John Edwards (c1746) and --- and Winifred Miles of Dobbs, Lenoir and Wayne Co, NC Home > >Genealogy > Edwards > Families > John

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I (Marty Grant) am a 6th Great Grandson of John Edwards.

John Edwards was born ca 1746 or earlier. I base this on the assumption that he was at least 21 when listed on a 1769 tax list, and this is the first record I have found for him. That would put him born ca 1748 or earlier. He could have been born much earlier than this, but I have no other records to use in determining his approximate age, except that his oldest known child was born ca 1764, so if we assume John was at least 18 when this child was born, then he should be born ca 1746 or earlier.

I don’t know where John Edwards was born, though the most likely place would be in eastern North Carolina somewhere, or possibly in eastern Virginia. He lived in what is now Lenoir County in the 1760's and 1770's and Wayne County, North Carolina shortly afterwards. It is reasonable to assume he was born somewhere in that vicinity or near there. In the early 1740's, that area was still part of Craven County, and in 1746 it became Johnston County, so if born in the same area, it would have been in one of those parent counties. It is also possible that he was born elsewhere and migrated to that area.

I don’t know who John Edwards’ parents were. I have no clue really. The Thomas Edwards **Link** family was the only other Edwards family living anywhere near him, though not that nearby. Thomas was old enough to be John’s father, and he did have a proven son named "John", but I think the evidence shows that John son of Thomas is not the same John Edwards later of Wayne County.

As I mentioned above, present day Wayne County was part of Craven County until 1746 when Johnston County was formed. In 1758 Dobbs County was formed from Johnston, and included what is now Wayne.

John Edwards married someone before ca 1764. I have not yet found any record of his wife’s name, nor do I know where they married, but I would guess they married in Dobbs (now Lenoir) County, North Carolina. There is a Bersheba Edwards who witnessed a Wayne County deed in 1780 between Mary Mason to her daughter Mary Yarborough. It is certainly possible that Bersheba was John's wife, but I've seen no evidence to support it.  

John Edwards was listed on the 1769 Dobbs County Tax list and taxed for one white poll, and no blacks. Several other Edwards were listed as well, including Thomas Edwards and his sons Thomas and John (the record stated they were sons of Thomas). A Benjamin Edwards was also listed taxed with Mary Mewburn (she was listed first). At this time (1769), Dobbs County included present day Wayne, Lenoir and Greene Counties, and I know from other sources that Thomas Edwards lived in what later became Greene County. Benjamin lived in that same section. I don’t know if he is related to Thomas or John.

I think that John Edwards lived in what is now Lenoir County at that time based on a statement his son David Edwards made in his Revolutionary War Pension Application where he said he lived in Kinston when he enlisted. Kinston is the county seat of Lenoir County.

A 1779 voter list for Dobbs County shows two men named John Edwards (one was probably ours, the other probably the son of Thomas Edwards). Benjamin Edwards also voted in that election.

In 1779 Wayne County was created from the western section of Dobbs, and apparently John Edwards was already living there, or moved there shortly after this.

A 1780 tax list of Dobbs County does not show John Edwards, though it did list a Cullin Edwards (present day Greene County) and Thomas Edwards (Greene County), and William Edwards (Greene County), and Benjamin Edwards (Greene County) and Mary Edwards (Greene County). This tells me that John Edwards had already moved to Wayne by then, or else owned no property in old Dobbs County.

John Edwards lived on Yellow Marsh Branch which is south-west of the present town of Goldsboro in Wayne County. There is also an Edwards branch just north of that one, presumably named for John Edwards or one of his sons. Both of these branches flow westward into Thoroughfare Swamp which flows north into Falling Creek, which flows northward into the Neuse River. The Edwards land (in later years) was described as being in the district "South of the Neuse River".

The first record I found for John Edwards in Wayne County was a deed dated 26 Jan 1784 that he and his son David Edwards witnessed. The deed was for Francis and Sarah Covington. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 1 page 303).

John Edwards was listed on the 1786 Wayne County tax list in District 1. He was taxed for 285 acres (where and when did he acquire this land?), and taxed for 1 white poll and no black polls.  John's son David Edwards was also listed. Absolom Edwards (no known relation) was listed also, but in District 3.

On 3 Feb 1787, Micajah Cox deeded several tracts of land to John Edwards. One 200 acre plantation on Yellow Marsh, and 50 acres, and also 100 acres on Wild Cat Branch of Poley Bridge Branch. The deed was witnessed by John Kennedy, Josiah Cox and David Edwards (John’s son). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 3 page 429).

On 27 Mar 1787 John Edwards of Wayne County, Planter, deeded land to David Edwards, (his son), also of Wayne County, Planter, for $50, "plantation tract" on Yellow Marsh. The land was described as being on James Dinkins’ corner (possible son-in-law), at mouth of Wolf Branch or Dinkins Branch, and the deed mentions Bass’s line, and John Edwards’ line, and to a bottom or slush named Pike Bottom, then to Edwards Hog Pen Branch, containing 200 acres, being part of several tracts (meaning John Edwards combined some land into one tract). The deed was signed by John Edwards who signed with a mark that looked like an "I". Witnesses were John Kennedy and Sampson Edwards (John’s son). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 4 page 39).

John Edwards was listed on the 1790 census in Wayne County. He was listed next to his son David Edwards who was next to John’s son Sampson Edwards. John’s neighbor on the other side was Robert Falconer. Absolom Edwards (no known relation) was listed also, but not nearby. John’s entry showed one slave. He had none in 1786, so he must have purchased one (or inherited one) between 1786 and 1790.  

1790 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 John Edwards 2-3-5-0-1
2 Male(s) 16 and Up (before 1774)	John EDWARDS (bef 1746)
					James EDWARDS (1770/74)
3 Male(s) under 16    (1774/1790)	Isham EDWARDS (1765/84)
					Ambros EDWARDS (1785/90)
					Richard EDWARDS (1775/90)
5 Female(s) any age (before 1790)	Wife? 
					Daughter? (1755/74)
					Daughter? (1774/84)

Sometime in the 1790's, it would seem that Mrs. Edwards died, and John Edwards began a relationship with Winnifred Miles, either a single woman or a widow. I may be misinterpreting this, but the evidence seems to show that she and John Edwards had three children together out of wedlock, all using the Miles surname originally until after John’s death when they began using the Edwards surname. They are his sons, for he named them as such in his Will (using the "Miles" surname).

I have not been able to determine very much about Winnifred. She could be a daughter of William Miles who was an early Wayne County settler. One deed lists him as a "Hatter". William was last found in Wayne County records in the 1780's. There was a James Miles in 1790 Wayne County.  He was the only Miles listed there that year. There were no Miles listed on the 1800 census in Wayne.

On 8 Mar 1797, John Edwards deeded land to his James Edwards (his son). I don’t have the details of this deed yet. Witnesses were Sampson Edwards and David McKinny. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 5e page 441).

On 11 Feb 1799 Joseph and Abba Gennett sold land to John Edwards. The land was described as formerly patented to William Miles in November 1779. Witnessed by James Edwards (John’s son). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 7 page 79).

John Edwards was listed on the 1800 census in Wayne County. His sons Sampson Edwards and David Edwards were just a few houses away. John’s neighbors on either side were James Frazer and William Bennett. John Edwards now had 3 slaves, but I’ve found no deeds showing their acquisition. John's household contained quite a few people. I think his Miles sons may have been living with him also. It is also possible that Winnifred Miles was with him.

1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 857 John Edwards 31211-00111-0-3
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1755)	John EDWARDS (bef 1755)
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1755-1774)	James EDWARDS (1770/74), son
2 Male(s) 16-25       (1774-1784)	Richard EDWARDS (1775/90), son
					Isham EDWARDS (1765/84), son
1 Male(s) 10-15       (1784-1790)	Ambros EDWARDS (1785/90), son
3 Male(s) 0-9         (1790-1800)	Son? (1790/1800) Britton Miles (1794) son
					Son? (1790/1800) Samuel Miles son
					Son? (1790/1800) John Miles son
1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1755)	Wife? (bef 1755)
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1755-1774)	Daughter? (1755/74)
1 Female(s) 16-25     (1774-1784)	Daughter? (1774/84)

On 13 May 1801, John Edwards gave a deed of gift to "my son" Isom Edwards. Witnesses were John Miles (either John’s son or an older John Miles who died in 1808) and Arthur Fulghum. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 7 page 134).

On the same dated (13 May 1801), John Edwards gave a deed of gift to John Miles (his son) "son of Win. Miles". He does not say that John is his son in this deed, but this is his son. Witnessed by Isom Edwards and A. Fulghum. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 7 page 155).

On the next day (14 May 1801), John Edwards "for good will and affection" gave a deed of gift to Winifred Miles and Britin Miles (his son). Witnesses were Isom Edwards (son), John Miles (either his son or the older John Miles who died in 1808), and A. Fulghum. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 7 page 135).

On 2 Aug 1802 Richard Bass deeded a "negro woman named Rachel" to John Edwards. Witnesses were Sampson Edwards (son) and John Edwards (this is either a grandson or this is John Miles using the Edwards surname). The deed was recorded on 21 Jun 1819 (17 years later) and sworn by John Edwards "in Town of Henderson, Henderson County, Kentucky". (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 11 page 181).

On 3 Mar 1803 an estate sale was held for the estate of John Roberts, deceased (***also my ancestor), and John Edwards was listed among the purchasers. (Wayne County Loose Estates - John Roberts - 1803 - North Carolina Archives).

On 20 Feb 1804 John Edwards deeded property to James Edwards (son). I don’t have the details of this deed. Witnesses were Richard Edwards (son) and William Bennett. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 8 page 189).

On 9 Feb 1805 John Edwards Sr deeded property to "my son" Richard Edwards. Witnessed by Isham Edwards (son) and Arthur Fulghum. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 8 page 167).

On 29 May 1806 John Edwards deeded property to Sampson Edwards (son). I don’t have the details. Witnessed by Isham Edwards (son) and P. Jernigan. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 10 page 355).

On 4 Oct 1806, Richard Edwards (John’s son) deeded land to John Edwards Sr, "tract I know live on". Witnessed by David Edwards and P. Jernigan. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 9 page 130).

On 4 Oct 1809, John Edwards deeded property to John Cox. Witnessed by James Edwards (son) and Britton Hood. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 10 page 277).

On 5 Mar 1810, John Edwards deeded property to Ambrus Edwards (his son). Witnessed by John Thompson and John Cox. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 10 page 96).

I did not find John Edwards listed on the 1810 census. He was still alive then, so probably living with a son or married daughter.

John Edwards made his Will on 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne County. I have transcribed this Will from a copy of the original obtained from the North Carolina Archives. I have kept the original spelling, using (sic) to note original spelling errors. I have also bolded the names to make them stand out.

The first day of Augt. one Thousand Eight hundred and Ten, I John Edwards Sr of the County of Wayne and State of North Carolina, do make and ordain this my last Will and testament in manner and form following. (Item). I give to my daughter Nancy Edwards Five Shillings to her and hir (sic) heirs for Ever.

Item, I give to my Daughter Sarah Pike five Shillings to she and hir (sic) heirs for Ever.

Item, I give Christon Dinkins five shillings to hir (sic) and hir (sic) heirs for ever.

Item, I give to my Daughter Mary Blackwell five shillings to hir (sic) and heirs for Ever.

Item, I give to my Daughter Barshaly Blackwell five shillings to her and her heirs forever.

Item, I give to my Daughter Lucy Grant five Shillings to her and her heirs for ever.

Item, I give to my Son Ishom Edwards and his heirs for Ever fifty Dollars more.

Item, I give to my Son Ambrus Edwards and his heirs for ever Fifty Dollars more.

Item, I give to my Sun (sic) Briton Miles Fifty Dollars and his heirs for Ever.

Item, I give to my Sun (sic) Samuel Miles and his heirs for Ever fifty Dollars.

Item, I give to my Daughter Elizabeth Johnston Twenty five dollars and her heirs forever.

Item, I give to my Sun (sic) Richard Edwards and his heirs for Ever one hundred dollars.

Item, I give to my Sun (sic) James Edwards and his heirs for Ever fifty Dollars

Item, I give to my Sun (sic) John Miles and his heirs for ever Twenty five Dollars.

Item, I give to my Sun (sic) David Edwards his heirs for ever four hundred Dollars.

Item, I give to my Sun (sic) Sampson Edwards and his heirs for ever four hundred dollars.

It is my will for all my Estate both Real and personable should be sold at the Descreshion (sic) of my Executors and my just Debts be paid and all the Remainder of the money after paing (sic) out the legocys (sic) to be Equally Divided among all the Ten last named Children in this will and the six first named Daughters is not to have but five Shillings each and it is further my wish that my Sun (sic) David Edwards, John Cox and Joseph Everitt should act as Executors to this my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have set my hand and Seal the day and date above written.


John (E) Edwards



Jno Edwards

Stephen Edwards

John Edwards

Augt. Term 1810

He must have died very soon after writing the Will for it was proven the same month (August 1810). Note the witnesses included two men named "John Edwards" and one Stephen Edwards. Stephen and John (one of them) are grandsons of old John, being sons of David Edwards. The other John is also a grandson, probably Sampson Edwards’ son John Edwards.

John Edwards did not mention Winifred Miles in his Will, but he did name her three sons by him.

Apparently Winifred accompanied her sons to Muhlenberg County, Kentucky and was still living as late as 1841. (Thanks to Nathan W. Murphy for that information).


John Edwards and his wife had thirteen children as named in his Will, and several are also proven by various deeds of gift from him to them. He also had three sons by Winnifred Miles who were named in his Will. These three used the "Miles" surname until after the death of their father, then began to use Edwards as their surname, with "Miles" as a middle name. So, John Edwards had 16 proven children.

David Edwards (c1764)

Sampson Edwards (1765/74)

James Edwards (1770/74)

Isham Edwards (1774/84)

Richard Edwards (1774/84)

Ambrose Edwards (1784/90)

Nancy Edwards

Christina Edwards

Sarah Edwards

Mary Edwards

Baishaly Edwards

Lucy Edwards

Elizabeth Edwards

Britton Miles Edwards (c1794)

Samuel Miles Edwards

John Miles Edwards

David Edwards was born ca 1763/64 presumably in old Dobbs, now Lenoir County, North Carolina. He is a proven son of John Edwards and was named as such in John's Will of 1810.

David lived near his father in Wayne County, and remained there until his death in 1839. He married Lydia --- ca 1784, and they were divorced in 1831.

See their own page for additional information.

Sampson Edwards was born ca 1765/74 presumably in old Dobbs, now Lenoir County, North Carolina. He is a proven son of John Edwards and was named as such in John's Will of 1810.

Sampson lived near his father in Wayne County, and remained there until his in death in 1818. He married Jemima --- ca 1784.

See their own page for additional information.

James Edwards was born ca 1770/74, presumably in old Dobbs, now Lenoir County, North Carolina. He is a proven son of John Edwards and was named as such in John's Will of 1810.

James lived near his father in Wayne County, and remained there until his in death ca 1837. He married Rachel --- ca 1800-1810.

See their own page for additional information.

Isham Edwards was born ca 1774/84, presumably in old Dobbs, now Lenoir County, North Carolina. He is a proven son of John Edwards and was named as such in John's Will of 1810.

Isham lived near his father in Wayne County, and remained there until ca 1817 when he apparently moved away to parts unknown.

See his own page for additional information.

Richard Edwards was born ca 1774/84, presumably in old Dobbs, now Lenoir County, North Carolina. He is a proven son of John Edwards and was named as such in John's Will of 1810.

Richard lived near his father in Wayne County, and remained there until ca 1806 when he apparently moved away to parts unknown. He may be the same Richard that appeared in Muhlenberg County, Kentucky right after that. His Miles half-brothers moved there, so it seems reasonable that Richard may have also.

See his own page for additional information.

Ambrose Edwards was born ca 1784/90, in Wayne Co, NC. He is a proven son of John Edwards and was named as such in John's Will of 1810.

Ambrose lived near his father in Wayne County and moved to neighboring Duplin County for a time, and remained there until ca 1816 when he apparently moved away to parts unknown.

See his own page for additional information.

Nancy Edwards is a proven daughter of John Edwards, and named in his 1810 will as his daughter "Nancy Edwards". I don't know when she was born, nor where, though either in Wayne or old Dobbs, now Lenoir County.

Since she was still an "Edwards" in 1810, she may have been unmarried, or married to a cousin named "Edwards".

I have no additional data on her.

Christina Edwards is a proven daughter of John Edwards, and named in his 1810 will as "Christon Dinkins". I don't know when she was born, nor where, though either in Wayne or old Dobbs, now Lenoir County. Her name given as "Christon" may mean her name was actually "Christian" instead of "Christina" as I have rendered it. I'm not sure which is correct as the Will is the only primary record I've found with her name on it.

Her entry in the will does not say "my daughter" like the others, but later John Edwards refers to his first six daughters who were to only get five shillings each, and that is what she was left, with the other five. The last daughter named (who would be the seventh), got a different inheritance, so I have no doubts that Christina is John's daughter.

Christina Edwards married a Mr. Dinkins prior to 1 Aug 1810 (date of her father's Will). I have speculated that it was James Dinkins who was her husband, based on the fact that he was a neighboring land owner to the Edwards, and that there were no other Dinkins around to choose from. However, I want to strongly note that I have no real proof that James Dinkins was her spouse. Some researchers have taken my theory and accepted it as fact and it is now spread around the Internet that she was indeed married to James Dinkins, but I want to emphasize that her husband's given name is not yet proven.

However, having said that, here is what I can find out on the subject. The 1790 census shows only one Dinkins in Wayne County, and that was James Dinkins. He was not listed too close to the Edwards at that time. He was also there for the 1786 tax list, and listed in District 3 (John Edwards was in District 1).

James Dinkins was not listed on the 1800 census in Wayne County, however, that same year Samuel Cox made his Will in Wayne County and named his "half-siblings" James, Polly, Rachel and Sarah Denkings. I suppose this shows that Samuel Cox and the Dinkins siblings had the same mother and different fathers.

The 1800 census does show a John Dinkins in Wayne County, but other records prove his wife was named Zilpha Burns.

The 1810 census shows James Dinkins as the only one in Wayne County. His wife was in the age 26-44 category, or born ca 1765/84. which puts this Mrs. Dinkins in a compatible age group to be John Edwards' daughter Christina.

I did not find James Dinkins in 1820, at least not in Wayne County. There was a James Dinkins in 1830 Wayne, but he was a much younger person, so not the same James.

The "Bottom Line" is that I have no idea if Christina Edwards' husband was James Dinkins, though she was married to someone named "Dinkins". It is entirely possible she married someone else of the Dinkins surname, who was not listed on the public records in Wayne County.

Sarah Edwards is a proven daughter of John Edwards, and named in his 1810 will as "Christon Pike". I don't know when she was born, nor where, though either in Wayne or old Dobbs, now Lenoir County.

Sarah married a Mr. Pike sometime before 1 Aug 1810, presumably in Wayne County, NC or in old Dobbs (now Lenoir) County. There were several Pikes in the area, but I have not been able to positively identify her husband. The 1790 census shows only two Pike listings: John Pike and Nathan Pike.

One suspect is John Pike (on the 1790 census in Wayne Co, NC pg 149) who had 4 apparent sons listed with him in 1790 all born 1774/1790. John or one of his sons could be Sarah's husband. John was not listed in Wayne in 1800.

Sarah was not married to anyone in Nathan Pike's family, which was the only set to remain in Wayne Co, NC. The Nathan Pike family does not have room for her. Nathan Pike (8-22-1760 Pasquotank Co, NC to 6-13-1844 Wayne) was a son of Samuel Pike (1712-bef 1790) and Sarah Overman. Nathan married 8-15-1781 in Wayne Co, NC to Rachel Maudlin, d/o Edmund. Their children: 1) Sarah m William Cox, 2) David (1784) m Penninah Peele, 3) Jonathan (1785) m Sarah Griffin, 4) Absilla m Thomas Edgerton, 5) Mary m William Edgerton, 6) Mark (1792) m Christian Peele, 7) Rachel m Samuel Perkins, 8) Avis m William Musgrave, and 9) Arcada m Josiah Musgrave. This family was Quaker and were the only ones in Wayne Co, NC. Nathan was in Wayne in 1790, but not listed in 1800 for some reason, but was there in 1810 with some of his grown sons listed next to him.

If Sarah Edwards married one of John Pike's sons, then perhaps they all moved away somewhere together between 1790 and 1800.

Mary Edwards is a proven daughter of John Edwards, and named in his 1810 will as "Mary Blackwell". I don't know when she was born, nor where, though either in Wayne or old Dobbs, now Lenoir County.

Mary married a Mr. Blackwell sometime before 1 Aug 1810, presumably in Wayne County, NC or in old Dobbs (now Lenoir) County. I have no clue who her husband was. There were no Blackwells in Wayne County in 1790 through 1850 census records. There were some in nearby Sampson County, so perhaps she is connected with one of those.

Baishaly Edwards is a proven daughter of John Edwards, and named in his 1810 will as "Barshaly Blackwell". I don't know when she was born, nor where, though either in Wayne or old Dobbs, now Lenoir County.

Baishaly married a Mr. Blackwell sometime before 1 Aug 1810, presumably in Wayne County, NC or in old Dobbs (now Lenoir) County. I have no clue who her husband was. There were no Blackwells in Wayne County in 1790 through 1850 census records. There were some in nearby Sampson County, so perhaps she is connected with one of those.

Lucy Edwards is a proven daughter of John Edwards, and named in his 1810 will as "Lucy Grant". I don't know when she was born, nor where, though either in Wayne or old Dobbs, now Lenoir County.

Lucy married a Mr. Grant sometime before 1 Aug 1810, presumably in Wayne County, NC or in old Dobbs (now Lenoir) County. I don't know who her husband was, though I am also a Grant researcher (see my Grant web pages) and am very interested in the Wayne County Grants. I have not yet found anything to prove who her husband was, but it is possible that she was married to Thomas Grant, for he was associated with the Edwards family.

Other than Thomas Grant, I have no strong suspects for who Lucy's husband was.

Elizabeth Edwards is a proven daughter of John Edwards, and named in his 1810 will as "Elizabeth Johnston". I don't know when she was born, nor where, though either in Wayne or old Dobbs, now Lenoir County.

Elizabeth married a Mr. Johnston sometime before 1 Aug 1810, presumably in Wayne County, NC or in old Dobbs (now Lenoir) County. I have no clue who her husband was.

There were a lot of Johnson and Johnston families in Wayne County. Using the 1810 census as a starting point (since she was already married by 1 Aug 1810), I see these Johnstons in Wayne County: Darcy, James, John, Lazarus, Simon, William and William Johnston. One of these men could be Elizabeth's husband, though it is also possible she was no longer in Wayne County as of 1810.

Britton Miles Edwards was born ca 1794 in Wayne Co, NC. He is a proven son of John Edwards via Winifred Miles, and was apparently born out of wedlock. He used the "Miles" surname (i.e. "Britton Miles") until after his father died, then he began using either "Britton M. Edwards" or "Britton Miles Edwards". He was named in his father's 1810 Will.

Britton moved to Muhlenberg County, Kentucky as did his full brothers, and possibly some of his half siblings. See his own page for additional information.

Samuel Miles Edwards was born in Wayne Co, NC. He is a proven son of John Edwards via Winifred Miles, and was apparently born out of wedlock. He used the "Miles" surname (i.e. "Samuel Miles") until after his father died, then he began using "Samuel M. Edwards". He was named in his father's 1810 Will.

Samuel moved to Muhlenberg County, Kentucky as did his full brothers, and possibly some of his half siblings. See his own page for additional information.

John Miles Edwards was born in Wayne Co, NC. He is a proven son of John Edwards via Winifred Miles, and was apparently born out of wedlock. He was named in his father's 1810 Will.

John may have moved to Muhlenberg County, Kentucky with his brothers, but I've seen no proof of that so far. See his own page for additional information.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):

Register Report

1. John1 Edwards , born bef 1746; died abt Aug 1810 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married (1) bef 1764 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC) (---) ? , born bef 1755; died 1800/10 in Wayne Co, NC; (2) Not married in Wayne Co, NC Winifred Miles , born 1770/75 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Wayne Co, NC); died aft 1841 in Muhlenberg Co, KY.


      Children of John Edwards and (---) ? were as follows:

+    2          i           David2 Edwards Pvt , born 1763/64 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC); died abt Feb 1839 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Lydia (---) .

+    3          ii           Sampson2 Edwards , born 1765/74 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC); died 16 Apr 1818 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Jemima (---) .

+    4          iii          James2 Edwards , born 1770/74 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC); died bef 4 Oct 1837 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Rachel (---) .

      5          iv          Isham2 Edwards , born 1774/84 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1817 in Wayne Co, NC.

      6          v          Richard2 Edwards , born 1774/84 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1819 in Muhlenberg Co, KY.

      7          vi          Ambrose2 Edwards , born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1816 in Duplin Co, NC.

      8          vii         Nancy2 Edwards , born bef 1810.

      9          viii        Christina2 Edwards , born bef 1810.  She married bef 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Dinkins .

      10         ix          Sarah2 Edwards , born bef 1810.  She married bef 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Pike .

      11         x          Mary2 Edwards , born bef 1810.  She married bef 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Blackwell .

      12         xi          Baishaly2 Edwards , born bef 1810.  She married bef 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Blackwell .

      13         xii         Lucy2 Edwards , born bef 1810.  She married bef 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Grant .

      14         xiii        Elizabeth2 Edwards , born bef 1810 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married bef 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Johnston .


      Children of John Edwards and Winifred Miles were as follows:

      15         i           Briton Miles2 Edwards , born 1793/94 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Muhlenberg Co, KY.  He married bef 1820 in Muhlenberg Co, KY Ann (---) , born 1794/95 in NC; died aft 1850 in Muhlenberg Co, KY.

      16         ii           Samuel Miles2 Edwards , born 1794/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1840 in Muhlenberg Co, KY.

      17         iii          John Miles2 Edwards , born 1790/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1810 in Wayne Co, NC.


Generation 2


2. David2 Edwards Pvt  (John1), born 1763/64 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC); died abt Feb 1839 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married in 1783/84 in Dobbs Co, NC, divorced  Lydia (---) , born 1760/65 in Dobbs Co, NC; died aft 1840 in Madison Co, TN.


      Children of David Edwards Pvt and Lydia (---) were as follows:

+    18         i           Stephen3 Edwards , born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died abt Jan 1819 in Duplin Co, NC.  He married (1) Elizabeth Carraway ; (2) Elizabeth Waterman .

+    19         ii           John3 Edwards , born 1790/94 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1821/30 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Sarah "Sally" Minshew .

+    20         iii          Barnabas3 Edwards , born 1805/06 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Dyer Co, TN.  He married (1) Catherine (---) ; (2) Mary J (---) .



3. Sampson2 Edwards  (John1), born 1765/74 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC); died 16 Apr 1818 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married bef 1790 in Wayne Co, NC Jemima (---) , born 1755/65; died aft 1823 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of Sampson Edwards and Jemima (---) were as follows:

      21         i           William3 Edwards , born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1823 in Wayne Co, NC.

+    22         ii           Sampson3 Edwards , born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1840/50 in Hardeman Co, TN.  He married Mary Britt .

+    23         iii          Sarah "Sally"3 Edwards , born 1794/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1840 in Montgomery Co, AL.  She married Page Jernigan .

      24         iv          Mary "Polly"3 Edwards , born 1794/1800 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married in 1810/18 in Wayne Co, NC Lazarus Howell , born 1775/94 in Wayne Co, NC; died abt Feb 1827 in Wayne Co, NC.

      25         v          Kesiah3 Edwards , born 1794/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1840 in Johnston Co, NC.  She married in 1810/15 in Wayne Co, NC Jonas Reaves , born 1790/1800; died aft 1840 in Johnston Co, NC.

      26         vi          John3 Edwards , born 1790/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died in KY.

      27         vii         Elizabeth Ann3 Edwards , born 1800/04 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married bef 1820 in Wayne Co, NC John Killet , born 1780/90; died aft 1830 in Wayne Co, NC.

+    28         viii        Lydia3 Edwards , born 1804/05 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married Calvin Howell .

+    29         ix          Ann Mariah3 Edwards , born 12 Oct 1807 in Wayne Co, NC; died 11 May 1862 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married Gard Thompson .

      30         x          George Washington3 Edwards , born 1800/10 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1832 in Wayne Co, NC.



4. James2 Edwards  (John1), born 1770/74 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC); died bef 4 Oct 1837 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married in 1800/10 in Wayne Co, NC Rachel (---) , born 1775/84 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of James Edwards and Rachel (---) were as follows:

+    31         i           Lewis3 Edwards , born in Wayne Co, NC; died bef 1860 in Montgomery Co, AL.  He married Sarah Jernigan  (see 58).

      32         ii           Isham3 Edwards , born in Wayne Co, NC.

      33         iii          Charity3 Edwards , born in Wayne Co, NC.

      34         iv          Ann3 Edwards , born in Wayne Co, NC.

      35         v          Sally3 Edwards , born 1818/39 in Wayne Co, NC.

      36         vi          James3 Edwards , born 1818/39 in Wayne Co, NC.

      37         vii         Alsy3 Edwards , born 1810/11 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Montgomery Co, AL.  She married on 27 Feb 1841 in Montgomery Co, AL William H Wilson , born 1794/95 in SC; died 1850/60 in Montgomery Co, AL.


Generation 3


18. Stephen3 Edwards  (David2, John1), born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died abt Jan 1819 in Duplin Co, NC.  He married (1) in 1808/10 in Wayne Co, NC Elizabeth Carraway , born 1790/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1810/12 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of Adam Carraway  and Susannah Oates ; (2) on 8 Dec 1812 in Wayne Co, NC Elizabeth Waterman , born 26 Nov 1795 in Duplin Co, NC, daughter of William Waterman  and Sarah Bramble .


      Children of Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Carraway were as follows:

      38         i           Sally4 Edwards , born 1808/12 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married bef 1838 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Kornegay .


      Children of Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Waterman were as follows:

+    39         i           William L4 Edwards , born 24 Aug 1815 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Lowndes Co, AL.  He married Martha A (---) .

+    40         ii           Sarah Ann "Sally"4 Edwards , born 15 Oct 1817 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Fort Deposit, AL.  She married William B Price Jr .



19. John3 Edwards  (David2, John1), born 1790/94 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1821/30 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married in 1810/17 in Wayne Co, NC Sarah "Sally" Minshew , born 1794/1800 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of Nathan Minshew  and Elizabeth Bryan .


      Children of John Edwards and Sarah "Sally" Minshew were as follows:

+    41         i           Gabriel4 Edwards , born 1816/17 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Pearcy Peal .



20. Barnabas3 Edwards  (David2, John1), born 1805/06 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Dyer Co, TN.  He married (1) in 1820/26 in Wayne Co, NC Catherine (---) , born 1805/06 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1850/53 in Madison Co, TN; (2) on 9 Nov 1853 in Gibson Co, TN Mary J (---) , born 1819/20 in TN.


      Children of Barnabas Edwards and Catherine (---) were as follows:

+    42         i           William4 Edwards , born 1825/26 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1897/1900 in Florence Co, SC.  He married (1) Rachel Roberts ; (2) Martha E Parker .

      43         ii           Barnabas4 Edwards , born 1833/34 in Madison Co, TN.

      44         iii          Catherine4 Edwards , born 1837/38 in Madison Co, TN.

      45         iv          Samuel4 Edwards , born 1839/40 in Madison Co, TN.

      46         v          L J4 Edwards , born 1841/42 in Madison Co, TN.

      47         vi          E4 Edwards , born 1844/45 in Madison Co, TN.

      48         vii         Thomas4 Edwards , born 1847/48 in Madison Co, TN.

      49         viii        M4 Edwards , born 1852/53 in Madison Co, TN.


      Children of Barnabas Edwards and Mary J (---) were as follows:

      50         i           Mary4 Edwards , born 1855/56 in Dyer Co, TN.

      51         ii           Moses4 Edwards , born 1857/58 in Dyer Co, TN.



22. Sampson3 Edwards  (Sampson2, John1), born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1840/50 in Hardeman Co, TN.  He married in 1820/24 in Wayne Co, NC Mary Britt , born 1804/05 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Halderman Co, TN, daughter of Kinchen Britt .


      Children of Sampson Edwards and Mary Britt were as follows:

      52         i           James4 Edwards , born 1821/22 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married bef 1850 in Hardeman Co, TN Elizabeth (---) , born 1825/26 in TN.

      53         ii           William4 Edwards , born 1826/27 in Hardeman Co, TN.

      54         iii          Mary4 Edwards , born 1826/27 in Hardeman Co, TN.

      55         iv          Alvin4 Edwards , born 1828/29 in Hardeman Co, TN.

      56         v          Elva4 Edwards , born 1833/34 in Hardeman Co, TN.

      57         vi          James4 Edwards , born 1837/38 in Hardeman Co, TN.



23. Sarah "Sally"3 Edwards  (Sampson2, John1), born 1794/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1840 in Montgomery Co, AL.  She married bef 1810 in Wayne Co, NC Page Jernigan , born 1774/84 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1820/30 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of Sarah "Sally" Edwards and Page Jernigan were as follows:

      58         i           Sarah4 Jernigan , born 1810/20 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married on 13 Dec 1828 in Wayne Co, NC Lewis Edwards  (see 31), born in Wayne Co, NC; died bef 1860 in Montgomery Co, AL, son of James Edwards  and Rachel (---) .



28. Lydia3 Edwards  (Sampson2, John1), born 1804/05 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married in 1821/23 in Wayne Co, NC Calvin Howell , born 1804/05 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of Lydia Edwards and Calvin Howell were as follows:

      59         i           Henry4 Howell , born 1829/30 in Wayne Co, NC.

      60         ii           Mariah4 Howell , born 1832/33 in Wayne Co, NC.

      61         iii          John4 Howell , born 1836/37 in Wayne Co, NC.

      62         iv          Mary4 Howell , born 1840/41 in Wayne Co, NC.

      63         v          Needham4 Howell , born 1844/45 in Wayne Co, NC.

      64         vi          Chelly4 Howell , born 1850/51 in Wayne Co, NC.



29. Ann Mariah3 Edwards  (Sampson2, John1), born 12 Oct 1807 in Wayne Co, NC; died 11 May 1862 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married in 1821/29 in Wayne Co, NC Gard Thompson , born 20 Feb 1805 in Wayne Co, NC; died 16 Aug 1866 in Wayne Co, NC.


      Children of Ann Mariah Edwards and Gard Thompson were as follows:

      65         i           John W4 Thompson , born 1829/30 in Wayne Co, NC.

      66         ii           Alice4 Thompson , born 1831/32 in Wayne Co, NC.

      67         iii          Mary4 Thompson , born 1833/34 in Wayne Co, NC.

      68         iv          Alfred B4 Thompson , born 1835/36 in Wayne Co, NC.



31. Lewis3 Edwards  (James2, John1), born in Wayne Co, NC; died bef 1860 in Montgomery Co, AL.  He married on 13 Dec 1828 in Wayne Co, NC Sarah Jernigan  (see 58), born 1810/20 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of Page Jernigan  and Sarah "Sally" Edwards .


      Children of Lewis Edwards and Sarah Jernigan were as follows:

+    69         i           William James4 Edwards , born 1829/30 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Montgomery Co, AL.  He married Harriett (---) .


Generation 4


39. William L4 Edwards  (Stephen3, David2, John1), born 24 Aug 1815 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Lowndes Co, AL.  He married bef 1843 in Lowndes Co, AL Martha A (---) , died in Montgomery Co, AL.


      Children of William L Edwards and Martha A (---) were as follows:

      70         i           Mary Elizabeth5 Edwards , born 22 May 1843 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 4 Sep 1911 in Montgomery Co, AL.

      71         ii           Martha Ellen5 Edwards , born 13 Oct 1851 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 9 Nov 1929 in Elmore Co, AL.

      72         iii          Sarah Eugenia5 Edwards , born 10 Apr 1858 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 29 Mar 1926 in Montgomery Co, AL.

      73         iv          Alice Corine5 Edwards , born 1 Dec 1863 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 1 Jul 1889 in Montgomery Co, AL.



40. Sarah Ann "Sally"4 Edwards  (Stephen3, David2, John1), born 15 Oct 1817 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Fort Deposit, AL.  She married on 5 Jul 1831 in Duplin Co, NC William B Price Jr , born 16 Mar 1805 in Duplin Co, NC; died 2 Mar 1864 in Fort Deposit, AL.


      Children of Sarah Ann "Sally" Edwards and William B Price Jr were as follows:

      74         i           Julia A5 Price , born 1837/38 in Lowndes Co, AL.

      75         ii           Frances E5 Price , born 1844/45 in Lowndes Co, AL.

      76         iii          Virginia Elizabeth5 Price , born 1846/47 in Lowndes Co, AL.

      77         iv          Jesse W5 Price , born 1848/49 in Lowndes Co, AL; died in OK.

      78         v          Lonie5 Price , died in OK.

      79         vi          Thomas Edward5 Price .

      80         vii         Florence Augusta5 Price .



41. Gabriel4 Edwards  (John3, David2, John1), born 1816/17 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married in 1830/40 in Wayne Co, NC Pearcy Peal , born 1813/14 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of John Peal  and Patty Minshew .


      Children of Gabriel Edwards and Pearcy Peal were as follows:

      81         i           Edney A5 Edwards , born 1840 in Wayne Co, NC.

      82         ii           Martha J5 Edwards , born 1842/43 in Wayne Co, NC.

      83         iii          Sarah P "Sally"5 Edwards , born 1844/45 in Wayne Co, NC.

      84         iv          Lydia E5 Edwards , born 1846/47 in Wayne Co, NC.

      85         v          Pearcy P5 Edwards , born 1848/49 in Wayne Co, NC.

      86         vi          Gabriel5 Edwards , born 1855 in Wayne Co, NC.



42. William4 Edwards  (Barnabas3, David2, John1), born 1825/26 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1897/1900 in Florence Co, SC.  He married (1) in 1840/48 in Wayne Co, NC Rachel Roberts , born 1830/31 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1870/74 in Horry Co, SC, daughter of Richard Roberts  and Rebecca Hobson ; (2) in 1873/74 in Marion Co, SC (now Florence Co, SC) Martha E Parker , born 7 Sep 1840 in Marion Dist, SC; died 28 Jan 1914 in Florence Co, SC; buried in Salem Cem, Florence Co, SC, daughter of John Parker  and Ann (---) .


      Children of William Edwards and Rachel Roberts were as follows:

      87         i           Barnabas5 Edwards , born 1847/48 in Wayne Co, NC.

      88         ii           Gabriel E5 Edwards , born Dec 1849 in Wayne Co, NC; died 15 Mar 1938 in Horry Co, SC; buried in Zion Cem, Horry Co, SC.

      89         iii          William M5 Edwards , born Oct 1850 in Wayne Co, NC; died 14 Jun 1932 in Horry Co, SC.

      90         iv          John5 Edwards , born 17 Jun 1853 in Wayne Co, NC.

      91         v          Doctor F5 Edwards , born 1853/54 in Wayne Co, NC.

      92         vi          James W5 Edwards , born 8 Apr 1855 in Wayne Co, NC.

      93         vii         Henry C5 Edwards , born 22 Jun 1859 in Horry Dist, SC; died 4 Nov 1944 in Florence Co, SC; buried in Salem Cem, Florence Co, SC.

      94         viii        Mary5 Edwards , born 1860/61 in Horry Dist, SC.

      95         ix          Martha M5 Edwards , born 1862/63 in Horry Dist, SC.

      96         x          Rachel R5 Edwards , born 9 May 1864/65 in Horry Dist, SC; died 18 Jan 1943 in Horry Co, SC.

      97         xi          John R5 Edwards , born 1870/71 in Horry Dist, SC.

      98         xii         Eliza Jane5 Edwards , born 1871/72 in Horry Dist, SC.



69. William James4 Edwards  (Lewis3, James2, John1), born 1829/30 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Montgomery Co, AL.  He married in 1850/54 in Montgomery Co, AL Harriett (---) , born 1836/37 in AL.


      Children of William James Edwards and Harriett (---) were as follows:

      99         i           Elizabeth5 Edwards , born 1853/54 in Montgomery Co, AL.

      100       ii           Ella5 Edwards , born 1855/56 in Montgomery Co, AL.

      101       iii          Madison5 Edwards , born 1857/58 in Montgomery Co, AL.

      102       iv          Normon5 Edwards , born 1859/60 in Montgomery Co, AL. Home > >Genealogy > Edwards > Families > John