Ruthe Muench Collection Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Ruthe Muench Collection > Box 1

Revision History:
  • 3 Nov 2012 - Added Folders 11, 12 & 13.

  • 29 Oct 2009 - Added Folder 10, various items.

  • 25 Oct 2009 - New page by Marty Grant.

Box 1  - Contains numerous folders, numerous index cards and various loose papers.

There was some copyrighted material included, mainly photocopies from books. That material is noted, but is not available for download.
The number in parenthesis is the page count.

Loose Papers (I put them in a plain manila folder after scanning)

  1. Godsey History, by B. Godsey, 1961 (16)
  2. The Hensley Tree (Vol 1?), Walter Lee Hensley (Incomplete) © (88) * Note: This is a horrible book, it should be avoided at all costs. However, if you must see it, it is available free online at the LDS site.
  3. The Hensley Tree (Vol 2?), Walter Lee Hensley (Incomplete) © (43)

Folder 1 - Various Items (Manila)

  1. Pages from Accomack-Northampton Co., VA Court Records 1600s © (5)
  2. Scott Co., VA Personal Property Tax Lists 1815-1840 (11) - Hensley and other surnames.
  3. Pages from The Militia of Washington Co., VA Officers 1777-1835 Militia Men 1798-1835 © 1979 (5)

Folder 2 - Various Items (Large Brown Envelope)

  1. Harlan Co., KY Hensley Marriages (Males) (4)
  2. Harlan Co., KY Hensley Marriages (Females) (5)
  3. Pages from Knox Co., TN Hensley Marriages © (2)
  4. McKean, Bernice to Ruthe Muench 1985-09-20 (3) - Peters
  5. Owen Co., IN Births, Marriages, Deaths (WPA) (1)
  6. Scott Co., VA Marriages 1815-1939 (Males) (14) - Hensley only
  7. Scott Co., VA Marriages 1815-1939 (Females) (12) - Hensley only

Folder 3 - Various Items (Large Brown Envelope from Department of Health and Human Services)

  1. Carter, Mary (Mrs. William D.) to Ruthe Muench 1981-09-09 (James Hensley Scott Co., VA) (1)
  2. Carter, Mary (Mrs. William D.) to Ruthe Muench 1981-10-09 (James Hensley Scott Co., VA) (2)
  3. Carter, Mary (Mrs. William D.) Pedigree Chart (2)
  4. Carter, William D to Ruthe Muench before 1981-07-17 (Dixon, Maps, etc.) (7)
  5. Carter, William D to Ruthe Muench 1981-07-20 (SW VA, Dixon, Hickam, etc) (3)
  6. Carter, William D to Ruthe Muench 1981-08-03 (SW VA, E TN) (2)
  7. Carter, William D to Ruthe Muench 1981-09-09 (Maps SW VA) (6)
  8. Carter, William D to Ruthe Muench 1982-06-03 (Scott Co., VA, Good, Dixon) (1)
  9. Muench, Ruthe to Friends 1981-08-14 (Bledsoe, Carter, William Hensley, SW VA Land Grants, Darnell) (4)
  10. Muench, Ruthe to Friends 1981-10-13 (1)
  11. Muench, Ruthe to Jim Brown 1976-02-28 (SW VA) (2)
  12. Muench, Ruthe to William D. Carter 1981-07-17 (3)
  13. Muench, Ruthe to William D. Carter 1981-07-23 (SW VA Hensleys) (7)
  14. Muench, Ruthe to William D. Carter 1982-06-26
  15. Map of Scott Co., VA and Hawkins and Sullivan Co., TN showing Hensleys (Jim Brown 1976) (2)
  16. Scott Co., VA Benjamin Smith vs James Hensley 1842-04-14 (1)
  17. Scott Co., VA Benjamin Smith vs James Hensley 1842-09-14 (1)
  18. Scott Co., VA Benjamin Smith vs James Hensley 1843-04-13 (2)
  19. Scott Co., VA Elizabeth Dixon vs Andrew Dixon, Divorce 1853-09-28 (1)
  20. Scott Co., VA James Hensley and Ellen vs Michael Gabbard 1856-10-16 (2)
  21. Scott Co., VA James Hensley and Ellen vs Michael Gabbard 1858-05-26 (1)
  22. Scott Co., VA James Hensley and wife vs Michael Gabbard and others 1859-05-27 (2)
  23. Scott Co., VA James Hensley for murder 1828-06-10 (6)
  24. Scott Co., VA James Larky vs Nancy Hensley adm of Fielding Hensley, Zachariah Hensley 1840-04-16 (1)
  25. Scott Co., VA Marriage Francis Good to Elizabeth Dixon 1854-03-04 (1)
  26. Scott Co., VA Overseers of the Poor vs James Hensley 1831-03-08 (1)
  27. Scott Co., VA Road View Zachariah Hensley and others 1828-11-13 (1)
  28. Scott Co., VA Temple Hensley Bond 1815-02-16 (1)
  29. Scott Co., VA Temple Hensley Bond for Constable 1815-06-14 (2)
  30. Pages from The Lost Town of Bledsoeborough, Tennessee by Vernon Roddy © (4)
  31. Washington and Scott Co., VA Maps showing Hensley Lands (by William D. Carter, 1981) (2)
  32. Washington and Scott Co., VA Topo Map showing Land Grants (2)
  33. Washington Co., VA Hensley Families (Fielding, Robert, William, Larkin) (1)

Folder 4 - Godsey Information (Manila)

  1. Inside Folder Front Cover (1)
  2. Godsey - 1850 Census Sumner Co., TN and Mecklenburg Co., VA (1)
  3. Godsey and Hensley - Notes Cumberland and Franklin Co., VA (1)
  4. Muench, Ruthe to Rose Rowe 1969-07-07 (1)
  5. Muench, Ruthe to Rose Rowe 1970-01-31 (3)
  6. Muench, Ruthe to Rose Rowe 1970-02-08 (1)
  7. Muench, Ruthe to Rose Rowe 1971-02-23 (1)
  8. Notes Godsey, Hensley, Millsaps (1)
  9. Rose Rowe Pedigree Chart (2)
  10. Rowe, Rose FGS Millsaps, Godsey, Hensley (4)
  11. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1969-07-03 (1)
  12. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1970-01-15 (1)
  13. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1970-02-14 (1)
  14. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1970-03-09 (1)
  15. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1970-04-19 (2)
  16. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1970-06-17 (4)
  17. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1971-03-05 (1)
  18. Rowe, Rose to Ruthe Muench 1971-09-06 (1)
  19. Rowe, Rose to Squire Baker 1970-04-18 (1)
  20. Scott Co., VA Heirs of Larkin Hensley vs Mary Benham et al 1815-1818 (2)

Folder 5 - Casteel Information (Manila)

  1. 1860 Russell and Scott County Census data (2)
  2. Genealogy of the Casteel Family (5)
  3. Note on Daniel Casteel (1)
  4. Pages from The Complete Book of Emigrants in Bondage 1614-1775 © (2)

Folder 6 - Betsy Hensley Descendants and Roane County, Tennessee Info (Red Folder)

  1. Elizabeth Hensley John Fleenor and David Haley Roane Co, TN (32)
  2. FGS John Fleenor and Elizabeth Hensley (2)
  3. Rosters and Soldiers - David Haley (1)

Folder 7 - Various Items (Blue)

  1. Deed Robert Hensley 1807 Clark Co., KY (5)
  2. FGS John Hensley (1824) and Nancy Jane Steele (Scott Co., VA and Owen Co., IN) (1)
  3. Land Grant Register Joseph Hensley 1781 Washington Co., VA (5)
  4. Scott Co., VA Court James Hensley 11 Jan 1825 (1)
  5. Smith, Opal L to Ruthe Muench 1988-03-09 (4)
  6. Will of Samuel Hensley 1765 Spotsylvania Co., VA (2)

Folder 8 - Various items (Brown Envelope from Thomas F. Norris, Jr to Ruthe Muench)

  1. 1850 Washington Co., VA Census Entry John Hensley (1)
  2. Envelope Thomas F. Norris Jr 1984-03-19 (1)
  3. John Peters Land divisions (6)
  4. Muench, Ruthe to Thomas F. Norris 1984-02-23 (1)
  5. Muench, Ruthe to Thomas F. Norris 1984-03-11 (1)
  6. Norris, Thomas F to Ruthe Muench 1984-01-28 (5)
  7. Norris, Thomas F to Ruthe Muench 1984-02-24 (4)
  8. Norris, Thomas F to Ruthe Muench 1984-03-01 (3)
  9. Norris, Thomas F to Ruthe Muench 1984-03-19 (3)
  10. Page from The Southwestern Virginian Vol VI Dec 1983 Number 31 © (1)
  11. Photocopy from unidentified book regarding Samuel Howard, Rev Soldier © (1)
  12. Various FGS from Thomas F. Norris (12)

Folder 9 - Various items (Manila)

  1. 1860 Scott Co, VA Census James Bright and FGS Cedar Hensley Orange Co, VA (1)
  2. — Adele to Nanon — 1958-07-11 (1)
  3. Bettencourt, Darlene to Ruthe Muench 1982-01-26 (2)
  4. FGS John Hensley Kanawha Co, WV and Fretwell Hensley Cabell Co, WV (1)
  5. FGS William Hensley Taylor Culpeper Co, VA (4)
  6. Frey, Ruth to Ruthe Muench 1974-11-11 (2)
  7. Kathy to Ruthe Muench 1975-03-13 (6)
  8. Misc Hensley Notes (2)
  9. Morrison, Estella to Ruthe Muench 1979-06-29 (2)
  10. Muench, Ruthe to Bobbie O'Dell 1981-03-18 (1)
  11. Muench, Ruthe to Cindy Stamps 1982-09-09 (2)
  12. Muench, Ruthe to Shirley — 1966-10-18 (1)
  13. O'dell, Cecil to Ruthe Muench 1981-03-23 (1)
  14. Stamps, Cindy to Ruthe Muench no date 1982 (1)

Folder 10 - Various items (Manila)

  1. 10 1830, 1840, 1860 Census Scott Co, VA various names (3)
  2. Pages from Apprentices of Virginia 1623-1800 by Harold B Gill Jr © (2)
  3. Carr, Nanon L to Ruthe Muench 1972-05-27 - Fulkerson, Livingston, Head, etc (6)
  4. Caswell Co, NC Marriages (2)
  5. Cook, Violet to Mrs. Gibbons 1967-06-22 (Fleenor) (3)
  6. Cornett Information (9)
  7. Culpeper Co, VA Deed 1756 King to Thomas (William Hensley mentioned) (1)
  8. FGS James R Hensley and Sarah Davis Scott Co, VA (1)
  9. FGS Mary Hensley (b 1838) of Scott Co, VA (1)
  10. FGS William Hensley and Mary Black of VA and MO (2)
  11. Fleener - Fleenor information (11)
  12. Fleenor Notes 1968 page 3 (1)
  13. Pages from History of Scott County pp 124-125 © (2)
  14. John Fleener vs Elizabeth Fleener - Divorce (2)
  15. John Fleener vs Elizabeth Fleener - Divorce (4)
  16. Lewis, Donna J. to Ruthe Muench 1988-01-17 (Hensleys VA, KY, MO)
  17. Louisa Co, VA Marriage Redd and Tyler 1831 (1)
  18. Map of Fredericksville Parish, VA (Albemarle and Louisa Counties) showing some of the Hensleys (1)
  19. Marriages and Cemeteries of Boone Co, MO (3)
  20. Marriages of Franklin Co, KY - Boone Co, KY from LDS Film 873777 (2)
  21. Monroe Co, IN Marriages Hensley, Fleenor, others (1)
  22. Montgomery Co, KY Hensleys (4)
  23. Muench, Ruthe to Donna J Lewis 1988-03-01 (2)
  24. Page from Unidentified Polk Co, MO Book p 652 © (1)
  25. Richard Hensley Revolutionary War Service - Virginia (VA) (2)
  26. Scott Co, VA Births and Deaths, Various names (1)

Folder 11 - Leroy Ellis Info (100mb)- Added 11/3/2012

Folder 12 - Estate of Henry Hensley 1837 Monroe Co., IN (70mb)- Added 11/3/2012

Folder 13 - Robert Hensley Revolutionary War Pension File (13) (110mb) - Added 11/3/2012

There are additional folders in Box 1. I will get to those as time permits. Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Ruthe Muench Collection > Box 1