Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1251 !BIRTH:Jackson Co, NC Delayed Births 8-14; Bryson, John Franklin (I31236)
1252 !BIRTH:James was under 21 in 1783, so born 1762/1767 (if over 16);

!TAXLIST:1783 Brunswick Co, VA Henry DUGGER, 1 Person, 2 Tithes, including James DUGGER, under 21 (born 1762/1767 if age 16-21);

!TAXLIST:1784 Brunswick Co, VA Henry DUGGER, 1 Person, 2 Tithes, including James DUGGER;

!TAXLIST:1785 Brunswick Co, VA Edward MARKS, 14 Persons, 7 Tithes, 1 White male under 21: James DUGGER;

!TAXLIST:1786 x Not listed in Brunswick Co, VA;

!TAXLIST:1787 x Not listed in Brunswick Co, VA;

!CENSUS:1787 x Not listed;

!MARRIAGE:12 Sep 1787 Brunswick Co, VA Marriage Bonds James DUGGAR and Nancy BROWN, daughter of Lewis BROWN. Lester MORRIS, bm;

!TAXLIST:1788 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER, with Lewis BROWN;

!TAXLIST:1789 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1790 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1791 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1792 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!DEED:22 Apr 1793 Brunswick Co, VA 15-391 Lester MORRIS and wife Frances of Brunswick to James DUGGER of same for L40, 100a both sides north fork of Reedy Creek adj Jesse EDWARDS and Lewis BROWN Jr. Wit: None;

!TAXLIST:1793 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a. * Alteration: Lester MORRIS, 100a to James DUGGER;

!TAXLIST:1793 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1794 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1794 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1795 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1795 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 1 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1796 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1796 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1797 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1797 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1798 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1798 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+,
0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1799 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1799 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 0 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1800 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 1 Blacks 16+, 1 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1800 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1801 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 1 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1801 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1802 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr, 1 White, 1 Blacks 16+, 0 Blacks 12-16;

!TAXLIST:1802 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1803 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr;

!TAXLIST:1803 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1804 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER Sr, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1804 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr;

!TAXLIST:1805 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER Sr, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1805 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr;

!NAMED: 9 Jul 1805 Brunswick Co, VA Will 7-160 of Henry DUGGER as "son James DUGGER";

!TAXLIST:1806 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER Sr, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1806 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr;

!TAXLIST:1807 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER Sr, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1807 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr;

!TAXLIST:1808 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER Sr, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1808 Brunswick Co, VA James DUGGER Sr;

!TAXLIST:1809 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER Sr, 100a;

!TAXLIST:1810 Brunswick Co, VA St Andrew's Parish. James DUGGER Sr, 0a;


!TAXLIST:1812 Giles Co, TN James DUGGER;

!CENSUS:1820 * Giles Co, TN pg 41 James DUGGER age 45+ (bef 1775) "100001-00001";


!DEED:30 May 1836 Tippah Co, MS A-239 Robert McDONALD & wife Nancy of Tippah co to James DUGGER of same for $800, 490a. Wit: William M. ASBURY, Alfred C. GARRETT;

!DEED:30 Aug 1836 Tippah Co, MS A-239 James DUGGER and wife Martha of Tippah Co to William ASBURY of same for $320. Wit: Robert McDONALD, Alfred C. GARRETT;

!CENSUS:1840 * Tippah Co, MS pg 197 James DUGGER *;

!NAMED:-- --- 1844 (rec 8 Jul 1844) Brunswick Co, VA 33-479 John DUGGER, Sterling DUGGER, Thomas KIRKLAND and Armon, his wife, formerly DUGGER, of Brunswick, and children of Henry DUGGER, decd, who was brother of James DUGGER, decd late of Tippah Co, MS, power of atty to Douglas H. WRAY to received from James McDANIEL, adm of our decd Uncle James DUGGER late of Tippah Co, MS any property that may be due them as heirs;

!DEED:-- --- 1845 (rec 29 Mar 1845) Brunswick Co, VA 34-51 John SHELL, Ann SHELL, Thomas CARROLL who married Rebecca SHELL. John DUGGER, Sterling DUGGER, Thomas KIRKLAND who married Ermine DUGGER, all of Brunswick, power of atty to Ro. COOK of Fayette Co, TN to collect any money which may be due under Will of James DUGGER, late of county of Tippah, MS as heirs of Sarah SHELL or Henry DUGGER. The said John B. SHELL, Ann SHELL, and Rebecca CARROLL being heirs and children of Sarah SHELL. and said John DUGGER, Sterling DUGGER and Ermine KIRKLAND formerly DUGGER, being the heirs and children of Henry DUGGER, which said Henry DUGGER and Sarah SHELL are sister and brother, by those named, mentioned in Will of said James DUGGER, late of Tippah Co, MS; 
Dugger, James (I7309)
1253 !BIRTH:Jul 1882 from Census, 1900 age 17 born Jul 1882;

!BIRTHPLACE:Swain Co, NC assumed;

!FATHER:John P. GRANT, * not proven;

!MOTHER:Betsy Ann LOW, * not proven;

!MARRIAGE:23 Apr 1899 Swain Co, NC John STILES, 22 (1876/77) son of I.F. and Margaret STILES, to Lillie GRANT, 18 (1880/81) daughter of ______ and ______, father living, mother deceased;

!CENSUS:1900 Swain Co, NC Nantahala Twp (2) # 112 Lillie E. STYLES, 17 born Jul 1882 NC, father born NC, mother born NC, married 1 year (1898/99), 0 children;

!CENSUS:1910 Swain Co, NC Nantahala Twp (2) # 225 Lillie M. STYLES, 28 (1881/82) born NC, father born NC, mother born NC, 1st marriage, 11 years (1898/99), 5 children born, 5 still living;

!CENSUS:1920 Swain Co, NC Nantahala pg 228B # 118/119
Lillie, wife 39
Bessie, dau 18
Gordon, son 16
Mary, dau 14
Stella, dau 12
Vinson, son 8
Fannie, dau 6
Carl, son 4 3/12
Gladys, dau 1 6/12; 
Grant, Lillie E (I13976)
1254 !BIRTH:Jun 1864 proven by Census, 1870; 1880 age 15 (1864/1865), 1900 b Jun 1864;

!CENSUS:1870 Macon Co., NC Welch's, Franklin PO # 101/101*
Wm C. Grant 44 Farmer $125/100 NC
Eliza 39 Keeping House
Margaret 15 at home
Eliza 11 at home
Mary S. 7
William 5 <---?
Jane 3
Amanda 1
* Entry is plainly written, but there is much wrong with it, especially the younger children. Their names are all mixed up. Perhaps a neighbor provided the info or a young child did.;

!CENSUS:1880 Macon Co., NC Nantahala # 137/140
Wm C. Grant 53 M Farmer NC-NC-NC
Louiza C. 48 Wife Keeping House
Elizabeth D. 21 dau S Helps mother
Mary L. 17 dau helps mother
John S. 15 son work on farm TN-NC-NC
Andrew S. 13 son works on farm NC-NC-NC
Joshua J. 10 son works on farm
Sarah L. 8 dau
William M. 5 son
Jas M. 3 son
Richard M. 5/12 son b. Feb.;

!WITNESS-MARRIAGE:24 Mar 1885 Macon Co., NC Marriage Register
Thomas Grant of Macon Co NC, 22 &
Elizabeth Grant of Macon Co NC 24
at home of Wm C. Grant
by Jas M. Barnes, JP
Wit: D. N. Kilpatrick, W. C. Grant, John Grant;

!MARRIAGE:22 Apr 1888 Macon Co., NC Marriage Register
John Grant of ---, 23
Emily V. Smith of ---, 19
at home of Mary Smith
by A. A. Justice, Min
Wit: S. T. Ramsey, J. L. Smith, D. B. Dills;

!PAUPER'S TAX: 4 Sep 1893 Macon Co, NC John GRANT released from Poll Tax for 1891, 1892 and 1893 for poverty and infirmity;

!PAUPER'S TAX: 7 May 1894 Macon Co, NC John S. GRANT released from Poll Tax for 1892 and 1893;

!CENSUS:1900 Macon Co., NC Burningtown # 48/48
John S. Grant head Jun 1864 35 M 12 NC-NC-NC Farmer
Emma wife Mar 1868 32 M 12 9-5
Mary dau Feb 1889 11
Candace dau Feb 1892 8
John W. son Jan 1896 4
Nancy dau Jun 1898 1
Lonnie son Feb 1900 3/12;

!WITNESS-MARRIAGE:13 Sep 1908 Macon Co., NC General Index to Marriage License
D. A. Grant, 21 &
M. E. Grant, 18
at home of John Grant
by L. I. Mashburn, Minister
Wit: R. L. Owenby, G. W. Deweese, J. S. Grant;


!CENSUS:1920 Macon Co., NC Nantahala Township, Briartown Precinct # 50/51
John Grant head 54 M TN-NC-NC Farmer
Emaly wife 50 M NC-GA-GA
Canna dau 27 S NC-TN-NC
Welden son 24 S Wood work - Timber Cutter
Nolia dau 22 S
Lonnie dau 19
Edna dau 17
Lois dau 15
Ethel dau 12;

!CENSUS:1930 Macon Co., NC Nantahala # 130/135
John S. Grant head 66 W TN-NC-NC Laborer - Garden
Nola dau 31 S NC-TN-NC
Merrill gr-dau 7 NC-NC-NC;

!TOMBSTONE:Macon Co, NC Briartown Cemetery
Double stone, GRANT John S. Grant June 22, 1861 July 3, 1938; footstone: Father Emily S. Grant March 21, 1869 October 7, 1926; footstone: Mother 
Grant, John S (I3154)
1255 !BIRTH:May 1854 proven by census, 1860 age 6 (1853/54), 1870 age 16 (1853/54), 1880 age 26 (1853/54) 1900 born May 1854;

!CENSUS:1860 Macon Co., NC Cowee District, Franklin PO # 505/517
Wilky Grant 39 Farmer $100/360 Rutherford
Mary A. 30 Buncombe
John P. 11 Macon
William M. 9
Elizar J. 6
Alfred M. 2;

!CENSUS:1870 Macon Co., NC Welch's, Franklin PO # 88/88*
M. A. Grant 42 f Farming $150/450 NC
J. P. 23 m Farmer
William 20 Farmer
Sarah 16 at home <--- ?
Rhoda 13 at home
Elizabeth 10 at home
James 8
Eliza 5
Amanda 1
* Entry is plainly written, but there is much wrong with it, especially the younger children. Their names are all mixed up. Perhaps a neighbor provided the info or a young child did.;

!CENSUS:1880 Swain Co, NC Nantahala Twp # 181 Elisa J. GRANT, 26 (1853/54) born NC, father born NC, mother born NC, single;

!CENSUS:1900 Swain Co, NC Nantahala Twp List 2 # 152 Liza J. GRANT, 46 born May 1854 NC, father born NC, mother born NC, Single;

!DEED:19 Apr 1902 Swain Co, NC 20-368, S.H. GRANT, M.A. GRANT, Jane GRANT, A.M. GRANT, L.J. GRANT, Mindee GRANT, J.P. GRANT, G.A. GRANT of Swain to J.M.R. DEHART, 33 1/3a Wesser's Creek, 2/3 of Wilkie GRANT's lands;

!DEED:22 Apr 1902 Swain Co, NC 20-530 J.P. GRANT and wife G.A. GRANT, L.J. GRANT, Arminda GRANT, T.H. LACKEY and wife Mary LACKEY, and S.H. GRANT to A.M. GRANT and wife L.J. GRANT, 1/3 of Wilkie GRANT's lands;

Grant, Eliza Jane (I4499)
1256 !BIRTH:Nov 1881 from Census records, 1900 born Nov 1881;


!FATHER:Jefferson M. Samuel EVANS, proven by marriage record;

!MOTHER:Margaret C. FULLER, proven by marriage record;

!MARRIAGE:__ ___ 1899 Swain Co, NC William GRANT, 24 (1874/75) son of Sarah GRANT, to Kandes EVANS, 18 (1880/81) daughter Samuel and Margaret EVANS;

!CENSUS:1900 Swain Co, NC Charleston Twp # 90 Cansus GRANT, 18 born Nov 1881 born NC, father born NC, mother born SC, married 1 year (1898/99), 0 children born;

!DEATH:1900/1905 before William's second marriage in 1905; 
Evans, Cansus (I2250)
1257 !BIRTH:Oct 1879 from Census records, 1880 age 0 born Oct 1879;



!MOTHER:Sarah P. GRANT, * Not proven, in 1880 census living with Mary CARGLE and Sarah GRANT, listed as "daughter" of Mary CARGLE, she would have been 66 when she was born, so it is likely she was Sarah's daughter;

!CENSUS:1880 Swain Co, NC Charleston Twp # 58 Roxena CARGLE, 8 months born Oct 1879 NC, father born NC, mother born NC, listed as daughter of Mary CARGLE, last name should be GRANT was not listed that way;

!MARRIAGE:30 Dec 1899 Swain Co, NC F. Riley STILES, 26 (1872/73) son of ___ and Delphia STILES to Zenia GRANT, 22 (1876/77) daughter of Sarah GRANT;

!CENSUS:1900 Swain Co, NC Charleston Twp # 170 Zenia STILES, 20 born Oct 1879 NC, father born NC, mother born NC, married 0 (1899/1900), 0 children;

!DEED:15 Sep 1903 Swain Co, NC 20-396 Ride STILES and wife Zena STILES to W.W. GRANT, her 1/4 interest in lands H.T. JENKINS, Dock JENKINS, Dick JENKINS and others, this is 1/4 of Sarah GRANT's lands;

!CENSUS:1910 Swain Co, NC Charleston Twp # 403 Zenna STILES, xx (blank) born NC, father born NC, mother born NC, 1st marriage, 10 years (1899/1900), 5 children born, 5 still living;

!CENSUS:1920 Swain Co, NC Charleston pg 145 # 221/226
Riley W. STILES, 46
Zennie, wife 38
Walter, son 18
Harley son 16
Hillie son 14
Ethel dau 13
Stella dau 11
Andrew son 9
Grady son 7
Roy son 5
Ella dau 1 1/12; 
Grant, Roxzenna (I2248)
1258 !BIRTH:Per Cherokee County Births;

!CENSUS:1920 Cherokee Co., NC Valleytown Andrews town # 239/238
Wymer P. Conley head 35 M NC-NC-NC
Catherine wife 323 M
Hall son 2
Jean son 1;

!CENSUS:1930 Cherokee Co., NC Valleytown Andrews town # 349/353
Wymer E. Conley head 45 M 32 NC-NC-NC
Mary C. wife 42 M 28
Hall son 12
Jean dau 11; 
Conley, Jean (I654)
1259 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cherokee Co., NC Birth Register 1913-1945
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000;

!CENSUS:1920 * Blount Co., TN;

!CENSUS:1930 Cherokee Co., NC Murphy, Murphy Town, Hiwassee Street # 54/58
Irene Grant head 40 W 26 NC-NC-NC Teacher - Public School
Blache M. dau 11
Anna J. dau 9 TN-NC-NC
Olla J. Barnes Roomer FW 35 M NC-NC-NC Laborer - Streets
Richard lodger 12
Elbert R. lodger 9;

!CENSUS:1940 Cherokee Co., NC Murphy, Peachtree, Peachtree Road # 69
Irene Grant, head 50 Wd NC 1935-Same Place. Teacher - Pubilc School
Blanch dau 21 S; 
Grant, Blanche Mildred (I23246)
1260 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cherokee Co., NC Birth Register 1913-1945
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000;

!CENSUS:1920 Cherokee County, North Carolina
Township Valleytown / Andrews Town
Page / House / Family Number 127B / 260 / 279
Name Rel S R Age Ms Birth Places Occupation Industry
Benjamin P. Grant Hd M W 51 M TN-TN-TN Farmer Home Farm
Abbie Wf F W 40 M NC-NC-NC None
Louise Dau F W 9 S NC-TN-NC None
Alice Dau F W 7 S NC-TN-NC None
Benjamin Jr Son M W 3 S NC-TN-NC None

!CENSUS:1930 Cherokee Co., NC Valleytown, Andrews Town, Junaluska Road # 153/156
Ben P. Grant head 61 M 41 TN-TN-TN Deler - Timberland
Abbie L. wife 50 M 30 NC-NC-NC
Alice dau 17 S NC-TN-NC
Ben P. Jr son 14
Mary E. dau 9;

!CENSUS:1940 Macon Co., NC Franklin, Main Street p. 80, # 272
Ben P. Grant, head 24 S NC 1935-Andrews NC. Dentist - Private Practice; 
Grant, Benjamin Pryor (I49621)
1261 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cherokee Co., NC Birth Register 1913-1945
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000;

!CENSUS:1930 Cherokee Co., NC Valleytown, Andrews Town, Junaluska Road # 153/156
Ben P. Grant head 61 M 41 TN-TN-TN Deler - Timberland
Abbie L. wife 50 M 30 NC-NC-NC
Alice dau 17 S NC-TN-NC
Ben P. Jr son 14
Mary E. dau 9;

!CENSUS:1940 Cherokee Co., NC Valleytown, Andrews Town, Connahela Avenue # 223
B. P. Grant head 72 M NC 1935-Same House
Abbie B. wife 60 M
Mary dau 19 S
A. C. Rogers son-l 30 Laborer WPA Road Project
Louise dau 29 M C???? Cosmetics - Wholesale Co
Harry gr-son 9; 
Grant, Mary Elizabeth (I49622)
1262 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cherokee Co., NC Birth Register 1913-1945
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000;

!CENSUS:1930 Cherokee Co., NC Valleytown, Andrews Town, Whitaker Street # 133/136
John F. Grant head 52 M 49 NC-US-NC Laborer - Public Works
Ola wife 42 M 37 NC-NC-NC
Fred L. son 3 1/12
Daisy M. dau 9/12
Cinthy Lovingood, mother-in-law 81 wd GA-NC-NC;

!CENSUS:1940 Cherokee Co., NC Valleytown, Andrews Town, Junaluska Road # 231
J. Frank Grant head 61 M NC 1935-Same House. Laborer-WPA Road Project
Ella wife 51 M
Fred son 13
Daisy Mae dau 10; 
Grant, Daisy Mae (I58942)
1263 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cherokee Co., NC Birth Register 1913-1945
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000;

!CENSUS:1940 Cherokee Co., NC Shoal Creek, TVA Access Road # 255
E. C. Grant head 25 M GA 1935-Knoxville, Knox TN - Police Officer Public Safety TVA Dam
Mary wife 24 M NC 1935" - Stenographer TVA Dam
Joseph E. son 9/12 NC
Bonita Ronyon maid 22 Wd GA 1935 Rural Polk TN - Maid Private Family; 
Grant, Joseph Edgar (I109122)
1264 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cherokee Co., NC Birth Register 1913-1945
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000;

!CENSUS:1940 Gaston Co., NC Riverbend # 232
Walter A. Lewis head 29 M 1935-Same House. Dolpher - Textile
Laurie C. wife 32
James G. Lewis (sic) son 10;

!MARRIAGE LICENSE: 8 Jun 1956 Gaston Co., NC
James Garfield Grant Jr, W, 26 of Cramerton, NC, so James Garfield Grant, decd
& Laura Craig Grant Lewis, of Cramerton, NC living.
& Ila Anna Ervin, W, 16 of Cramerton, NC, d/o Oscar David Ervin of Gastonia, living & Ernestine Rhyne Ervin of Cramerton, NC, living.
Married 9 Jun 1956 by James Skipper, FWB Minister at Res John Bradley, Renlo, NC.
Wits: John H. Bradley, Della C. Bradley, Judy E. Walters;

!DIVORCE: 6 Aug 1962 Gaston Co., NC
James Grant Jr & Ila Grant; 
Grant, James Garfield Jr (I109075)
1265 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cherokee Co., NC Birth Register 1913-1945
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000; 
Grant, Joan (I109248)
1266 !BIRTH:Recorded in Clay Co., NC Birth Register
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000; 
Grant, Margaret Elizabeth (I109260)
1267 !BIRTH:Recorded in Clay Co., NC Birth Register
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000; 
Grant, Floyd (I109258)
1268 !BIRTH:Recorded in Clay Co., NC Birth Register
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000; 
Grant, Mary Sue (I109257)
1269 !BIRTH:Recorded in Clay Co., NC Birth Register
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000; 
Grant, W T (I109256)
1270 !BIRTH:Recorded in Cleveland Co., NC Delayed Birth Certificates.
From, North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000;

!NOTE:Farmer per WWI Draft Registration Card, name is "Doctor Charles Lee Grant" born Jun 6 1898, Next of kin J. F. Grant, Father.
Most records list him as "Charlie Lee Grant".

!NOTE:WWI Draft Registration card lists him as Rev. C. L. Grant;

!CENSUS:1900 Cleveland Co., NC Township No 6 (excl. Shelby town) # 49/49
John F. Grant head Apr 1872 28 M 6 NC-NC-NC Farmer
Fanny J. wife May 1873 27 M 6 2-1
Charlie L. son Jun 1898 1; 
Grant, Rev Charles Lee (I61300)
1271 !BIRTH:Recorded in Graham Co., NC General Index to Vital Statistics - Births 1913-1979
Via, "North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000"

!CENSUS:1940 Graham Co., NC Yellow Creek, Topaco, # 7
Mack Grant head 24 M NC 1935 Same Place - Laborer Electric Power
Bertie wife 25 M 1935 Macon NC
Billie son 3
Josephine dau 8/12;

!OBIT:Graham Star:
Wednesday, July 6, 2011 1:28 PM CDT
Josephine Grant Sawyer, 71, of the East Fort Hill Community of Robbinsville, passed away, Saturday, June 18, 2011 at West Care Health System in Sylva.

She was a native of Graham County and the daughter of the late Mack and Berta Duvall Grant. In addition to her parents she was preceded in death by her husband, Maurice Sawyer, in 2008; and her sister, Mary Jane James, in 2010.

She is survived by her son, Charles Sawyer; daughter, Linda Sawyer Carpenter; sister, Brenda Atwell; brothers, Bill Grant and Mackie Grant all of Robbinsville; granddaughter, Randi Nicole Hagerdorn of Sylva; and great grandchildren, Zachary Storm Grant, Destiny Hall, Colton Hagerdorn, and William Hagerdorn.

Funeral Services were held at 7 p.m. Tuesday, June 21, 2011 at the Townson-Smith Chapel. The Rev. Lennox Hedrick officiated. The family received friends from 5 to 7 p.m. Tuesday at the chapel prior to the service. Committal services were held at 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 22, 2011 at the Old Mother Cemetery.

Townson-Smith Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. An online register is available at; 
Grant, Josephine (I23609)
1272 !BIRTH:Recorded in Graham Co., NC General Index to Vital Statistics - Births 1913-1979
Via, "North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000"

!CENSUS:1940 Graham Co., NC Yellow Creek, Topaco, # 7
Mack Grant head 24 M NC 1935 Same Place - Laborer Electric Power
Bertie wife 25 M 1935 Macon NC
Billie son 3
Josephine dau 8/12; 
Grant, William Eugene (I23608)
1273 !BIRTH:Recorded in Graham Co., NC General Index to Vital Statistics - Births 1913-1979
Via, "North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000"

!OBITUARY:Graham Star.
Thursday, December 23, 2010 7:42 AM CST
Mary Jane James
Mary Jane Grant James, age 68, of the Eller Branch Community in Robbinsville, went home to be with the Lord, Thursday, Dec. 16, 2010.

A native of Graham County, she was the daughter of the late Mack and Bertie Duvall Grant.

She is survived by her husband of over 51 years, Frank James Jr.; her daughter and son-in-law, Martha and Mitch Orr of Robbinsville; her sons and daughters-in-law, Terry and Marilyn James of Robbinsville and Perry and Kristi James of Asheville; her brothers and sisters-in-law, Bill and Jane Grant and Mackie and Jean Grant, all of Robbinsville; her sisters, Josephine Sawyer and Brenda Atwell, both of Robbinsville; and her grandchildren, Rocco James, Stephanie James, Jessica Orr and Judd Orr.

Funeral services were held at 2 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 19 at the Townson-Smith Chapel with Revs. Mitch Orr and Kenny Ball officiating. The family received friends from 1:30 until 2 p.m. at the chapel, prior to the service. Burial followed at Old Mother Cemetery.

Townson-Smith Funeral Home was in charge of the arrangements. An online register is available at 
Grant, Mary Jane (I23610)
1274 !BIRTH:Recorded in Graham Co., NC General Index to Vital Statistics - Births 1913-1979
Via, "North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000";


!FATHER:Walter Grant, proven by Delayed birth certificate;

!MOTHER:Lizzie Hawkins (Holcomb), proven by Delayed birth certificate;

!CENSUS:1930 * Monroe Co., TN with her aunt Addie Anderson family, Clara Grant, 7 adopted;

!CENSUS:1940 x

!CENSUS:1950 Newport News, VA Clara Burchfield; 
Grant, Clara (I6221)
1275 !BIRTH:Recorded in Graham Co., NC General Index to Vital Statistics - Births 1913-1979
Via, "North Carolina Birth Indexes 1800-2000"; 
Grant, Daisy (I6222)
1276 !BIRTH:SC based upon Jeptha PATTERSON's 1880 Census entry;

!NOTE:Father's name from Donald G. Patterson, 606 Willow Creek, Waco, TX 76712 who is a Great Great Grandson of this Robert PATTERSON, he isn't 100% sure though, but thinks James father was Robert;



!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 248 James PATTERSON age 26-44 (1765/84);

!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 225 James PATTERSON age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co, NC pg 375 James PATTERSON age 40-49 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1840 Cherokee Co, NC pg 248 James PATTERSON age 50-59 (1780/90);


!TOMBSTONE:Fannin Co, GA Lebanon Baptist Church Cem, "James PATTERSON 6/14/1784 - 4/13/1850 age 65 yrs 9 mos, 29 days"; 
Patterson, James (I23039)
1277 !BIRTHDATE:Per Frances Dugger Rowan;


!CENSUS:1830 Roane Co, TN pg 60 w/Alexander DUGGER age 15-19 (1810/15);

!CENSUS:1840 Murray Co., GA p. 15
Thomas Dugger age 20-29 (1810/1820)

!CENSUS:1850 Gordon Co, GA pg 15B # 228/229
Thomas DUGGER, 37 TN
Nancy, 31 TN
Marion A., 15 TN
Melissa P. 13 TN
William A., 11 GA
Harriett C, 9 TN
Thomas, 7 TN
Michael 2 TN; 
Dugger, Thomas (I42440)
1278 !BIRTHPLACE:Rutherford Co, NC assumed;

!FATHER:Alexander Grant, proven by Rutherford County Court record Jan 1809;

!MOTHER:Susanna Morris, proven by Rutherford Co, NC Court record Jan 1809;

!COURT:Jan 1809 Rutherford Co, NC Court of P&Q Susanna GRANT appointed guardian of William, Polly, John, Morris, James & Patsy GRANT, orphans and infants of Alexander GRANT, deceased;



!NOTE:Not named in division of estate of Alexander GRANT & Susanna 1823-1825; 
Grant, Morris (I12839)
1279 !BIRTHPLACE:SC per daugher Anna PATTERSON Kincaid 1880 census entry;
!BIRTHDATE:18 Mar 1766 - What source?;


!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 184 John PATTERSON age 26-44 (1755/74)

!COURT:Jul 1802 Buncombe Co, NC John PATTERSON, Jury;

!COURT:Jul 1803 Buncombe Co, NC Deed from Richard MORROW to John PATTERSON proven by Daniel PONDER, witness;

!COURT:Jul 1803 Buncombe Co, NC John PATTERSON, Jury;

!COURT:Oct 1803 Buncombe Co, NC John PATTERSON, Jury;

!NAMED:1803 Buncombe Co, NC Primier (sic) Members Newfound Baptist Church - 1803 John PATTERSON;

!COURT:Jul 1808 Buncombe Co, NC John PATTERSON, Jury;

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 248 John PATTERSON age 45+ (bef 1765)

!COURT:Jan 1812 Buncombe Co, NC John PATTERSON, Jury;

!CENSUS:1820 Haywood Co, NC pg 225 John PATTERSON age 45+ (bef 1775)
"001201-01001, slaves=0030-0000;

!CENSUS:1830 * Habersham Co, GA pg 36 John PATTERSON age 50-59 (1770/80)
"00000001-00010001" slaves=210000-220000

!CENSUS:1840 Union Co, GA pg 10 John PATTERSON age 70-79 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1850 * Apparently deceased, as wife Margaret was living with Joseph PATTERSON, their son in 1850; 
Patterson, John (I11664)
1280 !BONDSMAN-MARRIAGE BOND: 8 Sep 1810 Burke Co., NC
Joseph Garrett to Sarah Stroud
John Green, bm;

!NAMED-WILL:-- --- 1837 Haywood Co., NC William Green Will Book ?, p. 236 (shared with me, I haven't seen original.
son Thomas Green
son John Green
son William Green
son Silas Green
dau Sally Hix wife of Matthew Hix
dau Marthey Justice wife of Charles Justice
dau Elizabeth Allen's son James A. Allen
Signed: William Green
Wit: James R. Love, Catherine Stephenson;

!NAMED-ESTATE:Haywood Co., NC William Green Sr 1837 (87 pages)
... one document names heirs:
Thomas Green of Burke County, NC
John Green, William Green, Anderson Green, all of Carroll Co., GA
Silas M. Green of Monroe Co, TN
Martha Justice wife of Charles Justice of Jefferson Co., AL
Sarah Hicx wife of Matthew Hicks, Elizabeth wife of William Noland Junr, both of Haywood.
... several other documents mention Keziah Green as widow; 
Green, John (I50249)
1281 !BONDSMAN-MARRIAGE BOND:22 Jan 1824 Rutherford Co., NC
Andrew Graham Jr & Thaney Mitchel
Isral Graham Jr, Andrew Graham, bm
W. Grant, JP
* I think "Isral" is actually "Isaac" but not 100% sure;

!BONDSMAN-MARRIAGE BOND:12 Feb 1824 Rutherford Co., NC
Henry Graham to Cathrin Mitchel
Isaac Graham, Benjamin Harris, bm
W. Grant clerk;

!CENSUS:1830 Knox Co. TN p. 395
Isaac Graham age 40-49 (1780/90)
Graham, Isaac (I116150)
1282 !BONDSMAN-MARRIAGE BOND:26 Jan 1820 Duplin Co., NC
Herring Newell &
Elizabeth Ayers
Richard Ayers, bm; 
Ayers, Richard (I120812)
1283 !BONDSMAN:-- Feb 1845 Surry Co, NC Bastardy Bond: Polly BOWLES. BM:
MARRIAGE:14 Oct 1845 Surry Co, NC John BROWN & Polly BOWLES;
CENSUS:1850 Surry Co, NC North Division, Marsh Dist # 988 John
(1816/17) born NC; 
Brown, John (I84526)
1284 !BONDSMAN:18 Oct 1779 Wilkes Co, NC Andrew VANNOYE and Susanna SHEPPARD, Joseph TANNER, bm, James SHEPPARD, bm;

!DEED:28 Apr 1783 Wilkes Co, NC Deeds A1-255 Jesse TOLIVER to Joseph TANNER, 50, 60a Mulbery Creek. S: Jesse (X) Toliver. Witn: Richard ALLEN, William JOHNSON, Philemon (X) HOLCOMB;

!BONDSMAN:22 Mar 1785 Wilkes Co, NC John HOPPER and Anna WILSON, Joseph TANNER, bm;

!CENSUS:1790 X Not listed;

!NAMED:10 Jun 1799 Wilkes Co, NC Deeds C1-188 NC Grant to Elisha REYNOLDS, 100a Mulbery Creek, Joseph TANNERs line;

!NAMED:16 Nov 1804 Wilkes Co, NC Deeds F1-199 Thomas TANNER of Madison Co, KY, heir of Joseph TANNER, deceased to Elisha REYNOLDS, 60 acres Mulberry Creek where Joseph formerly lived. Wit: H. ROUSSEAU, Samuel PROFITT, David ROSSEAU; 
Tanner, Joseph (I84230)
1285 !BONDSMAN:24 Apr 1807 Rutherford Co, NC m/o John Pearson & Peggy Grant;

!MARRIAGE: 4 Jan 1809 Rutherford Co, NC Elijah Dalton & P. Grant, James Morris, bm;

!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co., NC p. 366
Elijah Dalton age 16-25 (1784/94)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 16-25 (1784/1794) Elijah Dalton (c1786)
3m 0-9 (1800/1810).. 1. James W. Grant (c1790/1800)? brother-in-law
.................... 2. Thomas Grant (c1801)? brother-in-law
.................... 3. Son?
4f 45+ (bef 1765)... 1. Mary Grant Dalton (c1790) wife m 1809
.................... 2. Clementine Grant? mother-in-law
.................... 3. Mary (---) Grant? grandmother-in-law
.................... 4.
4f 0-9 (1800/1810).. 1. Elmira Grant (1800/10)? sister-in-law
.................... 2. Dau?
.................... 3. Dau?
.................... 4. Dau?
* Highly speculative about who is in this houehold in 1810. It is very odd that there are four women over 45 and no one his wife's age listed.;

!WAR OF 1812:Elijah Dolton, John Dolton, The Seventh Regiment, 5th Company, Detached from the 3rd Rutherford Regiment of NC Militia;

!TAXLIST:1819 Rutherford Co., NC Capt Morris' Co.
Elay? Dalton, 0a, 1 white, 0 blacks;

!CENSUS:1820 x
* Not found. I scanned Rutherford Co, NC 1820 Census line by line and found no Elijah DALTON listed;

!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co., nC p. 522
Elijah Dalton age 40-49 (1780/90)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 40-49 (1780/1790) Elijah Dalton (c1786)
1m 10-14 (1815/1820) son?
3m 0-4 (1825/1830).. 1. Son?
.................... 2. Son?
.................... 3. Son?
1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Mary Grant Dalton (c1790) wife
2f 10-14 (1815/1820) 1. Dau?
.................... 2. Dau?

!NAMED:15 Jul 1831 Rutherford Co, NC Estates A-12 Inventory of Isaac CRATON, decd. Notes due on: ... Daniel TANNERR (good), ... Andrew GRANT & James KEETER (doubtful) ... John PEARSON (bad), Elijah DALTON (bad) ... Book Accounts: ... Daniel TANNER (good) ...;

!NAMED:-- Mar 1834 Rutherford Co, NC Estates A-136 Isaac CRATON Decd, Insolvent notes ... John PEARSON, 1824 ... Elijah DALTON, 1824 ...;

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co., NC p. 337
Elijah Dalton age 50-59 (1780/1790)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 50-59 (1780/1790) Elijah Dalton (c1786)
1m 20-29 (1810/1820) son?
2m 15-19 (1820/1825) 1. Son?
.................... 2. Son?
1m 10-14 (1825/1830) Son?
1f 50-59 (1780/1790) Mary Grant Dalton (c1790) wife
1f 20-29 (1810/1820) Dau?

!CENSUS:1850 Henderson Co., NC # 496/496
Elijah Dalton 64 Laborer $- NC
Mary 60
Matilda 28
J. O. 21 m Laborer
Mary 10
Elizabeth 8
Rebecca 6;

!CENSUS:1860 Polk Co., NC Tryon Division, Tryon PO # 283/267
Elijah Dalton 74 Farmer $300/154 NC
Mary 70
Mary A. Johnson 20
John 6;

!CENSUS:1870 Polk Co., NC Township No 4, Columbus PO # 104/104
Elijah Dalton 83 Farmer $150/200 NC
Mary P. 78 Keeping House
Matilda 48 asst house keeper
John 17 at home
Mat Michael 18 black Day Laborer SC;

!CENSUS:1880 Polk Co., NC Tryon # 137/137
Elijah Dalton 98 M Farmer NC-NC-NC
Mary 94 Wife M Keeps House NC-NC-NC; 
Dalton, Elijah (I4805)
1286 !BONDSMAN:25 May 1756 Cumberland Co, VA Marriage of Isaac Winfrey to Sarah Brown;

!TAXLIST:1759 Cumberland Co, VA Samuel BROWN, 5 polls;

!WILL:18 Jul 1782 Cumberland Co, VA Wills 2-307 Will of Samuel BROWN, proved 23 Dec 1782. Names no wife. Son: Clement BROWN, daughters: Martha HOLLAND, Sarah WINFREE, Mary WEATHERFORD, Elizabeth SMITH, Nancy BROWN, Rachel BRADLEY. Executors: Thomas Suggett HILL, Clement BROWN. Witnesses: James BROWN, William BROWN, Lewis TURNER, Wright BOND, Hezekiah BRADLEY. Signed: Samuel Brown, L.S; 
Brown, Samuel (I6923)
1287 !BORN:Albemarle Co., VA per second marriage (1864 Boyd Co., KY);



!TAXLIST:1806 Amherst Co., VA
List A Amherst Parish
White Tithes, Blacks 16+, Blacks 12-16, Horses
Saml Hensley 1-3-0-4
List B Livingston Parish
- Saml Hensley 1-0-0-0 <---?
* May be this Samuel, but he would have been 16 years old, max.


!TAXLIST:1814 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 1, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2
Mar 3, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-3
Mar 3, Savitha Hensley 0-0-0-1
Mar 3, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-0
Mar 9, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-7
Mar 9, Elijah Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 9, John Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1815 Cabell Co., VA
May 11, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2
Apr 5, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-8
Mar 22, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-2
Apr 19, Daniel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1816 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 27, Daniel Hensley 1-1-1
Mar 27, Robert Hensley 1-0-1
Mar 27, Stephen Hensley 1-0-5
Apr 23, Solomon Hensley 1-0-2
Apr 26, Samuel Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1817 Cabell Co., VA
Apr 4, Solomon Hensley 1-0-3
Apr 6, Samuel Hensley 1-1-1
Apr 21, Stephen Hensley 1-0-3
Apr 21, Daniel Hensley 1-1-1
Apr 21, Robert Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1818 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 7, William Hensley 1-0-0-4
Mar 7, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 7, Stephen Hensley 1-0-1-5
Mar 8, Elijah Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 8, Daniel Hensley 1-0-1-1
Mar 8, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-4
Mar 25, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-2
May 12, Solomom Hensley 1-0-0-4 * Marked out, as it was a duplicate;

!TAXLIST:1819 Cabell Co., VA
Mar --, Solomon Hensley 1-0-03
Mar 18, Daniel Hensley 1-0-1-1
Mar 18, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 11, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 11, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!CENSUS:1820 Cabell Co, VA (WV) pg 85 Samuel HENSLEY age 16-25 (1794/1804)

!TAXLIST:1820 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 28, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 28, Sollomon Hensley 1-0-0-3
Apr 10, William Hensley 1-0-0-3
Apr 11, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
Apr 11, Daniel Hensley 1-0-1-1
May 5, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-1;

!CENSUS:1830 Cabell Co, VA (WV) pg 15 Samuel HENSLEY age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Cabell Co, VA (WV) pg 29 Samuel HENSLEY age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Wayne Co, VA (WV)
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Birth Place
Cabell Co., VA District 66th PHF 228B-151-161 & 162
Family 161
Samuel Hensley, 60 M Farmer 330 Va
Catherine 50 F do
William 16 M Farmer do
Catherine 15 F do
Emily 18 F do
Franklin 12 M do
Malissa 11 F do
Family 162
Watson Hensley, 25 M Farmer do
Wiley 11 M do
Riley 9 M Va
Martha J. 4 F do

!CENSUS:1860 Boyd Co, KY
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Pers $ Birth Place
Boyd Co., KY Cattlesburg PO PHF 725B-238-238
William Hensley 23 M Va
Samuel 60 M “
Kate 50 F “
John F. 21 M “
Martha 16 F “

!MARRIAGE:19 May 1864 Boyd Co., KY
Samuel Hensley, resident Boyd Co., KY, Farmer, 60, 2nd marriage
b. Albemarle Co,. VA. Parents birth place not known.
Elizabeth Friley, res. Boyd Co., KY, 20, 1st marriage
b. Russell Co., VA. Parents born Russell Co., VA.
Samuel Hensley & Franklin Hensley bondsmen.
Witnessed by Catheriner Crow, Frank Hensley & wife (shared by Laura Schreibman);

!CENSUS:1870 Boyd Co. KY
Name Age Sex Race Occupation Real $ Pers $ Birth Place
Boyd Co., KY District No. 4 Cattlettsburg PO PHF 49B-111-104
Saml Hensly 80 M W None 300 Va
Elizabeth 24 F W Keeping House Va
Saml 3 M W At Home Ky
Burrell 2 M W At Home Ky
Solomon 5/12 M W At Home [May] Ky
Morgana 5 F W At Home Ky

!CENSUS:1880 Boyd Co., KY
Name R S Age Rel Ms Occupation Birth Places
Boyd Co., KY Precinct No. 3 Cannonsburg PHF 190B-10-10
Samuel Hensley W M 88 M Farmer VA-VA-VA
Elizabeth W F 34 Wife S House Keeping VA-VA-VA
Morgana W F 16 Dau S House Work KY-VA-VA
Samuel W M 14 Son S Farm Hand KY-VA-VA
John W. W M 11 Son S Do Do KY-VA-VA
Adsen? W M 6 Son S KY-VA-VA
Eva W F 6 Dau S KY-VA-VA
James W M 5 Son S KY-VA-VA
Daniel? W M 2/12 Son S [Mar] KY-VA-VA
Martha W F 2/12 Dau S [Mar] KY-VA-VA
Effie A. W F 1/12 GrD S [Apr] KY-VA-VA 
Hensley, Samuel (I97810)
1288 !BURGESS:John BRASSEUR was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from Nansemond County for the year 1685;

!PATENT:17 Apr 1667 Nansemond Co, VA 6-72 John BRASSEUR, 400a part of former
patent granted to Robert BRASSEUR and Peter REY 24 Feb 1638, due to
said Benjamin BRASSEUR, son and heir of Robert BRASSEUR;
PATENT: 6 Apr 1671 Nansemond Co, VA 6-346 John BRASSEUR, 300a formerly granted
to Peter JOHNSON and by him sold to Peter REY and by him sold to Robert
BRASSEUR, deceased and found to escheat 6 Jun 1670; 
Brashier, John Burgess (I8933)
1289 !BURGESS:Thomas JORDAN was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses from Nansemond County for the year 1696;

!NAMED:22 Jan 1699 Isle of Wight Co, VA Wills and Deeds Book 2-431 William BRASSIE of Levy Neck ... Trustees: Daniel SANBORNE of the Lower Parish of Isle of Wight; Henry WIGGS, Carpenter, Isaac REEKS, Clarke of ye yearly meeting, John JORDAN son of Thomas JORDAN lately decd and Robert LACIE of Lawnes Creek in Surry ...; 
Jordan, Thomas Burgess (I8415)
1290 !BURIAL:1-22-1731 Philadelphia Monthly Meeting (Chester Co, PA)
Arnold CASSLE,
(Hinshaw, Vol II, pg 344); 
Cassell, Arnold (I87921)
1291 !Capt Meriwether Lewis along with his friend Capt. William Clark are famous for the Lewis & Clark expidition up the Missouri, across the Rockies, down the Columbia to the Pacific, then back again.

Capt. Lewis was appointed Governor of Louisianna Territory by President Jefferson.

Capt Lewis committed suicide at Mrs. Grinder's Inn on the Natchez Trace in Tennessee, about 70 miles from Nashville.

He never married; 
Lewis, Governor Meriwether (I55765)
1292 !CENSSU:1880 Tippah Co., MS Sand Hill # 285/285
Willis Hensley 48 M Tanner TN-NC-TN
Lovey A. 39 wife M NC-NC-NC
Thomas Flinn m (40) servant S Farm Laborer Ire-Ire-Ire
Thomas Dunkin (30) servant S Farm Laborer TN-TN-TN
Alexander McKinsey (35) servant S Farm Laborer Ire-Ire-Ire;

!CENSUS:1900 Tippah Co., MS Sand Hill # 78/81
Lovey S. Hensley head Dec 1845 54 W 0-0 NC-NC-NC
Nancy E. Finch sister Aug 1849 50 S MS-NC-NC; 
Finch, Lovey S (I100316)
1293 !CENSUS-MORTALITY:1850 Anderson Dist., SC
George Pack, 22, SC, d. Aug Typhoid Feve. Sick 2 weeks; 
Pack, George (I115832)
1294 !CENSUS-MORTALITY:1850 Haywood Co., NC
Martha L. Grimes 1, Female, free, Died March, Dropsy, sick 9 weeks; 
Graham, Martha L (I103343)
1295 !CENSUS1840 Grant KY p 91

!CENSUS:1850 Grant KY 345

!CENSUS:1860 Schyuler IL 304 
Hensley, David (I112619)
1296 !CENSUS:1782;

!TAXLIST:1788 Fayette Co., KY
Nicholas George
Whitson George; 
George, Nicholas (I94469)
1297 !CENSUS:1782;
Greer, Diana (I87761)
1298 !CENSUS:1782;
George, Margaret "Peggy" (I87760)
1299 !CENSUS:1782;
George, Bailey (I87759)
1300 !CENSUS:1782;
George, Sarah Ann (I87756)

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