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I (Marty Grant) am not related to Elizabeth Hensley as far as I know.
Elizabeth Hensley was born ca 1816/17 in Virginia. I don't know what county. Southwestern Virginia seems a more likely area, but I don't know for sure. (That would be Washington, Scott, or Russell County, etc) She was in Washington Co, TN by 1850, and I don't know when she might have moved there.
I don't know who Elizabeth's parents were. She might be a daughter of the elder Elizabeth Hensley (c1783). I have no proof of this connection, but she is the prime suspect so far.
Elizabeth was presumably with her parents for the 1820, 1830 and 1840 census.
Unfortunately, the 1820 census for Washington Co, TN is lost, so if Elizabeth was there, I can't determine where.
In 1830, Elizabeth would have been about 13 years old. She should have been enumerated in the 10-14 age group (born ca 1815/20). None of the Hensley households in Washington Co, TN in 1830 had a female this age with them. That either means that Elizabeth was not yet in Washington Co, TN by then, or she was living with another family. (In 1850 she was with the James Biddle family).
In 1840, Elizabeth would have been about 23 years old. She would have been enumerated in the 20-29 age group (born ca 1810/20). Only one Hensley family in 1840 Washington Co, TN had a female this age (who wasn't the wife of the head of household). That was the elder Elizabeth Hensley (c1783). Since Elizabeth (Sr) was the only one in 1840 Washington Co, TN with an apparent child Elizabeth's age, that makes her the prime suspect for her mother. Of course this isn't enough to draw any conclusions from.
Elizabeth Hensley was listed on the 1850 census with the James Biddle (c1808) and Elizabeth Biddle (c1807) family. I don't know how she might be related to them. She can't be Elizabeth Biddle's sister, considering they have the same given name, however, they were both born in Virginia, so that suggests a connection (perhaps cousins, or Elizabeth Biddle might be Elizabeth Hensley's Aunt). In any event, the James Biddle family was enumerated twice. Both listings were identical with one exception (daughter Sarah Biddle was listed as "Sarah M" on one, and "Sarah Ann" on the other). The two listings were exactly 100 households apart.
1850 WASHINGTON CO, TN Page 158 House/Family # 664/ 791 - 4th Subdivision BIDDLE JAMES 42 M W FARMER 3000 TN 1807/1808 BIDDLE ELIZABETH 43 F W VA 1806/1807 BIDDLE ALEXANDER W 17 M W TN 1832/1833 BIDDLE JACOB N 14 M W TN 1835/1836 BIDDLE JOHN W 10 M W TN 1839/1840 BIDDLE MARY A 8 F W TN 1841/1842 BIDDLE NANCY M 6 F W TN 1843/1844 BIDDLE SARAH M 4 F W TN 1845/1846 HENSLY ELIZABETH 33 F W VA 1816/1817 1850 WASHINGTON CO, TN Page 159 House/Family # 764/ 806 - 4th Subdivision BIDDLE JAMES 42 M W FARMER 3000 TN 1807/1808 BIDDLE ELIZABETH 43 F W VA 1806/1807 BIDDLE ALEX W 17 M W FARMER TN 1832/1833 BIDDLE JACOB N 14 M W TN 1835/1836 BIDDLE JOHN W 10 M W TN 1839/1840 BIDDLE MARY A 8 F W TN 1841/1842 BIDDLE NANCY M 6 F W TN 1843/1844 BIDDLE SARAH ANN 4 F W TN 1845/1846 HENSLY ELIZABETH 33 F W VA 1816/1817
There was an Elizabeth Hensley, age 45 on the 1860 census in Washington Co, TN. She was living with the Benjamin and Mary Pain family. It would seem to be the same Elizabeth, though she is listed as being born in Tennessee on this record.
1860 WASHINGTON CO, TN Page 156 House/Family # 363/ 363 -- 3rd DISTRICT PAIN BENJAMIN W 35 M W FARMER 3000 1000 TN 1824/1825 PAIN MARY E 25 F W TN 1834/1835 PAIN MABLE 4 F W TN 1855/1856 PAIN DORA 1 F W TN 1858/1859 HENSLEY ELIZABETH 45 F W TN 1814/1815 GREENWAY MATILDA 16 F W TN 1843/1844
I have no data on Elizabeth after this point.
I don't know if Elizabeth ever married or had children.
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