Marty and Karla Grant

Husband: David Blackman
Born: JUN 1744 in Granville Co, NC
Married: before 1790 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC)
Died: 1840/1850 in Marion Dist, SC
Father: Blackman
Mother: >>>
Wife: ?
Born: before 1765
Died: 1820/1830 in Marion Dist, SC
01 (F): Mahalah Blackman
Born: before 1820 in Marion Dist, SC
Died: after 1820 in Marion Dist, SC
Additional Information

David Blackman:


!NOTES:I (Marty Grant) am not related to this person as far as I know. However, I am interested in all Blackman/Blackmon families in South Carolina to some extent, especially those in Marion County, South Carolina. ;


!NOTES:B/D June 1744 per his statement in his Revolutionary War Pension Application.;

!NOTES:B/P Granville Co., VA per his statement in his Revolutionary War Pension Application. There isn't a Granville County, Virginia, but there is a Granville County, North Carolina, so perhaps that is what he meant. On the other hand there is a Greensville County, Virginia, so did he mean that instead? In both instances there is a problem with timing. In 1744 Granville Co., NC did not yet exist, but that area was still part of Edgecombe County until 1746. However, if David grew up there, he probably would have known the area only as Granville.

Greensville Co., VA was not formed until 1780 from parts of Brunswick and Sussex Counties. He was in South Carolina long before then, but he may have known about the new county if he was from there.

One other possibility is Granville County, South Carolina. Granville was formed in 1708 from Carteret County (renamed) and was along the Savannah River, bordering Georgia. It was part of Saint Helena's Parish. By 1744 Granville extended all the way to the headwaters of the Savannah River. I don't know if Granville County, SC is where David was born, but it is worth mentionng as a possibility.;

!REVOLUTION:Served in Revolution. Listed in SC Revolutionary Soldiers, File # R898, David BLACKMAN, born Jun 1744 in Granville Co, VA (sic?), Resided Marion Dist, SC";

!PETITION:1788 Inhabitants of Little Pee Dee - David BLACKMAN;

!CENSUS:1790 Georgetown Dist., SC Prince George Parish p. 507
David Blackmon age 16+ (bef 1774) 1-2-4-0-0;

!CENSUS:1800 x

!WITNESS-DEED: 3 Sep 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 320
Archd Shaw of Robeson Co., NC, merchant, to William Huggins Junr of SC, planter, for $95, 150a p/o 1146a grant to Benjamin Harrelson Junr. WNW by Joseph Perritt, S on Lewis Harrelson, E on John & Levi Huggins, NE on John & Levi Huggins, N on Joseph Perritt.
S: Archd Shaw
Wit: David (his mark) Blackman, Robt (his mark) Roger, Junr.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.
** Above is probably for younger David Blackman.;

!DEED:30 Sep 1808 Marion Co., SC Deed Book F, p. 319
Archd Shaw of Robeson Co., NC to David Blackman of SC, for $95, 156a between Buck Swamp and Little Pee Dee River, WNW by Joseph Powell, S on Lewis Harrelson, E on John & Levi Huggans, N on Joseph Perritt.
S: Archd Shaw
Wit: Lewis Huggins, Fedrick (his mark) Herring.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.
** Above is probably for younger David Blackman.;

!TAXLIST:1809 Marion Dist, SC David BLACKMAN;

!CENSUS:1810 Marion Dist., SC p. 29
David Blackman Senr age 45+ (bef 1765) 00101-11002-0-0
* Next to David Jr.;

!TAX LIST:1811 Marion Dist., SC
Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
David Blackman 0.80
John Blackman 0.80
Solomon Blackman 0.80
* From: Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.;

!TAX LIST:1814 Marion Dist., SC
Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
David Blackman 0.34
John Blackman 0.14
Solomon Blackman 0.34
* From: Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.;

!DEED: 7 Jan 1818 Marion Co., SC Deed Book H, p. 123
David Blackman of Marion Dist., to Lewis Mairs of same for $35, p/o tract containing 50a granted to D. Blackman out of tract of 200a binding on Lewis Mairs, D. Blackman, Isaac Lewis and new blazed line.
S: David (his mark) Blackman.
Wit: B. Moody, Lewis Huggins.
Proven by Barfield Moody 28 May 1818 before John Harllee, QU.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!CENSUS:1820 Marion Dist., SC p. 4
David Blackman age 45+ (bef 1775) 200001-11121-0-0;

!DEED:16 Feb 1820 Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, p. 213
David Blackman, planter, of Marion, in consideration of affection towards my daughter Mahalah Blackman, give at my death, 100a near Little Pee Dee River bounded by Lewis Mares, James Blackman, Hugh Harrell & Lazarus Lee, Junr, all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, furniture, tools & all other property.
S: David (his mark) Blackman.
Wit: Taply Moody, Levi (his mark) Huggins, Enos Tart.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!TAX LIST:1824 Marion Dist., SC
Name, and Taxes owed (in dollars and cents).
David Blackman 0.03
John Blackman 0.03
* From: Some South Carolina County Records, Vol. 2 by The Reverend Silas Emmett Lucas, Jr. Editor. 1989.;

!DEED: 3 Apr 1826 Marion Co., SC Deed Book M, p. 153
David Blackman to Mary Cook for $100, 50a p/o tract of 200a granted to David Blackman on SW sd Little Pee Dee River in the fork of Peedee and Buck Swamp binding on Randal McDonald's land and Wm Allen's land.
S: David (his mark) Blackman
Wit: Rachael (her mark) Snow, Katharine (her mark) Carmichael.
Next page (154) same to same for $100, one cow & yearling, one cow and calf & a two year old heifer and 20 hoggs. Also all my household and kitchen furniture which property I hereby warrant.
S: David (his mark) Blackman.
Wit: Neal Carmichael, J.P., Harrison(his mark) Gale.
Next page (155) Personally appeared before me David Blackman & after duly sworn saith he sold all his property to Mary Cook last winter was a year, and that he received full satisfaction for the same from said Mary Cook & that he didn not sell said property to defraud any person.
S: David (his mark) Blackman before Dougal Carmichael, JP, 3 Apr 1826.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books L - M - N 1824-1831", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, Billie Eaddy Cribb. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;

!CENSUS:1830 Marion Dist., SC p. 3
David Blackman age 60-69 (1760/70) 000000001-0-0-0;

!DEED: 4 Jun 1836 Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q p. 63
David Blackman to Henry B. Cook for $10 all my lifetime right to a certain tract fo land contaning 100a being p/o tract of 200a granted to David Blackman on SW sd Little Pee Dee River bounded NE by Levi Campbell & William Ford, and NW by Benjamin Shooter. ...
For as much as I have deeded away the above bounded land before to my daughter Mahala Blackman and my lifetime excepted in it, I do now renounce all my right and claim to the said Cook ...
S: David (his mark) Blackman
Wit: Benjamin Shooter, JQ. Sarah Shooter.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books Q and R 1836-1842", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;

!CENSUS:1840 Marion Dist., SC p. 147
David Blackman age 100+ (bef 1740) 0000000000001-0-0-0;

!CENSUS:1850 x



!NOTES:I (Marty Grant) am not related to this person as far as I know. However, I am interested in all Blackman/Blackmon families in South Carolina to some extent, especially those in Marion County, South Carolina. ;


(01) Mahalah Blackman:


!NOTES:I (Marty Grant) am not related to this person as far as I know. However, I am interested in all Blackman/Blackmon families in South Carolina to some extent, especially those in Marion County, South Carolina. ;




!DEED:16 Feb 1820 Marion Co., SC Deed Book I, p. 213
David Blackman, planter, of Marion, in consideration of affection towards my daughter Mahalah Blackman, give at my death, 100a near Little Pee Dee River bounded by Lewis Mares, James Blackman, Hugh Harrell & Lazarus Lee, Junr, all my horses, cattle, hogs, sheep, furniture, tools & all other property.
S: David (his mark) Blackman.
Wit: Taply Moody, Levi (his mark) Huggins, Enos Tart.
* From "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume Two Books F - I & K 1811-1823", Lucille Utley, Alita White Sutcliffe, 1997.;

!NAMED-DEED: 4 Jun 1836 Marion Co., SC Deed Book Q p. 63
David Blackman to Henry B. Cook for $10 all my lifetime right to a certain tract fo land contaning 100a being p/o tract of 200a granted to David Blackman on SW sd Little Pee Dee River bounded NE by Levi Campbell & William Ford, and NW by Benjamin Shooter. ...
For as much as I have deeded away the above bounded land before to my daughter Mahala Blackman and my lifetime excepted in it, I do now renounce all my right and claim to the said Cook ...
S: David (his mark) Blackman
Wit: Benjamin Shooter, JQ. Sarah Shooter.
* From "Abstracts of Marion County [SC] Deed Books Q and R 1836-1842", Lucille Utley, Angela Turner, John M. Gregg. Three Rivers Historical Society, 2003.;

Marriage Notes

David Blackman had numerous children per the various census records. Daughter Mahala Blackman is proven by an 1820 deed where David gave her all of his property. I found no Equity or Probate records for David Blackman.
1 Unknown Son (1774/90)
2 Unknown Son (1774/90)
3 Unknown Daughter (bef 1790)
4 Unknown Daughter (bef 1790)
5 Unknown Daughter (bef 1790)
6 Unknown Son (1784/94)
7 Unknown Daughter (1794/1800)
8 Unknown Daughter (1804/10)
9 Unknown Son (1810/20)
10 Unknown Son (1810/20)
11 Unknown Daughter (1810/20)

1 Unknown Son (1774/90). David Blackman had an apparent son this age. He was home in 1790 (age "under 16", born ca 1774/90). I don't have the 1800 census entry, but he was gone by 1810, so probably married or dead by then.
There was a David Blackman Jr listed next to David in 1810, and it seems likely that this was him, for he was born ca 1784/94, and that fits within this age group.

2 Unknown Son (1774/90). David Blackman had an apparent son this age. He was home in 1790 (age "under 16", born ca 1774/90). I don't have the 1800 census entry, but he was gone by 1810, so probably married or dead by then.
I don't know who this might have been.

3 Unknown Daughter (bef 1790). David Blackman had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1790 (no ages given, so born before 1790). I don't have the 1800 census entry, but she was gone by 1810, so probably married or dead by then.

4 Unknown Daughter (bef 1790). David Blackman had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1790 (no ages given, so born before 1790). I don't have the 1800 census entry, but she was gone by 1810, so probably married or dead by then.

5 Unknown Daughter (bef 1790). David Blackman had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1790 (no ages given, so born before 1790). I don't have the 1800 census entry, but she was gone by 1810, so probably married or dead by then.

6 Unknown Son (1784/94). David Blackman had an apparent son this age. I don't have the 1800 census entry, but he was home in 1810 (age 16-25, born ca 1784/94). He was gone by 1820, so probably married or dead by then.
There was a James Blackman (1775/94) listed on the 1820 census, and this James was also a neighboring land owner of David's, so it seems quite likely that he was this son of David Blackman, though that is not proven.

7 Unknown Daughter (1794/1800). David Blackman had an apparent daughter this age. I don't have the 1800 census entry, but she was home in 1810 (age 10-15, born ca 1794/1800). She was still home in 1820 (age 16-25, born ca 1794/1804), but was gone by 1830, so probably married or dead by then. This could be his daughter Mahala Blackman who he deeded all his property to in 1820.

8 Unknown Daughter (1804/10). David Blackman had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1810 (age "under 10", born ca 1800/10). She was still home in 1820 (age 10-15, born ca 1804/10), but was gone by 1830, so probably married or dead by then.

9 Unknown Son (1810/20). David Blackman had an apparent son this age. He was home in 1820 (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20), but was gone by 1830, so probably married or dead by then.
I don't know who this could have been.

10 Unknown Son (1810/20). David Blackman had an apparent son this age. He was home in 1820 (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20), but was gone by 1830, so probably married or dead by then.
I don't know who this could have been.

11 Unknown Daughter (1810/20). David Blackman had an apparent daughter this age. She was home in 1820 (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20), but was gone by 1830, so probably married or dead by then.

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