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Annotated 1800 Census Liberty County, Marion District, South Carolina, by Marvin A. Grant, Jr. © 2004

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1800 Census Marion Dist., SC Book Cover

Marion District was formed in 1798, effective 1800, so the 1800 census was the first for Marion. In 1800 Marion covered a much larger area than today including all of the present day Marion County and Dillon County and about half of present day Florence County.

This book contains a full transcript of the 1800 census but it also goes beyond that. I took each census entry and attempted to find other contemporary documents about that person. I searched for them on the previous census (1790) and the next census (1810) and if found, I noted where they were. I also checked the Marion District Deed Books for any entries in their name. I checked Equity and Probate records and other records from that era. This provides a nice research tool and a cross reference for each person listed on the 1800 census in Marion District. It is not definitive, but is meant to provide a good start in finding other records concerning those "first families" of Marion District.

Note, if you only want the original 1800 census without my comments and annotations, then I have that book also. Click here for more information.


Physical Details:
Edition: First (26 Dec 2003).
Binding: Perfect (Paperback)
Pages: 470
Size: 8.5 x 11 in.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2008270479      
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If you wish to pay by check or money order you must order it from me via snail-mail. Send $30.00 to me at: Marty Grant, 3291 Alton Phillips Road, Kinston, NC 28504. The price for snail-mail orders includes shipping and handling. Once your check has cleared I will order the book for you and have it shipped to your address.

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