Louinda Hensley (c1831) of Knox Co., TN |
martygrant.com: Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Families > Louinda
The author (Marty Grant) is not related to Louinda Hensley as far as can be determined. She did live in the same county (Knox Co, TN) as my ancestor Samuel Hensley (1801-1852), though born after he left there. Louinda Hensley was born ca 1830/31 per her age of 19 on the 1850 census. She was born in Tennessee, perhaps in Knox County where she was living in 1850. Her name could be "Lucinda" instead, though it was clearly written as "Louinda" on the 1850 census. I don't know who Louinda Hensley's parents are. In fact the only record I have for her is her 1850 census entry. Louinda would presumably have been home with her parents for the 1840 census. Anthony Hensley (c1791) was the only Hensley in Knox County that year, and he did have an unidentified daughter with him aged 5-9 (born ca 1830-35). That fits, but based only on this there is no way to know if it is Louinda or someone else. In 1850 Louinda was living in Knox County with Robert Johnson and his apparent mother Elizabeth. They could be related to her, or she might just be hired help.
KNOX CO, TN Page 226B House/Family # 1893/1902 - 15th Subdivision Twp JOHNSINE ROBERT 38 M W FARMER NC 1811/1812 JOHNSINE ELIZABETH 75 F W NC 1774/1775 HENSLEY LOUINDA 19 F W TN 1830/1831This census entry is all we have for Louinda, however, it does provide one interesting clue: They are only 21 households away from William Hensley (c1835) who was living with a Shipe family. Could William and Louinda be siblings? Certainly, but no real proof of that. See his page for more on him. I was unable to find Louinda Hensley on the 1860 census, nor did I find a marriage record for her in Knox Co., TN (or elsewhere) in the 1850's. Who were the Johnsons she was living with in 1850? Unfortunately this is a very common name and difficult to research. I do have an interest in Knox County Johnsons for one of my ancestors was Robert Johnston (much older than this one) of this county. Robert's daughter married a Hensley, but that might be a coincidence and have no bearing on Louinda Hensley or this particular Johnson family. Robert Johnson was born ca 1809/10 in NC, and was living with Elizabeth Johnson, born ca 1775 NC. Robert was still in Knox for the 1860 census (or I think it is the same Robert.) He was living in the 2nd district with Lindsey Johnson (c1830 NC), probably a nephew. They were next door to a widow Ibby Johnson (c1807 NC). She is the widow of John R. Johnson. Their family was in Grainger Co., TN in 1850. Grainger borders Knox. Now consider this. Robert Johnson (c1812) was listed on the 1840 census in Knox County just 13 houses from Anthony Hensley (c1791). Robert was the only male in the household, and the only female with him was aged 60-69 (1770/80), so that is probably his mother Elizabeth. John R. Johnson was next door (the same man in Grainger Co., TN in 1850.) I believe these Johnsons came out of Randolph Co., NC. Based on what I've been able to find on the Johnson family, I can see no connection to the Hensley family. There could be one, but I don't see it just yet. Louinda Hensley may have just been domestic help for them in 1850 and not related. Persons researching this family (Contact me to add, change or delete your listing here):
martygrant.com: Home > Genealogy > Hensley > Families > Louinda