Andrew Grant (c1800) and Sarah Decker of Rutherford and Henderson Co, NC Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Andrew

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I (Marty Grant) am a 4th Great Grandnephew of Andrew Grant.

Andrew Grant was born ca 1799/1800 (per 1860 census) in Rutherford Co, NC.

I'm reasonably sure Andrew is a child of Andrew Grant and Martha Mackey, though I don't have absolute proof. They did have an unknown son his age with them in 1810 and 1820. Andrew was named in several estate records as a debtor to the estate in conjunction with John Pearson (who was married to Margaret Grant, also thought to be a child of Andrew Grant Sr). The case is entirely circumstantial, but there is really nowhere else that Andrew Grant will fit, except in Andrew Sr's family. Other (circumstantial) evidence includes the fact that Andrew (Jr) named his eldest daughter "Martha" perhaps after his mother Martha Mackey. One other bit of evidence is Andrew's association with James Keeter. He is the prime suspect to be the father of Lou Grant's son Wilkie J. Grant, born in 1820. Descendants only know that Wilkie's father was a Mr. Keeter. They don't know his given name, but this James was there and may be the one. Lou Grant is also thought to be a child of Andrew Grant Sr, so this is further evidence tying them all together.

Andrew Grant would have been less than one year old by the time of the 1800 census, assuming he was born by then (June 1st, 1800 is the census date). Andrew Grant Sr did have four apparent sons with him in the "under 10" age group (born ca 1790/1800), one of these possibly being Andrew Jr.

For the 1810 census, Andrew Grant (Jr) would have been about 10 years old, so he could be enumerated in either the 10-15 age group (born ca 1794/1800) or in the "under 10" age group (born ca 1800/10).  Andrew Sr did have three apparent sons aged 10-15 (born ca 1794/1800) with him in 1810, and one of them is likely Andrew Jr.

For the 1820 census, Andrew Grant (Jr) would have been about 20 years old, so he should be enumerated in the 16-25 age group (born ca 1794/1804).  Andrew Sr did have two apparent sons that age, and one of them is likely Andrew Jr.

On 30 Oct 1823 Andrew Grant obtained a marriage bond in Rutherford County to marry Sally Decker (Sarah Decker). James Keeter was the bondsman. Sarah Decker was born ca 1810/11 (per 1850 census) in North Carolina. I don't know who her parents were. I haven't found any evidence of any "Decker" families in Rutherford County (other than Sarah). This makes me wonder if "Decker" was not actually her name, but that it was "Deck" instead, for there were several of those in Rutherford. There may have been Deckers in the county, but they didn't leave any records, or at least none that I have been able to find.

The 1830 census showed Andrew Grant in Rutherford County. I've mentioned before (in other Grant pages) that the 1830 Rutherford County census seems to have numerous errors on it (mainly families not listed who should be there). Andrew's entry seems to be suspect, or at least containing one mistake. There is a mark in the male 40-49 age group, and one in the male 20-29 age group, but this latter one is partially erased. However, Andrew himself would have been about 29 or 30 years old in 1830, so he should be in that age group (and not in his 40's). This may mean that they just misidentified him (which isn't uncommon), or else there was an older person residing with them, perhaps a father-in-law or other relative. They were listed on the last page of the 1830 census in Rutherford (perhaps suggesting it was an errata page), between Alexander McFadden and Joseph Tuttle.

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 541 Andrew Grant 2000101000000-1100100000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1780-1790)	Father-in-law? (1780/90) --> gone by 1840
1 Male(s) 20-29        (1800-1810)	Andrew GRANT (1800) s/o Andrew
2 Male(s) 0-4          (1825-1830)	Oliver Perry GRANT (1827/28) son
					John GRANT (1828/29) son
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1800-1810)	Sarah DECKER Grant (1810/11) wife
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1820-1825)	Martha C. GRANT (1826/27) daughter
1 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Nancy GRANT (1830/31) daughter

Andrew Grant and James Keeter (who was bondsman for his 1823 marriage) were listed among the debts due to the estate of Isaac Craton on an Inventory dated 15 Jul 1831. Their entry (with both their names on it) was listed as "doubtful", which I think means they probably were unable to repay it due to poverty. Andrew's brother-in-law John Pearson was also listed as a debtor to the estate. (Rutherford Co, NC Estates Book A page 12).

By 1833, Andrew's mother and most of his siblings had moved to Macon County, North Carolina, leaving just him and his sister Margaret Grant Pearson in Rutherford.

In March, 1834 Andrew Grant was named in the settlement of the estate of Isaac Craton in the money on the notes section, which I think means that he paid his debt to the estate. (Rutherford Co, NC Estates Book A page 136).

In October 1834, Andrew Grant was mentioned in the estate of Jacob Michael under "Desperate Judgments",  which I think refers to those which were unable to be collected. Andrew's note was dated 1834. His brother-in-law John Pearson was mentioned also on one dated 1826. (Rutherford Co, NC Estates Book A page 179).

Andrew Grant was still in Rutherford for the 1840 census. By this time, he was the only member of the Andrew Grant Sr family left in Rutherford, as his one remaining sibling Margaret Grant Pearson (and husband John Pearson) had moved to nearby Henderson County in the 1830's (and Andrew would follow them there in the 1840's). He wasn't near any other Grants. His neighbors were Toliver Davis and "J. Shehan".

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 267 A. Grant 1220001000000-0011010000000
1 Male(s) 40-49        (1790-1800)	Andrew GRANT (1800) s/o Andrew
2 Male(s) 10-14        (1825-1830)	Oliver Perry GRANT (1827/28) son
					John GRANT (1828/29) son
2 Male(s) 5-9          (1830-1835)	William L. GRANT (1833/34) son
					James GRANT (1835/36) son
1 Male(s) 0-4          (1835-1840)	Thomas GRANT (1838/39) son
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1800-1810)	Sarah DECKER Grant (1810/11) wife
1 Female(s) 15-19      (1820-1825)	Martha C. GRANT (1826/27) daughter
1 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Nancy GRANT (1830/31) daughter

At some point in the 1840's, Andrew and family moved west into (then) neighboring Henderson County, where his sister Margaret Grant Pearson and family had been (though I don't know if they were in the precise same area).

Andrew and family were listed on the 1850 census in Henderson County, the only Grant family there that year. His sister Margaret and her family were no longer there then, or at least I did not find them. I do not know precisely where they were living in Henderson County, but I know it was not the section that became Polk County in the 1850's. Andrew's neighbors were the Manual Mulenax family on one side, and the R. W. Patton family on the other.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HENDERSON CO, NC Page 239B  House/Family #  341/ 341 --  Twp

GRANT ANDREW          48 M W FARMER                     NC                   1801/1802
GRANT SALLY           39 F W                            NC                   1810/1811
GRANT PATSY C         23 F W                            NC                   1826/1827
GRANT OLIVER          22 M W FARMER                     NC                   1827/1828
GRANT JOHN            21 M W FARMER                     NC                   1828/1829
GRANT NANCY           19 F W                            NC                   1830/1831
GRANT WILLIAM         16 M W FARMER                     NC                   1833/1834
GRANT JAMES           14 M W                            NC                   1835/1836
GRANT THOMAS          11 M W                            NC                   1838/1839
GRANT LEANDER          7 M W                            NC                   1842/1843
GRANT SARAH            4 F W                            NC                   1845/1846

They were still in Henderson County for the 1860 census. They were listed with their Post Office as Bowmans Bluff. Their neighbors on one side was son Perry Grant and family, and on the other side the Rufus T. McLaine family. Two of Andrew and Sarah's sons were living with their brother James in the Mills River part of Henderson County (which might be very close by for all I know).

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 HENDERSON CO, NC Page 352   House/Family #   13/  13 -- BOWMAN'S BLUFF P.O.

GRANT ANDREW          60 M W FARM LABOR                30 NC                   1799/1800
GRANT SARAH           47 F W                              NC                   1812/1813
GRANT PATSY           30 F W                              NC                   1829/1830
GRANT NANCY           24 F W                              NC                   1835/1836
GRANT THOMAS          22 M W                              NC                   1837/1838
GRANT SARAH           13 F W                              NC                   1846/1847

I was unable to locate the family on the 1870 census, though I found a couple of the children in Henderson and Transylvania Counties (Transylvania was formed from part of Henderson in the 1860's).  Son Oliver Perry Grant was in Transylvania. Son Leander Grant was in Henderson. I was unable to locate any of the other children in 1870.

Andrew Grant died sometime between 1860 and 1880, for Sarah was listed on the 1880 census with son Leander in Henderson County, and listed as a widow. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Sarah Decker Grant died sometime after 1880 in Henderson County, North Carolina.


Andrew Grant and Sarah Decker had nine children as proven by the 1850 and 1860 census. There may have been others who were born and died between census years.

Martha C. Grant (c1827)

Oliver Perry Grant (c1828)

John Grant (c1829)

Nancy Grant (c1831)

William L. Grant (c1834)

James Grant (c1836)

Thomas Grant (c1839)

Leander H. Grant (c1843)

Sarah Grant (c1846)

Martha C. Grant was born ca 1826/27 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. She was probably named for her grandmother Martha Mackey Grant. I don't know what her "C" middle initial stood for. "Patsy" is a common nickname for "Martha". She was apparently home with her parents for the 1830 census (age 5-9, born ca 1820/25), and apparently home in 1840 ("age 15-19, born ca 1820/25), and home in 1850 ("Patsy C." age 23), and home in 1860 ("Patsy" age 30).

I have no data on Martha after 1860. I found no marriage records for her.

Oliver Perry Grant was born ca 1827/28 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. He was probably home with his parents for the 1830 census (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and probably there in 1840 (age 10-14, born ca 1825/30) and home in 1850 census ("Oliver" age 22).

Special thanks to James M. Grant for data shared on this family.

On 29 Jun 1851, Perry Grant married Delina Mathos in Henderson County. They were married by L. M. Berry, Minister of the Gospel. Delina Angeline Mathis was born 20 Mar 1831 (per tombstone) in North Carolina, daughter of William Mathis and Mary "Polly" ---.

They were listed on the 1860 census in Henderson County next door to his parents.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 HENDERSON CO, NC Page 352   House/Family #   12/  12 -- BOWMAN'S BLUFF P.O.

GRANT PERRY           33 M W LABORER                      NC                   1826/1827
GRANT ANGALINE        29 F W                              NC                   1830/1831
GRANT ELLEN           11 F W                              NC                   1848/1849
GRANT LEVI             8 M W                              NC                   1851/1852
GRANT EMILINE          2 F W                              NC                   1857/1858

They were in Transylvania County for the 1870 census in Catheys Creek Township. Transylvania was formed in 1861 from part of Henderson (and Jackson) County.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 TRANSYLVANIA CO, NC Page 408B  House/Family #   43/  43--CATHEY CREEK Twp

GRANT PERRY           50 M W FARMER                           NC              1819/1820
GRANT ANGELINE        40 F W                                  NC              1829/1830
GRANT LEVI            19 M W AT HOME                          NC              1850/1851
GRANT EMMA            12 F W                                  NC              1857/1858
GRANT DELIA            9 F W                                  NC              1860/1861
GRANT REBECCA          6 F W                                  NC              1863/1864
GRANT JAMES M          3 M W                                  NC              1866/1867
GRANT ULISES           0 M W 3/12 FEB                         NC              1869/1870

They were still in Catheys Creek for the 1880 census. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Delina Angeline Mathis Grant died on 1 Jan 1894 (per tombstone), but I'm not sure where, if in Transylvania County, or elsewhere.

Oliver Perry Grant died in Dalton, Whitfield County, Georgia on 7 Jun 1914.

John Grant was born ca 1828/29 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. He was probably home with his parents for the 1830 census (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and probably there in 1840 (age 10-14, born ca 1825/30) and home in 1850 census ("John" age 21).

He was not home in 1860, nor did I find him elsewhere in North Carolina. He may have died, or else moved away.

I think it is quite possible that John was the husband of widow Mary Grant who was in Henderson in 1860.

Nancy Grant was born ca 1830 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. She was probably home with her parents for the 1830 census (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and probably there in 1840 (age 10-14, born ca 1825/30) and home in 1850 census ("Nancy" age 19), and home in 1860 ("Nancy" age 24).

I found a marriage record in Henderson County dated 20 Sep 1860 for William Savage and Nancy Grant. They were married by T. R. Murray, Justice of the Peace. I assume this is the same Nancy.

I have found no records for Nancy after her marriage. They were not in Henderson for the 1870 census.

William L. Grant was born ca 1833/34 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. He was probably home with his parents for the 1840 census (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35), and home in 1850 census ("William" age 14), and with his brother James in 1860 ("William" age 27).

On 15 Jun 1861, William L. Grant enlisted for the Civil War in Company E, 25th Regiment North Carolina Troops (Confederate) as a Private. He was a resident of Henderson County, but enlisted in Transylvania County at age 23. Brothers Thomas and Leander Grant were in the same unit. He was captured at Amelia Court House, Virginia on 4 Apr 1865. He was confined at Point Lookout, Maryland until released on 27 Jun 1865 after taking the Oath of Allegiance.

I did not find William on the 1870 census.

William L. Grant married Sarah --- sometime before 1880, probably in Transylvania County. She was born ca 1860/61 in NC. I don't know her maiden name.

They were listed on the 1880 census in Transylvania County in Catheys Creek Township. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

James Grant was born ca 1835/36 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. He was probably home with his parents for the 1840 census (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35), and home in 1850 census ("James" age 14).

On 14 Nov 1855, James Grant married Elizabeth Hollingsworth in Henderson County. They were married by John Clayton Jr, Justice of the Peace. Elizabeth was born ca 1838/39 in NC, (perhaps Henderson County), daughter of Josiah and Elizabeth (---) Hollingsworth.

James and family were on the 1860 census in Henderson County. Two of James' brothers were living with them.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 HENDERSON CO, NC Page 361   House/Family #  136/ 136 -- MILLS RIVER P.O.

GRANT JAMES           25 M W FARM LABORER             100 NC                   1834/1835
GRANT ELIZABETH       20 F W                              NC                   1839/1840
GRANT SAMUEL R         1 M W                              NC                   1858/1859
GRANT LEANDER         18 M W DAY LABOR                    NC                   1841/1842
GRANT WILLIAM         27 M W DAY LABOR                    NC                   1832/1833

On 12 Apr 1862, James Grant enlisted for the Civil War in Company B, 29th Regiment North Carolina Troops (Confederate) as a Private. He was 30, and a resident of Henderson County, reported as born in Rutherford County.  He died at Camp Mangum, near Raleigh, North Carolina on 17 Jul 1862 of "Disease".

I did not find widow Elizabeth, nor their children on the 1870 census.

Thomas Grant was born ca 1838/39 in Rutherford County, North Carolina. He was probably home with his parents for the 1840 census (age "under 5", born ca 1835/40), and home in 1850 census ("Thomas" age 11), and home in 1860 ("Thomas" age 22).

On 15 Jun 1861, Thomas Grant enlisted for the Civil War in Company E, 25th Regiment North Carolina Troops (Confederate) as a Private. He was a resident of Henderson County, but enlisted in Transylvania County at age 21. Brothers William and Leander Grant were in the same unit. He deserted "to the enemy" on or about 26 Feb 1865. He was confined in Washington, DC and took the Oath of Allegiance on 1 Mar 1865.

On 22 Mar 1862 Thomas Grant married Jane Turner in Henderson County. They were married by L. B. O. McCall, Justice of the Peace. They were married while Thomas was still a soldier.

I have found no information on Thomas and Jane after their marriage.

Leander H. Grant was born ca 1842/43 in Rutherford or Henderson County, North Carolina. He was home with his parents for the 1850 census ("Leander" age 7), and home with his brother James in 1860 ("Leander" age 18).

On 15 Jun 1861, Leander H. Grant enlisted for the Civil War in Company E, 25th Regiment North Carolina Troops (Confederate) as a Private. He was a resident of Henderson County, but enlisted in Transylvania County at age 18. Brothers William and Thomas Grant were in the same unit. He was present until 13 Aug 1864 when he was furloughed for 30 days. Apparently he deserted and was dropped from the rolls on 1 Dec 1864.

On 6 Apr 1862, Leander Grant married Rebecca Bowen in Henderson County. They were married by L. B. O. McCall, Justice of the Peace. Rebecca L. Gallion was born ca 1840/41 in Henderson County. I don't know who her parents were. She was married to Elijah Bowen prior to her marriage to Leander Grant.

1870 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1870 HENDERSON CO, NC Page 315B  House/Family #  124/ 124--MILLS RIVER Twp

GRANT LEE             27 M W FARMER                 120   100 NC              1842/1843
GRANT R L             29 F W KEEPING HOUSE                    NC              1840/1841
GRANT JAMES C         14 M W WORKS ON FARM                    NC              1855/1856
GRANT LAURA M         12 F W AT HOME                          NC              1857/1858
GRANT ELIJAH B         9 M W                                  NC              1860/1861
GRANT EUGENIA          5 F W                                  NC              1864/1865
GRANT HESTER W         3 F W                                  NC              1866/1867
GRANT MARTHA A         0 F W 3/12 Dec 1869                    NC              1869/1870

Leander and family were still in Henderson for the 1880 census, in Mills River Township. His widowed mother was living with them. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Sarah Grant was born ca 1845/46 in Rutherford or Henderson County, North Carolina. She was home with her parents for the 1850 census ("Sarah" age 4), and home in 1860 ("Sarah" age 13).

I found a marriage record in Henderson County, which is probably this same Sarah. On 11 Jan 1866 Joseph Taylor married Sarah Grant. They were married by John C. Carson, Minister of the Gospel.

I have no additional data on them. I was unable to locate them on the 1870 or 1880 census. I did find a Joseph Taylor and wife "Sarah Ann" on the 1880 census in Henderson, but they were far too young to be this same couple.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. Andrew1 Grant , born 1799/1800 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 1860/80 in Henderson Co, NC, son of Andrew Grant  and Martha Mackey .  He married on 30 Oct 1823 in Rutherford Co, NC Sarah "Sally" Decker , born 1810/11 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Henderson Co, NC.


      Children of Andrew Grant and Sarah "Sally" Decker were as follows:

      2          i      Martha C "Patsy"2 Grant , born 1826/27 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Henderson Co, NC.

+    3          ii      Oliver Perry2 Grant , born 1827/28 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 7 Jun 1914 in Dalton, Whitfield Co, GA.  He married Delina Angeline Mathis .

      4          iii      John2 Grant , born 1828/29 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Henderson Co, NC.

      5          iv      Nancy2 Grant , born 1830/31 in Rutherford Co, NC.  She married on 20 Sep 1860 in Henderson Co, NC William Savage .

      6          v      William L2 Grant Pvt , born 1833/34 in Rutherford Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Transylvania Co, NC.  He married bef 1880 in Transylvania Co, NC Sarah (---) , born 1860/61 in NC.

+    7          vi      James2 Grant Pvt , born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 17 Jul 1862 in Camp Mangum, Wake Co, NC, Civil War.  He married Elizabeth Hollingsworth .

      8          vii      Thomas2 Grant Pvt , born 1838/39 in Henderson Co, NC; died aft 1 Mar 1865.  He married on 22 Mar 1862 in Henderson Co, NC Jane Turner .

+    9          viii      Leander H2 Grant Pvt , born 1842/43 in Henderson Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married Rebecca L Gallion .

      10         ix      Sarah2 Grant , born 1845/46 in Henderson Co, NC.  She married on 11 Jan 1866 in Henderson Co, NC Joseph Taylor , born in Henderson Co, NC.


Generation 2


3. Oliver Perry2 Grant  (Andrew1), born 1827/28 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 7 Jun 1914 in Dalton, Whitfield Co, GA.  He married on 29 Jun 1851 in Henderson Co, NC Delina Angeline Mathis , born 20 Mar 1831 in Buncombe Co, NC; died 1 Jan 1894, daughter of William Mathis  and Mary "Polly" (---) .


      Children of Oliver Perry Grant and Delina Angeline Mathis were as follows:

      11         i      Ellen3 Grant , born 1848/49 in Henderson Co, NC.

      12         ii      Levi Madison3 Grant , born 8 May 1852 in Henderson Co, NC; died 5 Jan 1931 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      13         iii      Emaline3 Grant , born 1857/58 in Henderson Co, NC.  She married on 14 Jan 1875 in Transylvania Co, NC S Floyd Wood , born 1852/53 in NC.

+    14         iv      Delia Ann3 Grant , born 30 May 1860 in Henderson Co, NC; died 20 May 1945 in Transylvania Co, NC.  She married Christopher Columbus Banther .

      15         v      Clara Rebecca3 Grant , born 1863/64 in Transylvania Co, NC.  She married on 25 Oct 1885 in Transylvania Co, NC James Wilson .

      16         vi      James Manassa3 Grant , born 1866/67 in Transylvania Co, NC.  He married on 29 Jul 1908 in Transylvania Co, NC Selena Aiken .

      17         vii      Thomas Columbus3 Grant , born 20 May 1870 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 26 Aug 1956 in Duvall Co, FL.  He married on 12 Jul 1894 in Alachua Co, FL Emma Rebecca Freyermuth , born 1873; died 30 Sep 1918.

      18         viii      Edward Marion3 Grant , born 23 Mar 1873 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 24 Jan 1943 in Transylvania Co, NC.  He married Dovie Elizabeth Raines , born 30 Oct 1879 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 19 Jan 1951 in Iredell Co, NC.



7. James2 Grant Pvt  (Andrew1), born 1835/36 in Rutherford Co, NC; died 17 Jul 1862 in Camp Mangum, Wake Co, NC, Civil War.  He married on 14 Nov 1855 in Henderson Co, NC Elizabeth Hollingsworth , born 1838/39 in Henderson Co, NC, daughter of Josiah Hollingsworth  and Elizabeth (---) .


      Children of James Grant Pvt and Elizabeth Hollingsworth were as follows:

      19         i      Samuel N3 Grant , born 1858/59 in Henderson Co, NC.



9. Leander H2 Grant Pvt  (Andrew1), born 1842/43 in Henderson Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Henderson Co, NC.  He married on 6 Apr 1862 in Henderson Co, NC Rebecca L Gallion , born 1840/41 in Henderson Co, NC; died aft 1880 in Henderson Co, NC.


      Children of Leander H Grant Pvt and Rebecca L Gallion were as follows:

      20         i      James C3 Grant , born 1855/56 in Henderson Co, NC.

      21         ii      Laura M3 Grant , born 1857/58 in Henderson Co, NC.

      22         iii      Elijah B3 Grant , born 1860/61 in Henderson Co, NC.

      23         iv      Louisa Eugenia3 Grant , born 1864/65 in Henderson Co, NC.

      24         v      Hester W3 Grant , born 1866/67 in Henderson Co, NC.

      25         vi      Martha A3 Grant , born Dec 1869 in Henderson Co, NC.

      26         vii      Harvey L3 Grant , born 1872/73 in Henderson Co, NC.

      27         viii      Lila3 Grant , born 1873/74 in Henderson Co, NC.

      28         ix      Lilly3 Grant , born 1875/76 in Henderson Co, NC.

      29         x      Davis Z3 Grant , born 1878/79 in Henderson Co, NC.


Generation 3


14. Delia Ann3 Grant  (Oliver Perry2, Andrew1), born 30 May 1860 in Henderson Co, NC; died 20 May 1945 in Transylvania Co, NC.  She married on 24 Sep 1879 in Transylvania Co, NC Christopher Columbus Banther , born 29 Jan 1855 in Henderson Co, NC; died 2 Oct 1935 in Transylvania Co, NC, son of George J Painter  and Mary Ann "Polly" Nanny .


      Children of Delia Ann Grant and Christopher Columbus Banther were as follows:

      30         i      Andrew4 Banther , born 1880 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      31         ii      Hester4 Banther , born 1882 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      32         iii      Minnie4 Banther , born 1883 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      33         iv      Queenie4 Banther , born 1884 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      34         v      Haley4 Banther , born 1884 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      35         vi      Mary4 Banther , born 1885 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      36         vii      Joseph Taylor4 Banther , born 16 Apr 1884 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 12 Oct 1965 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      37         viii      Carl O4 Banther , born 8 Nov 1888 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 17 Feb 1963 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      38         ix      Arthur H4 Banther , born 19 Oct 1895 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 16 Apr 1963 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      39         x      Dock4 Banther , born 11 Jan 1895 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 29 May 1946 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      40         xi      Prudence4 Banther , born 1896 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      41         xii      Sonora4 Banther , born 1897 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      42         xiii      Dewey C4 Banther , born 1899 in Transylvania Co, NC; died 1955 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      43         xiv      Pearson4 Banther , born 1901 in Transylvania Co, NC.

      44         xv      Ulysses4 Banther , born 1903 in Transylvania Co, NC. Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > Andrew