Christian Hensley (bef 1806) and Margaret Shaw of Monroe Co., TN Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Families > Christian

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The author (Marty Grant) is not related to Christian Hensley as far as can be determined. He did live in the same county (Monroe Co, TN) as my ancestor Samuel Hensley (1801-1852).

Since I have only found exactly two records on Christian, it has occurred to me that he might not be a Hensley at all but a Housley instead, for those surnames are often hard to distinguish, depending on the handwriting. There were Housleys in Monroe County at the same time as the Hensleys. Even though I have very little information on Christian, keep in mind that I'm not real sure he is a Hensley at all.

Christian Hensley was born before 1806, assuming he was at least 21 when listed on the 1827 Monroe Co., TN Tax List. He could have been as young as 16 though. I don't know where he was born, though Tennessee or Virginia are the most likely places, with North Carolina, South Carolina or Georgia being possible but less likely.

I have no clue about who Christian's parents might be. There were several Hensleys in Monroe County who could be his close relations, but I have no information tying him to any of them.

There was a Christian Ousley (c1817 TN) in Knox Co., TN in 1840 and 1850 but he can't be the same person as Christian Hensley who married in Monroe in 1842 for he (Ousley) married in Knox that same year and month to Eliza Jane Miller, and had previously married Rachel Miller in 1836. The Ousley surname is often spelled Housley, so I thought this was relevant, though clearly not the same person.

If Christian Hensley was old enough to be listed on the 1827 tax list, then you would assume he would be listed on the 1830 census as well, but he was not. He may have been a single man and living with his parents or other relatives at that time. Only heads of household were listed by name in 1830. There were eight Hensley households in Monroe in 1830, but none of them had an apparent son his age living with them.

There was no Christian Hensley (or similar) listed anywhere on the 1830 census as far as I could find.

I could not find Christian Hensley on the 1840 census either. By this time he would have been in his 30's (or late 20's) and ought to be listed somewhere. However he may have still been single and living with another family.

On 14 Jan 1842 Christian Hensley married Margaret A. Shaw in Monroe Co., TN. It has occurred to me that this marriage might be for a different Christian Hensley than the one listed in Monroe in 1827, but that would mean there were two mystery men named Christian Hensley in the area. I think it is probably the same guy on both records, but there is a little room for doubt.

Other researchers show Margaret A. Shaw born ca 1825, and a daughter of Francis Shaw and Elizabeth Mosher of neighboring Blount Co., TN (married in that county 6 Feb 1823.) I have no evidence to confirm they are her parents, but it could be accurate. Widow Elizabeth Shaw was listed on the 1840 census in Blount with several children at home, including two daughters born 1835/40, one born 1830/35, and one born 1825/30. This oldest one may be Margaret A. Shaw.

I could not find Christian Hensley and wife Margaret on the 1850 or later census records. A marriage record seems to suggest that Christian Hensley had died between 1842 and 25 Dec 1847 for on that latter date, Margaret Holsey married Samuel Johnston in Monroe Co., TN. ** I have not seen the original marriage record, so I don't know if it actually says "Holsey" or was must a misread "Hensley" but it wouldn't surprise me if it actually said Holsey.

There were only two Samuel Johnston's in Monroe Co., TN in 1850. One was a child, the other was born ca 1795 in South Carolina. His wife was Margaret born ca 1800 in TN. That is too old to be the same Margaret assuming she was indeed born ca 1825 and a daughter of Francis and Elizabeth (married 1823.) Other researchers show this couple to be Samuel McMillan Johnston (7 Feb 1794 York Dist, SC - 1 Apr 1876 Monroe Co., TN) and wife Margaret Johnston (her surname was also Johnston), married 11 Feb 1817.  This fits pretty well with the couple listed on the 1850 Monroe census. Their oldest child at home was born ca 1820, and the youngest born ca 1836. Therefore, assuming the Johnston researchers have done a good job, then this isn't the same Samuel who married Margaret Shaw Hensley in 1847.

If the above couple isn't the same Margaret, then where was she in 1850? There were six Margaret Johnstons in Monroe in 1850.  One, born ca 1829 TN, was wife of E. Johnston, two children: Mary ca 1847 TN and Lafayette ca 1849. That fits, though the husband's name is unknown other than the initial E. The next Margaret in 1850 was the one mentioned before, born ca 1800, and wife of Samuel (c1795 SC). They also had an apparent daughter Margaret (c1827) living with them. The next one was a child with her parents. The last two were in the same household, one being the wife born ca 1793 SC, with daughter Margaret born ca 1830 TN. The husband's name was almost illegible. It looks like "Seill" Johnston.

None of those six Margarets in Monroe in 1850 appear to be the same one who had been married to Christian Hensley. I also checked in neighboring Blount County since that is where her parents had lived. No sign of her there either.

Those same Johnston researchers I mentioned before show that Margaret Shaw moved to Louisa County, Iowa and married Josiah J. Orr there in 1851, and died there in 1859.

This information seems to be confirmed in the marriage record I found in Louisa Co., IA between Josia J. Orr and Margaret A. Johnston dated 28 Aug 1851.

This shows two interesting things, one: Margaret was in Iowa by late 1851; Two: Samuel Johnson had died between 1847 and 1851 when she remarried.

I checked the 1850 census of Louisa Co., IA for any sign of Margaret or her family, but found none. She wasn't there in 1850. There were Orr families there, all from Tennessee. There were no Shaws there in 1850.

I found Josiah Orr, age 38 (born ca 1811/12 TN) with his widowed mother Mary (---) Orr (c1790 TN), on the 1850 census in Monroe Co., TN.

For the 1860 census, I found Josiah J. Orr in Louisa Co., IA in Union Township, with his mother Mary and other relatives in the household. Josiah was listed as age 47, and with two apparent children: Mary A. Orr, (c1853 IA), and Emma E. (c1859 IA).  Several Shaw families were nearby.

The above census and marriage data supports the Johnston researchers claims that Margaret died in Louisa Co., IA on 31 Aug 1859.

Children of Christian Hensley and Margaret A. Shaw. I don't know if Christian Hensley and wife Margaret A. Shaw had any children. I've not located any orphaned Hensley children born between 1842 and 1847 who might be theirs.

I don't know if Margaret and her second husband Samuel Johnston had any children, but it appears that she and her third husband Josiah J. Orr had two children together before she died.

Researcher List

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Register Report

1. Margaret A1 Shaw , died 31 Aug 1859 in Louisa Co, IA, daughter of Francis Shaw  and Elizabeth Mosher .  She married (1) on 14 Jan 1842 in Monroe Co, TN Christian Hensley , born bef 1806; died 1842/47 in Monroe Co, TN; (2) on 25 Dec 1847 in Monroe Co, TN Samuel Johnston , died 1847/51 in Monroe Co, TN; (3) on 28 Aug 1851 in Louisa Co, IA Josiah J Orr , born 1811/12 in TN; died aft 1860 in Louisa Co, IA, son of (---) Orr  and Mary (---) .


      Children of Margaret A Shaw and Josiah J Orr were as follows:

      2          i      Mary A2 Orr , born 1852/53 in Louisa Co, IA.

      3          ii      Emma E2 Orr , born 1858/59 in Louisa Co, IA. Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Families > Christian