Nathan Patterson (c1810) and Abigail Malissa McAdams of Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, Cherokee and Clay Co, NC; and Hall Co., GA | Home > Genealogy > Patterson > Families > Nathan |
Contents: Children | Researcher List | Register Report |
Revision History:
The author (Marty Grant) is a 4th Great Grand Nephew of Nathan Patterson, he being a probable brother to my ancestor Samuel Patterson (1805-1879). Special thanks to Jennie Vee Pitts (deceased) and others for sharing their research on this family. Nathan Patterson was born ca 1810/20 per his age on the 1840 census (20-29). It isn't proven, but I think he is a son of Samuel Patterson (1765/74) and Elizabeth (---) of Rutherford and Buncombe Co., NC. One of the old family histories (see Samuel's page) mention that a Nathan was part of the family. This is almost certainly the same one. If so, Nathan was probably born in the year 1810. I say that because Samuel did have two sons born in the 1810's per the early census records, but they are probably James (1812) and John (1815). That would make Nathan a little older. Samuel did have an apparent son born ca 1800/10 with him in 1810 and born ca 1804/10 per the 1820 census. I think this is Nathan but can't prove it, but it does fit well. In 1830 Nathan appears to be with widow Elizabeth Patterson aged 15-19 (born ca 1810/15). He probably moved with the family to Union Co., GA in the 1830's, though I have found no record of him there so far. On 27 Jul 1837 Nathan Patterson married Abigail M. Adams in Hall Co., GA. They were married by John Whelchell, Justice of the Peace. Abigail Malissa McAdams (or Adams) was born ca 1813/14 in South Carolina, daughter of Daniel Adams (or McAdams) and Juda (---). Her parents are proven by the fact that she was living with them in 1850. In 1838 Nathan Patterson and Joshua Anderson bought land in Cherokee Co., NC at a public land sale. It was 541 acres in District 4 for $276. Nathan also bought a tract of 440 acres for $205 in District 3. I don't know what became of this land, or if they lived there at all. I don't know who Joshua Anderson was, whether a relative or friend. There was a man of that name listed on the 1840 census in Habersham Co., GA aged 20-29 (born ca 1810/20). I believe it is the same Joshua Anderson listed in 1850 Union Co., GA aged 37 born in SC. Wife Milly age 25 born NC. She could be Nathan's sister "Millicy" perhaps, though probably too young to be her. Whether they lived in Cherokee Co., NC around 1838 or not, they were back in Hall Co., GA for the 1840 census. John Patterson (1810/20) was listed nearby. I don't know who he was, the age matches Nathan's younger brother John (1815), but I'm not sure if it was him, for Nathan's brother John wasn't married yet by 1840, and this John had an apparent wife and children. Nathan was two houses from his wife's parents. 1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census) 1840 Hall Co., GA page 67 Nathan Patterson 2000100000000-0000100000000 Slaves=000000-000000 Analysis: 1 Male 20-29 (1810/1820) Nathan Patterson (c1810) 2 males 0-4 (1835/1840) 1-Daniel N. Patterson (c1838) son 2-G. Patterson (c1840) son 1 Female 20-29 (1810/1820) Abigail Malissa McAdams Patterson (c1814) wife 0 Slaves Nathan Patterson died sometime between ca 1846 and 1850 in Hall Co., GA. Malissa is living with her parents on the 1850 census in Hall Co., GA: # 40/40 Daniel McAdams 56 Farmer $2000 NC; J. 52 female SC; Malissa Paterson 36 Widow SC; D. N. Paterson 12 male GA; G. Paterson 10 male, GA; P. Paterson 7 male GA; F. A. Paterson 4 female, born GA. On 30 Nov 1855 "Abigail M. Patterson" married Rice Smith in Hall Co., GA. They were married by Davis Whelchell, Justice of the Peace. Rice Smith was born ca 1805/06 in South Carolina (both per 1850 census). He married Mary Whelchel in 1829 in Hall Co., GA. She died sometime between 1850 and 1855. Abigail Malissa McAdams Patterson died between 1855 and 1859, presumably in Hall Co., GA. Rice Smith married Catherine Garvin on 3 Feb 1859 in Hall Co., GA. He and his wife and many children were listed in Hall for the 1860 census. None of the Pattersons were there with them. The youngest child was daughter Indiana Smith age 5. I don't know if she was Malissa's child or Mary's, though probably Mary's since Rice didn't marry Malissa until late in 1855. |
Children of Nathan Patterson and Abigail Malissa McAdams. They had four children according to the 1850 census. Unfortunately they were listed by initial and not name, so that makes further research on them difficult. |
Daniel N. Patterson was born ca
1837/38 in Hall Co., GA. He appears to be with his parents in 1840 aged
under 5 (born ca 1835/40), and was home in 1850 ("D. N." age 12). I couldn't find him on the 1860 census. Daniel M. Patterson enlisted for the Civil War as a Private on 3 Jul 1861 in Company A, 11th Regiment, Georgia Infantry. He was in the Hospital prior to Feb 1862 and discharged (from hospital?) prior to Dec 1862. John Pinkney Patterson was in the same company. (Shared by Jennie Vee Pitts.) Daniel married Amanda (---)sometime before 1870, presumably in Hall Co., GA. She was born ca 1845/46 in Georgia. I don't know her maiden name. They are listed on the 1870 census in Hall County, Polksville District # 688/609 Daniel Patterson 25 Farm Laborer, born GA; Amanda 24 GA; Mary E. 2/12 born April; Leviney Armstrong 22 Carding & Spinning GA; Frances 4. I don't if Leviney Armstrong is related or not. I couldn't find them on the 1880 census. |
G. Patterson was born ca 1839/40 in
Hall Co., GA. I don't know what the "G" stands for. He appears to be with his parents in 1840 aged under 5 (born ca 1835/40), and was home in 1850 ("G." age 10). I didn't find him on the 1860 census in Hall Co., GA. He will be difficult to trace without knowing his name. |
P. Patterson was born ca 1842/43 in
Hall Co., GA. I don't know what the "P" stands for. He was home with his
mother for the 1850 census ("P." age 7) and home with his grandparents
in 1860. Hall Co., GA, 570 District, Gainesville PO # 12/10 Daniel McAdams 67 farmer $5000/5000 born SC; Juda 62 Doctoress SC; P. Patterson 17 male, GA; F. Patterson 14 female born GA. This could very well be John Pinkney Patterson who enlisted for the Civil War as a Private on 3 Aug 1861 in Company A, 11th Regiment, Georgia Infantry. He was 19 at that time which is a perfect age match to "P." Patterson. He was appointed a 3rd Cpl on 4 Dec 1861 and 2nd Cpl on 30 Sep 1862 and died at home in Hall Co., GA on 3 Apr 1864. Daniel Patterson was in the same company. (Shared by Jennie Vee Pitts.) The Service Records for John Pinkney Patterson show him as 19 (dated 3 Jul 1862), born in Hall Co., GA, Auburn hair, light complexion and 5 ft 10 in height. There was no one else of similar name listed on the 1850 or 1860 census in Hall Co., GA, so this could be "P." Patterson. I didn't find P. Patterson on the 1870 census in Hall Co., GA or elsewhere. This supports the idea that he is the same person as John Pinkney Patterson. |
Florida A. E. Patterson was born ca 1845/46 in Hall Co., GA. She
was with her mother for the 1850 census ("F. A. Paterson" age 4) and
with her grandparents in 1860 ("F. Patterson" age 14). I don't
know what her initials stand for. On 3 Apr 1866 Joseph McAdams married Florida E. A. Patterson in Hall Co., GA. They were married by W. P. Whelchel, Justice of the Peace. I wasn't able to find them on the 1870 or 1880 census. |
Researcher List
Register Report | Home > Genealogy > Patterson > Families > Nathan