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| Roberts_George_Thomas_(1873-1959)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Rogers_Isaac_(1858-1936)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Rogers_James_(1862-1945)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Rogers_Mary_Wright_(1852-1944)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Rogers_Rachel_Matilda_Carpenter_(1853-1925)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Roper_Harley_(1880-1955)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Rowland_Catherine_Younce_(1855-1936)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Rowland_Hugh_(1852-1936)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Rowland_Jacob_(1847-1934)_Death_Certificate.jpg
910 |
| Rowland_Nebraska_Fouts_(1856-1933)_Death_Certificate.jpg
911 |
| Rudolph Alonzo Turner (Courtesy of Ernest Scott)
912 |
| Ruff, Sarah Elizabeth Grant Death Certificate.jpg
913 |
| Sale_Phoebe_Wright_(1840-1917)_Death_Certificate.jpg
914 |
| Sally, Oct 11, 2008
915 |
| Sarah Delaney George (shared by Judi Sarber)
916 |
| Sarah Faber's Tombstone Friedberg Cemetery, Davidson County, North Carolina
917 |
| Sawyer, Della Turner (1881-1938), McMillan Cemetery, Mullins, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
918 |
| Sawyer, Essie Odell Campbell (1898-1951), Smithey Cemetery, Marion, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
919 |
| Sawyer, Jack (1886-1945) and Lula Turner (1879-1942), McMillan Cemetery, Mullins, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
920 |
| Sawyer, Willie (1897-1956), Smithey Cemetery, Marion, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
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| Sawyer, Zack (1874-1942), McMillan Cemetery, Mullins, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
922 |
| School Photo
923 |
| Schuler_Clint_(1910-1972)_Death_Certificate.jpg
924 |
| Sgt Robert L. Turner, courtesy of Mason Malpass
925 |
| Skipper, Joe.jpg
926 |
| Skipper, Matthew M (1844-1924).jpg
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| Skipper, Pat May 16 2002.jpg
928 |
| Smith, Charles H and Mary E Hatcher Marriage Record 1898 Grundy and Sullivan Co, MO.jpg
929 |
| Smith, Frances Campbell (1866-1932).jpg
930 |
| Smith, Nancy Abigail Grant Death Certificate.jpg
931 |
| Smith, Rebecca Elizabeth Warren Death Certificate.jpg
932 |
| Smithey, Hattie Maude Campbell (1885-1919), Smithey Cemetery, Marion, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
933 |
| Smithey, Tillman (1889-1963), Smithey Cemetery, Marion, SC 2011-11-13.jpg
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| Stepp_Ella_Wood_(1878-1928)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Stepp_George_(1872-1941)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Stepp_Laura_Wright_(1852-1943)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Stepp_Locke_(1893-1965)_Death_Certificate.jpg
938 |
| Steven, Gwen and Heather, Oct 11, 2008
939 |
| Swann_Ethel_Conley_(1875-1946)_Death_Certificate.jpg
940 |
| Swan_Ralph_(1870-1960)_Death_Certificate.jpg
941 |
| T/S in Colorado (2)
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| T/S in Colorado (Courtesy of Steve Kelly)
943 |
| Tart, Mollie Edwards Death Certificate.jpg
944 |
| Tatham_Ara Wright_(1839-1902)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Tatham_Jasper_(1863-1932)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Tatham_Jeptha_(1878-1954)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Tatham_John_A_(1865-1951)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Tatham_Laura_Moore_(1867-1945)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Tatham_Pinkney_(1835-1926)_Death_Certificate.jpg
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| Teague_Nebraska_Younce_(1877-1945)_Death_Certificate.jpg