijah Morgan  and Susannah Reel .


      Children of Jesse T Morgan and Rutha Morgan were as follows:

      75         i      William Elijah3 Morgan , born 9 Feb 1852 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 3 Jun 1928.  He married (1) on 19 Mar 1882 in McDowell Co, NC Sinthy Arrena Bright , born 25 Oct 1854 in McDowell Co, NC; died 27 May 1891, daughter of Aaron Bright  and Mary Grant ; (2) on 10 Nov 1894 in Buncombe Co, NC Mary E Ledford , born 1865.

      76         ii      Jesse Calvin3 Morgan , born 30 Jul 1854 in Buncombe Co, NC; died bef 1860 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      77         iii      Mary E3 Morgan , born 22 Nov 1856 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 25 Oct 1899.  She married on 9 Feb 1878 in McDowell Co, NC William Clingman Anderson , born 1856.

      78         iv      Susanna3 Morgan , born 24 Aug 1858 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      79         v      Rutha A3 Morgan , born 29 Sep 1860 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 31 Aug 1915.  She married on 16 Mar 1878 in Buncombe Co, NC William M Edwards .

      80         vi      Joseph G3 Morgan , born 26 Feb 1863 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Margaret Clouse , born 1869.

      81         vii      Marcus Talton3 Morgan , born 16 Oct 1865 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 5 Sep 1889 Mary Etta Jervis , born 1872; died 1963.

      82         viii      Sumpter R3 Morgan , born 29 Nov 1867 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 6 Oct 1924.  He married on 27 Oct 1898 in Buncombe Co, NC Manerva Ross , born 1876/77 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1917.

      83         ix      Eureka3 Morgan , born 9 Dec 1869 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      84         x      Enoch3 Morgan , born 27 Mar 1872 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married Alice Jervis .

      85         xi      Hattie Lee3 Morgan , born 22 Jan 1874 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 17 Jun 1923.

      86         xii      Abner3 Morgan , born 13 Jun 1876 in Buncombe Co, NC; died bef 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      87         xiii      Nelly C3 Morgan , born 18 May 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC.



16. Marion H2 Morgan  (Jesse1), born 15 Aug 1843 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 24 May 1928.  He married on 4 Mar 1869 in Buncombe Co, NC Julia C Luther , born 10 Feb 1843 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 15 Apr 1924.


      Children of Marion H Morgan and Julia C Luther were as follows:

      88         i      Charles3 Morgan , born 1873/74 in Buncombe Co, NC.


Generation 3


31. Jesse W3 Morgan  (Abner Bruce2, Jesse1), born 13 Jun 1846 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 26 Jun 1901.  He married on 4 Feb 1872 in Buncombe Co, NC Mattie E Osborn , born Oct 1848 in Buncombe Co, NC.


      Children of Jesse W Morgan and Mattie E Osborn were as follows:

      89         i      Willie4 Morgan , born 1877/78 in Buncombe Co, NC.



32. Benjamin L3 Morgan  (Abner Bruce2, Jesse1), born 4 Sep 1847 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 4 Feb 1917.  He married in 1870/71 in Buncombe Co, NC Mary M Culberson , born 25 Dec 1849 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 17 Feb 1913.


      Children of Benjamin L Morgan and Mary M Culberson were as follows:

      90         i      Lucy E4 Morgan , born 1870/71 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      91         ii      William A4 Morgan , born 1872/73 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      92         iii      Martha M4 Morgan , born 1875/76 in Buncombe Co, NC.



34. Enoch Judson3 Morgan  (Abner Bruce2, Jesse1), born 27 May 1852 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 22 Aug 1927 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married on 25 Jan 1874 in Buncombe Co, NC Mary E Israel , born 23 Feb 1853 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 12 Feb 1928, daughter of Jesse T Israel  and Lavina Grace Young .


      Children of Enoch Judson Morgan and Mary E Israel were as follows:

      93         i      Melvin M4 Morgan , born 1874/75 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      94         ii      Martha E4 Morgan , born 1875/76 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      95         iii      Dollie A4 Morgan , born 1877/78 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      96         iv      Jesse L4 Morgan , born Sep 1879 in Buncombe Co, NC.



35. Franklin Perminter3 Morgan  (Abner Bruce2, Jesse1), born 2 Sep 1856 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 8 Nov 1902 in Buncombe Co, NC.  He married (1) on 4 Feb 1877 in Buncombe Co, NC Rachel Israel , born 24 Mar 1855 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 8 Jun 1882 in Buncombe Co, NC, daughter of Jesse T Israel  and Lavina Grace Young ; (2) in Buncombe Co, NC Tiny Clark .


      Children of Franklin Perminter Morgan and Rachel Israel were as follows:

      97         i      Bruce4 Morgan , born 1877/78 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      98         ii      Melta4 Morgan , born Oct 1879 in Buncombe Co, NC.



46. Jane3 Green  (Susan2 Morgan, Jesse1), born 14 Jan 1845 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 6 Jul 1892.  She married on 16 Aug 1867 in Buncombe Co, NC Jonathan L Morgan , born 2 Dec 1842 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 6 Feb 1901, son of Jones H Morgan  and Rebecca Morgan .


      Children of Jane Green and Jonathan L Morgan were as follows:

      99         i      Eve4 Morgan , born 1867/68 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      100       ii      Clement4 Morgan , born 1870/71 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      101       iii      Collin4 Morgan , born 1873/74 in Buncombe Co, NC.

      102       iv      Edward4 Morgan , born Apr 1880 in Buncombe Co, NC.



55. Morris Grant3 Morgan  (Margaret "Peggy"2 Morgan, Jesse1), born 22 May 1851 in Union Co, GA; died 11 Oct 1927 in Union Co, GA.  He married bef 1880 in Union Co, GA Rachel Owenby , born 9 Dec 1854 in Union Co, GA; died 16 Jun 1919 in Union Co, GA, daughter of Humphrey Posey Owenby  and Mary Emily Israel .


      Children of Morris Grant Morgan and Rachel Owenby were as follows:

+    103       i      Ezra B4 Morgan , born 28 Aug 1898 in Union Co, GA; died 4 Sep 1983 in Union Co, GA.  He married Bessie Ellen Gilbert .



59. Jesse C W3 Green  (Grace2 Morgan, Jesse1), born 7 Oct 1855 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 29 Oct 1910.  He married on 21 Nov 1878 in Buncombe Co, NC Nancy Rebecca Brooks , born 1857/58 in Buncombe Co, NC.


      Children of Jesse C W Green and Nancy Rebecca Brooks were as follows:

      104       i      Lola4 Green , born 1878/79 in Buncombe Co, NC. Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Mary