M. S. P. Hensley (c1826) and Henry C. Hensley (c1829) and Rachel Anderson of KY and Davidson Co, TN

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I (Marty Grant) am not related to M. S. P. Hensley and Henry C. Hensley, as far as I know.

These two men are not proven brothers, but they were both born in KY, and were both living in the same hotel in Nashville, TN in 1850. It seems clear that they are closely related, though it is possible they are cousins instead of brothers. Further evidence that they are probably brothers is that Henry named one of his sons "M. S. P.", presumably after his brother. The 1880 census shows that both of Henry's parents were also born in Kentucky, so that shows his roots were deep in Kentucky.

M. S. P. Hensley (don't know what his initials stand for) was born ca 1825/26 in Kentucky, county unknown. His apparent brother Henry C. Hensley was born ca 1828/29 in Kentucky, county unknown.

Presumably these two were home with their parents for the 1830 and 1840 census, presumably in Kentucky somewhere. There were many Hensley households in Kentucky during those years, so without additional evidence, I don't even want to speculate as to what county they were from in Kentucky.

For the 1850 census, both men were in the City of Nashville, Davidson County, Tennessee, living in the "Servance House" Hotel along with many others. They were both listed as Book Keepers, so it seems likely they had some form of education.  Of the many people in this hotel at that time, it isn't known if anyone else there was related to them. Only one other resident was born in Kentucky (P. B. West).

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 DAVIDSON CO, NC Page 131B  House/Family #  695/ 708  - CITY OF NASHVILLE Twp

EAKIN WILLIAM S       30 M W MERCHANT                   TN                   1819/1820
EAKIN JEMIMA G        20 F W                            TN                   1829/1830
EAKIN H C              1 M W                            NY                   1848/1849
KRAMEY MARY           25 F W                            IRELAND              1824/1825
GALLOWAY F W          26 M W MERCHANT                   TN                   1823/1824
NOGLE JOHN            39 M W CLERK                      PA                   1810/1811
JEFFRY ALEXANDER      35 M W GASS? ENGINEER             SCOTLAND             1814/1815
JEFFRY JULIA G        10 F W                            NY                   1839/1840
JEFFRY C R             7 F W                            NY                   1842/1843
JEFFRY BETSY C         6 F W                            NY                   1843/1844
ROSS JANE C           50 F W                            SCOTLAND             1799/1800
WILSON GEORGE         56 M W BOOK KEEPER                ENGLAND              1793/1794
WEST P B              40 M W MERCHANT                   KY                   1809/1810
HENSLY M S P          24 M W BOOK KEEPER                KY                   1825/1826
WHEELER DANIEL        18 M W BOOK KEEPER                CT                   1831/1832
McCLANNAHAN? J G      25 M W MERCHANT                   PA                   1824/1825
BUCKLEY THOMAS        40 M W PRINTER                    IRELAND              1809/1810
HITE THOMAS D         25 M W MERCHANT                   TN                   1824/1825
WHITE R L             21 M W BOOK KEEPER                VA                   1828/1829
HENSLEY H C           21 M W BOOK KEEPER                KY                   1828/1829
BRACKIN RICHARD H     25 M W MERCHANT                   OH                   1824/1825
BROWN R W             25 M W LAWYER                     TN                   1824/1825
BEARDLE E A           20 M W CLERK                      CT                   1829/1830
MARCUS J              21 M W CLERK                      IRELAND              1828/1829

On 5 Jan 1853, Henry C. Hensley obtained a marriage bond in Davidson Co, TN to marry Rachel A. Anderson. They were married the next day, on 6 Jan 1853. Rachel was born ca 1824/25 in Tennessee (county unknown). I don't know who her father was, but her mother was probably the Nancy Anderson who was living with her and Henry in 1860.

Henry and family were listed on the 1860 census in Davidson Co, TN.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 DAVIDSON CO, TN Page 362B  House/Family #  440/ 487 -- 3rd WARD NASHVILLE Twp

HENSLY HENRY C        30 M W BOOK KEEPER              700 KY                   1829/1830
HENSLY RACHEL A       26 F W                              TN                   1833/1834
HENSLY ANDREW A        6 M W                              TN                   1853/1854
HENSLY NANNIE          4 F W                              TN                   1855/1856
ANDERSON NANCY        55 F W                              KY                   1804/1805

"H. C. Hensley" was listed on the 1870 census index in Davidson County. ** I don't have this entry yet.

Henry C. Hensley was still in Nashville, Davidson County, TN for the 1880 census. This record confirms Henry was born in Kentucky, and also states both his parents were also born in KY.

I have no records on Henry after 1880.

I don't know what happened to M. S. P. Hensley after 1850, though a "P. Hensley" is listed in 1860 Davidson County also, but not near Henry. Their are three problems with the listing for "P. Hensley". The first is that he was too young to be the same person (though this is a common census problem), the second thing is that he was born in Tennessee (whereas M.S.P was born in KY), and thirdly, this listing may actually say "Hunley" instead of "Hensley". I've examined it closely, and I can't be totally sure, but I think it does say "Hunley". However, for the sake of thoroughness, here is the listing:

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 DAVIDSON CO, TN Page 302   House/Family #  885/ 843 -- 23rd DISTRICT Twp

HENSLEY P (*HUNLEY?*) 26 M W FARMER                       TN                   1833/1834
HENSLEY Mrs S         24 F W                              TN                   1835/1836
HENSLEY WILLIAM        3 M W                              TN                   1856/1857
HENSLEY SARAH          2 F W                              TN                   1857/1858

I have no data on "M. S. P." Hensley after 1860.


I have no additional data on Henry or brother M. S. P. Hensley's children.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):


Register Report

1. (---)1 Hensley , born in KY.  He married bef 1826 in KY ? (---) , born in KY.


      Children of (---) Hensley and ? (---) were as follows:

+    2          i      M S P2 Hensley , born 1825/26 in KY. 

+    3          ii      Henry C2 Hensley , born 1828/29 in KY.  He married Rachel A Anderson .


Generation 2


3. Henry C2 Hensley  ((---)1), born 1828/29 in KY.  He married on 6 Jan 1853 in Davidson Co, TN Rachel A Anderson , born 1824/25 in TN, daughter of (---) Anderson  and Nancy (---) .


      Children of Henry C Hensley and Rachel A Anderson were as follows:

      6          i      Andrew A3 Hensley , born 1853/54 in Davidson Co, TN.

      7          ii      Nannie3 Hensley , born 1855/56 in Davidson Co, TN.

      8          iii      Alice3 Hensley , born 1861/62 in Davidson Co, TN.

      9          iv      M S P3 Hensley , born 1863/64 in KY.

martygrant.com: Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Families > M. S. P. and Henry