Marty & Karla Grant

1784-1787 North Carolina Census

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The 1790 census was the 1st Census of the United States, but North Carolina had a state-wide census just before then. Unfortunately some of the counties are lost.

In 1973 this census was published under title: State Census of North Carolina 1784-1787, transcribed and Indexed by Mrs. Alvaretta Kenan Register.

The Columns of Data

The 1784-1787 tax list follows a fairly standard format throughout the state.

1784-1787 Census Columns:

  1. Name of Head of Household.
  2. Number of Free White Males 21 and up but under 60.
  3. Number of Free White Males under 21 or 60 and up.
  4. Number of Free White Females.
  5. Number of Blacks age 12 and up but under 50 (male and female).
  6. Number of Blacks under 12 or over 50 (male and female).