Lucinda Hensley (c1834) of Campbell Co, TN Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Families > Lucinda

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I (Marty Grant) am not related to Lucinda as far as I know.

Lucinda Hensley is either a widow or a single mother. I'm not sure which at this point, but I'll assume widow until further evidence is found.

Lucinda, maiden name unknown, was born ca 1833/34 in Tennessee, county unknown, though possibly in Campbell County where she was found later.

Lucinda married a Mr. Hensley sometime before ca 1857 in Campbell Co, TN. I have no clues what his given name was, nor what Hensley family he might belong to. There was a Thomas Hensley (1800/10) in Campbell Co, TN back in 1840 (but none there in 1850).

Lucinda's husband apparently died between ca 1858 and 1860, for she was an apparent widow on the 1860 census. She had two Thompsons living with her, perhaps relatives (perhaps "Thompson" is her maiden name).

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 CAMPBELL CO, TN Page 446   House/Family #   29/  29 -- 4th CIVIL DISTRICT

HENSLEY LUCINDA       26 F W                              TN                   1833/1834
HENSLEY ELIZA JANE     3 F W                              TN                   1856/1857
HENSLEY MARY           2 F W                              TN                   1857/1858
THOMPSON CAROLINE     22 F W                              TN                   1837/1838
THOMPSON MARY ADELIN   2 F W                              TN                   1857/1858

I don't have any record of her after 1860.


Lucinda had two children with her in 1860. I have no further record of them.

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Register Report

1. ?1 Hensley , died bef 1860 in Campbell Co, TN.  He married bef 1857 in Campbell Co, TN Lucinda (---) , born 1833/34 in TN.


      Children of ? Hensley and Lucinda (---) were as follows:

      2          i      Eliza Jane2 Hensley , born 1856/57 in Campbell Co, TN.

      3          ii      Mary2 Hensley , born 1857/58 in Campbell Co, TN. Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Families > Lucinda