Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: James Marion Kennedy
Born: 15 APR 1856 in GA
Married: 27 JUN 1878 in Smith Co, TX (1)
Died: 19 MAR 1925 in Smith Co, TX
Father: John Kennedy
Mother: Elizabeth Catherine Johnson
Wife: Susan Frances Grant
Born: 09 DEC 1864 in Walker Co, GA
Died: 22 JUL 1918 in Smith Co, TX
Father: Wiley Grant
Mother: Susan Bruce


01 (M): Twin Boys Kennedy
Born: in Smith Co, TX
Died: 24 OCT 1891 in Smith Co, TX
02 (F): Inez Rebecca Kennedy
Died: 31 MAR 1897 in Smith Co, TX
03 (M): George Wiley Kennedy
Born: in Smith Co, TX
Died: in Smith Co, TX
04 (M): Richard Roy Kennedy
Born: in Smith Co, TX
Died: in Smith Co, TX
05 (M): Roland Lee Kennedy
Born: 31 JUL 1880 in Dixie Community, Smith Co, TX
Died: 23 MAY 1958 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Martha Alice Kirkley
06 (M): John William Kennedy
Born: 24 JUL 1882 in Dixie Comm., Smith Co, TX
Died: 25 OCT 1973 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Bertha Elizabeth Long
07 (F): Barbara Allen Kennedy
Born: 27 DEC 1884 in Dixie Community, Smith Co, TX
Died: 22 MAR 1979 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: William Lafayette Wilson; James Americus Haralson
08 (M): James Grady Kennedy
Born: 24 FEB 1887 in Dixie Community, Smith Co, TX
Died: 27 MAY 1967 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Linnie Pearl McGahey; Onie Clementine Dickart
09 (F): Frances Elizabeth Kennedy
Born: 19 JUN 1890 in Dixie Comm., Smith Co, TX
Died: 17 JUN 1982 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Henry Grady Lyon
10 (F): Isabelle Ruth Kennedy
Born: 20 OCT 1892 in Dixie Comm., Smith Co, TX
Died: 24 OCT 1962 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: William Chloe McClenny
11 (F): Mary Bertha Kennedy
Born: AUG 1899
Died: 22 AUG 1900 in Smith Co, TX
12 (M): Dave Lewallin Kennedy
Born: 13 JUN 1901 in Black Fork Com., Smith Co, TX
Died: 29 JAN 1971 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Lillie Myrtle Brown
13 (M): Howell Wesley Kennedy
Born: 24 NOV 1903 in Red Springs, Smith Co, TX
Died: 15 SEP 1989 in Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Pansy Lee Matthews
14 (F): Lena Vera Kennedy
Born: 19 AUG 1906 in Red Springs Community, Smith Co, TX
Died: 27 JUN 1994 in Tyler, Smith Co, TX
Spouses: Lelanders Crawford Bailey
Additional Information

James Marion Kennedy:


!NOTE:Descendant data from a Gedcom shared by Jean McKay Taylor containing nearly 1000 descendants of James Marion Kennedy;

!CENSUS:1880 * Smith Co., TX;

!CENSUS:1900 * Smith Co., TX;

Susan Frances Grant:


!NOTE:Family data from Jean Taylor;

!CENSUS:1870 Walker CO., GA Subdivison No 128 # 68/65
Wiley Grant, 35 Farm Laborer, NC
Susanna, 34 TN
Nancy C, 14
Elisabeth A, 12
Harriet R, 9 GA
Susanna F, 6
George A., 3;

!CENSUS:1880 * Smith Co., TX;

!CENSUS:1900 * Smith Co., TX;

Probably born in Georgia.
Name shown as "Susannah" in 1870 Walker County, GA census.

BIRTH: Also shown as Born Ducktown, TN.

  1. Smith Co. Marriages 1848-1880, Page 78.
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