1784-1787 North Carolina Census
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The 1790 census was the 1st Census of the United States, but North Carolina had a state-wide census just before then. Unfortunately some of the counties are lost.
In 1973 this census was published under title: State Census of North Carolina 1784-1787, transcribed and Indexed by Mrs. Alvaretta Kenan Register.
The 1784-1787 tax list follows a fairly standard format throughout the state.
1784-1787 Census Columns:
- Name of Head of Household.
- Number of Free White Males 21 and up but under 60.
- Number of Free White Males under 21 or 60 and up.
- Number of Free White Females.
- Number of Blacks age 12 and up but under 50 (male and female).
- Number of Blacks under 12 or over 50 (male and female).