Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: William Lafayette Wilson
Born: 19 JAN 1881 in Pleasant Retreat, Smith Co, TX
Married: 27 MAY 1900 in Pleasant Retreat, Smith Co, TX
Died: 31 DEC 1917 in Smith Co, TX
Wife: Barbara Allen Kennedy
Born: 27 DEC 1884 in Dixie Community, Smith Co, TX
Died: 22 MAR 1979 in Smith Co, TX
Father: James Marion Kennedy
Mother: Susan Frances Grant
Spouses: James Americus Haralson
01 (M): William Bluford Wilson
Born: 25 FEB 1902 in OK
Died: 09 FEB 1912
02 (F): Winnie May Wilson
Born: 02 NOV 1904 in Smith Co, TX
Died: 17 JUN 1965 in Smith Co, TX
03 (F): Rebecca Inez Wilson
Born: 22 DEC 1906 in Smith Co, TX
Died: 17 SEP 1987 in Peabody, Marion Co, KS
Spouses: LIVING; Henry Yakel
04 (M): James Truett Wilson
Born: 12 DEC 1908 in Smith Co, TX
Died: 01 SEP 1984 in Hosp. Tyler, Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Edna Culpepper
05 (M): Little Jack Wilson
Born: 25 SEP 1910 in Smith Co, TX
Died: 23 APR 1911 in Smith Co, TX
06 (F): Amilee Wilson
Born: 02 FEB 1912 in Smith Co, TX
Died: 29 APR 2003 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: LIVING
07 (F): Mittie Lee Wilson
Born: 29 JAN 1915 in Tyler, Smith Co, TX
Died: 01 MAR 1994 in Alpharetta, Fulton Co, GA
Spouses: William Clay Breedlove
08 (M): William Lafayette Wilson, Jr
Born: 01 JUN 1917 in Galveston, TX
Died: 03 JUN 1917 in Galveston, TX
Additional Information

William Lafayette Wilson:


His tomb at Verner is inscribed with Woodmen of the World symbol or monument.

The following notes are from Rex Kirby:
William Lafayette Wilson is believed to be the son of William Wilson and Rebecca G. Spier Wilson who lived next door to John and Elizabeth Catherine (Johnson) Kennedy in 1880. Next door to John and Elizabeth was Lemuel and Susan A., next door to them was James Marion and Susan Frances Kennedy and one more house over was John W. Wood and wife Jo Ella (Kennedy) Wood. The census was taken June 11, 1880.
Living in the home of William, age 52, and Rebecca Wilson, age 37, were their children: Marshall, age 14, (Illegible) M, a son, age 13, Elijah M, age 12, Fannie, age 10, Inez, age 1. Note that William Lafayette was born 1881.
John Kennedy was 52, Elizabeth was 51and living with them was their daughter Mary A, age 23.
Lemuel Kennedy was 27, Susan A., 27, their sons Marion, 4 and Henry 3.
James Marion Kennedy was 24, Fannie (Susan Frances Grant) was 16 and very much pregnant. Their first child Roland Lee Kennedy was born July 31, 1880, not quite 2 months after the census.
John W. Wood was 32, Jo Ella (Kennedy) was 22, son William W. ?, was 4 and son John T. was 2.

As noted William Lafayette is buried at Verner Cemetery. His tomb is a Woodmen of the World monument. Next to W. L. Wilson are two unmarked graves. These have not been identified. Next to these two graves is Rebecca G. Wilson 29 Jan 1843 - 27 Jan 1909. She was the mother of W. L. Wilson. One of the unmarked graves is probably his dad William Wilson since his grave with a marked monument has not been located elsewhere. More research is needed to locate their children.

One other interesting item is William and Rebecca's marriage was reported by Texas Christian Advocate paper, June 14, 1900, p.12, c.2, as being performed near Pleasant Retreat Church on May 27, 1900 with Rev. W. C. Stallings officiating. Although the exact location has varied through the years, Pleasant Retreat Church was originally ( now known as Pleasant Retreat Methodist Church) located on the old Pleasant Retreat Road a little north of Hwy 64 and a couple of miles or so north of Verner Cemetery. This area was originally known as Blackfork Community and the first name of the church was Blackfork Church. There were early settlers living in Blackfork Community before 1859. The Chronicles of Smith County, Vol 13, No 1, Summer '74, page 40 reports the existence of a church membership list of more than 30 names dated 1859 for Blackfork Church. Apparently sometime in 1861 the name was changed from Blackfork Church to Pleasant Retreat Society then in 1875 the name was changed to Pleasant Retreat Church. At one time the Pleasant Retreat Church was located next to the Pleasant Retreat Cemetery. The Cemetery is still there but the Church is now near Dixie School.

The church rolls for Pleasant Retreat Church include the following names and dates joined:
Barbara Kennedy 1897
E. K. Kennedy 1882
Fannie Kennedy 1882
Grady Kennedy 1900
Jas. M. Kennedy 1882
John Kennedy 1897
Lemuel A. Kennedy 1875
R. L. Kennedy 1897
S. F. Kennedy 1900
T. M. Kennedy 1888
Mrs. Ola Wood-Conaway 1907
and other Conaways
Olivia McGinney 1885
and other McGinneys
Emma Wood-Phillips 1907
and other Phillips
Ollie Wood-Robertson 1897
and other Robersons
Catherine Kennedy-Speak 1897
Wm. C. Stallings [Rev.] 1882
Fayette Wilson 1889
Henry Wilson 1904
Inez Wilson 1889
Rebecca Wilson 1899
Susan A. Wood 1874
and other Woods

It is also reported that Wm. C. Stallings and Fayette Wilson were among the men who helped build the church pews that were finished the 1st week of August, 1899.

THE 1900 CENSUS FOR SMITH COUNTY: [dated June 4, 1900]

Rebecca Wilson is shown as head of household, age 47, born Jan 1853, AR with William L., son, age 19, born Jan 1881, TX, Barbara A., daughter-in-law, age 15, born Dec 1884, TX and John G. Spier, brother, age 49, born Nov 1850, TX (probably an error). Rebecca is shown as having a total of 9 children with only 4 living. The son William L. is William Lafayette Wilson. The daughter-in-law "Barbara A." is Barbara Alice Kennedy.
Rebecca, William, Barbara and John are living next door to Lemuel A. Kennedy, age 47, born Dec. 1852, GA with daughter Sarah C., age 18, born Aug, 1881, TX, son Enoch, age 13, born Dec. 1886, TX, mother Elizabeth C. age 71, born July 1828, SC, sister Mary A. Roberson, age 45, born Jan 1855, GA and Jannie A, niece, age 11, born Sept 1888, TX. Elizabeth C. is shown as having a total of 6 children with only 4 living. Mary Roberson is shown as having a total of 9 children with only 1 living. Elizabeth C. is Elizabeth Catherine Johnson Kennedy, wife of John Kennedy, Jr. and mother of John C. , Barbara Alice, Lemuel A., Mary Ann, James Marion and Jo Ella.

Barbara Allen Kennedy:


JT: " A lot of the older generation were still alive and we visited
with many of them - Enoch Kennedy gave us a lot of info on his family.
Mother probably knew a lot about who was buried at Verner. Aunt Barbara
was still alive and her first husband, etc. are buried there. Much of
the info I have came from family members of the different branches of the

Next to W. L. Wilson are two unmarked graves. These have not been identified.

The following notes are from Rex Kirby:
The 1900 Smith County census shows Barbara A. , age 15, br 1884, married, daughter-in-law, living with Rebecca Wilson, age 47 (br 1853, AR, widowed, mother of 9 children with 4 living, father br in NC, mother br in SC) and William L. Wilson, age 19, br 1891in TX, married and John G. Spier, brother, age 49, br 1850, single. Next door to Rebecca Wilson is Lemuel A. Kennedy, age 47, br 1852 GA, widowed with daughter Sarah C., age 18, br 1881, TX, son Enoch, 1ge 13, br 1886, TX and Elizabeth C. Kennedy, mother, age 71, br 1828, SC, (father br VA, mother br SC), widowed, mother of 6 children with 4 living.
Also living with Lemuel is Mary A. Roberson, sister, age 45, br 1855, GA, widowed, mother of 6 children with 1 living and Jannie A. Roberson, age 11, br 1888, TX shown as niece of Lemuel.
Elizabeth C. is Elizabeth Catherine Johnson who married John Kennedy, Jr. She was the mother of Lemuel Andrew Kennedy and James Marion Kennedy. James was father of Barbara Alice.

Barbara Allen Kennedy is buried next to her second husband J. A. Haralson in Sand Flat Cemetery.

(01) William Bluford Wilson:


Close to John Kennedy Jr and Elizabeth Catherine Johnson Kennedy's graves there are three graves in Verner: Wilson, Jack, no dates; Wilson, Bluford, no dates and Wilson, Mittie C. 12 Oct 1876 - 18 Jul 1879. Jack and Bluford were sons of William and Barbara Kennedy Wilson. Mittie has not been identified.

Rex Kirby

(02) Winnie May Wilson:


She has a single tomb next to her mother Barbara Allen (Kennedy-Wilson) Haralson and her step-father J. A. Haralson, Sr. in Sand Flat Cemetery, Smith Co, TX. Rex Kirby

Winnnie Mae Wilson, born in 1904, (age 25 in 1930) appears on the 1930 census for Travis Co, TX as an Inmate at the Austin State School on Camp Mabry Rd. The census was taken April 11, 1930. Ruby McClenny Kirby told Rex that it was thought that Winnie Mae was mentally retarded and was sent tot he State School. Since she was still living at home in 1920, 15 years of age, she would have been placed in the State School after 1910. Rex Kirby has an old pencil note to the effect that after Winnie was in the State School several years, it was discovered that she was hard of hearing and for that reason had not learned to speak clearly. After corrective measures were takento improve her hearing, she learned rapidly and was sent home. Rex does not know what year this happened nor if this version or condirion is correct. - hat

Marriage Notes

The following is from Rex Kirby:
The Texas Christian Advocate, June 14, 1900 reported that Mr. Fayette Wilson and Miss Barbara Kennedy were married on May 27, 1900 near Pleasant Retreat Church, Smith County, Texas with Rev. W. C. Stallings officiating. "Near" the church would suggest someone's home.

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