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James Sams (bef 1694-1726) and Katherine Alden (1685-aft 1735) of Essex and Spotsylvania Co., VA.
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William and Katherine Sams are my 8 times Great Grandparents.
Reference the books Sams Family of Virginia, Dr. Crawford F. Sams, Conway C. Sams and Col. Robert C. Hackett, 1981, and The Sons and Daughters of Sams, Volume I, Beck Sams, 2007. Both are great resources for the Sams family, and also the reasons I didn’t do much first hand Sams research until recently. I’ve not attempted to verify everything in the books, but I have done my best to verify my direct lineage. Note: Beck Sams book is available from
I’d also like to acknowledge the very well documented web page: Early Colonial Settlers of Southern Maryland and Virginia’s Northern Neck Counties which I discovered while making this page. The author there has information on this family which aligned quite well with what I’d found, but also included a few items I hadn’t seen before, so it was quite helpful.
I don’t know when James Sams was born, nor where. In the books, it is said he is probably born ca 1686/1694 based partly on his first record being him witnessing a deed in 1715. Assuming he was at least 21 then, that puts him born ca 1694 or earlier. That also works with his children being born in the mid to late 1710s.
I have no evidence for his parentage, though the books suggest he’s the son of a William and Mary Sams who were in Virginia early on. I currently have no information on that William Sams so I can’t confirm.
James Sams married Katherine Alden ca 1715, presumably in Spotsylvania Co., VA or possibly in Essex Co., VA. Katherine was born ca 1685 in Middlesex Co., VA, Baptized at Christ Church 24 May 1685. Her parents were Robert Alden and Eleanor Willis.
Katherine was first married to John Tolbert on 9 Nov 1704 at Christ Church, Middlesex Co., VA. The marriage record listed him as John Carbett. His surname is actually Tolbert (various spellings, Talbert, Turbett, etc.). He died sometime before ca 1715 probably in Essex Co., VA.
On 5 Jun 1705, Richard Kemp Sr and wife Eleanor (Elianor) of Middlesex Co., VA gave a gift of 300 acres to Eleanor’s daughters Mary Naule (Nalle) and Katherine Turbett. Richard Kemp and Eleanor Kemp signed. Witnesses were G. Corbin, J. Parsons and John Owen. (Essex Co., VA Deed and Will Book 12, p. 115.)
On 15 Oct 1722, a deed was made in Essex Co., VA between Katherine Sams and her sister Mary Nalle regarding land given to them by their mother Eleanor and Step Father Richard Kemp (in 1705). The wording is hard to follow, but the gist of is that Richard Kemp and wife Elianor gave a deed of gift of 300 acres to Eleanor’s daughters Mary and Katherine Aldyn at some unspecified date, and that Mary now wife of Martin Nalle, and Katherine now wife of James Sams, all of South Farnham Parish, Essex Co., VA, agree to equally divide the land. Signed by Martin Nalle, Mary Nalle, James Sams (his mark) and Katherine Sams. Witnesses were Richard Gatewood, David Scott, John Baker? and Richard Horsley. (Essex Co., VA Deed Book 17, p. 108.)
The above deed gives Katherine’s maiden name as Aldyn (Alden), though at the time of the original deed (1705) she was already married, but this proves her maiden name.
On 30 Sep 1723, Larkin Chew of Spotsylvania Co., VA, St. George Parish, made a deed to James
Sames of Essex Co., VA South Farnham Parish. For ten shillings (lease), Chew sold him 300 acres in St. George Parish on the south side of Matapony and on the swamp called the Cattail Lick. Description mentions Daniel Brown’s line. Larkin Chew signed. Witnesses were Samuel Sinclare and Thomas Hamond Jr. The “release” deed to the above “lease” was dated the next day, 1 Oct 1723 for 3,600 pounds of tobacco. (Spotsylvania Co., VA Deed Book A, pp. 59-62.)
On 9 Sep 1724 Larkin Chew of Spotsylvania Co., VA, St. George Parish, made a deed to James Sames of Essex Co., VA South Farnham Parish. For five shillings (lease), Chew sold him 34 acres adjoining the land of Daniel Brown, Jacob Christopher Zollicoffer and the said James Sames. Larkin Chew signed the deed. Witnesses were Jer. Clowder, Wm Broadburn (mark WB) and Thos Green? (Signed by mark). The “release” deed was dated the next day, 10 Sep 1724, for 480 pounds. Same signature and witnesses. (Spotsylvania Co., VA Deed Book A, pp. 211-214.)
On 3 Oct 1724, Larkin Chew made a deed to William Bradbourne, witnessed by Jer. Clowder, James Samms and Thos Green (his mark).
James Samms made his Will on 22 Feb 1725/26 in Spotsylvania Co., VA. He named his sons William and James, dividing his land between them, describing it as on Pike Run, William Bradbourn’s corner, Daniel Brown’s land, etc. He named his wife Katherine Sams Executrix. Witnesses were John Corbet, John Nalle, and James [—]. The Will was proven on 6 Dec 1726, meaning he had died by then. (Spotsylvania Co., VA Will Book A, p. 39, published in Spotsylvania County Records 1721-1800, Edited by William Armstrong Crozier, Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co., 1965.)
John Corbet might be Katherine’s son John Tolbert. John Nalle might be Katherine’s nephew of the same name, son of Martin Nalle and Mary Alden.
Katherine, now twice widowed, married a 3rd time, between 1726 and 1728 to Patrick Bolden (Bolding, Bolen, etc), presumably in Spotsylvania Co., VA. This is proven by court records. (See below.)
In Spotsylvania Co., VA court, 5 Nov 1728:
“On petition of Michael Guinny and Abell Stears to have Patrick Bolding & Katherine his wife give fresh Security for the Estate of James Samms decd (the said Katherine having altered her condition to marriage & they as security thinking themselfs in [illeg]) is granted and ordered that William Smith, Joseph Brock and William Johnson (something inserted abov his name, illegible), or any two of them do some time between this and the next court and [illeg} State and Settle this Estate of James Samms decd. That the said Katherine part may (something inserted above, illeg.) & what part of the orphans estate & said Patrick Bolding & Katherine his wife ought to give new security for or deliver the same to the petitioners, and make report of their presedings to the next court.” (Spotsylvania Co., VA Court Order Book 1724-1730, p. 275.)
On 8 Feb 1728/1729, the above was continued, and it was ordered that Patrick and Katherine Bolding pay fresh security. This one more specifically stated that she was late wife of James Samms. (Spotsylvania Co., VA Court Order Book 1724-1730, p. 307.)
On 17 Jun 1735, Patrick Bolen and wife Katherine, and John Turbett of Spotsylvania Co., VA, made a deed to Thomas Burke of Essex Co., VA. They sold him 150 acres in Essex, being the land Richard Kemp and Eleanor (Katherine’s mother) had given her in 1705. Patrick Bolen, Katherine Bolen and John Talbett signed. Witnesses were: Thomas Barker, Joseph Burnett and John Burnett. (Essex Co., VA Deed Book 20, pp. 14-16.)
The reason John Turbett was included was because the original deed from Richard and Eleanor Kemp was to their daughter Katherine Turbett, her first husband being John Turbett (Tolbert) who died in the 1710s. This John is their son.
I don’t know when Katherine Alden Tolbert Sams Bolden died, though after 17 Jun 1735.
James Sams named two sons in his 1726 Will, William and James (Jr). Others show they had a daughter named Mary Sams who married John Rice. I don’t know what the proof is for her. James’s wife Katherine had at least one child from her previous marriage to John Talbert/Tolbert, etc., also named John Talbert/Tolbert.
1. John Tolbert/Talbert, etc. was born between ca 1705 and ca 1715, possibly in Middlesex Co.,VA where his parents married 9 Nov 1704. He appeared on several records in Spotsylvania Co., VA. He might be the same John Talbot listed on the 1750 tax list in Lunenburg Co., VA where his half brother William Sams was living then (though William wasn’t on the 1750 list, but had been on the 1749 list, and was still in that county as late as ca 1752). John’s wife was named Margaret — per a Spotsylvania Co., VA deed.
2. William Sams (c1717-c1779) and wife Mary. These are my ancestors. William is proven by being named in his father’s 1726 Will. See his own page for more information.
3. James Sams (c1718-c1768) and wife Anne. They remained in Spotsylvania Co., VA, Anne still living in 1783. They have proven sons Joseph and James as named in orphan records and deeds. They also supposedly have daughters Sarah, Mary and Fannie, though I haven’t seen proof for them yet.
4. Mary Sams (1723-?) Married John Rice. I don’t know what proof there is for Mary being in this family, but others include her. She was not named in her father’s 1726 Will.
I attempted to find more information on John and Mary. I found nothing on them in Spotsylvania Co., VA or Essex Co., VA records in the 1720s through 1770s. I did find a John and Mary Rice in Pittsylvania Co., VA, but I don’t know if it’s them or not. On 6 Mar 1779, John Rice and wife Mary Rice sold land to Thomas Hampton. Is this them? William Sams had lived in Pittsylvania, but in the part that had become Henry County by 1776, so not in what is now still Pittsylvania. However, it’s close enough to be of interest. (Pittsylvania Co., VA Deeds and Wills Book 5, pp. 273-275.)
For Family Group Sheet and other notes see my database pages for James Sams and Katherine Alden.
Revised: February 27, 2025
Copyright © 1996-2025 Marvin A. Grant, Jr. All Rights Reserved.
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