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| Doris Venable and Gerald Grant Wedding (1980) (Courtesy of Richard Benedict)
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| Drake_Elizabeth_Rowland_(1840-1920)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Drinnon_Harriet_Fouts_(1855-1949)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Edwards, Barnabas Death Certificate.jpg
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| Edwards, Henry C Death Certificate.jpg
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| Edwards, James W Death Certificate.jpg
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| Edwards, Susan Kirton Death Certificate.jpg
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| Edwards, William M Death Certificate.jpg
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| Ellen's Grave at Cheerful Hope Church 27 Nov 2008
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| Ellen, David and grandson William Ernest Malpass (courtesy of Mason Malpass)
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| Eller_Bennie_Wright_(1894-1973)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Evans, Viola (1844-1931).jpg
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| Evans_Amanda_Rowland_(1837-1915)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Faye, Marty and Alan ca 1967
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| Floyd, Annie Iola Turner (1869-1898), McMillan Cemetery, Mullins, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
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| Floyd, Neal and Mae and Mike, Diane and Jerry (Mason Malpass).jpg
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| Four Generations of Carpenters and Georges Rear: Margaret Ann Davis Carpenter, her daughter Elvira Carpenter George, her dau-in-law Della Wright George. Front: Mary George Wright's children: Albert N., Thomas B., James L, and Leona Wright. Della's dau Alberta Conley.
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| Fouts_Amanda_(1844-1923)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Annice_Bradley_(1851-1929)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Canada_(1882-1938)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Cary_Hamilton_(1875-1939)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Cicero_(1877-1964)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_David_(1870-1948)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Elizabeth_Rowland_(1851-1919)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Emma_White_(1867-1934)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Evelyn_Kimsey_(1893-1960)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Joseph_(1868-1926)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Mary_Tanner_(1836-1925)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Noah_(1858-1922)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Noah_(1858-1944)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Rosa_Downs_(1876-1968)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_Thomas_Bragg_(1858-1938)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fouts_William_R_(1838-1917)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fox, Jennie Patterson, Walter V Green, James Patterson ca 1955 (Carroll Green)
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| Fox_Jennie_Patterson_(1878-1968)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Fox_Marion_(1881-1965)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Franks_Samuel_(1872-1925)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| French and Ilse Campbell
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| From Marian Fox Myra E. Queen Grant is front row, middle. Her mother is front row right.
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| Front Bob Ashe, Thad N Green, Back Julius Decatur Patterson, William Homes Patterson (Carroll Green).jpg
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| Garland, Luella and Marty ca 1989 Prospect Hill, NC
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| George Family ca 1920
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| George, Charles Noten WWI Card.jpg
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| George, Hardy WWI.jpg
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| George, James Ed WWI.jpg
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| George, Jeff Family ca 1904.jpg F: Jeff George, Margaret Davis Carpenter, Elvira Carpenter George, Grady George, James Cooper, Rachel Hensley George Cooper. B: Will George, Bertha Rains George, Ed George, Hardy George, Noten George, Mary George.
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| George, William L WWI.jpg
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| George_Mary_Young_(1841-1939)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Gerald and Marvin, 1983
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| Gibbs, Adeline Death Certificate.jpg