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I (Marty Grant) am a 4th Great Grandson of James James and Ann Wood, however, that relationship is based on some unproven connections.
James James was born ca 1774/1780 in SC, probably in the Maiden Down Swamp area, then part of Georgetown District, but now part of Marion.
James James was apparently a son of William and Elizabeth James as suggested by a 1799 deed. William James died between 1793 and 1799, and on 16 Mar 1799, James James, Elizabeth James, Mary James, Sarah James and Ann James sold 125 acres on the north side of Maidendown Swamp to William Burket. This was part of a 640 acre grant to William James dated 15 Feb 1786. All of the grantors signed with an "X". Witnesses were: Nathan Grice, Charles Powell, and Nathaniel Miller. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book A, page 74, from "Marion County South Carolina Abstracts of Deeds Volume One Books A - E 1800-1811", by Lucille Utley, and Alita White Sutcliffe, 1996)
The above deed would seem to be the heirs of William James. However, the deed does not state who is who, nor that they are his heirs, but it seems the only explanation.
James James was not listed on the 1800 census, but he seems to be in the household of his widowed mother Elizabeth James.
James James was named on 30 Aug 1800 in the Estate of Henry Flowers, as having a judgment against him. (Marion Co, SC Inventory Book I page 10 as published in the Pee Dee Queue)
On 28 Feb 1804 James James was one of the purchasers at the Estate sale for Richard Taylor, Esquire, deceased. (Marion Co, SC Sales Book A page 210 as published in the Pee Dee Queue).
On 9 Feb 1809 James James witnessed a deed between John Dimery and Hardy Harbert Chinners for land on the Southwest side of the Little Pee Dee River. Other witnesses were David Legett and John Wood. (Marion Co, SC Deed Book E page 21).
James James was not listed on the 1809 voter list in Marion Dist, SC.
James James married someone in the 1800-1810 timeframe, and I believe that his wife was Ann Wood, daughter of John and Sarah (---) Wood. I base this on her being named in her father's Will dated 19 Mar 1808 as daughter "Ann James", and that James James was a witness to the Will. This does not prove that James James was her husband, but it seems reasonable. James James was associated with the Wood family and his potential sibling in-laws in numerous records, so I'm reasonably sure that this is correct. Ann was born ca 1784/90. In the Will of John Wood it also mentions Anne's son "Addin James". (Probate Roll # 805, John Wood, published in "Probate Records, Marion County, South Carolina Volume Two", by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, 1985, page 123).
James James was listed on the 1810 census. He was listed near any known relations.
1810 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1810 Marion District, SC pg 80 James James 20010-00100-0-0 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 26-44 (1765-1784) James JAMES (1774/80) s/o William & Elizabeth 2 Male(s) 0-9 (1800-1810) Addin W. JAMES (1804/10) son Son? (1800/10) --> gone by 1820 1 Female(s) 16-25 (1784-1794) Ann WOOD James (1784/94) wife --> 1794/1804 in 1820
On 3 May 1810 James James was named as one of the appraisers for the Estate of Samuel Brown. (Marion Co, Inventory Book I page 144 as published in the Pee Dee Queue).
James James was listed on the 1811 Marion Dist, SC Tax list, and charged with 50 cents tax.
James James was listed on the 1814 Marion Dist, SC Tax list, and charged with 19 cents tax.
James James was listed on the 1820 census in Marion Dist, SC. His household doesn't line up well with his 1810 household, but it is hard to say which was more accurate, this one (1820) or the previous one (1810). I'll have to read this one again to see if I copied it correctly. The household includes a male age 45 and up (born before 1775), which could be James himself, if born ca 1774 (I show him born ca 1774/80 based on several census records). A male age 26-44 (c1775/94) could be James or his oldest son (ca1800/10 in 1810) though it doesn't match. His wife's age also doesn't match 1810. In 1810 she was born ca 1784/94, here she is born ca 1794/1804, which works if she was born ca 1794. It is also possible this represents a 2nd wife, however, the 1830 census gives an age more in agreement with the 1810, so this 1820 census entry just seems to be flawed in several ways. Unfortunately, the 1820 census was alphabetical, so I can't tell where James was living, nor who his neighbors were.
1820 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1820 Marion District, SC pg 61 James James 110011-00100-0-0 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 45 & up (before 1775) Father-in-law? 1 Male(s) 26-44 (1775-1794) James JAMES (1774/80) s/o William & Elizabeth 1 Male(s) 10-15 (1804-1810) Addin W. JAMES (1804/10) son --> gone by 1830 1 Male(s) 0-9 (1810-1820) Pinkney J. JAMES (1816) son 1 Female(s) 16-25 (1794-1804) Ann WOOD James (1784/90) wife
On 20 Nov 1821 James James was listed among the debtors to the Estate of John Henry, Merchant, Deceased. Interestingly, I've found most of my ancestors and numerous other relatives listed in this same Estate, so he must have operated in the Maidendown Swamp area somewhere. (Marion Co, SC Inventory Book 1827-1836 pg 14 published in the Pee Dee Queue).
James James was not named on the 1824 Marion Dist, SC tax list.
James James was listed on the 1830 census in Marion Dist, SC. This census was alphabetical, so we can't tell who his neighbors were, though I'm sure he was still in the Maidendown area.
1830 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1830 Marion District, SC pg 28 James James 1010000100000-0200001000000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 50-59 (1770-1780) James JAMES (1774/80) s/o William & Elizabeth 1 Male(s) 10-14 (1815-1820) Pinkney J. JAMES (1816) son 1 Male(s) 0-4 (1825-1830) Son? (1825/30) 1 Female(s) 40-49 (1780-1790) Ann WOOD James (1784/90) wife 2 Female(s) 5-9 (1820-1825) Daughter? (1820/25) Daughter? (1820/25)
The 1830 census record is the last record I have for James James. He died sometime between 1830 and 1840, apparently. I did not find a Probate or Equity record for James James. Malachi James listed on the 1840 census had two older people with him, who were a fairly good (but not perfect) age match for James and Ann. If Malachi is their son, then this could be his parents living with him.
I did not find Ann on the 1840 census either. She died sometime before 29 Nov 1841, for on that date an Administration bond for her estate was issued to Ebenezer Legett to be her Administrator (He was her nephew). Bondsmen were Ebenezer Legett, John Nelson Legett and Jesse Legett. The record mentioned that 5 heirs were paid $32.78, but unfortunately, her heirs were not named! (Probate Roll # 429, Ann James, published in "Probate Records, Marion County, South Carolina Volume One", by Lucille Utley, Danny Smith, 1985, page 252).
James and Ann Wood James had several children, per the 1810, 1820 and 1830 census records. Ann's Probate record mentioned that 5 heirs survived her, unfortunately, none of them were named. Census records seem to show they had 6 children, so probably one of them died before 1841. I have not proven any of the children of James and Ann yet, except her son Addin W. James who was named in the Will of John Wood.
Unknown Son (1815/20) Pinkney J. James (1816)
Unknown Son (1800/10). James James had an apparent son this age. He was with the family on the 1810 census, listed as age "Under 10" or born ca 1800/10. He was not with the family on the 1820 census (which seems to be messed up for this family), unless he was the male age 26 to 44 (born ca 1775/1794). He was no longer with the family in 1830. This could be Malachi James born ca 1799/1800, who became a head of household in 1830.
Addin W. James was born ca 1804/10 in Marion Dist, SC. He was named as a son of Anne Wood James in the Will of her father John Wood. He was apparently with the family on the 1810 census, listed as age "Under 10" or born ca 1800/10. In 1820, he was listed age 10-14 (born ca 1804/10). He was gone by 1830.
Addin James was listed on the 1824 Marion Tax list, and taxed $29.05.
He was not listed on the 1830 census, but old enough to have been in school, or living somewhere else.
Addin W. James married Celia Jane Phillips between 1830 and ca 1838. Celia was born ca 1810/11 in Marion Dist, SC, daughter of Philip Phillips and Elizabeth Lewis.
Addin was listed on the 1840 census, very close to most of all the other James families.
1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)
1840 Marion Dist, SC pg 180 A. W. James 0000010000000-2000100000000 Analysis: 1 Male(s) 30-39 (1800-1810) Addin W. JAMES (1800/10) s/o James & Ann 1 Female(s) 20-29 (1810-1820) Celia Jane PHILLIPS James (1814/15) wife 2 Female(s) 0-4 (1835-1840) Anna Mariah JAMES (1837/38) daughter Mary Jane JAMES (1835/40) daughter
Addin was dead before 20 Mar 1842, for that date was found on one of his Estate records. The same records mention he had three heirs, widow Celia Jane James, and minor children Maria James, and Mary Jane James. (Marion Co, SC Ordinary's Real Estate Book 1826-1843, page 115, published in the Pee Dee Queue)
Apparently, Celia continued to have children after the death of her husband, having at least 4 additional children.
Celia Jane Phillips James was not listed on the 1850 census in Marion, but a "Jane James" was on the index for neighboring Darlington District. That could be her, though I don't know why she would be over there.
In 1860, Celia was listed in Marion District, living next door to her widowed sister-in-law Catherine (Rice) Philips, widow of Zachariah Phillips.
1860 MARION DIST, SC Page 10 House/Family # 143/ 143 -- MARION Twp JAMES CELIA 45 F W FARMER 1500 300 SC 1814/1815 JAMES MARIA 22 F W SC 1837/1838 JAMES WILLIAM 18 M W FARM LABOR SC 1841/1842 JAMES JAMES 16 M W FARM LABOR SC 1843/1844 JAMES EVANDER 10 M W SC 1849/1850 JAMES MARION 7 M W SC 1852/1853
I did not find Celia on the 1870 census.
Celia was in Rowell Township of Marion County in 1880, near several of her married children.
1880 MARION CO, SC Page House/Family # 4/ 4 -- ROWELL Twp JAMES CELIA J W F 69 W KEEPING HOUSE SC SC SC 1810/1811 JAMES ROBERT V W M 28 S S SC SC SC 1851/1852 JAMES MARION D W M 25 S S SC SC SC 1854/1855
Celia Jane Phillips James died sometime after 1880.
Unknown Son (1815/20). James James had an apparent son this age. He was with the family on the 1820 census, listed as age "under 10" (born ca 1810/20), and still at home in 1830, age 10-14 (born ca 1815/20).
I feel strongly that this is Pinkney J. James (1816-1907), but have no direct proof that it is him. He was the right age, and in the right area, and circumstantially, he is a good fit. See his own page for more on him.
Unknown Daughter (1820/25). James James had an apparent daughter this age. She was with the family on the 1830 census, listed as age 5-9 (born ca 1820/25). I have no further data on her.
Unknown Daughter (1820/25). James James had an apparent daughter this age. She was with the family on the 1830 census, listed as age 5-9 (born ca 1820/25). I have no further data on her.
Unknown Son (1825/30). James James had an apparent son this age. He was with the family on the 1830 census, listed as age "under 5" (born ca 1825/30). I have no further data on him.
Persons researching this family
1. James1
, born 1774/80 in Georgetown Dist, SC (now
Marion Co, SC); died aft 1830 in Marion Dist, SC, son of William James
and Elizabeth (---)
He married bef 19 Mar 1808 in Marion Dist, SC Anne Wood
, born 1784/90 in
Georgetown Dist, SC (now Marion Co, SC); died 1841 in Marion Dist, SC,
daughter of John Wood
and Sarah B (---)
of James James and Anne Wood were as follows:
Addin W2
, born 1804/10 in Marion Dist, SC; died Mar
1842 in Marion Dist, SC. He
married Celia Jane Phillips
Pinkney J2
, born 25 Nov 1816 in Marion Dist, SC; died 3
Aug 1907 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
He married (1) Sophie J (---)
; (2) Sarah M
Generation 2
2. Addin W2
born 1804/10 in Marion Dist, SC; died Mar 1842 in Marion Dist, SC.
He married in 1830/38 in Marion Dist, SC Celia Jane Phillips
, born 1810/11 in
Marion Dist, SC; died aft 1880 in Marion Co, SC, daughter of Phillip Phillips
and Elizabeth Lewis
of Addin W James and Celia Jane Phillips were as follows:
Mary Jane3
, born 1835/40 in Marion Dist, SC.
Anna Maria3
, born 1837/38 in Marion Dist, SC.
William Joseph3
James Pvt
, born 1841/42 in Marion Dist, SC; died 29 Aug
1862 in Civil War.
James B3
James Pvt
, born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC.
He married Sarah C (---)
Robert Evander3
, born 1849/50 in Marion Dist, SC.
Marion D3
, born 1852/53 in Marion Dist, SC.
3. Pinkney J2
born 25 Nov 1816 in Marion Dist, SC; died 3 Aug 1907 in Marion Co, SC; buried
in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
He married (1) in 1830/40 in Marion Dist, SC Sophie J (---)
, born 16 Jul 1819 in
Marion Dist, SC; died 30 Dec 1893 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem,
Marion Co, SC; (2) in 1894/95 in Marion Co, SC Sarah M (---)
, born Oct 1843 in
Marion Dist, SC.
of Pinkney J James and Sophie J (---) were as follows:
Laura Virginia3
, born 12 May 1840 in
Marion Dist, SC; died 22 Nov 1914 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem,
Marion Co, SC. She married
Daniel Joyner Turner
, born 1842/43 in Marion Dist, SC.
William P3
James Pvt
, born 1844/45 in Marion Dist, SC.
Eliza J3
, born 1846/47 in Marion Dist, SC.
, born 1850 in Marion Dist, SC; died 1850/60 in
Marion Dist, SC.
Mary E3
, born 1851/52 in Marion Dist, SC.
Elly A3
, born 1853/54 in Marion Dist, SC.
He married Alice (---)
, born 1857/58 in Marion Dist, SC.
Sarah Ella3
, born 29 May 1860 in
Marion Dist, SC; died 25 May 1935 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem,
Marion Co, SC. She married
Franklin Rogers
Generation 3
7. James B3
James Pvt
born 1843/44 in Marion Dist, SC.
He married in 1860/67 in Marion Dist, SC Sarah C (---)
, born 1844/45 in
Marion Dist, SC.
of James B James Pvt and Sarah C (---) were as follows:
, born 1866/67 in Marion Dist, SC.
William M4
, born 1874/75 in Marion Co, SC.
10. Laura Virginia3
(Pinkney J2, James1),
born 12 May 1840 in Marion Dist, SC; died 22 Nov 1914 in Marion Co, SC; buried
in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
She married on 3 Sep 1868 in Marion Co, SC Daniel Joyner Turner
, born 8 Nov 1846 in Marion Dist, SC; died 5
Nov 1915 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC, son of
Daniel Turner
and Martha Collins
of Laura Virginia James and Daniel Joyner Turner were as follows:
Annie Iola4
, born 21 Apr 1869 in Marion Co, SC; died 2 Oct
1898 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
Rudolph Alonzo4
, born 6 Oct 1871 in Marion Co, SC; died 29 Jun
1940 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
Sarah Alice4
, born 21 Jan 1872 in Marion Co, SC; died 3 Jan
1956 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
Charles W4
, born 25 Jun 1874 in Marion Co, SC; died 27
Oct 1893 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
Daniel Cornelius4
, born 3 Apr 1875 in Marion Co, SC; died 3 Oct
1893 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
, born Mar 1877 in Marion Co, SC; died 1940 in
Marion Co, SC; buried in Watson Cemetery, Marion Co, SC.
Lula Nora4
, born 1 Jan 1879 in Marion Co, SC; died 3 Dec
1942 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
Della M4
, born 11 Sep 1881 in Marion Co, SC; died 30
Mar 1938 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
Thomas Lide4
, born 5 Jun 1883 in Marion Co, SC; died 1 Mar
1953 in Mullins, Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
16. Elly A3
born 1853/54 in Marion Dist, SC.
He married in 1870/78 in Marion Co, SC Alice (---)
, born 1859/60 in Marion Dist, SC.
of Elly A James and Alice (---) were as follows:
, born 1877/78 in Marion Co, SC.
18. Sarah Ella3
(Pinkney J2, James1),
born 29 May 1860 in Marion Dist, SC; died 25 May 1935 in Marion Co, SC; buried
in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
She married abt 1870 in Marion Co, SC Franklin Rogers
, born 4 Jan 1860 in Marion Co, SC; died 23 Mar
1897 in Marion Co, SC; buried in McMillan Cem, Marion Co, SC.
of Sarah Ella James and Franklin Rogers were as follows:
, born 1874/75 in Marion Co, SC.
, born 1875/76 in Marion Co, SC.
33 iii Claudius4 Rogers , born 1878/79 in Marion Co, SC.