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I (Marty Grant) am a 5th Great Grand Nephew of Samuel Miles Edwards.
Samuel Miles Edwards was born ca 1794/1800 (per census analysis), in Wayne County, North Carolina.
Samuel Miles is a proven child of John Edwards and Winifred Miles, and was apparently born out of wedlock. He used the "Miles" surname in the few records I've found. He began using "Edwards" after his father's death, so most records after 1810 show him as "Samuel M. Edwards" or just "Samuel Edwards".
He may have been home with John Edwards for the 1800 census, for John did have three apparent sons in the "under 10" age group (born ca 1790/1800). This could be Samuel Miles and his brothers Britton Miles and John Miles.
I don't know where Samuel Miles was living for the 1810 census. There were no Miles households in Wayne County that year, and I did not find John Edwards listed either.
Samuel was named in the Will of his father John Edwards (dated 1 Aug 1810) as "my sun Samuel Miles".
This is the last record I had for Samuel in Wayne County. Using census and tax records, I found a Samuel M. Edwards and Britton M. Edwards in Muhlenberg Co, KY after 1810. The names were listed together, and it seemed too much to be a coincidence, so I always felt strongly that they were the same two sons of John Edwards and Winifred Miles.
For several years I assumed that Muhlenberg pair were the same two sons of John Edwards, and recently Nathan W. Murphy found two records that confirm it. He found an 1841 court record where Samuel M. Edwards was paid for caring for his mother, and the list of poor persons in the county the following year shows "Winney Miles" in Samuel M. Edwards' care. This evidence makes it certain that Samuel and Britton and their mother Winifred ("Winney") from Wayne County, North Carolina are the same people who wound up in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky in the 1810-1820 timeframe. I wonder why their brother John Miles Edwards did not also go there.
I had also found a Richard Edwards in Muhlenberg Co, KY, and he was there before the Miles boys, so I think he may be their older half-brother, and his presence there may have been their reason for going. I'm not totally sure it is the same Richard Edwards, but it seems like it based only on the scant evidence I've found so far. If this is the same Richard, then it seems likely he sent word back home about how good it was there, so his half-brothers Briton and Samuel Miles Edwards soon joined him there.
Samuel married someone before 1820, probably in Muhlenberg County, or possibly in Wayne Co, NC before moving to KY. I don't know what his wife's name was.
Samuel was listed on the 1820 census in Muhlenberg County, just a few houses from his brother Britton M. Edwards. He had a large household, including 2 older women. One was certainly his mother Winifred Miles. I don't know who the other one might have been. Perhaps a widowed mother-in-law.
1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1820 Muhlenberg Co, KY pg 133 Samuel M. Edwards 100100-11012 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 16-25 (1794-1804) Samuel Miles EDWARDS (1794/1800) s/o John & Winifred 1 Male(s) 0-9 (1810-1820) Son? (1815/20) 2 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1775) Winifred MILES (1770/75) mother Mother-in-law? 1 Female(s) 26-44 (1775-1794) Wife? (1780/90) 1 Female(s) 10-15 (1804-1810) Sister? Sister-in-law? 1 Female(s) 0-9 (1810-1820) Daughter? (1815/20)
Samuel Edwards was listed on an 1820 tax list in Muhlenberg County and taxed for 150 acres on Ward Run.
Samuel M. Edwards & Britton Edwards (his brother) were listed together on an 1821 tax list in Muhlenberg.
Samuel was listed on the 1830 census in Muhlenberg. He had 4 older women with him, one of them certainly his mother Winifred Miles. I don't know who the other three were.
1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1830 Muhlenberg Co, KY pg 97 Samuel M. Edwards 0110010000000-0210001220000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 30-39 (1790-1800) Samuel Miles EDWARDS (1794/1800) s/o John & Winifred 1 Male(s) 10-14 (1815-1820) Son? (1815/20) --> gone by 1840 1 Male(s) 5-9 (1820-1825) Son? (1820/25) 2 Female(s) 60-69 (1760-1770) Mother-in-law? (1760/70) --> gone by 1840 Aunt? Grandmother? (1760/70) --> gone by 1840 2 Female(s) 50-59 (1770-1780) Winifred MILES (1770/75) mother Mother-in-law? Sister? (1770/80) --> gone by 1840 1 Female(s) 40-49 (1780-1790) Wife? (1780/90) 1 Female(s) 10-14 (1815-1820) Daughter? (1815/20) --> gone by 1840 2 Female(s) 5-9 (1820-1825) Daughter? (1820/25) Daughter? (1820/25)
Samuel was listed on the 1840 census in Muhlenberg County. His mother still seemed to be home with him, but no other "extra" women were residing with him this time.
1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1840 Muhlenberg Co, KY pg 334 Samuel Edwards 0002001000000-0020001010000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 40-49 (1790-1800) Samuel Miles EDWARDS (1794/1800) s/o John & Winifred 2 Male(s) 15-19 (1820-1825) Son? (1820/25) * Not in 1830 unless 1815/20 Son? (1820/25) 1 Female(s) 60-69 (1770-1780) Winifred MILES (1770/75) mother 1 Female(s) 40-49 (1790-1800) Wife? (1790/1800) * 1780/90 in 1830 2 Female(s) 10-14 (1825-1830) Daughter? (1825/30) * Not in 1830 unless 1820/25) Daughter? (1825/30) * Not in 1830 unless 1820/25)
This is the last record I have for Samuel Miles Edwards. Nathan W. Murphy found him listed on an 1841 court record pertaining to the care of his "mother" (not named), and a record of the poor (1842, I think) showing him as guardian to Winney Miles.
Samuel was not listed on the 1850 census in Muhlenberg County, so he either died in the 1840's, or moved away.
Nathan W. Murphy has shared some interesting records of the Edwards in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky. He has graciously allowed me to reprint these here. I'll present them here in the same order and format I received them:
Samuel Miles Edwards and Britton Miles Edwards were neighbors along Pond
Creek in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky near what is today the town of Central
City. They lived next to the same neighbors that had been the neighbors of
Richard Edwards, their probable half brother, a decade earlier (Hardy Hynes,
Muhlenberg Co., KY County Court Order Book 3 [I didn't record the page
number], in about 1830/31 [page torn]:
"Ordered that Azariah Doss be and he is hereby appointed Surveyor of the
part of the road leading from Greenvile to Mortons ferry that lies between
the forks of the Lewisberg road and Smith mill in place of Gabriel Doss and
that he with the following hands towit: John Salmon, William Stembridge,
Michael Severs, Andrew _____, George Clark and the hands living in said ____
also Samuel Edwards & Brittain Edwards ___ and keep the same in repair 30
feet wide as the law directs."
Muhlenberg Co., KY County Court Order Book 3, 33 [1830/31?]:
"Ord. James Rose app. Surveyor.road.from Greenville to Mortons ferry where
of James Griffeth was formerly surveyor.Beg. At the Hurricane thence with
the line of the 1st precinct of sd road to Charles Whitehouse including him
thence to include Isaac Cundiff, Azariah Doss (name crossed out), Lewis
Stewart, James Rose, Hardy Hynes & son, John Birds farm."
Tax Lists of Muhlenberg Co., KY (1822-1825)
. p 9, Saml. M. Edwards, no land, one male, no horses, two children aged
. p 9, Britton M. Edwards, no land, one male, no horses, one child aged
. p 10, Brituan [Britton] Edwards, no land, one male, no horses, $0 value of
. p 10, George Edwards, 200 acres Cypress, $500 value, one male, one slave
over age 16, one slave under age 16, total value of property $1000.
. Saml. M. Edwards, 50 acres W [West] Cypress, value $100, Entered under
name S.M. Edwards, one male, one horse, total value $120 [or $130].
. [next to:] William Edwards, 100 acres W Cypress, value $400, one male, no
horses, no slaves, total value $1000.
. [next to:] D. Lewis Edwards, 75 acres W Cypress, value $225, one male, no
horses, no slaves, land entered under name: W. Henderson, land patented
under name J. Martin, total value $225.
. p 12, George E. Edwards, no land, one male, two horses, total value $150.
. p 12, William Edwards, no land, one male, one slave over age 16, one
horse, total value $520.
. p 13, Britton Edwards, no land, one male, no horses, total value $0.
. p 12, George E. Edwards, no land, one male, three horses, total value
. p 12, William Edwards, no land, one male, one slave under age 16, one
slave over age 16, two horses, total value $900.
. p 12, Britton Edwards, no land, one male, no horses, total value $0.
. p 13, Saml. M. Edwards, 100 acres Cypress, $100, entered under name S.M.
Edwards, surveyed under name "same," total value $100.
Here is the will of Britton Miles Edwards:
Muhlenberg Co., KY Will Book 3, 160-161:
B. M. Edwards, will of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky dated August 29, 1855.
To daughter Sarah Garrett, to W. B. Edwards [no relationship stated] and to
Mary Ann Garrett [no relationship stated]. Witnesses: W. T. Brown and
Sampson Bethel. Proven Muhlenberg County Court November 26, 1855. Book
III, page 160-161.
Source: Marion Hammers, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Abstracts of Wills and
Administrations. (Evansville Bindery Inc: Evansville, IN, 1968), 63.Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Book 6, 118.
2 August 1824. John Cain sold to his son Isaac Cain both of Muhlenberg
County KY for affection & $1, 200 acres on waters of Cypress Creek. Lewis
Kincheloe old line, Samuel M. Edwards survey. Signed: John Cain.
Source: Brenda Doss, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Deed Books 6-10 Abstracts
1823-1842 (A.B. Willhite: Russellville, KY, 1988), 14.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Book 6, 124.
2 August 1824. John Cain sold to his son Isaac Cain both of Muhlenberg
County KY for affection & $1, 200 acres on waters of Cypress Creek. Lewis
Kincheloe old line, Samuel M. Edwards survey. Signed: John Cain.
Source: Brenda Doss, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Deed Books 6-10 Abstracts
1823-1842 (A.B. Willhite: Russellville, KY, 1988), 15.
[Is this the same land transaction recorded twice?]
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Book 6, 130.
4 November 1824. David Durall security for John Durall administrator of
Ephraim Durall deceased took back land sold to Ezekiel Rose 100 acres,
Samuel M. Edwards 200 acres. The widow now releases David from all
responsibility in land. Signed: Mary Ann Durall. Witness: Charles Fox
Source: Brenda Doss, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Deed Books 6-10 Abstracts
1823-1842 (A.B. Willhite: Russellville, KY, 1988), 16.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Book 7, 20.
22 December 1828. Samuel M. Edwards sold to Isaac A. Clifford both of
Muhlenberg County KY for $25, on waters of Cypress [amount of acreage
unspecified]. Signed: Samuel M. Edwards. Witness: William H. C. Wing.
Source: Brenda Doss, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Deed Books 6-10 Abstracts
1823-1842 (A.B. Willhite: Russellville, KY, 1988), 64.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Book 7, 302.
25 April 1831. Frederick Miller of Ohio County KY sold to Samuel Edwards of
Muhlenberg County KY for $50, 56 & ¨ö acres on waters of Cypress Creek.
Signed: Frederick Miller.
Source: Brenda Doss, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Deed Books 6-10 Abstracts
1823-1842 (A.B. Willhite: Russellville, KY, 1988), 97.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Book 8, 514.
9 November 1836. Samuel Cain sold to Samuel Edwards both of Muhlenberg
County KY for $20, a gray geldin, as security to Stephen Watkins. Signed:
Samuel Cain.
Source: Brenda Doss, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Deed Books 6-10 Abstracts
1823-1842 (A.B. Willhite: Russellville, KY, 1988), 200.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Book 9, 229.
30 September 1837. Samuel M. Edwards sold to Edward Rumsey for $46.95, 107
acres where I now live. Signed: Samuel M. Edwards. Witness: William Henry
Campbell Wing & Jesse H. Reno.
[note: Edward Rumsey was a wealthy man in the town of Greenville, the county
Source: Brenda Doss, Muhlenberg County, Kentucky Deed Books 6-10 Abstracts
1823-1842 (A.B. Willhite: Russellville, KY, 1988), 229.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Bk 7, 76.
22 December 1828 Lemuel M. Edwards released from mortgage. Signed: Isaac A.
Clifford. [should read "Samuel M. Edwards"]
9 May 1829. The above was recorded in Muhlenberg County KY. Signed:
Charles Fox Wing.
Source: Brenda Doss, 70.
*Note Isaac Clifford was a landowner in Greenville [county seat].
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Bk 9, 222.
17 September 1838 John Cain sold to his daughter Elizabeth Cain both of
Muhlenberg County KY for $1, love & affection, 150 acres on waters of
Cypress Creek. Zilpa Ann Cain corner, Samuel M. Edwards survey. Patent to
Isaac S. Cain. Signed: John Cain.
Source: Doss, 248.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Bk 9, 461.
3 September 1839 Samuel M. Edwards sold to John P. Ward both of Muhlenberg
County KY for $200, on waters of Cypress Creek. Tract 1 containing 50
acres. Tract 2 containing 56 & 1/2 acres. Tract 3 containing 80 acres.
John Cain, Sr. corner, Durall corner. Signed: Samuel M. Edwards.
Source: Doss, 282.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Bk 9, 489.
19 November 1839 David Durall, Sr. sold to Samuel M. Edwards both of
Muhlenberg County KY for $125, 100 acres on Cypress Creek. Isaac Cain
survey. Signed: David Durall.
Source: Doss, 285.
Muhlenberg Co., KY Deed Bk 9, 566.
29 September 1840 Samuel M. Edwards sold to Rumsey & Reno for $97.27, 336
acres on waters of Cypress where I now live & 286 acres purchased from David
Durall & 50 acres sold to John P. Ward. Signed: Samuel M. Edwards.
29 September 1840 The above was recorded in Muhlenberg County KY. Signed:
William Henry Campbell Wing, Deputy Clerk for Charles Fox Wing, Clerk.
Source: Doss, 294.
[note: this was a company in Greenville]
Samuel Miles Edwards had several children per the various census records, but I don't know who any of them are yet. More research is needed.
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