Saunders / Sanders Genealogy - Marion Co., SC
Welcome to my Saunders web pages. This name is often spelled Sanders.
My most recent Saunders ancestor is Kesiah Saunders (c1718-aft 1753) who married James Crawford in 1739 in Prince Frederick Parish, Craven County, South Carolina (now Marion Co., SC).
Kesiah Saunders' parents are not proven, but I think she is a child of John Saunders who was in Prince Frederick Parish when she was there. There were several Saunders and Sanders families in region and they appear to be related to one another.
- What's New?
- Saunders Families of Marion County, South Carolina
- Saunders Census Records (PDF)
- Saunders Resources (Links)
Saunders DNA Project - Use DNA testing to break down your genealogical brick walls and find out which genetic branch of the family you are part of. Click link for details. I'm not involved in the project, but I highly recommend it. The project needs Saunders / Sanders with Marion Co., SC roots.
Saunders is the 421st most common surname in America, Sanders is 75th most common. (Source: Name Statistics)