Merrill Patterson (1790/1800) and Biddy Wood of Hall and Habersham Co., GA Home > Genealogy > Patterson > Families > Merrill

Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report

Revision History:

The author (Marty Grant) is not related to Merrill Patterson as far as can be determined.

Merrill Patterson was born ca 1790/1800 per his age on the 1830 census (30-39). I don't know where he was born or who his parents were, nor what other Pattersons he might be related to.

On 5 Jan 1823 Merrill Patterson married Biddy Wood in Hall Co., GA. They were married by William Robbins, Justice of the Peace. Biddy was born ca 1800/1810 per her age on the 1830 census. I don't know where she was born, nor who her parents were.

They are listed on the 1830 census in neighboring Habersham Co., GA, but not near any other Pattersons. John Wood (1800/10) was next door, perhaps Biddy's brother.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Habersham Co., GA page 47 Merrill Patterson 1001010000000-1000200000000
1 Male 30-39	(1790/1800)	Merrill Patterson (1790/1800)
1 male 15-19	(1810/1815)	Brother? Brother-in-law?
1 male 0-4	(1825/1830)	Son?
2 Females 20-29	(1800/1810)	1-Biddy Wood Patterson (1800/10) wife
				2-Sister? Sister-in-law?
1 female 0-4	(1825/1830)	Daughter?
0 Slaves

I wasn't able to find Merrill Patterson on the 1840 census anywhere, nor on the 1850 census. He may have died sometime just after 1830. It is possible that Merrill is his middle name and he is listed on other records under his given name. Just a guess though.

I also searched for Biddy on the 1840 and 1850 census with no luck.

Children of Merrill Patterson and Biddy Wood. The 1830 census shows a boy born ca 1825/30 and a girl in that same age group. Neither are identified.

Researcher List
Register Report

First Generation

1.     Merrill Patterson was born in 1790/1800. He died after 1830 in Habersham Co, GA.

Merrill married Biddy Wood on 5 Jan 1823 in Hall Co, GA. Biddy was born in 1800/1810. She died after 1830 in Habersham Co, GA. Home > Genealogy > Patterson > Families > Merrill