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I (Marty Grant) am a 4th Great Grand nephew of Stephen Edwards.
Special thanks to Wynnette T. Welch for data shared on this family.
Stephen Edwards was born ca 1784/90 per census analysis. He was only listed on one census (1810) where he was enumerated as age 16-25, or born ca 1784/94. Looking at his parents census entry in 1800, I think he was home age 10-15 (1784/90) that year.
Stephen Edwards was born in Wayne County, North Carolina somewhere in the vicinity of Yellow Marsh Branch, west of present day Goldsboro.
Stephen Edwards is a proven child of David and Lydia (---) Edwards, and was named in his father's Will of 1838.
Stephen was probably home with his parents for the 1790 census, aged "under 16" (born ca 1774/90).
Stephen was probably still at home with his parents for the 1800 census, aged 10-15 (born ca 1784/90).
Stephen Edwards married someone in the 1808-1810 timeframe. After careful analysis of the records, I think that his wife was Elizabeth Carraway. Elizabeth is a proven daughter of Adam Carraway and Susannah Oates of Wayne Co, NC. She was born ca 1790/1800 in Wayne Co, NC.
I'm pretty sure that Elizabeth was Stephen's first wife. I base this on two things, which seem to make it pretty solid. First of all, Susannah Oates Carraway made her Will in 1835 and named (among others) her deceased daughter Elizabeth Edwards. Secondly (or firstly, chronologically), in 1813, Stephen Edwards paid Susannah (Oates) Carraway for the maintenance of Stephen's daughter Sally Edwards for 4 years. That seems to tie it up. Elizabeth died shortly after marriage, and Stephen let the child's maternal grandmother raise her, and of course had to pay her maintenance.
Census analysis may indicate that Stephen was married to someone else before Elizabeth Carraway. If so, I don't know that wife's name yet.
Elizabeth Carraway was still single in November 1808, for in her father's Estate records she is named as "daughter Elizabeth Carraway". (Wayne Co, NC Wills and Miscellaneous Records Book 1 page 159).
Stephen Edwards was listed on the 1810 census in Wayne County. He was listed in the midst of several Edwards, namely his Uncles Sampson Edwards, James Edwards, Isham Edwards and Ambrose Edwards, and father David Edwards. He was listed between Ambrose Edwards and Isom Edwards. Stephen had 3 slaves. His mother-in-law Susannah Carraway was just a few houses away. Stephen's wife in the 1810 census seems a little too old to be Elizabeth Carraway, so it is possible this is a different wife this year, or that Elizabeth had already died, and Stephen had married again to someone unknown. Or it could be Elizabeth, and just enumerated incorrectly.
1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1810 Wayne Co, NC pg 808 Stephen Edwards 10100-00010-0-3 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 16-25 (1784-1794) Stephen EDWARDS (1784/90) s/o David 1 Male(s) 0-9 (1800-1810) Son? (1800/10) 1 Female(s) 26-44 (1765-1784) Elizabeth CARRAWAY Edwards (1790/1800) wife
On 1 Aug 1810 Stephen Edwards (and his brother John Edwards, and cousin John Edwards) witnessed the Will of his grandfather John Edwards.
On 4 Mar 1811, John Wilson sold land to Stephen Edwards in neighboring Duplin County, North Carolina. The land was on Rattlesnake Branch and Wolfscrape Branch, Piney Woods and Great Branch. Witnesses were E. Slocumb and J. Edwards. (Probably Ezekiel Slocumb and James Edwards, Stephen's brother). This was about 8 miles south of where he had been living in Wayne County, and it is in Duplin, but less than a mile from the Wayne County border. (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book U page 420).
On 5 Mar 1811, Bryan and Sally Branch sold land to Stephen Edwards on North East Swamp. Witnesses were A. Hooker and John Wilson. (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book U page 426).
On 25 Dec 1811, Stephen Edwards witnessed a deed from Major Searles to Ambrose Edwards (Stephen's Uncle). (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book T page 253).
On 21 Aug 1812, Stephen Edwards deeded his Rattlesnake Branch land to Bryan Carraway (his brother-in-law). Witnessed by Felix Jones and Nancy Sterling. (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book 5A page 179).
On 15 Nov 1812, David Edwards (his father) sold land to Stephen Edwards of "Wayne" County. This land was sold for $350 on the North Side of Yellow Marsh. Witnesses were John Cox and Jesse Ginnett. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 11 page 20).
Although the above deed shows Stephen as a resident of Wayne County then, I think he was still in Duplin at the time, though he could have gone back and forth.
Stephen's wife Elizabeth Carraway was certainly dead by 1812, for on 8 Dec 1812, Stephen married Elizabeth Waterman in Duplin County. (Thanks to Wynnette T. Welch for this date). I don't know what the source is for this marriage date, but I think this marriage is proven by two sources. First of all the Will of William Waterman (1819 Duplin County) names his daughter "Elizabeth Edwards", and secondly, William Waterman witnessed an 1815 deed of Stephen Edwards. This seems to tie them together. Wynnette's marriage date for them seems to clinch it.
On 15 Mar 1813, Stephen Edwards paid Susannah Carraway (his former mother-in-law) for support of Sally Edwards, daughter of Stephen, for 4 years 11 months. This amount of time may be wrong, but if correct, it means that Susannah cared for Sally Edwards since about April 1808. If correct, then perhaps Elizabeth Carraway Edwards had died by that date instead of after 1810. Susannah's 1810 census entry did not include any young girls, so I wonder where little Sally Edwards was that year? (Wayne Co, NC Wills and Miscellaneous Records Book 4 page 146).
On 14 Jan 1815, Stephen Edwards of Wayne County, sold land to John Cox, for $1025, being 186 acres on Yellow Marsh. Witnessed by Edmund Cox and Nehemiah Summerlin. (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 11 page 19).
On 28 Feb 1815, James Williams and Jacob Williams sold land to Stephen Edwards in Grove Swamp in Duplin County. Witnesses were Ed Pearsall and William Waterman (Stephen's father-in-law). I'm not sure where this is, but a Grove Creek is near Kenansville. (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book U page 425).
On 20 Jul 1815, Stephen Edwards' deed to Bryan Carraway was proven in Duplin Court by Felix Jones. (Duplin County Court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions Abstracts of Minutes 1814-1816 Part 10 by Joyce Jones Franks, 1995)
Stephen Edwards died sometime before January 1819 in Duplin County, for his a division of his estate was made in that month. His estate was shown as 314 acres, valued at $1496, divided 3 ways, Lot # 1 to Sally Ann Edwards (daughter), Lot # 2 to William Edwards (son) and Lot # 3 to Sally Edwards, (daughter) who also got the widow's dower. The widow did not seem to get anything. (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book U page 427).
Stephen may have been dead well before January 1819, for the 1818 Duplin Tax list shows an Elizabeth Edwards listed with 322 acres, valued at $900, with no white polls (no males over 16), and 1 black poll (a slave).
On 31 Dec 1819, William Waterman made his Will in Duplin County, and among others, named his daughter Elizabeth Edwards.
Elizabeth Waterman Edwards was not listed on the 1820 census, though she was probably still in Duplin County, perhaps with her parents or a sibling.
Wynnette told me that Elizabeth married again before 1822 to James Norman. I found James Norman on the 1830 census in Duplin.
1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1830 Duplin Co, NC pg 141 James Norman 0001100000000-2110010000000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 20-29 (1800-1810) James NORMAN (1800/10) 1 Male(s) 15-19 (1810-1815) William L. EDWARDS (1815) step-son 1 Female(s) 30-39 (1790-1800) Elizabeth WATERMAN Edwards Norman (1795) wife 1 Female(s) 10-14 (1815-1820) Sarah Ann EDWARDS (1817) step-daughter 1 Female(s) 5-9 (1820-1825) Daughter? 2 Female(s) 0-4 (1825-1830) Daughter? Daughter?
Stephen's father David Edwards made his Will on 13 Dec 1838 in Wayne Co, NC and named "William Edwards, son of Stephen Edwards my own son have one third except I give and bequeath to Stephen Edwards other heirs to wit Sally Cornegea and Sally Ann Price the lawful sum of one dollar each."
The Normans and Stephen Edwards' children moved to Lowndes County, Alabama by 1839. I found James Norman listed on the 1840 census next door to William Price (step-son-in-law).
1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1840 Lowndes Co, AL pg 242 James Norman 0200201000000-2012010000000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 40-49 (1790-1800) James NORMAN 2 Male(s) 20-29 (1810-1820) William L. EDWARDS (1815) step-son Son? (1810/20) * Not in 1830 2 Male(s) 5-9 (1830-1835) Son? Son? 1 Female(s) 30-39 (1800-1810) Elizabeth WATERMAN Edwards Norman (1795) wife 2 Female(s) 15-19 (1820-1825) Daughter? Daughter? 1 Female(s) 10-14 (1825-1830) Daughter? 2 Female(s) 0-4 (1835-1840) Daughter? Daughter?
I didn't find them in 1850 either. I did find Sarah Edwards Price in Lowndes Co, AL that year.
Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Carraway seem to have had only one child: Sally Edwards. Stephen and Elizabeth Waterman Edwards had two children: William L. Edwards and Sally Ann Edwards. I don't know why he would name two children "Sally", but I've seen this in other families, where one is named "Sally", the other "Sally Ann" (and the same with "Mary" and "Mary Ann"). These three children are proven by several sources. Stephen's 1819 estate division names all three. David Edwards (their grandfather) names all three in his 1838 Will. The 1810 census record seems to show an additional son who may have died young.
Unknown Son (1800/10). Stephen Edwards had an apparent son this age with him for the 1810 census (age "under 10", born ca 1800/10), but he was not named in the 1819 estate division, so he must have died before then, or not been a son at all.
Sally Edwards was born sometime prior to April 1808, presumably in Wayne County. "Sally" is a common nickname for "Sarah", but I'm not sure if that was her actual name since she also had a sister named "Sarah Ann" a.k.a. "Sally Ann. It is rare, but I've seen proven sisters before named "Sally" and "Sally Ann". Or named "Sally and "Sarah" being different people. However, in this case it is well proven that Stephen Edwards had two daughters with very similar names.
Sally seems to have been born before April 1808. I base this date on the record dated 15 Mar 1813 when her father Stephen Edwards paid Susannah Carraway for maintenance of Sally Edwards for 4 years and 11 months. Susannah would be Sally's grandmother, and if she kept her that many years, it would seem that her mother must have died in childbirth or soon after. There is a date conflict here, for Susannah's daughter Elizabeth Carraway Edwards was still alive and not yet married in November 1808. (Wayne Co, NC Wills and Miscellaneous Records Book 1 page 159 (Adam Carraway Nov 1808) and Book 4 page 146, Stephen Edwards to Susannah Carraway for maintenance of Sally Edwards).
Sally was not listed on the 1810 census as far as I've found. Her father Stephen had no young females with him that year. Susannah Carraway did not have any young females with her either in 1810. It is entirely possible that Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Carraway did not marry until after 1810, and that the 4 years 11 months listed on the 1813 records is in error. That would mean that Sally Edwards was born after 1810, but before 1812 (when Stephen remarried).
Sally Edwards drew Lot # 3 in her father's Estate Division (January 1819) in Duplin County, consisting of 134 acres, and the widows dower. This means (I think) that her step mother was entitled to 1/3 or this land, at least until she remarried or died, then Sally was to have full rights to it (I may be misinterpreting this). (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book U page 427).
Sally was not listed on the 1820 census as far as I can find. She may have been with her grandmother Susannah Carraway, for she had a female aged "under 10" (born ca 1810/20) living with her in 1820 Wayne County.
At some point between January 1819 and 1838, Sally Edwards married a Mr. Kornegay either in Wayne or Duplin County. I believe most of the Kornegays lived in Duplin at the time, though some were in Wayne County as well. Sally's aunt Nancy Carraway (c1793) was married to Henry Kornegay, and Sally's Uncle James Carraway was married to Mary Kornegay, so it seems likely Sally Edwards married into that same set of Kornegays. I have not yet found any record proving the given name of Sally's husband.
"Sally Cornegea" was named as an heir of Stephen Edwards in the Will of her grandfather David Edwards dated 13 Dec 1838 in Wayne Co, NC.
Looking back to the 1820 census, there was only one Kornegay in Wayne County (Daniel) and he had a large family. I think Sally was too young to have been married by then anyway. There were eleven Kornegay households in Duplin that year.
In 1830, Daniel Kornegay was still the only one in Wayne County. There were ten Kornegay households in Duplin in 1830.
In 1840 the Kornegay population of Wayne had grown. Daniel was still there, and joined by others: Joseph, John, James H., Daniel (a younger one), and William Kornegay. Any of these (or none of these) could be Sally Edwards husband. We can eliminate the younger Daniel Kornegay and Joseph Kornegay (c1810), for their wives are proven to be Roberts sisters (whom I'm related to). There were twelve Kornegay households in Duplin in 1840, including an apparent widow named Sarah Kornegay. This one seems to old (1790/1800) to be the same person, but her household also contained a female born 1810/20, so it is hard to say which was head of household.
In 1850, I find three Kornegay households in Wayne County, none with a wife named "Sally" or "Sarah", except for John A. Kornegay with a wife Sarah, however, she is proven to be Sarah Roberts (a cousin of mine). In 1850 Duplin, there were many Kornegays, but none of them had a wife Sarah or Sally. There was a Sarah Kornegay, age 59 (born ca 1791), an apparent widow, apparently the same one from 1840 census, but she is too old to be Sally Edwards.
There are two explanations for this. Sally Edwards Kornegay had died before 1850, or she had moved away with her family. Since her half-siblings moved to Alabama, perhaps she did as well. The census index reveals several Kornegays in Alabama in 1850 in various counties. The very first one I looked at was L. W. Cornega, age 48, born NC, wife Sarah, age 42 (born ca 1808), born NC. They were in Choctaw Co, AL. This certainly could be her. There is a widow Sarah Cornegay (c1800 TN) in Bibb County, but she is not a good match. In Sumter County, I found a Foster Kornegay with wife Sarah, age 43 (c1807) born NC. I did not find any other likely matches, though it is possible one of those two (L. W. Kornegay and Foster Kornegay) could be the right family.
William L. Edwards was born 24 Aug 1815 (per Wynnette T. Welch), in either Wayne or Duplin County, North Carolina. I don't know what his "L" middle initial stood for.
William Edwards drew Lot # 2 in his father's Estate Division (January 1819) in Duplin County, consisting of 109 acres on north side of Grove Swamp adjoining John Johnston's line. (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book U page 427).
I don't know where William was for the 1820 census. He would have only been about 4 or 5, so presumably home with his mother wherever she was.
William seems to be home with James Norman (his step-father) in 1830 Duplin County, listed in the 15-19 age group (born ca 1810/15).
On 13 Dec 1838, William's grandfather David Edwards made his Will in Wayne County and named William in it: "And William Edwards, son of Stephen Edwards my own son have one third except I give and bequeath to Stephen Edwards other heirs to wit Sally Cornegea and Sally Ann Price the lawful sum of one dollar each."
William moved to Lowndes County, Alabama by 1839, (perhaps way earlier than that, but in the 1830's) for he made a deed from there in 1839.
On 29 Mar 1839, William L. Edwards of Lownds (sic) Co, AL sold 109 acres to Davis Cottle of Duplin County for $224, being on the north side of Grove Swamp and Mill Branch. The deed was witnessed by G. E. Houston, but was not signed by William (probably done via attorney) (This is the same land he drew from his father's estate in 1819). (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book 11 page 39).
On 21 May 1839, William L. Edwards of Loundes (sic) Co, AL, sold land to John Cox of Wayne Co, NC, being the 341 1/2 acres he received from his grandfather David Edwards in his Will, being 1/3 of his (David's) estate. The land was described as being on Yellow Marsh and Dinkings Branch. Witnessed by William Cox and Gabriel Edwards (William's 1st cousin). (Wayne Co, NC Deed Book 19 page 328).
I did not find William on the 1840 census. He was not listed in Lowndes Co, AL. He was probably with his mother that year, for James Norman (his step-father) did have a male age 20-29 (1810/20) with him in 1840 Lowndes Co, AL.
According to Wynnette's research, William L. Edwards married Martha --- sometime prior to 1843. I did find a marriage record in Bibb Co, AL for a William S. Edwards and Martha Jane Morgan dated 29 Dec 1841. Now the "S" middle initial could be a problem, but "S" and "L" are often very hard to distinguish from each other in the old handwriting. Also, Bibb County is a couple of counties north of Lowndes County, so if this was him, why did he go up there? I don't have any direct evidence to show this is the same couple, but it certainly could be.
I did not find William L. Edwards in 1850, not in Lowndes or Montgomery County. His sister Sarah Price was in Lowndes County that year. I did find a William L. Edwards in Bibb County, AL in 1850 (apparently the same one who married Martha Jane Morgan in 1841). I don't know if this is the same William L. Edwards we are looking for, but he was listed as 31 (born ca 1818/19), born in NC. His wife Martha J. was 24 (born ca 1825/26), born in NC, and they had 4 kids, all born in Alabama: Dennis L. 8; Ann E. L. 6; Susan, 4; and Emily T. 2. These names do not match the names given to me by Wynnette, so this must be a different family.
I looked at every William Edwards in 1850 Alabama and found no matches.
Wynnette's data shows William and wife Martha with four children born from 1843 through 1863. She says that William is buried at Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church Cemetery in South Montgomery, Montgomery Co, AL.
Sarah "Sally" Ann Edwards was born 15 Oct 1817 (per Wynnette T. Welch), in either Wayne or Duplin County, North Carolina.
Sally Ann Edwards drew Lot # 1 in her father's Estate Division (January 1819) in Duplin County, consisting of 71 acres on north side of Grove Swamp adjoining Temperance Williams' line. (Duplin Co, NC Deed Book U page 427).
I don't know where Sarah Ann was for the 1820 census. She would have only been about 2 or 3, so presumably home with her mother wherever she was.
Sarah Ann seems to be home with James Norman (her step-father) in 1830 Duplin County, listed in the 10-14 age group (born ca 1815/20).
On 5 Jul 1831, William Prise Jr (William B. Price) obtained a marriage bond in Duplin County to marry Sarah Ann Edwards. James Norman (her step-father) was bondsman. William was born 16 Mar 1805 (per Wynnette), presumably in Duplin County, North Carolina. I don't know who his parents were.
On 13 Dec 1838, Sarah Ann's grandfather David Edwards made his Will in Wayne County and named her in it: "And William Edwards, son of Stephen Edwards my own son have one third except I give and bequeath to Stephen Edwards other heirs to wit Sally Cornegea and Sally Ann Price the lawful sum of one dollar each."
Sarah Ann and family moved to Lowndes Co, AL in the 1830's.
I found William Price listed on the 1840 census in Lowndes County next door to Sarah Ann's parents.
1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1840 Lowndes Co, AL pg 242 William Price 1000010000000-1000100000000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 30-39 (1800-1810) William B. PRICE (1805) 1 Male(s) 0-4 (1835-1840) Son? (1835/40) –> gone by 1850 1 Female(s) 20-29 (1810-1820) Sarah Ann EDWARDS Price (1817) wife 1 Female(s) 0-4 (1835-1840) Julia A. PRICE (1837/38) daughter
They were still in Lowndes for the 1850 census.
1850 LOWNDES CO, AL Page 107 House/Family # 60/ 60 - Twp PRICE WILLIAM B 45 M W PLANTER 1800 NC 1804/1805 PRICE SARAH A 33 F W NC 1816/1817 PRICE JULIA A 12 F W AL 1837/1838 PRICE FRANCIS E 5 F W AL 1844/1845 PRICE VIRGINIA E 3 F W AL 1846/1847 PRICE JESSE W 1 M W AL 1848/1849
I have no additional data on them.
Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list):
1. Stephen1 Edwards, born 1784/90 in Wayne Co, NC; died abt Jan 1819 in Duplin Co, NC, son of David Edwards Pvt and Lydia (---). He married (1) in 1808/10 in Wayne Co, NC Elizabeth Carraway, born 1790/1800 in Wayne Co, NC; died 1810/12 in Wayne Co, NC, daughter of Adam Carraway and Susannah Oates; (2) on 8 Dec 1812 in Wayne Co, NC Elizabeth Waterman, born 26 Nov 1795 in Duplin Co, NC; died aft 1840 in Lowndes Co, AL, daughter of William Waterman and Sarah Bramble.
Children of Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Carraway were as follows:
2 i Sally2 Edwards, born 1808/12 in Wayne Co, NC. She married bef 1838 in Wayne Co, NC (---) Kornegay.
Children of Stephen Edwards and Elizabeth Waterman were as follows:
+ 3 i William L2 Edwards, born 24 Aug 1815 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Lowndes Co, AL. He married Martha A (---).
+ 4 ii Sarah Ann "Sally"2 Edwards, born 15 Oct 1817 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Fort Deposit, AL. She married William B Price.
Generation 2
3. William L2 Edwards (Stephen1), born 24 Aug 1815 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Lowndes Co, AL. He married bef 1843 in Lowndes Co, AL Martha A (---), died in Montgomery Co, AL.
Children of William L Edwards and Martha A (---) were as follows:
5 i Mary Elizabeth3 Edwards, born 22 May 1843 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 4 Sep 1911 in Montgomery Co, AL.
6 ii Martha Ellen3 Edwards, born 13 Oct 1851 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 9 Nov 1929 in Elmore Co, AL.
7 iii Sarah Eugenia3 Edwards, born 10 Apr 1858 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 29 Mar 1926 in Montgomery Co, AL.
8 iv Alice Corine3 Edwards, born 1 Dec 1863 in Lowndes Co, AL; died 1 Jul 1889 in Montgomery Co, AL.
4. Sarah Ann "Sally"2 Edwards (Stephen1), born 15 Oct 1817 in Wayne Co, NC; died in Fort Deposit, AL. She married on 5 Jul 1831 in Duplin Co, NC William B Price, born 16 Mar 1805 in Duplin Co, NC; died 2 Mar 1864 in Fort Deposit, AL.
Children of Sarah Ann "Sally" Edwards and William B Price were as follows:
9 i Julia A3 Price, born 1837/38 in Lowndes Co, AL.
10 ii Frances E3 Price, born 1844/45 in Lowndes Co, AL.
11 iii Virginia Elizabeth3 Price, born 1846/47 in Lowndes Co, AL.
12 iv Jesse W3 Price, born 1848/49 in Lowndes Co, AL; died in OK.
13 v Lonie3 Price, died in OK.
14 vi Thomas Edward3 Price.
15 vii Florence Augusta3 Price. Home > >Genealogy > Edwards > Families > Stephen