William Patterson (c1795) and Mary Glazner of Buncombe, Henderson, Transylvania, Cherokee and Clay Co, NC; and Huerfano Co., CO

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Revision History:
  • 28 Oct 2009 to 9 Nov 2009 (yes, took me that long to create this one page!) - New page by Marty Grant.

The author (Marty Grant) is a 4th Great Grand Nephew of William Patterson, he being a brother to my ancestor Samuel Patterson (1805-1879).

Special thanks to Linda McBroom, Jess Markle, William T. Ledford, Sharon Welton, Jennie Vee Pitts (deceased), Evelyn Miller and others for sharing their research on this family.

William Patterson has been something of a mystery. If it weren't for family tradition we wouldn't know his name at all. His widow Mary left many records, but William has left no public records, or at least none that I'm aware of. Family tradition states that William was born in 1795 and was a son of Samuel Patterson. Both items are born out by circumstantial evidence, so the tradition seems accurate in this case. It seems almost certain that he was a son of Samuel Patterson (1765/74) and Elizabeth (---) of Rutherford and Buncombe Co., NC. If correct, William would have been born in Rutherford Co., NC as that is where his parents were ca 1795.

Samuel Patterson did have an apparent son born ca 1790/1800 with them for the 1800 census, and still home in 1810, born ca 1794/1800 per that record. William fits here nicely. William's children referred to Samuel Patterson (1805) as their uncle, and his children as their cousins. 

William would have been about 5 years old for the 1800 census. His father Samuel had two boys with him that year in Rutherford aged under 10 (born ca 1790/1800). One of those is probably William.

He would have been about 15 for the 1810 census. Samuel had one son aged 10-15 (ca 1794/1800) with him that year in Buncombe. It is probably William.

William would have been about 25 for the 1820 census. That is old enough to be listed on his own, but he was not listed as a head of household that year as far as I've found, at least not in Buncombe Co., NC. His father Samuel was listed in 1820, but had no one William's age living with him. Since William's oldest known child was born in October 1821, it seems probable that he was already married by 1820. If so he may have been residing with his wife's parents or with some other relatives and not listed by name.

William Patterson married Mary Glazner ca 1820/1821 in Buncombe (now Transylvania) Co., NC. Mary was born ca 1801/02 in North Carolina (both per 1850 census). Her 1860 census listed her birth place as Henderson Co., NC. Henderson was still part of Buncombe back in 1802. I don't know who Mary's parents are. There were several Glazner families listed near William's parents on the 1820 census in Buncombe.

Strangely, I couldn't find William Patterson on the 1830 census anywhere. His widowed mother Elizabeth was listed in Buncombe, but he doesn't seem to be home with her. The birth places of their children show them to be in North Carolina during this time period, so why weren't they listed on the 1830 census? Perhaps they were with some other family or just missed for some reason.

During the 1830's the family moved a little west to Cherokee Co., NC and settled in what later became Clay County. Around the same time they left, their section of Buncombe County became Henderson County (in 1838), and later became Transylvania County (1861). It seems they were well aware of the change for several of the children were listed on the 1860 census as having been born in Henderson Co., NC. The youngest child, born March 1838 was listed as having been born in Cherokee Co., NC.

Family tradition states that William Patterson was murdered in Hiawassee, Georgia in October 1837. Hiawassee is in present day Towns Co., GA, but in 1837 was still part of Union Co., GA. Hiawassee is about 3 miles south of the North Carolina - Georgia border and was a very short distance from where the Pattersons lived in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC, probably within 10 miles. The Hiwassee River (note the different spelling from the town) runs north out of Georgia into Clay Co., NC then turns westward into Cherokee Co., NC.

Widow Mary is listed on the 1840 census in Cherokee Co., NC. James Patterson and Peter Patterson were also listed, but not nearby. Her neighbors on either side were Samuel Norris and John Ledford. She had an older male with her, but she was listed as head of household. I don't know who he might have been. His age matches that of her late husband William, but he is supposedly dead by this time. Some of the children's ages don't match what they should be, a common census problem.

1840 census analysis (based on available evidence): (Explanation of this census)

1840 Cherokee Co., NC pg 235 Mary Patersone 0221001000000-2100010000000
1 Male 40-49	(1790/1800)	Brother? Brother-in-law? Boarder?
1 male 15-19	(1820/1825)	John Patterson (1821) son
2 males 10-14	(1825/1830)	1-Samuel E. Patterson (1822) son
				2-William Patterson (1826) son
2 males 5-9	(1830/1835)	1-Nathan M. Patterson (c1832) son
				2-James L. Patterson (1834) son
1 Female 30-39	(1800/1810)	Mary Glazner Patterson (c1802)
1 female 5-9	(1830/1835)	Elmira Patterson (c1830) daughter
2 females 0-4	(1835/1840)	1-Mary Ann Patterson (c1836) daughter
				2-Sarah A. Patterson (1838) daughter

Mary and family are listed on the 1850 census in Cherokee Co., NC. No townships or other divisions were given on this census. Samuel Norris was still her next door neighbor as back in 1840. Page 15B, House & Family # 194: Mary Patterson 48 $400 real property, born NC, Samuel 25 Farmer NC, William 23 Farmer NC, Elmira 20 NC, Nathan M. 18 Farmer NC, James L. 15 NC, Mary A. 14 NC, Sarah A. 12 NC.

Mary was listed on the 1860 census in Cherokee County, in Fort Hembree Township. Fort Hembree is now Hayesville, NC. Page 242, House # Family # 998: James Paterson 23 Farmer, $900 real property, $250 personal property, born Henderson Co., NC; Mary 57 (or 59) widow born Henderson; Sarah 21 born Cherokee Co., NC.

The area they lived in became Clay County in 1861. At some point between 1860 and 1870 Mary and several of her children moved to Huerfano Co., CO. Her brother-in-law Samuel Patterson (1805-1879) moved there in the 1860's also. Her sister-in-law Mary Patterson Erwin (1800-1887) moved there in the 1870's.

They are listed on the 1870 census in Huerfano Co., CO. The way the households are numbered makes it appear that Mary is living with a Nickols family and that her son James is in the next household. However that seems to be recurring problem on that page, so I've "corrected" it here: The Valley of the Huerfano River and Tributaries, Badito PO, # 93/94 Polly Patterson 60 Housekeeper NC; James 30 Farmer, NC.

I don't know when Mary Glazner Patterson moved there exactly, but she was there for the 1880 census and living with her daughter Sarah. Page 196, Precinct No. 5 (La Veta) House & Family # 124: Archa J. Dodgion 44 Stock Raising, born NC, father born SC, mother born NC; Sarah A. 42 wife GA-NC-NC; Olive 12 daughter NC-NC-GA; Samuel L. 9 son CO-NC-GA; Mary N. 4 dau CO-NC-GA; Mary Patterson 76 mother-in-law, widowed, NC-NC-NC; James L. 46 brother-in-law single, Mining, NC-SC-NC; John Carroll , 37 works on (illegible), VT-Ireland-Ireland.

Mary Patterson is listed on the 1885 Colorado State Census in Huerfano County, age 83, born North Carolina, widowed.

Around 1888 Mary moved to Kannah Creek, Grand Junction, Mesa Co., CO and died there on 22 Nov 1889. She is buried at the Whitewater Cemetery south of Grand Junction (per Jess Markle).

Jess Markle also provided this: "Whitewater Valley is just North of Kannah Creek, where she and her sons James Lorenzo Patterson and Samuel Everett Patterson had a ranch. Archie Dodgion and his wife Sarah Patterson Dodgion (Mary's daughter) are buried there, also."

Children of William Patterson and Mary Glazner. William Patterson and wife Mary had seven children as proven by the 1850 census. One other son (John) was already married by then, but family tradition places him in this family as well.

  1. John Patterson (1821-1903)

  2. Samuel Everett Patterson (1822-1908)

  3. William Patterson (1826-aft 1880)

  4. Elmira Patterson (c1830-1909)

  5. Nathan M. Patterson (c1832-c1864/65)

  6. James Lorenzo Patterson (1834-1913)

  7. Mary Ann Patterson (c1836-c1850/60)

  8. Sarah A. Patterson (1838-1932)

John Patterson was born 4 Oct 1821 in North Carolina, in Buncombe, later Henderson, now Transylvania County. He isn't a proven child of William and Mary, but family tradition places him in this family and it does seem highly likely that he is their son. He may have been named for his father's younger brother John Patterson (1815).

John married Amanda Elizabeth Spivey ca 1840/43 in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC. She was born May 1825 in Missouri, a daughter of A. W. Spivey and Elizabeth (---). Her parents must have moved to Missouri briefly, but returned to North Carolina.

On 7 Jun 1849 John Patterson was appointed a Constable for Shooting Creek District in Cherokee Co., NC. On 12 Mar 1850 he was elected Constable for the same district. (Cherokee Co., NC Deed Book H8 page 330 and 322, shared by Sharon Reed-Miller)

John and family are listed on the 1850 census in Cherokee Co., NC, but not close to his mother and siblings. Page 28B, House & Family # 363: John Patterson 28 Farmer, born NC, Amanda 28 MO, William D. 6 NC, Wiston 4 NC, Mary S. 3 NC, John M. 1 NC.

In the early 1850's they moved into neighboring Towns Co., GA and were listed there on the 1860 census. Their next door neighbor on one side was Elizabeth (Bryson) Cathey, widow of William Cathey. Their granddaughter Lavina E. Cathey married Carroll Moore Patterson, John's 1st cousin, the following year (1861). Page 130, Hiwassee Post Office, House & Family # 114: John Patterson 37 Farmer, born NC, Mandy 37 NC, William 16 NC, Weston 15 NC, Mary 12 NC, John 10 NC, Julius 8 NC, Telitha 6 NC, Columbus 4 NC, Joseph 2 NC, Hanable 1 NC.

Clay County, NC was formed from Cherokee County in 1861. The Pattersons moved back to this area during the 1860's.

John Patterson was elected Sheriff of Clay County in 1864.

They are listed on the 1870 census in Clay Co., NC. Page 468 Shooting Creek Township, Hayesville Post Office, House & Family # 17: John Patterson 48, Farmer, born NC, Manda 48 Keeping House born Missouri, Wiston 24 NC, John M. 19 NC, Julius L. 18 NC, Telitha 16 GA, Columbus 14 GA, Joseph M. 12 GA, Hannible 10 GA, Fernando 8 GA, Liza A. 6 NC, Lula H (or N), 11/12 born July NC, Calaway 6 NC.

They were in Clay County for the 1880 census, still in Shooting Creek Township. Page 460B, House & Family # 81: John Patterson 57, married, Farmer, born NC, father born NC, mother born NC, Amanda 57 wife, born MO-NC-NC, Hanabal 20 Son GA-NC-MO, Elizia 15 dau NC-NC-MO, Caloway 12 son NC-NC-MO, Lowlia 10 dau NC-NC-MO.

They are still in Clay for the 1900 census in Shooting Creek Township, House # 14, Family # 15: John Patterson Sr., Head, born Oct 22, 77 years old, married 0 years (sic), born NC-NC-NC; Amanda wife May 1875 (sic) age 75, married 0 years (sic), 13 children born, 11 still living, born MO-NC-NC, C. L. son July 1869 30 married 1 year, born NC-NC-MO, Ora D-in-law March 1881 19, married 1 year, 0 children, NC-TN-NC.

John Patterson died on 5 Dec 1903 and is buried at Bethel Cemetery in Clay County. I don't know when his wife Amanda died. I didn't find her on the 1910 census so she may have been dead by then.

Samuel Everett Patterson was born 22 Nov 1822 in North Carolina, in Buncombe, later Henderson, now Transylvania County. He may have been named for his grandfather Samuel Patterson. I don't know where the "Everett" comes from.

He was home with his mother for the 1850 census ("Samuel" age 25).

Samuel married Emily Moore between 1850 and ca 1854 in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC. She was born ca 1832/33 in Macon Co., NC. Her parents haven't been identified. Some list her as a daughter of Abner S. Moore (1801-1884) but that is unproven. Abner did have a daughter named Malinda Moore born ca 1833 in Macon Co., NC. This could be her for the names Emily, Emaline and Malinda are sometimes used interchangeably. One problem with this is that Emily is supposed to have a brother named Bartlett Wilson Moore (1832-aft 1900). Abner had no son of that name as far as is known, though Wilson's parents are unproven. He could be Abner's son, but I haven't seen any solid proof yet.

Samuel and Emily and family are listed on the 1860 census in Cherokee Co., NC in Shooting Creek Township a few houses from his brother Nathan and from Emily's possible father Abner S. Moore: Page 505, house & family # 1127, Samuel Patterson 34 Farmer $1000 real property, $2500 personal property, born Henderson Co., NC; Emily 36 born Macon Co., NC; Julius B. 6 born Macon, Robert J. 8 born Macon, Ara A. 4 born Macon, and Larra U. 1 born Macon. All the children are listed as born in Macon, via ditto marks (" "), which may be a typo as they were more likely born right where they were.

Clay County was formed in 1861 from the section of Cherokee where they lived. They are listed in Clay County on the 1870 census: Hiwassee Township, House & Family # 21 Samuel Patterson 45 Farmer $900/200, born NC, Emla 39 Keeping House, Robert J. 18, Julius B. 16, Ara A. 14, Laura E. 12.

They moved to Huerfano Co., CO shortly after 1870 and Emily Moore Patterson died there ca 1872.

Samuel married Annie Owen in the 1870's, probably in Huerfano Co., CO. She was born 18 Dec 1826 in North Carolina. I don't know who her parents were. She was married to John Garren first and had several children with him.

I found Annie on the 1880 census in Huerfano Co., CO with a large household of relatives, but Samuel wasn't there with them. Annie, age 53, married, was listed as a niece of the head of household Christopher Dodgion, 32. While it is technically possible for her to be his niece, the fact that she is 21 years older than him makes me wonder if this is a typo. He was the second husband of Deborah McClure who's first husband was Nathan Patterson, Samuel's brothers.  The household was large. Huerfano County, Precinct No. 5 House & family # 176:

  1. Christopher Dogin, married, Works on Saw Mill, NC-SC-NC
  2. Davi, 41, wife, married, at home, NC-NC-NC
  3. Luginia 9 dau, CO-NC-NC
  4. Dale (or Cale) 8 dau, CO-NC-NC
  5. Clem, 6 son, CO-NC-NC
  6. Ide 4 dau, CO-NC-NC
  7. Jason Patterson 14 stepson, NC-NC-NC
  8. Julius B. 26 stepson works on Saw Mill, NC-NC-NC
  9. Julia 16 stepdaughter, GA-NC-NC
  10. Alva 7/12 stepdaughter, CO-NC-NC
  11. Jesse M. Gimin? 25 nephew works on saw mill,, NC-NC-NC
  12. Annie Patterson, 53 niece, married, NC-NC-NC

Julius B. was Samuel's son, Julia was Julius' wife, Alva was their daughter. Jason was a child of Deborah (listed as Davi here) and her first husband Nathan Patterson. I don't know who Jesse M. Gimin? is.

Annie Owen Patterson died on 12 Apr 1893 in Huerfano Co., CO.

Samuel is listed on the 1900 census in Ouray Co., CO in the City of Ouray. He is living with his cousin Charles Carroll (s/o William Carroll and Sarah Patterson): C. N. Carroll, head, Jan 1847 age 53, married 31 years, born GA-NC-NC; Florence A. wife July 1851 48, 0 children, born GA-GA-GA; Roe, Adopted Son, May 1873, 27 married 1 year, born CO-GA-GA; Anna, dau-in-law, Apr 1875, 25 0 children, born GA-GA-GA; Samuel Patterson, cousin, Nov 1824, 75 widowed, born NC-NC-NC.

Samuel E. Patterson died on 12 Mar 1908 in Pagosa Springs, CO.

William Patterson was born Dec 1826 per his age on the 1900 census. He was born in North Carolina per the 1850 through 1900 census records. He was probably born in Buncombe Co., NC in the section that later became Henderson (1838) and finally Transylvania (1861). He was home with his mother for the 1850 census ("William" age 23).

William married Althea (or Altha) (---) before ca 1853, presumably in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC. She was born May 1834 in North Carolina (per various census records). I don't know her maiden name. I searched the 1850 census to see if there was anyone of her name listed in Cherokee County, and I found one good match: "Altha Kerby," age 16. Perfect name and age match, AND she was next door to William's brother John Patterson! This is almost certainly her, but more evidence would be nice in order to be 100% sure. Altha Kirby is a child of Jesse Kirby and Rachael Redmond Moore (daughter of  John Parker Moore and Millie Redmond).

They moved to Benton Co., AR in the late 1850's and were listed there on the 1860 census: Flint Township, Double Springs Post Office, House & Family # 592/586. William Patterson 31 Farmer $250/150 NC, Altha 25, Eliza 7, Lavada 5, Sarah 1 born Ark. They were listed next door to the George Carroll family, from NC also. Edward Chasteen (Chastain?) was their neighbor on the other side. He was also from NC. I attempted to find George Carroll back on the 1850 census with no success. The Patterson are related to some members of the Carroll family, but I don't know how George fits in. I did find an Edward Chasteen the right age to be the same one. He was in Henderson Co., NC with parents France & Jane Chasteen. I don't know if they are related to the Pattersons, but perhaps acquainted.

They were still in Benton Co., AR for the 1870 census: Round Springs Township, Double Springs Post Office, House & Family # 480/484 William Patterson 44 Farmer $500/300 North Carolina, Altha 37 Keeping House, Elmira 17, Lavada 16, Sarah 12 Arkansas, Rachel 8, James 1, Caswell Hall 6, Arkansas. None of their nearby neighbors were from North Carolina. I don't know who Caswell Hall might have been. Perhaps a nephew or other relative.

Sometime in the 1870's they moved to Costilla Co., CO and are listed there on the 1880 census next door to 1st cousin Amanda Patterson Chastain, daughter of Samuel Patterson-1805. (Note, this is how I identified this William Patterson of AR and CO as the same one who is son of William and Mary.) Placer Mining District, House & Family # 218/213 William Patterson, 52, Tie Chopper, NC-NC-NC, Althea 46 wife Keeping House, James 12 son, at home, AR-NC-NC.

They are on the 1900 census in Delta County, Colorado: Precinct No. 2, house & family # 209/216 William Patterson born Dec 1826, age 73, married 49 years, NC-NC-NC, Farmer; Althea, wife May 1834 66, married 49 years, 5 children born, 5 living NC-NC-NC; James, son Nov 1868, 31 single, AR-NC-NC, Farm Laborer.

William Patterson died between 1900 and 1910 presumably in Delta Co., CO.

Altha is on the 1910 census in Delta Co., CO with her son James: Precinct No. 2 House & Family # 144/145 James L. Paterson, head, 41, married once, 7 years, AR-NC-NC, Farmer; Ida wife 51 married three times, 7 years, 2 children born, 2 living, MO-OH-OH; Iltha, mother, 75, widowed, 5 children born, 5 living, NC-NC-NC; Julia Harris, Niece, 20 single, CO-GA-NC; (Julia Harris was a child of Levada Patterson and John C. Harris.)

Altha was on the 1920 census in Delta County with her son: House & Family # 245/251, James L. Patterson, 51 married, AR-NC-NC, Farmer; Elmira wife 29 CO-AR-UT?, Altha, mother 85 widowed, NC-NC-NC, Edward F. Miller, hired man, 31 single, CO-AR-UT Laborer.

I didn't find Altha on the 1930 census. She probably died in the 1920's, presumably in Delta Co., CO.

Elmira Patterson was born ca 1829/30 per her age on the 1850 census (20). She was home with her mother for the 1850 census ("Elmira" age 20, born NC).

She married Andrew J. Palmer between 1850 and ca 1854 presumably in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC. He was born ca 1824/25 in North Carolina. I attempted to find him on the 1850 census to determine who his parents were, but I couldn't find him.

Andrew and Elmira are listed on the 1860 census in Towns Co., GA: House & Family # 146/146 Andrew Palmer 35, Taylor, $150/0, born NC; Elmira 30 Seamstress, NC; Julia 6 GA.

I wasn't able to find the Palmers on the 1870, or 1880 census.

Elmira may be listed on the 1900 census in Costilla Co., CO with her brother James Patterson. Her name is listed as "Ellen" and both are listed as being born in SC instead of NC. It is quite possible this is someone else instead, but it fits and neither of them have been found elsewhere (yet) on the 1900 census: Zapato Precinct No. 11 house & family # 322/324 Ellen Palmer, Head, born --- 1832, 67 married, born SC-SC-SC; James Patterson, Brother, --- 1834, 65, single, SC-SC-SC, Miner.

I have that Elmira died on 7 Nov 1909 in Denver, CO, but I don't know the source for this date or the location.

Nathan M. Patterson was born ca 1831/32 per his age on the 1850 census (18). He was born in Buncombe (later Henderson, now Transylvania) Co., NC (per 1860 census). He was probably named for his father's younger brother Nathan Patterson. I don't know what the "M" initial stands for.

He was home with his mother for the 1850 census ("Nathan M." age 18, born NC).

Nathan married Deborah McClure between 1850 and 1855 in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC. Deborah was born 8 Apr 1834 in Haywood Co., NC, daughter of Jason McClure and Margaret Stephenson. Deborah was with her parents on the 1850 census in Haywood Co., NC ("Debra" age 16, born NC).

Nathan and family are listed on the 1860 census in Cherokee Co., NC in Shooting Creek District just a few houses from his brother Samuel: House & Family # 1124/1124 Nathan M. Patterson 27, Farmer $500/200 born Henderson Co., NC; Debora 26 born Haywood; Mary 3 born Cherokee; William 1 born Cherokee.

For the Civil War, Nathan M. Patterson enlisted in the 62nd North Carolina Infantry in Company B as a 4th Corporal. He enlisted on 10 Jul 1862 at age 30 at Hayesville. He was reported absent on disability for the period Nov-Dec 1862, and Jan-Feb 1863. He was back on duty for Mar-Apr 1863.

He was captured by Union forces on 9 Sep 1863 at Cumberland Gap and taken to Camp Douglas, IL on 24 Sep 1863. There are a couple of papers in his records that refer to him as Capt. N. Patterson after this. I didn't find a record of his death, but he supposedly died at Camp Douglas, IL ca 1864/65.

Sometime after the death of Nathan, Deborah married Christopher Lebo Dodgion, probably before 1870. He was born ca 1847/48 in Macon Co., NC. He is a brother to Archie Jackson Dodgion (1835) who married Sarah Patterson around the same time in Clay Co., NC (See below). I couldn't find him on the 1850 census, but he was with his parents in 1860 Cherokee next door to Deborah's parents ("Christopher L." age 12 born Macon Co., NC).

I found the family on the 1870 census in Huerfano Co. CO in "The Valley of the Huerfano River and Tributaries:" House & Family # 56/57 Leva Dogen, 23 Farmer, born NC; Debora 34 Housekeeper NC; Mary N. Patterson 12 NC; William B. 10 NC; Margaret A. 8 NC; Jason M. 6 NC. Deborah's brother Andrew McClure was just a few houses away.

They were still in Huerfano for the 1880 census with a very large household.

Huerfano County, Precinct No. 5 House & family # 176:

  1. Christopher Dogin, married, Works on Saw Mill, NC-SC-NC
  2. Davi, 41, wife, married, at home, NC-NC-NC
  3. Luginia 9 dau, CO-NC-NC
  4. Dale (or Cale) 8 dau, CO-NC-NC
  5. Clem, 6 son, CO-NC-NC
  6. Ide 4 dau, CO-NC-NC
  7. Jason Patterson 14 stepson, NC-NC-NC
  8. Julius B. 26 stepson works on Saw Mill, NC-NC-NC
  9. Julia 16 stepdaughter, GA-NC-NC
  10. Alva 7/12 stepdaughter, CO-NC-NC
  11. Jesse M. Gimin? 25 nephew works on saw mill,, NC-NC-NC
  12. Annie Patterson, 53 niece, married, NC-NC-NC

Julius B. was Nathan's nephew (son of Samuel) and Julia was his wife. They weren't stepchildren to the Dodgions, but listed that way for some reason. Julia's mother was Ann Patterson also in this household, and she was also Julius's step-mother. Complex household!

I thought that Christopher Lebo Dodgion died sometime between 1880 and 1900, but it appears he didn't die, but he and Deborah separated during that period. He was still living as late as 1930 in Mesa Co., CO where he was living in the Mesa County Alms House age 82.

Deborah returned to Clay Co., NC by the time of the 1900 census: Hiwassee Township, House & Family # 93/93 Debie Dodgens, Head, April 1834, 66 widowed, 2 children born, 1 living, NC-NC-NC, Midwife; Lougenie, daughter, Oct 1870 29 single, CO-NC-NC, Farmer; Guy L. Grandson, Dec 1894 5 NC-PA-CO.

By 1910 Deborah had gone west again and was living with her son in Stillwell, Adair Co., OK: Family & House # 64/66 Jason M. Patterson, 46, married once, 24 years, born NC-NC-NC; Louisa J. wife 40 married once 24 years, 5 children born, 4 living, NC-VA-NC; Maud B. dau 16 NC-NC-NC; Winnie E. dau 13; Waymore? E. son 10; Charles H. son 8; Deborah A. Dogion, mother 76, married twice, 10 children born, 7 living, NC-NC-NC;

Deborah was on the 1920 census in Stillwell, Adair Co., OK with her son Clement Dodgion: House & Family # 4 C. L. Dodgion, 45 married, CO-NC-NC; Rose, wife 43, NC-NC-NC; Eb? son 18 NC-CO-NC; Hazel dau 15 OK-CO-NC; Dawson son 13; Floyd son 6; Lou sister 48, CO-NC-NC; D. B. mother 86 widowed, NC-IL-IL.

Deborah McClure Patterson Dodgion died on 23 Nov 1922 in Commerce, Ottawa Co., OK.

James Lorenzo Patterson was born Dec. 1834 (per 1900 census) in Buncombe (later Henderson, now Transylvania) Co., NC (per 1860 census). He was probably named in part for his father's younger brother James M. Patterson.

James was home with his mother for the 1850 census ("James L." age 15 born NC). James was head of household on the 1860 census in Cherokee County, in Fort Hembree Township. Fort Hembree is now Hayesville, NC. Page 242, House # Family # 998: James Paterson 23 Farmer, $900 real property, $250 personal property, born Henderson Co., NC; Mary 57 (or 59) widow born Henderson; Sarah 21 born Cherokee Co., NC.

The area they lived in became Clay County in 1861.

James L. Patterson enlisted on 5 Aug 1861 for the Civil War in Company D, 25th Regiment, North Carolina Troops. He was listed as a resident of Cherokee Co., NC, born in Henderson Co., NC and enlisted in Buncombe Co., NC at age 24. He enlisted as a Private but was promoted to 1st Sgt around March-April 1862. He was wounded in the breast at King's School House, VA on 25 Jun 1862. He was promoted to 3rd Lieutenant on 12 Aug 1862. He was present for duty through Feb 1864 but deserted sometime before 11 Dec 1864 when he was dropped from the rolls.

James is with his mother on the 1870 census in Huerfano Co., CO (see above).

James was with his mother and sister on the 1880 census in Huerfano Co., CO. Page 196, Precinct No. 5 (La Veta) House & Family # 124: Archa J. Dodgion 44 Stock Raising, born NC, father born SC, mother born NC; Sarah A. 42 wife GA-NC-NC; Olive 12 daughter NC-NC-GA; Samuel L. 9 son CO-NC-GA; Mary N. 4 dau CO-NC-GA; Mary Patterson 76 mother-in-law, widowed, NC-NC-NC; James L. 46 brother-in-law single, Mining, NC-SC-NC; John Carroll , 37 works on (illegible), VT-Ireland-Ireland.

James Patterson is listed on the 1900 census in Costilla Co., CO with his sister Elmira Palmer, or at least I think it is them. Her name is listed as "Ellen" and both are listed as being born in SC instead of NC. It is quite possible this is someone else instead, but it fits and neither of them have been found elsewhere (yet) on the 1900 census: Zapato Precinct No. 11 house & family # 322/324 Ellen Palmer, Head, born --- 1832, 67 married, born SC-SC-SC; James Patterson, Brother, --- 1834, 65, single, SC-SC-SC, Miner.

James is listed on the 1910 census in Mesa Co., CO with his sister Sarah's family: Precinct 3 Whitewater, house & family # 48/50 Archie J. Dogion, head, 74 married once, 43 years, NC-NC-NC, Stockman - Stock Ranch; Sarah A. wife, 72 married once, 43 years, 6 children born, 4 living, GA-NC-NC; Avery Barford?, son-in-law, 35 married once, CA-TN-TX farmer - Stock Ranch; Ruby R. dau, 28 married once (years blank), 0 children born, CO-NC-GA; James L. Patterson, brother-in-law, 77 single, NC-NC-NC, "own income".

James must have moved shortly after 1910 for I have his death date as 29 Nov 1913 in Imperial Valley, Imperial Co., CA. I'm not sure the source of his death date and location.

James L. Patterson never married.

Mary Ann Patterson was born ca 1835/36 per her age on 1850 census (14). She was born in NC, presumably in Buncombe (later Henderson, now Transylvania) Co., NC or perhaps in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC. She was home with her mother for the 1850 census ("Mary A." age 14, born NC). She wasn't home in 1860 nor found elsewhere.

Family tradition says she died as a child, though she was already a teenager by 1850. She must have died shortly after that.

Sarah A. Patterson was born 20 Mar 1838 in Cherokee (now Clay) Co., NC. Several later census records list her as born in Georgia. She was possibly named for her father's sister Sarah Patterson.

She was with her mother for the 1850 census ("Sarah A." age 12, born NC), and still home in 1860 ("Sarah" age 21, born Cherokee Co., NC).

Sarah married Archie Jackson Dodgion sometime between 1860 and ca 1868, presumably in Clay Co., NC. He was born Jun 1835 (per 1900 census) in Haywood Co., NC, a son of William Alexander Dodgion and Mary A. Henderson. I wasn't able to find Archie on the 1850 census. He wasn't with his parents in Cherokee Co., NC. He was with them in 1860 in Cherokee ("A. J." age 25, born Buncombe Co., NC).

I found them on the 1870 census in Pueblo Co., CO: No township, Green Horn Post Office, Family & House # 199/170 Jackson Doggins, 36 Farm Laborer, born NC; Sarah 33 Keeping House, NC; Allen 2 At Home, NC; Chas W. Hunaker, 26, Com. Laborer, born KY.

They are on the 1880 census in Huerfano Co., CO. Sarah's mother Mary and brother James were living there too, as was a John Carroll, apparently not related (even though Sarah had 1st cousins named Carroll). Page 196, Precinct No. 5 (La Veta) House & Family # 124: Archa J. Dodgion 44 Stock Raising, born NC, father born SC, mother born NC; Sarah A. 42 wife GA-NC-NC; Olive 12 daughter NC-NC-GA; Samuel L. 9 son CO-NC-GA; Mary N. 4 dau CO-NC-GA; Mary Patterson 76 mother-in-law, widowed, NC-NC-NC; James L. 46 brother-in-law single, Mining, NC-SC-NC; John Carroll , 37 works on (illegible), VT-Ireland-Ireland.

They are listed on the 1900 census in Mesa Co., CO, Whitewater Precinct, house & family # 345/345 Archie J. Dodgion, head, Jun 1835 64, married 34 years, NC-NC-NC, Farmer; Sarah wife Mar 1838 62, married 34 years, 4 children born, 4 living GA-NC-NC; Samuel son May 1871 29 CO-NC-GA, Stock Herder; Ruby dau Jun 1881 19.

They were still in Mesa for the 1910 census. Brother James was living with them. Precinct 3 Whitewater, house & family # 48/50 Archie J. Dogion, head, 74 married once, 43 years, NC-NC-NC, Stockman - Stock Ranch; Sarah A. wife, 72 married once, 43 years, 6 children born, 4 living, GA-NC-NC; Avery Barford?, son-in-law, 35 married once, CA-TN-TX farmer - Stock Ranch; Ruby R. dau, 28 married once (years blank), 0 children born, CO-NC-GA; James L. Patterson, brother-in-law, 77 single, NC-NC-NC, "own income".

Archie Jackson Dodgion died in May 1911 (source?) probably in Mesa Co., CO.

Sarah is listed on the 1920 census in Mesa County with her daughter Ruby: Precinct # 3, house & family # 129/131 Avery N. Burford, Head, 43, married, CA-TN-MO, Stockman - Stock Farm; Ruby R. wife 38, married CO-NC-GA, Sarah A. Dodgion, mother-in-law, 81, widow, GA-NC-NC.

Sarah is on the 1930 census in Mesa County with daughter Ruby: Whitewater Precinct 3 house & family 37/38 Ruby D. Burford, head, 48 married at age 23, born CO-NC-GA, Sarah Dodgion, mother, 92 widowed, married ate age 38 (or 28?), GA-NC-NC. Eva V. Foster, lodger, 22, CO-IL-CO.

Sarah A. Patterson Dodgion died on 7 Feb 1932 in Mesa Co., CO.

Researcher List
  • See the Matthew Patterson Researcher List
Register Report


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