Colonel James Grant (c1791) and Elizabeth Whitaker of Halifax and Wake Co, NC Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > James

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I (Marty Grant) am not related to James Grant as far as I know.

James Grant was born ca 1790/91 in Halifax County, North Carolina.  I base his birth date on the fact that the 1830 census gives his age as 30-39, or born ca 1790/1800, and he was named in his father's 1791 will, so to reconcile the two, he had to have been born ca 1790 or 1791.

James Grant is a proven son of James and Martha (---) Grant, as named in the Will of James (Sr) dated 30 Nov 1791 in Halifax County.

James' father died while James was still very young, and I have found no other records of his mother, so he may have been raised by other relatives. There is evidence that he was in Wake County, North Carolina (in 1811 at least), so it is possible that he was raised there.

He would have been about 8 or 9 years old for the 1800 census, but no Grants were listed in Halifax that year. This tells me that James was with some other relatives that year. There was a David Grant in Wake County that year, but he no males with him, so I doubt James was with him, if even related.

James would have been about 18 or 19 years old for the 1810 census, but no Grants were listed in Halifax that year. This tells me that James was with some other relatives that year. He may have been in Wake County for he married there in 1811 (no Grants in Wake in 1810 either).

On 15 Jan 1811, James Grant of Wake County married Elizabeth Whitaker in Halifax County. This was reported in the Raleigh Register edition dated 24 Jan 1811. Elizabeth C. Whitaker was born ca 1792/93 (per 1850 census), presumably in Halifax County, North Carolina. She is a daughter of Matthew C. Whitaker and Elizabeth (---) Whitaker, as proven by the Wills of both of her parents.

They were in Halifax County after their marriage, though they may have lived in Wake County for a time as well, but I don't know that for sure.

On 14 Feb 1814, Matthew C. Whitaker made his Will in Halifax County, naming (among others) daughter Elizabeth C. Grant.

On 7 Apr 1815, Elizabeth Whitaker made her Will in Halifax County, naming daughter Elizabeth E. Grant.

At some point, James Grant became a Colonel, though I don't know what military unit he was associated with.

James Grant was listed in Halifax County for the 1820 census. Unfortunately, the census taker alphabetized the listings, so we can't tell who James' neighbors were. There was an "extra" female with them in the same age grouping as James' wife. I don't know who she was.

1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1820 Halifax Co, NC pg 149 James Grant 300010-10020
1 Male(s) 26-44       (1775-1794)	James GRANT (1790/91) s/o James & Martha
3 Male(s) 0-9         (1810-1820)	Thomas McDonough GRANT (1813/14) son
					George W. GRANT (1815/16) son
					William GRANT (1818/19) son
2 Female(s) 26-44     (1775-1794)	Elizabeth WHITAKER Grant (1792/93) wife
					Sister? Sister-in-law?
1 Female(s) 0-9       (1810-1820)	Daughter? (1815/20)

Sometime in the 1820's, they moved back to Wake County, and were listed there on the 1830 census. They were in the City of Raleigh, east of Fayetteville and Halifax Streets. The neighbor on one side was a Read family, listed as Read "alias Mitchell".

1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1830 Wake Co, NC pg 409 James Grant 0112010000000-2020010000000
1 Male(s) 30-39        (1790-1800)	James GRANT (1790/91) s/o James & Martha
2 Male(s) 15-19        (1810-1815)	Thomas McDonough GRANT (1813/14) son --> gone 1840
					George W. GRANT (1815/16) son --> gone 1840
1 Male(s) 10-14        (1815-1820)	William GRANT (1818/19) son --> gone 1840
1 Male(s) 5-9          (1820-1825)	Son? (1820/25)
1 Female(s) 30-39      (1790-1800)	Elizabeth WHITAKER Grant (1792/93) wife
2 Female(s) 10-14      (1815-1820)	Daughter? (1815/20) 
					Daughter? (1815/20) * Not in 1820 --> gone 1840
2 Female(s) 0-4        (1825-1830)	Daughter? (1825/30)
					Martha W. GRANT (1827/28) daughter

James Grant died on 23 Oct 1834 in Raleigh, Wake County, North Carolina. His death was reported in the Raleigh Register newspaper dated 11 Nov 1834, referring to him as Colonel James Grant, and that he died in Raleigh.

After the death of her husband, Elizabeth returned home to Halifax County.

Elizabeth Grant is listed on the 1840 census in Halifax County. She was listed between two other apparent widows Anne Porter and Susan Anderson. Elizabeth had 9 females with her in the age 10-14 category (and others in other categories). This may indicate she was running a school or an orphanage or something.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Halifax Co, NC pg 31 Elizabeth Grant 0001000000000-0190101000000
1 Male(s) 15-19        (1820-1825)	Son? (1820/25)
1 Female(s) 40-49      (1790-1800)	Elizabeth WHITAKER Grant, wd/o James
1 Female(s) 20-29      (1810-1820)	Daughter? (1815/20)
9 Female(s) 10-14      (1825-1830)	Daughter? (1825/30)
					Martha W. GRANT (1827/28) daughter
					7 Boarders? (1825/30) 
1 Female(s) 5-9        (1830-1835)	Daughter? (1830/35)

Elizabeth was still in Halifax County for the 1850 census. She was next to Matthew C. Whitaker (c1802), whom I'd bet was her brother (same name as her father). Her son George (listed as "Gough") was with her with his wife and son also. Will Read was their neighbor on the other side. (Someone of the same surname was a neighbor to them in 1830 Wake County).

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HALIFAX CO, NC Page 89B   House/Family # 1721/1721  -  Twp

GRANT ELIZABETH       57 F W FARMER                1000 NC                   1792/1793
GRANT GOUGH           34 M W U S NAVY                   NC                   1815/1816
GRANT FRANCIS         25 F W                            NC                   1824/1825
GRANT FRANK            1 M W                            NC                   1848/1849

Sometime before 1851 (no date given), Elizabeth C. Grant made her Will in Halifax County, North Carolina. She named son George W. Grant, daughter Margaret Johnson, wife of Dr. William Johnson. She also named grandchildren Elizabeth Grant, Sarah Grant, daughters of my son Thomas McD. Grant. She named children William Grant, Elizabeth Grant, Martha Grant. The Will was proven in August Court, 1851, so Elizabeth had died by then. (Halifax Co, NC Will Book 4 page 310).

Elizabeth C. Whitaker Grant died on 7 Jun 1851 in Halifax County, as proven by her death notice in the Raleigh Register dated 18 Jun 1851, naming her as Mrs. James Grant of Halifax County.


James and Elizabeth had several children per the 1820 through 1840 census records. Elizabeth's 1851 Will named a few, but apparently not all of them. Some of those named in the Will have not been located on census records, so some of these "unidentified" children from the census are probably one and the same as one of the known children, so this list will show more children than they actually had.

Thomas McDonough Grant (c1814)

George W. Grant (c1816)

Unknown Son (1815/20)

Unknown Daughter (1815/20)

Unknown Daughter (1815/20)

Unknown Son (1820/25)

Unknown Daughter (1825/30)

Martha W. Grant (c1828)

Unknown Daughter (1830/35)

Margaret Grant

William Grant

Elizabeth Grant

Thomas McDonough Grant was born ca 1813/14 in Halifax Co, NC. He was apparently home with his parents in 1820 (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20), and still home in 1830 (age 15-19, born ca 1810/15), but not home in 1840. His middle name was given as "McD." in his mother's Will, but I believe it is "McDonough" based on an 1850 census entry which I think is the same person.

He was named in his mother's undated Will (proven 1851) as son, for she mentioned grandchildren Elizabeth Grant and Sarah Grant, children of her son Thomas McD. Grant.

I did not find Thomas McD. Grant on the 1850 census in North Carolina, nor any apparent widows or orphans who might be his family. They may have already migrated elsewhere by 1850.

I found someone whom I feel strongly is this same person. He is listed as "McDonough Grant" age 36, and is on the 1850 census in Russell County, Alabama. He and his wife were born in NC, and their children were born in Alabama. Further evidence in his favor of being the same person is that E. R. Forte (his brother-in-law) was also in Russell Co, AL around the same time.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 RUSSELL CO, AL Page 80B   House/Family # 1119/1119  -  Twp

GRANT McDONOUGH       36 M W FARMER                3000 NC                   1813/1814
GRANT MARY            30 F W                            NC                   1819/1820
GRANT SARAH            7 F W                            AL                   1842/1843
GRANT WILLIAM          3 M W                            AL                   1846/1847
GRANT JAMES            2 M W                            AL                   1847/1848
CRAWFIELD ELIZABETH    7 F W                            AL                   1842/1843
ROBERTS JOHN          34 M W OVERSEER                   SC                   1815/1816

They were still in Russell County for the 1860 census, and having a new son named "Whitaker" Grant, seems to prove this is the same family from Halifax Co, NC, since Thomas McD.'s mother was a Whitaker.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 RUSSELL CO, AL Page 379   House/Family #  143/ 136 -- SOUTHERN DIVISION Twp  SANDFORT P.O.

GRANT McDONAL         45 M W FARMER            3500 32000 NC                   1814/1815
GRANT MARY J          40 F W                              NC                   1819/1820
GRANT ELIZABETH C     16 F W                              AL                   1843/1844
GRANT SALLY G         14 F W                              AL                   1845/1846
GRANT WILLIAM         13 M W                              AL                   1846/1847
GRANT JAMES           12 M W                              AL                   1847/1848
GRANT DAVID C         10 M W                              AL                   1849/1850
GRANT WHITIKER         9 M W                              AL                   1850/1851
GRANT McDONAL          6 M W                              AL                   1853/1854
AUSTIN JAMES          24 M W SCHOOL TEACHER               NC                   1835/1836

I did not find them on the 1870 census index for Russell Co, AL.

George W. Grant was born ca 1815/16 (per 1850 census), presumably in Halifax County. He was named in his mother's Will (proven 1851), and he was also living with her in 1850.

He was apparently home with his parents in 1820 (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20), and apparently home in 1830 (age 15-19, born ca 1810/15), but not with his widowed mother in 1840. He may have been residing elsewhere that year, as he would have been about 24 or 25, so could have been anywhere on his own.

On 6 Mar 1849, George W. Grant married Frances J. Pierce in Halifax County. William L. Johnston (George's brother-in-law) was the bondsman. Frances was born ca 1824/25, presumably in Halifax. I don't know who her parents were.

They were home with his widowed mother for the 1850 census, though for some reason his name was spelled Gough. His occupation was listed as U. S. Navy, so presumably he was an officer or enlisted man in the Navy.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HALIFAX CO, NC Page 89B   House/Family # 1721/1721  -  Twp

GRANT ELIZABETH       57 F W FARMER                1000 NC                   1792/1793
GRANT GOUGH           34 M W U S NAVY                   NC                   1815/1816
GRANT FRANCIS         25 F W                            NC                   1824/1825
GRANT FRANK            1 M W                            NC                   1848/1849

George was named in his mother's undated Will (proven 1851) as son "George W. Grant".

I did not find George and family on the 1860 census. They must have left the state, or all died.

I accidentally found George on the 1860 census in Montgomery Co, AL, for he was just two houses from my cousin William James Edwards on that census (these two families are not related as far as I know). George was listed as a Medical Doctor on this census. ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Unknown Son (1815/20). James and Elizabeth had an apparent son this age. He was home with them in 1820 (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20), and home in 1830 (age 10-14, born ca 1815/20), but not with Elizabeth in 1840, so possibly married or dead by then.

This may be the same person as their son William Grant, but since I don't know William's age, I can't be sure. (I have found a William who may be this same one, and if so, he does fit this age category). If it isn't William, then I have no clue who it may have been.

Unknown Daughter (1815/20). James and Elizabeth had an apparent daughter this age. She was home with them in 1820 (age "under 10", born ca 1810/20), and home in 1830 (age 10-14, born ca 1815/20), and still home in 1840 (age 20-29, born ca 1810/20), but gone by 1850, so possibly married or dead by then.

This may be the same person as their one of their proven daughters (Margaret or Elizabeth), but since I don't know their ages, I can't be sure.

Unknown Daughter (1815/20). James and Elizabeth had an apparent daughter this age. She was home not with them in 1820 but was home in 1830 (age 10-14, born ca 1815/20) (which may indicate a birth of ca 1820), but gone by 1840, so possibly married or dead by then.

This may be the same person as their one of their proven daughters (Margaret or Elizabeth), but since I don't know their ages, I can't be sure.

Unknown Son (1820/25). James and Elizabeth had an apparent son this age. He was home with them in 1830 (age 5-9, born ca 1820/25), and still home in 1840 (age 15-19, born ca 1820/25), but gone by 1850, so possibly married or dead by then.

This may be the same person as their one of their proven sons (Thomas or William), but since I don't know their ages, I can't be sure.

Unknown Daughter (1825/30). James and Elizabeth had an apparent daughter this age. She was home with them in 1830 (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and still home in 1840 (age 10-14, born ca 1825/30), but gone by 1850, so possibly married or dead by then.

This may be the same person as their one of their proven daughters (Margaret or Elizabeth), but since I don't know their ages, I can't be sure.

Martha W. Grant was born ca 1827/28 (per 1850 census), either in Halifax Co, NC or in Raleigh, Wake Co, NC. She was apparently home with her parents in 1830 (age "under 5", born ca 1825/30), and apparently home with her widowed mother in 1840 ("age 10-14, born ca 1825/30).

On 30 Apr 1849, William L. Johnston married Martha W. Grant in Warren County, North Carolina. William was a Physician. He was born ca 1822/23 in North Carolina, possibly Halifax.  I don't know who his parents are. I don't know why the married in Warren County, but that does border Halifax County.

They were listed in Halifax on the 1850 census, between a Gary family and a Scott family. They were not close by any of Martha's relatives as far as I noticed.

1850 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1850 HALIFAX CO, NC Page 65B   House/Family # 1247/1247  -  Twp

JOHNSTON WILLIAM L    27 M W PHYSICIAN & FARMER    1540 NC                   1822/1823
JOHNSTON MARTHA       22 F W                            NC                   1827/1828
JOHNSTON JANE          0 F W 8/12                       NC                   1849/1850

In her mother's undated Will (proven in 1851), there seems to be some confusion. She named daughter "Margaret Johnson" wife of Dr. William Johnson", and later in the same Will mentioned daughter "Martha Grant". I think this can easily be explained. First of all, we don't know the date of the Will. If it was prior to 1849, then that would show that Margaret Grant (Martha's sister) was married to William Johnston first. After her death, he married Martha. This is the best explanation and it makes logical sense.

They were still in Halifax for the 1860 census, listed in the Western District, with Halifax (the town) as their Post Office. Several other Johnston families were nearby, probably relatives of William.

1860 census abstract: (Explanation of this census)
(Note: The dates at the end of each line are not part of the original census, but are approximate birth years based on age)
1860 HALIFAX CO, NC Page 471B  House/Family # 1038/ 948 -- WESTERN DISTRICT Twp  HALIFAX P.O.

JOHNSTON Doct W L     37 M W FARMER            6862 17602 NC                   1822/1823
JOHNSTON MARTHA W     32 F W SEAMSTRESS                   NC                   1827/1828
JOHNSTON JAMES G      10 M W                              NC                   1849/1850
JOHNSTON WILLIAM A     9 M W                              NC                   1850/1851
JOHNSTON GAUGH         7 M W                              NC                   1852/1853
JOHNSTON ELIZABETH M   4 F W                              NC                   1855/1856
JOHNSTON MARTHA J      2 F W                              NC                   1857/1858
JOHNSTON WILLIS        0 M W 2/12                         NC                   1859/1860
OSBORN ISAAC          30 M W SCHOOL TEACHER          1000 NC                   1829/1830
GRIFFITHS CHARLES     47 M W OVERSEER            90   250 NC                   1812/1813

The 1870 census index shows nine "William Johnson" listings in Halifax County, but none spelled "Johnston". I didn't check to see if one of these is the same as our William L. Johnston.

I didn't find them in Halifax on the 1880 census.

Unknown Daughter (1830/35). James and Elizabeth had an apparent daughter this age. She was home with Elizabeth in 1840 (age 5-9, born ca 1830/35), but gone by 1850, so possibly married or dead by then.

This may be the same person as their one of their proven daughters (Margaret or Elizabeth), but since I don't know their ages, I can't be sure.

Margaret Grant was named in her mother's undated Will (proven 1851) as a wife of Dr. William L. Johnston. Since he married Martha Grant in 1849, it stands to reason that Margaret married him before then, and also died before 1849.

James and Elizabeth had two unidentified daughters born ca 1815/20. I suspect one of them could be Margaret. She might also be the other unidentified daughter born ca 1825/30. In any event, she married Dr. William L. Johnston sometime prior to 1849 (no marriage record found), and she died before 30 Apr 1849, for that is the date he married Margaret's sister Martha.

William Grant was named in his mother's undated Will (proven 1851) as son. He could be one of the several unidentified sons of James and Elizabeth per the earlier census records. They had one born ca 1810/15, another born ca 1815/20 and others.

I found a Reverend William Grant (c1819) who might be this same William, but I have no proof that he is the same. He married Sarah J. Meador in 1845 in Perquimans County, and later lived in Northampton County. Northampton borders Halifax, but it had a large Grant population, so that William (c1819) may be part of that large family instead.

If Reverend William is not this same William, then I have no other suspects for who he might be.

Elizabeth Grant was named in her mother's undated Will (proven 1851) as daughter "Elizabeth Grant", so she was unmarried at the time of the Will (which was sometime before 1849, I believe).

James and Elizabeth had several unidentified daughters in various age groups, certainly Elizabeth fits into one of them.

I found a marriage bond in Halifax County dated 22 Oct 1845 for Elizabeth C. Grant and Elias R. Forte, with W. G. Crowley as bondsman. It is very possible that this is the same Elizabeth, especially since her mother also had "C" for a middle initial.

I did not find Elias and Elizabeth on the 1850 census. I found an "E. R. Forte" listed on the 1850 index in Russell Co, AL (same place her brother Thomas McD. was living), however, the index gave a page number that did not exist.

Apparently Elizabeth C. Grant Forte died in the 1850's, presumably in Russell County, Alabama for the 1860 census showed Elias with a new wife named Frances.  ** I don't have this entry typed up yet.

Researcher List

Persons researching this family (click here for data on how to get on or off of this list:

Register Report

1. James1 Grant Colonel , born 1790/91 in Halifax Co, NC; died 23 Oct 1834 in Raleigh, Wake Co, NC, son of James Grant  and Martha (---) .  He married on 15 Jan 1811 in Halifax Co, NC Elizabeth C Whitaker , born 1792/93 in Halifax Co, NC; died 7 Jun 1851 in Halifax Co, NC, daughter of Matthew C Whitaker  and Elizabeth (---) .


      Children of James Grant Colonel and Elizabeth C Whitaker were as follows:

+    2          i      Thomas McDonough2 Grant , born 1813/14 in Halifax Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Russell Co, AL.  He married Mary J (---) .

+    3          ii      George W2 Grant , born 1815/16 in Halifax Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Halifax Co, NC.  He married Frances J Pierce .

+    4          iii      Martha W2 Grant , born 1827/28 in Raleigh, Wake Co, NC.  She married William L Johnston Dr .

      5          iv      Margaret2 Grant , born in Halifax Co, NC; died bef 1849 in Halifax Co, NC.  She married bef 1849 in Halifax Co, NC William L Johnston Dr , born 1822/23 in NC.

      6          v      William2 Grant , born in Halifax Co, NC.

+    7          vi      Elizabeth C2 Grant , died bef 1860 in Russell Co, AL.  She married Elias R Forte .


Generation 2


2. Thomas McDonough2 Grant  (James1), born 1813/14 in Halifax Co, NC; died aft 1860 in Russell Co, AL.  He married in 1840/43 in Halifax Co, NC Mary J (---) , born 1819/20 in NC; died aft 1860 in Russell Co, AL.


      Children of Thomas McDonough Grant and Mary J (---) were as follows:

      8          i      Elizabeth Crawfield3 Grant , born 1842/43 in Halifax Co, NC.

      9          ii      Sarah G3 Grant , born 1842/43 in Russell Co, AL.

      10         iii      William3 Grant , born 1846/47 in Russell Co, AL.

      11         iv      James3 Grant , born 1847/48 in Russell Co, AL.

      12         v      David C3 Grant , born 1850 in Russell Co, AL.

      13         vi      Whitaker3 Grant , born 1850/51 in Russell Co, AL.

      14         vii      McDonough3 Grant , born 1853/54 in Russell Co, AL.



3. George W2 Grant  (James1), born 1815/16 in Halifax Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Halifax Co, NC.  He married on 6 Mar 1849 in Halifax Co, NC Frances J Pierce , born 1824/25 in Halifax Co, NC; died aft 1850 in Halifax Co, NC.


      Children of George W Grant and Frances J Pierce were as follows:

      15         i      Frank3 Grant , born 1848/49 in Halifax Co, NC.



4. Martha W2 Grant  (James1), born 1827/28 in Raleigh, Wake Co, NC.  She married on 30 Apr 1849 in Warren Co, NC William L Johnston Dr , born 1822/23 in NC.


      Children of Martha W Grant and William L Johnston Dr were as follows:

      16         i      Jane3 Johnston , born 1849 in Halifax Co, NC.

      17         ii      James G3 Johnston , born 1850 in Halifax Co, NC.

      18         iii      William A3 Johnston , born 1850/51 in Halifax Co, NC.

      19         iv      Gaugh3 Johnston , born 1852/53 in Halifax Co, NC.

      20         v      Elizabeth M3 Johnston , born 1855/56 in Halifax Co, NC.

      21         vi      Martha J3 Johnston , born 1857/58 in Halifax Co, NC.

      22         vii      Willis3 Johnston , born 1860 in Halifax Co, NC.



7. Elizabeth C2 Grant  (James1), died bef 1860 in Russell Co, AL.  She married on 22 Oct 1845 in Halifax Co, NC Elias R Forte , born 1820/21 in NC; died aft 1860 in Russell Co, AL.


      Children of Elizabeth C Grant and Elias R Forte were as follows:

      23         i      Priscilla3 Forte , born 1847/48 in Halifax Co, NC.

      24         ii      Matthew3 Forte , born 1849/50 in GA.

      25         iii      Margaret3 Forte , born 1851/52 in Russell Co, AL.

      26         iv      Elizabeth A3 Forte , born 1853/54 in Russell Co, AL.

      27         v      Mary3 Forte , born 1855/56 in Russell Co, AL.

      28         vi      Louisa3 Forte , born 1857/58 in Russell Co, AL. Home > Genealogy > Grant > Families > James