David Edwards (c1764-1839) and Lydia --- of Wayne Co, NC

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I (Marty Grant) am a 5th Great Grandson of David and Lydia (---) Edwards.

David Edwards was born ca 1763/64 per his age of "71" as given on the 1835 Pensioners Census. In an affidavit dated 22 Aug 1832, David Edwards stated he was 69 years old. That would work out to a birth year of either 1762 or 1763. Combine this with the 1835 census, and you get ca 1763 as a likely birth year for him.

I don't know where David Edwards was born, though the first record I have for his parents was 1769 in Dobbs County, now Lenoir County, so he may have been born there, somewhere in the vicinity of present day Kinston (where I currently reside, coincidentally).

David Edwards a proven child of John Edwards, and was named in his father's Will of 1810.

David Edwards was a Revolutionary War Soldier, and a Pensioner. His pension file contains some information about his service. I'll present a summarized version here. He was drafted for 12 months in 1781 or 1782, under Captain Thomas Shute at Kinston, NC, "his place of residence". He stayed at Kinston for a number of days, then marched to Elizabeth (Elizabethtown) in Bladen County, then to Ashpole, then to Peedee, SC. Then he marched to Deep River, NC where they built a Fort. Then they marched to Haw River. Then they marched to Hillsboro, NC. His year of service ended while he was in Hillsboro, and he was discharged. He named several officers he served under: Major Bennett Crafton, His Captain at first was Captain Shute, his Lieut. was named Bilbary, and Ensign David Glisson. Orderly Sergeant was John M--gan (Morgan?). In Elizabeth (Elizabethtown) he was placed under the command of Captain Norris Raiford and continued under him until discharged at Hillsboro, NC. Further, in his pension application, he stated he was 69 years old, and he was impaired by numerous ills of life. He mentioned James McDaniel as a fellow soldier who knew him and could vouch for his service. His pension request was granted. (Revolutionary War Pension File - S6812 David Edwards 1832, National Archives).

After the war, the Edwards moved from what is now Lenoir County, into neighboring Wayne County where they settled west of present day Goldsboro on Yellow Marsh Branch.

David Edwards married Lydia --- ca 1784/85 (on 2 Apr 1829, Lydia says she had been married to David for 44 years) in Wayne Co, NC. Lydia was born ca 1760/65 (per census analysis). I don't know where she was born, though possibly in old Dobbs County. I don't know her maiden name. The estate records of David Edwards, and Divorce case of Lydia Edwards vs. David Edwards give some clues but nothing solid as to her maiden name. I'll go into that below.

David Edwards and John Edwards (his father) witnessed a deed of Francis and Sarah Covington. This is the first Wayne County record I've found for David Edwards. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 1 page 303).

David Edwards was listed on the 1786 Wayne County tax list in District 1, right by his father John Edwards. He was taxed for 0 acres (he had no land yet), 1 white poll and 0 black polls (he had no slaves).

On 3 Feb 1787 David Edwards, John Kennedy and Josiah Cox witnessed a deed from Micajah Cox to John Edwards (David's father). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 3 page 429).

On 27 Mar 1787 John Edwards (David's father), Planter, of Wayne County, sold land to David Edwards, Planter, of Wayne County. The land was sold for $50, being 200 acre Plantation Tract on Yellow Marsh. Beginning at a white oak, James Dinkins (possibly David's brother-in-law) corner at mouth of Wolf Branch or Dinkins Branch, then with run down Yellow Marsh to Bass's line, with his line to John Edwards' line. With Edwards line to his corner near Yellow Marsh, a red oak. With Edwards line down Yellow Marsh to a bottom or slush known by name of Pike Bottom, then from mouth of said bottom a straight line through plantation to a sweet gum in edge of pond, thence straight line to a head of Branch called Edwards Hog Pen Branch, then straight line to head of Dinkins Branch, thence down said branch to beginning containing 200 acres. Being part of several tracts. Signed by John (I) Edwards. Witnessed by John Kennedy and Sampson Edwards (David's brother). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 4 page 39).

David Edwards was listed on the 1790 census in Wayne County. He was listed between his father John Edwards, and his brother Sampson Edwards.

1790 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1790 Wayne Co, NC pg 149 David Edwards 1-1-2-0-0
1 Male(s) 16 and Up (before 1774)	David EDWARDS (1763/64) s/o John
1 Male(s) under 16    (1774/1790)	Stephen EDWARDS (1784/90) son
2 Female(s) any age (before 1790)	Lydia — Edwards (1760/65) wife
					Daughter? (bef 1790) --> gone by 1800

On 30 Jul 1796, David McKinne sold land to David Edwards, being land on East side of Falling Creek on Long Marsh. Beginning south side of Marsh at stake, W 45 across said marsh to a pine, then S 75 W 127 poles to a Hickory, S 75 E, cross said marsh, then up marsh to beginning, containing 50 acres. Witnesses were Sampson Edwards (brother) and James Edwards (brother). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 9 page 289).

David Edwards was listed on the 1800 census in Wayne County. He was just a few houses from his brother Sampson Edwards and a few more from their father John Edwards. David's neighbors on either side were George Memory and Hardy Griffin.  David had one slave in 1800, but I've found no deed showing him purchasing a slave, so I'm not sure how he/she came into David's possession.

1800 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1800 Wayne Co, NC pg 858 David Edwards 12010-00010-0-1
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1755-1774)	David EDWARDS (1763/64)
2 Male(s) 10-15       (1784-1790)	Stephen EDWARDS (1784/90) son --> m by 1810
					Son? (1784/90) * Not in 1790 --> gone 1810
1 Male(s) 0-9         (1790-1800)	John EDWARDS (1790/94) son
1 Female(s) 26-44     (1755-1774)	Lydia — Edwards (1760/65) wife

On 2 Jan 1805 Owen Hines sold land to David Edwards for $250, land on North Side of Yellow Marsh. Beginning at run of said Marsh where Waynesboro Road crosses, and with said road to William Beard's line (now William Taylor's line), then with his line west to his corner, then with said David Edwards line to Yellow Marsh. Up meanders of Marsh to beginning, containing 116 acres. Witnesses were A. Fulghum, and Sampson Edwards (brother). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 8 page 189).

On 9 Aug 1806 William Bennett sold land to David Edwards for $57.15. North side of Yellow Marsh. Beginning at a stake at John Edwards corner, then N 50 poles to a pine, his other corner, then along his line and William McKinne's line to run of Long Marsh, then down run of same to beginning, containing 19 ½ acres. Witnesses were P. Jernigan (Page Jernigan, David's nephew by marriage), and Uriah Bass Junr. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 9 page 284).

On 4 Oct 1806, David Edwards and P. Jernigan (Page Jernigan, his nephew) witnessed a deed from Richard Edwards (brother) to John Edwards Sr (father). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 9 page 130).

David Edwards was listed on the 1810 census in Wayne County. He was listed in the midst of several Edwards, namely his brothers Sampson Edwards, James Edwards, Isham Edwards and Ambrose Edwards, and son Stephen Edwards.  He was listed between Ambrose Edwards and William Jones. David now had 6 slaves.

1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 809 David Edwards 10101-00001-0-6
1 Male(s) 45 and up    (bef 1765)	David EDWARDS (1763/64) s/o John
1 Male(s) 16-25       (1784-1794)	John EDWARDS (1790/94) son --> m by 1817
1 Male(s) 0-9         (1800-1810)	Barnabas EDWARDS (1804/05) son
1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1765)	Lydia — Edwards (1760/65) wife

David's father John Edwards made his Will on 1 Aug 1810 in Wayne County, and named "my sun David Edwards" and left him Four Hundred dollars.  David (and John Cox and Joseph Everitt) were named as Executors of the Will.

On 3 Sep 1810 David Edwards, as Executor of John Edwards, deceased (his father), sold some of the estate to Sampson Edwards Sr (his brother). Witnessed by William Edwards (Sampson's son), and Jesse Blanchard. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 11 page 181).

On 21 Sep 1811, David Edwards, as Executor of John Edwards, deceased (his father), sold more of the estate to Sampson Edwards Sr. Witnessed by William Edwards (Sampson's son). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 12 page 300).

On 15 Nov 1812, David Edwards, Planter, sold land to Stephen Edwards (his son) for $350, land on North Side of Yellow Marsh. Beginning at run of said Marsh where Waynesboro Road crosses, and with meanders of said road to Joseph Everett's line, then with his line west to his corner, then with said David Edwards line to Yellow Marsh. Up meanders of Marsh to beginning, containing 116 acres. The deed was signed "David (x) Stephens" which was a transcription error, for the copy of the deed in the deed book was made by the clerk, and not by David himself. Witnesses were John Cox and Jesse? Ginnett. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 11 page 20).

On 26 Jul 1817, David Edwards, as Executor of John Edwards, deceased (his father), sold some of the estate to Joseph Everitt. Witnesses were John Cox and Mary Everitt. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 11 page 79).

David Edwards was listed on the 1820 census in Wayne County. Unfortunately this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell where he was living or who his neighbors were.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Wayne Co, NC pg 463 David Edwards 010001-00001-0-6
1 Male(s) 45 & up   (before 1775)	David EDWARDS (1763/64) s/o John
1 Male(s) 10-15       (1804-1810)	Barnabas EDWARDS (1804/05) son
1 Female(s) 45 & up (before 1775)	Lydia — Edwards (1760/65) wife

When I first looked at David Edwards' Estate file I made a startling discovery. A document in his file was found giving his wife Lydia 1/3 of his estate. That was not unusual except that he was still alive at the time, and the 1/3 was her alimony as part of their divorce. I was quite surprised to learn that they were divorced. A few years later I told Ken Edwards about it, and he went to the North Carolina Archives and obtained the actual divorce records for David and Lydia and gave me a copy. The papers give an account by Lydia of her poor treatment at the hands of David, and her divorce was granted. Unfortunately, the divorce papers do not give her maiden name, but perhaps some clues were given. There were several summonses for witnesses to testify (though the actual testimony was not included). Afterwards, the witnesses for the plaintiff, and for the defendant made their claims for attendance on behalf of whichever one they testified for. This was to get their mileage payment for going to the Court House. The list of witnesses for each side may give important clues, for all of these people would have been either neighbors or relatives (or both) of David and Lydia. The papers were quite extensive, and I've made no effort to transcribe them yet, but will give a brief summarized and paraphrased version here:

On 2 Apr 1829 Lydia Edwards made an affidavit giving much information, including the following points of interest: Lydia Edwards of Wayne County, having lived there about forty or forty five years is the lawful wife of David Edwards, and have been married to him about forty four years. She was "about 62" years old. Years ago, her husband commenced an adulterous connection with an other woman which estranged his affection from her and caused him to treat her with great unkindness. (The "other woman" was not named). He later became more and more cruel, eventually beating and abusing her. His violence towards her now makes her sure her life is in danger. She went into a little more detail than this, but this is the gist of it. She stated that due to her age she would soon become helpless unless something was done. She asked for some of the property of David Edwards, consisting of land, slaves and stock.

David Edwards was summoned on 13 Jul 1829 to appear in next September Court. For some reason he was summoned again on 1 Dec 1829 to appear in the next March 1830 session of Wayne County Superior Court at Waynesborough. I don't know why the multiple summons, but it could have been a complex case.

On 31 Mar 1831, David Edwards made an affidavit refuting what Lydia had said. The highlights of his statement include his assertion that : ... many errors, inaccuracies, and untruths" had been levied against him. He denied having any adulterous relationship, or abusing his wife, and being anything other than an affectionate husband to her.

It would appear that the Divorce was granted, and it was ordered that Lydia Edwards was to receive alimony of one third of David Edwards estate consisting of 340 acres of land, to be hers completely free from his control, and after her death, to return to David Edwards (she outlived him though). The alimony also consisted of one third of his personal estate consisting of 16 slaves and "other chattels" (amazing and disturbing how human beings were considered chattel in those days!) valued at $3560. It was ordered that a jury of 12 freeholders divide her one third of the estate, but not to include his dwelling house. The specifics were not included in the divorce file, but a paper in David's Estate file shows the jurors names, and a description of the land that Lydia got. She got 100 acres lying on the North side of Yellow Marsh and north side of Dinkins Branch (detailed description given). She also received five negroes: Chary?, Charles, Newton, Handy and Hasty. She also received one third of his horses, cattle, and other personal property. The jurors as named were: James Everitt, L. Cogdill, Samuel Flowers, John Everitt, Britton Hood, John McKinny, William Carraway, Charles Carraway, Henry Caraway, John Cox, Edmund Cox and John Overman. According to most sources I've consulted, none of these jurors would not have been closely related to Lydia Edwards, so it would seem likely none of these were her father or brother.

As I mentioned earlier, there were several receipts for Attendance (any witness could claim mileage and days away from home on behalf of the plaintiff or defendant, depending on who's behalf they came, and get paid their expenses from that party). Those filing their attendance paint an interesting picture showing (more or less) who was on what side. The number of days was how long they had to appear in court, and the miles was the round trip mileage to the Court House from their home.

For the Plaintiff (Lydia Edwards)

For the Defendant (David Edwards)

I have not been able to identify any of Lydia's witnesses as relatives, though they all could be related to her in some way. David's witnesses included Sally Edwards, who could be his son John Edwards' wife Sally Minshew Edwards, or it could be his grand-daughter Sally Edwards, daughter of Stephen Edwards. It could just as easily be someone else.

There were also summons included in the Divorce file by the Sheriff of Wayne County (William Thompson) for each of the above witnesses for various court dates. Some were summoned who weren't mentioned in the receipts (they probably didn't ask for payment for their attendance). Those summoned who were not listed on the attendance claims were: Samuel Flowers (for David Edwards), Joseph Everitt (for Lydia). John Edwards (probably David's son John) and Thomas Grant for David Edwards (John Killett, Sally Edwards also summoned in that same order). Richard Caisey was also summoned, but it didn't state for who's behalf.

David Edwards was listed on the 1830 census in Wayne County, apparently living all alone, except for 14 slaves. Unfortunately this census was alphabetical, so I can't tell where he was living or who his neighbors were. Lydia appears to be living with her son Barnabas Edwards in 1830, for he has someone her age residing with him on this census (age 60-69, born ca 1760/70). Barnabas also has 14 slaves listed, so it seems quite possible that both Lydia and David were claiming all the slaves as their own, though it is certainly possible (though not likely) that Barnabas had 14 of his own.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Wayne Co, NC pg 506 David Edwards 0000000010000-0000000000000
1 Male(s) 60-69        (1760-1770)	David EDWARDS (1763/64) s/o John

As mentioned earlier, David and Lydia were divorced in 1831.

David Edwards was listed on the 1835 Revolutionary War Pensioners Census. He was listed in Wayne County, aged 71, a Private in the NC Militia.

On 13 Dec 1838, David Edwards made his Will in Wayne County. I've transcribed his Will verbatim, including spelling errors (marked by 'sic'). I've also bolded all proper names for easy perusal.

State of North Carolina, Wayne County

Know all men by these presents that I David Edwards of a sound disposing mind and memory do make this my last will and and (sic) testament in manner and form following. To viz,

First Item I will that all my just debts be paid out of my property Real and Personal. NB. Then the residue and remainder of my property both Real and personal to be divided as followeth to viz.

2 Item. I will that my man Dick and my girl Lucy be sold by Exctr who I shall hereafter nominate & appoint and the proceeds thereof be distributed as followeth after my just debts being paid that is to say.

3 Item I also will that all my land that I am now seized and possessed of at this time or may hereafter come come (sic) by lawfully be divided as followeth. To viz.

4 Item give and bequeath to Gabriel Edwards son of John Edwards Senr, decd two thirds of my whole Estate. And William Edwards, son of Stephen Edwards my own son have one third except I give and bequeath to Stephen Edwards other heirs to wit Sally Cornegea and Sally Ann Price the lawful sum of one dollar each.

5 Item I also give and bequeath to my son Barnabas Edwards the lawful sum of one dollar from the share of William Edwards, the son of the above stated.

6 Item I David Edwards do by these presents nominate constitute and appoint John A. Green sole Exectr of this my last will and testament hereby revoking all others and former will by me heretofore made in testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 13 day of December 1838.


David (x) Edwards {Seal}


In presence of

Miles B. Sanders

Wm S. Jinnett Wayne County Feby Term 1839

then was the foregoing will of David Edwards produced in open Court and offered for probate and duly proved by the oath of Wm S. Jinnet a subscribing witness thereto and ordered to be recorded at the same time John A. Green, Excr therein named appeared and qualified. let letters testamentary issue. (?)

Feb Co, 1839 John A. Green, Clk.

The Will was proven in Court in February 1839, so David had died by then.

David Edwards has an Estate File also in the Wayne County Loose Estates at the North Carolina Archives. It contains some interesting data (already mentioned earlier, in conjunction with his divorce).

As I mentioned before, Lydia seemed to be living with son Barnabas Edwards back in 1830. It would seem that she went with him to Madison Co, TN in the 1830's, for his 1840 census entry there shows a female her age living with him (70-79, born ca 1760/70). Of course it is possible that this was someone else instead, such as his mother-in-law, but I think it is probably Lydia.

Lydia must have died in the 1840's, for she was no longer home with Barnabas for the 1850 census. Nor did I find her anywhere else that year.


David Edwards and Lydia had at least three children as named in his 1838 Will. The earlier census records may show two additional children who could have died young (or they weren't actually their children). Only having three children would seem unusual in that day, but when you consider their stormy relationship, it seems logical.

Stephen Edwards (1784/90)

John Edwards (1790/94)

Barnabas Edwards (c1805)

Stephen Edwards was born ca 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC. He is a proven son of David and Lydia, named in David's 1838 Will.

Stephen Edwards married Elizabeth Carraway and second to Elizabeth Waterman. See their own page for additional information.

John Edwards was born ca 1790/94 in Wayne Co, NC. He is a proven son of David and Lydia, named in David's 1838 Will.

John Edwards married Sarah "Sally" Minshew. See their own page for additional information.

Barnabas Edwards was born ca 1804/05 in Wayne Co, NC. He is a proven son of David and Lydia, named in David's 1838 Will.

Barnabas Edwards married Catherine --- and second to Mary J. ---. See their own page for additional information.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):

Register Report

1. David1 Edwards Pvt , born 1763/64 in Dobbs Co, NC (now Lenoir Co, NC); died abt Feb 1839 in Wayne Co, NC, son of John Edwards  and (---) ? .  He married in 1784/85 in Wayne Co, NC, divorced  Lydia (---) , born 1760/65 in Dobbs Co, NC; died 1840/50 in Madison Co, TN.


      Children of David Edwards Pvt and Lydia (---) were as follows:

+    2          i      Stephen2 Edwards , born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died abt Jan 1819 in Duplin Co, NC.  He married (1) Elizabeth Carraway ; (2) Elizabeth Waterman .

+    3          ii      John2 Edwards , born 1790/94 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1821/30 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Sarah "Sally" Minshew .

+    4          iii      Barnabas2 Edwards , born 1805/06 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Dyer Co, TN.  He married (1) Catherine (---) ; (2) Mary J (---) .


Generation 2


2. Stephen2 Edwards  (David1), born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died abt Jan 1819 in Duplin Co, NC.  He married (1) in 1808/10 in Wayne Co, NC Elizabeth Carraway , born 1790/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1810/12 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of Adam Carraway  and Susannah Oates ; (2) on 8 Dec 1812 in Wayne Co, NC Elizabeth Waterman , born 26 Nov 1795 in Duplin Co, NC, daughter of William Waterman  and Sarah Bramble .


      Children of Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Carraway were as follows:

      5          i      Sally3 Edwards , born 1808/12 in Wayne Co, NC.  She married bef 1838 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Kornegay .


      Children of Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Waterman were as follows:

+    6          i      William L3 Edwards , born 24 Aug 1815 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Lowndes Co, AL.  He married Martha A (---) .

+    7          ii      Sarah Ann "Sally"3 Edwards , born 15 Oct 1817 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Fort Deposit, AL.  She married William B Price Jr .



3. John2 Edwards  (David1), born 1790/94 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1821/30 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married in 1810/17 in Wayne Co, NC Sarah "Sally" Minshew , born 1794/1800 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of Nathan Minshew  and Elizabeth Bryan .


      Children of John Edwards and Sarah "Sally" Minshew were as follows:

+    8          i      Gabriel3 Edwards , born 1816/17 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Pearcy Peal .



4. Barnabas2 Edwards  (David1), born 1805/06 in Wayne Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Dyer Co, TN.  He married (1) in 1820/26 in Wayne Co, NC Catherine (---) , born 1805/06 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1850/53 in Madison Co, TN; (2) on 9 Nov 1853 in Gibson Co, TN Mary J (---) , born 1819/20 in TN.


      Children of Barnabas Edwards and Catherine (---) were as follows:

+    9          i      William3 Edwards , born 1825/26 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1897/1900 in Florence Co, SC.  He married (1) Rachel Roberts ; (2) Martha E Parker .

      10         ii      Barnabas3 Edwards , born 1833/34 in Madison Co, TN.

      11         iii      Catherine3 Edwards , born 1837/38 in Madison Co, TN.

      12         iv      Samuel3 Edwards , born 1839/40 in Madison Co, TN.

      13         v      L J3 Edwards , born 1841/42 in Madison Co, TN.

      14         vi      E3 Edwards , born 1844/45 in Madison Co, TN.

      15         vii      Thomas3 Edwards , born 1847/48 in Madison Co, TN.

      16         viii      M3 Edwards , born 1852/53 in Madison Co, TN.


      Children of Barnabas Edwards and Mary J (---) were as follows:

      17         i      Mary3 Edwards , born 1855/56 in Dyer Co, TN.

      18         ii      Moses3 Edwards , born 1857/58 in Dyer Co, TN.


Generation 3


6. William L3 Edwards  (Stephen2, David1), born 24 Aug 1815 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Lowndes Co, AL.  He married bef 1843 in Lowndes Co, AL Martha A (---) , died in Montgomery Co, AL.


      Children of William L Edwards and Martha A (---) were as follows:

      19         i      Mary Elizabeth4 Edwards , born 22 May 1843 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 4 Sep 1911 in Montgomery Co, AL.

      20         ii      Martha Ellen4 Edwards , born 13 Oct 1851 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 9 Nov 1929 in Elmore Co, AL.

      21         iii      Sarah Eugenia4 Edwards , born 10 Apr 1858 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 29 Mar 1926 in Montgomery Co, AL.

      22         iv      Alice Corine4 Edwards , born 1 Dec 1863 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 1 Jul 1889 in Montgomery Co, AL.



7. Sarah Ann "Sally"3 Edwards  (Stephen2, David1), born 15 Oct 1817 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Fort Deposit, AL.  She married on 5 Jul 1831 in Duplin Co, NC William B Price Jr , born 16 Mar 1805 in Duplin Co, NC; died 2 Mar 1864 in Fort Deposit, AL.


      Children of Sarah Ann "Sally" Edwards and William B Price Jr were as follows:

      23         i      Julia A4 Price , born 1837/38 in Lowndes Co, AL.

      24         ii      Frances E4 Price , born 1844/45 in Lowndes Co, AL.

      25         iii      Virginia Elizabeth4 Price , born 1846/47 in Lowndes Co, AL.

      26         iv      Jesse W4 Price , born 1848/49 in Lowndes Co, AL; died in OK.

      27         v      Lonie4 Price , died in OK.

      28         vi      Thomas Edward4 Price .

      29         vii      Florence Augusta4 Price .



8. Gabriel3 Edwards  (John2, David1), born 1816/17 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married in 1830/40 in Wayne Co, NC Pearcy Peal , born 1813/14 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of John Peal  and Patty Minshew .


      Children of Gabriel Edwards and Pearcy Peal were as follows:

      30         i      Edney A4 Edwards , born 1840 in Wayne Co, NC.

      31         ii      Martha J4 Edwards , born 1842/43 in Wayne Co, NC.

      32         iii      Sarah P "Sally"4 Edwards , born 1844/45 in Wayne Co, NC.

      33         iv      Lydia E4 Edwards , born 1846/47 in Wayne Co, NC.

      34         v      Pearcy P4 Edwards , born 1848/49 in Wayne Co, NC.

      35         vi      Gabriel4 Edwards , born 1855 in Wayne Co, NC.



9. William3 Edwards  (Barnabas2, David1), born 1825/26 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1897/1900 in Florence Co, SC.  He married (1) in 1840/48 in Wayne Co, NC Rachel Roberts , born 1830/31 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1870/74 in Horry Co, SC, daughter of Richard Roberts  and Rebecca Hobson ; (2) in 1873/74 in Marion Co, SC (now Florence Co, SC) Martha E Parker , born 7 Sep 1840 in Marion Dist, SC; died 28 Jan 1914 in Florence Co, SC; buried in Salem Cem, Florence Co, SC, daughter of John Parker  and Ann (---) .


      Children of William Edwards and Rachel Roberts were as follows:

+    36         i      Barnabas4 Edwards , born 1847/48 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Susan Ann M Kirton .

+    37         ii      Gabriel E4 Edwards , born Dec 1849 in Wayne Co, NC; died 15 Mar 1938 in Horry Co, SC; buried in Zion Cem, Horry Co, SC.  He married (1) Louisa Floyd ; (2) Celia Caroline Johnson .

+    38         iii      William M4 Edwards , born Oct 1850 in Wayne Co, NC; died 14 Jun 1932 in Horry Co, SC.  He married (1) Cornelia L Kirton ; (2) Maggie (---) .

+    39         iv      John4 Edwards , born 17 Jun 1853 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Charity Matilda Granger .

+    40         v      Doctor F4 Edwards , born 1853/54 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Sarah (---) .

+    41         vi      James W4 Edwards , born 8 Apr 1855 in Wayne Co, NC.  He married Ellen Louise Johnson .

+    42         vii      Henry C4 Edwards , born 22 Jun 1859 in Horry Dist, SC; died 4 Nov 1944 in Florence Co, SC; buried in Salem Cem, Florence Co, SC.  He married Jane P (---) .

      43         viii      Mary4 Edwards , born 1860/61 in Horry Dist, SC.

      44         ix      Martha M4 Edwards , born 1862/63 in Horry Dist, SC.

+    45         x      Rachel R4 Edwards , born 9 May 1864/65 in Horry Dist, SC; died 18 Jan 1943 in Horry Co, SC.  She married (1) William Isaac Graham ; (2) Henry M Timmons .

      46         xi      John R4 Edwards , born 1870/71 in Horry Dist, SC.

      47         xii      Eliza Jane4 Edwards , born 1871/72 in Horry Dist, SC.


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