Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 1,651 to 1,700 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1651 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

!CENSUS:1820 Manufacturers Carter Co, TN Abell DUGGER, William DUGGER, John DUGGER, Solomon ASHER, and Joseph ASHER: Iron Works on Watagua River;

!CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 20 John DUGGER age 40-49 (1780/90) "1213201-1111101";

!CENSUS:1840 Johnson Co, TN pg 278 John DUGGER Sr age 50-59 (1780/90) "00121001-0220110101";

!CENSUS:1850 Johnson Co, TN # 76 John DUGGER, 69 (1780/81) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Johnson Co, TN # 177 John DUGGER Sr, 79 (1780/81) born *;


Johnson County TN Wills Index Board

Dugger, John, Sr.
Posted By: Jerry A. Stout (
Date: Saturday, 18 September 1999, at 1:50:00 p.m.

Johnson Co. TN Will Book Vol. 1, pp.243-247. LAST WILL & TESTAMENT OF JOHN DUGGER, SEN., Deceased.

1st. I, John Dugger, Sen. desire that hereafter my decease bury me in plain and decent form.

2nd. I give my soul to God who gave it to me.

3rd. I desire my sons, that is alive shall all have an equal share in my part of the forge and saw mill. I desire that my oldest son, John Dugger, Jr. shall have one hudnred and fifty acres of land including the place where Soloman Younce now lives and join Esq. Morgan Swifts which is that much more than the rest of his brothers gets of the Forge lands than the rest of his brothers get, minerals excepted, he shall have equal share of all the rest of hte Iron Works land.

4th. I desire that my son Samuel Dugger, shall have one hundred acres of land where he now lives on and an equal share in the Forge land and saw mill, mines & minerals excepted.

6th(sic) I desire, that my son Wm. B. Dugger, have the land he now lives on it is thought to be one hundred acres more or less and an equal share in the Forge and saw Mill and Forge land, mines & minerals excepted.

7th. I desire that my son Joseph F. Dugger shall have the land he now lives on the minerals of Iron are to be divided with his brothers if they want to work it in their forge if any of my sons want to sell their claim in the Forge & sawmill I desire them to sell to some of their brothers. I desire that Jacob F. Dugger have equal. share in my forge and Iron Works land and sawmill. I desire that my son Hiram Dugger shall have a piece of land on the chestnut ridge thought to be one hundred and twenty acres more or less adjoining Peter E. Dugger and Joseph Dugger and joining the flat of Dugger Branch and an equal share in my Forge and sawmill and Forge land only his brother John Dugger who has two shares in the Forge land the minerals & Mines excepted for me and my heirs.

8th. I desire that my son Benjamin C. Dugger shall have one hundred acres of land at the foot of the Stone Mountain and Bakers Gap road and joins Thomas Wards land, mine & minerals excepted. I also desire that my son B. C. Dugger shall have an equal share with his brother in my Forge and saw mill and Forge land, only John dugger, Junior, he has two shares mine & minerals excepted for me and my heirs.

9th. I desire that Joseph Dugger shall have an equal share with his brothers in my part of the Forge and Saw mill and an equal part in my share of the Forge land with the rest of his brothers, only his brother John he has two shares in the Forge land, mines and minerals excepted for my use and the use of my heirs.

10th. I desire that Solomon Qunice Dugger, my youngest son have the land I sold to him for his part of my land. I also desire that he shall have equal share in my Forge and Sawmill and Forge lands with the rest of his brothes, only his brother John Dugger has two shares in the Forge lands, mines & minerals excepted for me & my heirs.

11th. I desire that my son Peter E. Dugger, shall have the land I sold to him and he paid me for the same. I aso desire that he, Peter Dugger shall have an equal share with the rest of his brothers in my part of the Forge and Forge lands and sawmill and his brother John has two shares in the Forge lands, mine and minerals excepted for me and my heirs.

12th. I, John Dugger, Sen. desire that my daughter Charlotte Cable, wife of Claborn Cable, shall have one hundred acres of land known by the name of the Flat Springs land lying in Watauga County, N.C. it being a two hundred arce tract granted to me by the State of North Carolina. I also desire that my daughter Emily Bunton, wife of Elijah Bunton have the other half of said Flat Spring land to be equally divided by them and a line made through said land with the courses and distances and they shall have deeds for it, mines & minerals excepted for my use.

13th. I desire that my daughter, Nancy Anderson, wife of Thomas Anderson, shall have first choice of Two hundred acres of land in a Thousand acre tract that joins a thousand acre tract of Iron Works land on dry run. I also desire that my daughter Nancy Anderson have thirty three acres of land that joins on the upper end of the land that Samuel Dugger lives on and joins Elijah Buntons land, mines & minerals excepted for my use.

14th. I desire that my daughter Mary Whitehead, wife of Thomas Whitehead have two hundred acres of land in a Thousand acres tract of land that joins a thousand acre tract of land on the east end, joins the land Esq. Dougherty used to own on Dry Run, joins the foot of the Stone Mountain on Bakers Gap Road, mines & minerals excepted for me and my heirs.

15th. I desire that my grandson George W. Dugger and Elizabeth Angeline Dugger and Nancy Gaddy, wife of Charley Gaddy and Martha Green have one hundred acres of land each of them in the thousand acre tract joins the foot of Stone Mountain in part along the Bakers Gap Road, mines and minerals excepted for my own use.

16th. I desire that my grandson Hiram Gragg shall have one bed and bedding.

17th. I desire that my grandson, Harrison Gragg shall have if he find a good vein of on any of my lands only the fifty acres of mine and Wm. Dugger shall have fifty dollars worth of minerals or the value of it when smeltered.

18th. I desire that my daughter Mildred Anderson and John Anderson have the place where I now live on and has sold it to Mildred and John Anderson her husband for four hundred dollars and they are to take good care of me and my property, feed me and clothe me all the rest of my lifetime and on the above conditions the house and one hundred acres of land shall be theirs, otherwise they must pay me one thousand dollars or give my house and land and make me a title to it and all will be right.

19. I desire that Col. Herk have privilege to work my lead mine if he comes to do it soon; and if he finds mettle let him melt it and give what is right of the mettle.

20. I desire that S. Quince Dugger and Peter E. Dugger and Joseph Dugger, my sons shall make settlement with their brothers and sisters and all others that has lawful claims.

21. I desire that my well beloved brother, Wm. Dugger help my heirs in their settlement and keep them at peace if he can and that Peter or Joseph and S. Q. Dugger, pay him for his trouble out of my estate.

22. I desire that my son S. Q. Dugger have a power of attorney or a general Letter of Attorney to do my business as I am not able to see to all of it myself. I hope he will see to it faithfully and honestly and take an oath to do it without fear or favor and honestly this June 2, day 1869.

23. I desire that my children all meet together and settle with each other in love peace. I desire my son Solomon Quince Dugger to write to them as soon after my decease as he can and set a time for them to meet here.

24. I desire that John Anderson and Mildred Anderson if I die before I sell what little stock and property I have to see it be sold and divided among themselves the scraps of land that I have not divided you may divide and sell for money to help in paying my debts &C.

25. I hereby revoke all former wills by me made. In Testimony whereof I have set my hand and affixed my seal this 8th day of June 1869. John Dugger, Seal

Signed, sealed and delivered in the Presence of us who have here unto Subscribed our names in the presence of the Testator.

Test: Benjamin D. Cable, William Dugger, Sen.

A true copy of John Dugger Will. R. E. Berry, Clk. County Court.

Johnson County TN Wills Index Board is maintained by Pam Cresswell with WebBBS 3.21. 
Dugger, John (I1460)
1652 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

!CENSUS:1820 Manufacturers Carter Co, TN Abell DUGGER, William DUGGER, John DUGGER, Solomon ASHER, and Joseph ASHER: Iron Works on Watagua River;

!CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 20 William DUGGER age 40-49 (1780/90) "0000002-0";

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 280 William DUGGER age 50-59 (1780/90) "00000001-0";

!TAXLIST:1840 Yancey Co, NC Captain Vance's Company - William DUGGER, 3500a, $1000, 0 white polls, $5.00 tax due;

!TAXLIST:1841 Yancey Co, NC Captain Swan's Company - William DUGGER, 3500a, $1000, 0 white polls;

!CENSUS:1850 Johnson Co, TN Civil District 5 pg 32B # 67/69
Dugger William Sr 65 M W Farmer 5000 TN
George James D 32 M W School Teacher TN
George Mary Susan 6 F W TN

!CENSUS:1860 Johnson Co, TN # 175 William DUGGER, 76 (1783/84) born *;


!WILL: 5 Oct 1872 Johnson Co, TN. Will of William DUGGER of Johnson County, TN. All property bequethed to: Heirs of John DUGGER, decd - to John DUGGER Sr, Benjamin DUGGER, Jacob F. DUGGER, Hiram DUGGER, Joseph DUGGER Sr, Peter E. DUGGER, Solomon Q. DUGGER and William B. DUGGER, Samuel DUGGER, Charlotte CABLE, Mary WHITEHEAD, Emanuel BUNTON, Nancy ANDERSON. To my neice Nancy J. COWAN, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON and wife of Thomas COWAN. to Mary C. BOGLE, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON, decd. To my sister Mary PIERCE. Heirs of brother Abel DUGGER, decd. To the heirs of my sister Nancy GEORGE, decd, and wife of James J. GEORGE, decd. To heirs of my sister Elizabeth RAINBOLT, decd, wife of Elisha RAINBOLT, decd. I give all claim and interest in estate of my father Julius DUGGER, decd, to my sister Margaret DUGGER. I request that my niece Nancy J. COWAN to let my colored woman Anna GEORGE or alias Anna DUGGER to have a room or house to put her property in and place to have a garden spot on, lifetime maintenance. to Nancy RAINBOLT, $10 for waiting on me when I had smallpox. Executors: My nephew Julius D. PIERCE and my brother-in-law Thomas ANDERSON. Test: S.P. SORRELLS, I.F. McQUEEN; 
Dugger, William (I1799)
1653 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

!CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 19 w/Julius DUGGER age 60-69 (1760/70);

!CENSUS:1840 Carter Co, TN pg 169 Mary DUGGAR age 80-89 (1750/60) "0001-00000100001";

Hall, Mary (I1053)
1654 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

!CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 25 Vaught HEATON age 30-39 (1790/1800) "1000010000001-1100010001";


Heaton, Vaught (I262)
1655 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;


!NAMED:10 Apr 1839 Carter Co, TN. Will of William DUGGER Sr of East Tennessee, Carter County. To my daughter Anna WILLSON. my son Mark DUGGER. my son James DUGGER. my son Julius DUGGER. my daughter Elizabeth. my daughter Levina VANHUSS, my son Thomas DUGGER, my daughter Rhoda PIERCE, my daughter Martha, my daughter Rosamond MORTON. my daughter Nancy. my daughter Sabre MORGAN. my wife Anna, and at her death to William, David and Tarlton, my three sons. Executors: My sons William DUGGER, and Tarlton DUGGER. Test: James MORGAN, Wyatt FRIFFITH;


Dugger, Anna (I1777)
1656 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!MARRIAGE: 2 Oct 1816 Carter Co, TN Eli RAINBOLT & Elizabeth DUGER;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

!CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 22 w/Elisha RAINBOLT age 40-49 (1780/90);


!NAMED: 5 Oct 1872 Johnson Co, TN. Will of William DUGGER of Johnson County, TN. All property bequethed to: Heirs of John DUGGER, decd - to John DUGGER Sr, Benjamin DUGGER, Jacob F. DUGGER, Hiram DUGGER, Joseph DUGGER Sr, Peter E. DUGGER, Solomon Q. DUGGER and William B. DUGGER, Samuel DUGGER, Charlotte CABLE, Mary WHITEHEAD, Emanuel BUNTON, Nancy ANDERSON. To my neice Nancy J. COWAN, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON and wife of Thomas COWAN. to Mary C. BOGLE, daughter of Charlotte ANDERSON, decd. To my sister Mary PIERCE. Heirs of brother Abel DUGGER, decd. To the heirs of my sister Nancy GEORGE, decd, and wife of James J. GEORGE, decd. To heirs of my sister Elizabeth RAINBOLT, decd, wife of Elisha RAINBOLT, decd. I give all claim and interest in estate of my father Julius DUGGER, decd, to my sister Margaret DUGGER. I request that my niece Nancy J. COWAN to let my colored woman Anna GEORGE or alias Anna DUGGER to have a room or house to put her property in and place to have a garden spot on, lifetime maintenance. to Nancy RAINBOLT, $10 for waiting on me when I had smallpox. Executors: My nephew Julius D. PIERCE and my brother-in-law Thomas ANDERSON. Test: S.P. SORRELLS, I.F. McQUEEN; 
Dugger, Elizabeth (I1802)
1657 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!TAXLIST:Washington Co., VA Personal Property "Lower District"
-1810-1814 Not found
-1815 Jonathan King, 1 wm16+, 0 blacks, 2 horses, 3 cattle;

!NAMED: 7 Oct 1818 Washington Co, VA. Will of Nancy PEMBERTON, pr 20 Oct 1818. Witness: Thomas CAWOOD. She appointed Jonathon KING and *Thomas MAJORS as executors and made requests to her daughters Fanny LEADY, Elizabeth EARLY, Polly STEWARD (one pewter dish and six pewter plates), Nancy HAMMOND and Sally HUNT; to her niece Nancy BLEVINS, wife of Russell BLEVINS; to Lazarus STEWARD $30; with the remainder to her grandchildren Nancy LEADY, Nancy STEWARD Nancy EARLY, Nancy HAMMOND, and William HUNT as they came of age;

!CENSUS:1820 x;

!CENSUS:1830 Washington Co, VA pg 261 Jonathan KING age 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Washington Co, VA pg 225 Jonathan KING age 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 * Washington Co, VA pg 162B # 1355
Jonathan KING, 58 (1791/92)
Nancy, 62 (1787/88)
* Too dim to read (online) * 
King, Jonathan (I10808)
1658 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 Washington Co, VA pg 748 w/William PEMBERTON age 45+ (bef 1765);

!NAMED:20 Oct 1814 Washington Co, VA. Will of William PEMBERTON, pr 20 Dec 1814. Witness: Thomas McCHESNEY, Stanton PEMBERTON, and Lazarus STEWARTand it was Wife Nancy and children Fanny LEADY, Betsy EARLY, and Nancy HAMMOND and
sons-in-laws Lazarus STEWART and Prestley HUNT. Pemberton's sons-in-law
Benjamin HAMMOND, Lazarus STEWART and Priestly HUNT (who married Sally
PEMBERTON) were to provide for the widow Nancy and at her death Hammond's
children were to get one-third of the plantation and Stewart and Hunt were
to have the other two thirds;

!WILL: 7 Oct 1818 Washington Co, VA. Will of Nancy PEMBERTON, pr 20 Oct 1818. Witness: Thomas CAWOOD. She appointed Jonathon KING and *Thomas MAJORS as executors and made requests to her daughters Fanny LEADY, Elizabeth EARLY, Polly STEWARD (one pewter dish and six pewter plates), Nancy HAMMOND and Sally HUNT; to her niece Nancy BLEVINS, wife of Russell BLEVINS; to Lazarus STEWARD $30; with the remainder to her grandchildren Nancy LEADY, Nancy STEWARD Nancy EARLY, Nancy HAMMOND, and William HUNT as they came of age; 
Nancy (I32575)
1659 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;


!NAMED:20 Oct 1814 Washington Co, VA. Will of William PEMBERTON, pr 20 Dec 1814. Witness: Thomas McCHESNEY, Stanton PEMBERTON, and Lazarus STEWARTand it was Wife Nancy and children Fanny LEADY, Betsy EARLY, and Nancy HAMMOND and
sons-in-laws Lazarus STEWART and Prestley HUNT. Pemberton's sons-in-law
Benjamin HAMMOND, Lazarus STEWART and Priestly HUNT (who married Sally
PEMBERTON) were to provide for the widow Nancy and at her death Hammond's
children were to get one-third of the plantation and Stewart and Hunt were
to have the other two thirds;

!NAMED: 7 Oct 1818 Washington Co, VA. Will of Nancy PEMBERTON, pr 20 Oct 1818. Witness: Thomas CAWOOD. She appointed Jonathon KING and *Thomas MAJORS as executors and made requests to her daughters Fanny LEADY, Elizabeth EARLY, Polly STEWARD (one pewter dish and six pewter plates), Nancy HAMMOND and Sally HUNT; to her niece Nancy BLEVINS, wife of Russell BLEVINS; to Lazarus STEWARD $30; with the remainder to her grandchildren Nancy LEADY, Nancy STEWARD Nancy EARLY, Nancy HAMMOND, and William HUNT as they came of age;

!CENSUS:1820 * Washington Co, VA pg 214 Sarah HUNT age 26-44 (1775/94)

!CENSUS:1830 * Washington Co., VA pg 256 Sarah Hunt age ?

!CENSUS:1850 * might not be her * Sullivan Co, TN 1st Division pg 108 # 1389/1389
John P. SMITH, 33 Shoemaker, VA
Frances, 31 VA
Wm, 7 TN
Ephraim, 5
Mariah, 3
John? 1
Sarah HUNT, 58 VA; 
Pemberton, Sarah (I10777)
1660 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;


!NAMED:20 Oct 1814 Washington Co, VA. Will of William PEMBERTON, pr 20 Dec 1814. Witness: Thomas McCHESNEY, Stanton PEMBERTON, and Lazarus STEWARTand it was Wife Nancy and children Fanny LEADY, Betsy EARLY, and Nancy HAMMOND and
sons-in-laws Lazarus STEWART and Prestley HUNT. Pemberton's sons-in-law
Benjamin HAMMOND, Lazarus STEWART and Priestly HUNT (who married Sally
PEMBERTON) were to provide for the widow Nancy and at her death Hammond's
children were to get one-third of the plantation and Stewart and Hunt were
to have the other two thirds;

!NAMED: 7 Oct 1818 Washington Co, VA. Will of Nancy PEMBERTON, pr 20 Oct 1818. Witness: Thomas CAWOOD. She appointed Jonathon KING and *Thomas MAJORS as executors and made requests to her daughters Fanny LEADY, Elizabeth EARLY, Polly STEWARD (one pewter dish and six pewter plates), Nancy HAMMOND and Sally HUNT; to her niece Nancy BLEVINS, wife of Russell BLEVINS; to Lazarus STEWARD $30; with the remainder to her grandchildren Nancy LEADY, Nancy STEWARD Nancy EARLY, Nancy HAMMOND, and William HUNT as they came of age; 
Pemberton, Frances (I10774)
1661 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;


!NAMED:20 Oct 1814 Washington Co, VA. Will of William PEMBERTON, pr 20 Dec 1814. Witness: Thomas McCHESNEY, Stanton PEMBERTON, and Lazarus STEWARTand it was Wife Nancy and children Fanny LEADY, Betsy EARLY, and Nancy HAMMOND and
sons-in-laws Lazarus STEWART and Prestley HUNT. Pemberton's sons-in-law
Benjamin HAMMOND, Lazarus STEWART and Priestly HUNT (who married Sally
PEMBERTON) were to provide for the widow Nancy and at her death Hammond's
children were to get one-third of the plantation and Stewart and Hunt were
to have the other two thirds;

!NAMED: 7 Oct 1818 Washington Co, VA. Will of Nancy PEMBERTON, pr 20 Oct 1818. Witness: Thomas CAWOOD. She appointed Jonathon KING and *Thomas MAJORS as executors and made requests to her daughters Fanny LEADY, Elizabeth EARLY, Polly STEWARD (one pewter dish and six pewter plates), Nancy HAMMOND and Sally HUNT; to her niece Nancy BLEVINS, wife of Russell BLEVINS; to Lazarus STEWARD $30; with the remainder to her grandchildren Nancy LEADY, Nancy STEWARD Nancy EARLY, Nancy HAMMOND, and William HUNT as they came of age;



!CENSUS:1850 Whitley Co., KY -
# 1/1 (This one is widow of Robert based on daughter's ages)
Elizabeth Earley, 63, $500, VA
Mary, 36 TN
Caroline, 34 KY
Eliza Jane, 26 KY
Frank May, 9
John Stanfield, 18 farmer

# 11/11 (this one must be widow of Joseph)
Elizabeth Earley, 67 VA; 
Pemberton, Elizabeth (I10773)
1662 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;


!NAMED:20 Oct 1814 Washington Co, VA. Will of William PEMBERTON, pr 20 Dec 1814. Witness: Thomas McCHESNEY, Stanton PEMBERTON, and Lazarus STEWARTand it was Wife Nancy and children Fanny LEADY, Betsy EARLY, and Nancy HAMMOND and
sons-in-laws Lazarus STEWART and Prestley HUNT. Pemberton's sons-in-law
Benjamin HAMMOND, Lazarus STEWART and Priestly HUNT (who married Sally
PEMBERTON) were to provide for the widow Nancy and at her death Hammond's
children were to get one-third of the plantation and Stewart and Hunt were
to have the other two thirds;

!NAMED: 7 Oct 1818 Washington Co, VA. Will of Nancy PEMBERTON, pr 20 Oct 1818. Witness: Thomas CAWOOD. She appointed Jonathon KING and *Thomas MAJORS as executors and made requests to her daughters Fanny LEADY, Elizabeth EARLY, Polly STEWARD (one pewter dish and six pewter plates), Nancy HAMMOND and Sally HUNT; to her niece Nancy BLEVINS, wife of Russell BLEVINS; to Lazarus STEWARD $30; with the remainder to her grandchildren Nancy LEADY, Nancy STEWARD Nancy EARLY, Nancy HAMMOND, and William HUNT as they came of age;

!CENSUS:1820 x;

!CENSUS:1830 Whitley Co, KY pg 275 w/Benjamin Hammon age age 40-49 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1840 Whitley Co., KY pg 6 w/Benjamin Hammon age 50-59 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1850 * Whitley Co., KY; 
Pemberton, Nancy (I10772)
1663 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;


!NAMED:20 Oct 1814 Washington Co, VA. Will of William PEMBERTON, pr 20 Dec 1814. Witness: Thomas McCHESNEY, Stanton PEMBERTON, and Lazarus STEWARTand it was Wife Nancy and children Fanny LEADY, Betsy EARLY, and Nancy HAMMOND and
sons-in-laws Lazarus STEWART and Prestley HUNT. Pemberton's sons-in-law
Benjamin HAMMOND, Lazarus STEWART and Priestly HUNT (who married Sally
PEMBERTON) were to provide for the widow Nancy and at her death Hammond's
children were to get one-third of the plantation and Stewart and Hunt were
to have the other two thirds;

!NAMED: 7 Oct 1818 Washington Co, VA. Will of Nancy PEMBERTON, pr 20 Oct 1818. Witness: Thomas CAWOOD. She appointed Jonathon KING and *Thomas MAJORS as executors and made requests to her daughters Fanny LEADY, Elizabeth EARLY, Polly STEWARD (one pewter dish and six pewter plates), Nancy HAMMOND and Sally HUNT; to her niece Nancy BLEVINS, wife of Russell BLEVINS; to Lazarus STEWARD $30; with the remainder to her grandchildren Nancy LEADY, Nancy STEWARD Nancy EARLY, Nancy HAMMOND, and William HUNT as they came of age;




Pemberton, Mary (I10768)
1664 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!NOTE:Marriage between James SMITH and Mary CAMPBELL dated 6 Oct 1806 in Carter Co, TN, might be different couple;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Carter Co, TN;

!CENSUS:1830 Carter Co, TN pg 15 James SMITH age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Carter Co, TN pg 173 James SMITH age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 Carter Co, TN pg 175B 4th Civil Dist # 26/26
James SMITH, 74, Farmer, NC m 1803
Elizabeth, 61
Rachael, 22 TN
Elizabeth REYNOLDS, 18; 
Smith, James (I260)
1665 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for most of VA;

!CENSUS:1810 Fauquier Co, VA pg 241 w/Peter GRANT age 45+ (bef 1765); 
Winn, Susanna (I85202)
1666 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

!CENSUS:1840 Jefferson Co, TN pg 320 James Hoskins age 60-69 (1770/80)
!CENSUS:1850 * Jefferson Co, TN *;

!CENSUS:1860 * Jefferson Co, TN *; 
Hoskins, James (I9443)
1667 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

Hoskins, George (I9275)
1668 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;
Hoskins, D Molley (I9442)
1669 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;
Hoskins, Elizabeth Nan (I9295)
1670 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;
Hoskins, Frances Coan (I9286)
1671 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA & TN;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern TN;

!CENSUS:1830 Jefferson Co, TN pg 342 William N. HOSKINS age 40-49 (1780/90) "1010001-001101";

!CENSUS:1840 Jefferson Co, TN pg 286 William N. Hoskins age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 * Jefferson Co, TN *;
!CENSUS:1860 * Carter Co, MO *; 
Hoskins, William N (I9278)
1672 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA and KY;

!CENSUS:1810 Montgomery Co, KY 362 w/Joseph HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1765); 
Jane (I19518)
1673 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!TAXLIST:1801 Rockingham Co., VA
East District
Whites 16+, Blacks 16+, 12-16, Horses
Jun 9, Mary Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1802 Rockingham Co., VA
East District
Whites 16+, Blacks 16+, 12-16, Horses
May 26, Mary Hensly 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLISTS:1803-1805 x
* She isn't listed in Rockingham;

!CENSUS:1810 Rockingham Co, VA pg 146 Mary HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1765) "01100-00101";

Mary (I98761)
1674 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Halifax & Pittsylvania Co, VA;

!CENSUS:1820 Pittsylvania Co, VA pg 49 Robert GEORGE age 16-25 (1794/1804) "000100-00100"; 
George, Robert (I5366)
1675 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Nottaway Co, VA pg 3 Isaac WINFREE age 26-44
(1765/84) "20110-31010"; 
Winfrey, Isaac (I93922)
1676 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 Caroline Co, VA pg 903 Lewis GEORGE age 26-44 (1765/84) "22021-14103-0-15";

!CENSUS:1820 Caroline Co, VA pg 167 Lewis GEORGE age 26-44 (1775/94) "100010-10110-0-29";

!PETITION:17 Dec 1821 Caroline Co, VA;

!CENSUS:1830 Caroline Co, VA pg 192 Lewis GEORGE age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Caroline Co, VA pg 89 Lewis George age 60-69 (1770/80)

"The history of the George family in Virginia dates back almost to the
beginning of the seventeenth century, when Henry George came over from
England in the good ship "Assurance". Lieutenant Col. John George, a son of
Henry George the immigrant, was granted a large tract of land on Bagley's
Creek in Isle of Wight County prior to 1640 and represented Isle of Wight in
the House of Burgesses in 1653. A grandson of Col. George, also named John,
married Ursula Dudley, a daughter of JOHN DUDLEY, of Middlesex and URSULA
BEVERLY. Ursula Beverly was the dau of Robert Beverly and Ursula Byrd, dau of
Col William Byrd of Westover.
John Dudley George, son of John George & Ursula Dudley, died at Williamsburg
about 1790, leaving a son, Lewis George, who was born in 1779. Lewis George
md Agnes Wilson and to this union were born three sons and two daughters.
Says John George, Srd. b 1704, d 1784. Children (first wife Mary Jordan) Reuben, John, James, Ann, Elizabeth, Sarah, Mary and two other daughters. (Second wife, Ursula Dudley) John Dudley, Catherine, Patsy.
John Dudley George d 1781 Williamsburg md Miss Lucy Dickinson, dau of David Dickinson. Children: Lewis George.
Lewis George md Agnes Wilson, dau of Zachariah Wilson & Catherine Pickett,
dau of John Pickett & Agnes Woolfold, dau of Robert Woolfolk and Anne George
(who was a dau of John George Sr. mentioned above) Children: Henry Hortensisu
Geore, Lewis Melville George, Oscar, Louisa and Virginia.
Henry H. George Sr., born a Fairford, Caroline Co., VA in 1824; died at
Thornberry, Caroline Co June 16, 1902; married Ellen Woolfolk Samuel, born
Oct 22, 1823; died Apr 20, 1905 at Thornberry; she was dau of Archibald
Samuel & Ann Woolfolk, dau of Paul Woolfolk and Sarah Terry. Children: Ellen
Maude, Archibald Samuel, Henry H. Jr., Lewis Dudley, and Catherine Wilson.
(Annie, Oscar, Ashby and Irene four children that died under ten years of
Children of Isaac George:
John George 1710 m Ursula Dudley. Robert George, 1715 m Clara Daniel in 1746.
James George, 1730 m Mary Swift in 1767. Enoch George of Staunton md ____
1767. Agatha George md George Payne of Goochland Co. Susanna George md G.
George, Lewis (I5083)
1677 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 Rockingham Co, VA pg 146 w/Mary HENSLEY age 16-25 (1784/94);

Hensley, Mary A (I98762)
1678 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;


!CENSUS:1820 Kanawha Co, VA (WV) pg 5 w/William HENSLEY Sr age 45+ (bef 1775);

Appleberry, Elizabeth (I97485)
1679 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;


!TAXLIST:1811 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 1 horse, 2 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1812 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 2 horses, 2 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1813 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 2 horses, 2 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1814 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 2 horses, 2 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1815 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 4 cattle, 5 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1816 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 2 horses, 2 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1817 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 2 horses, 2 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1818 Orange Co, VA Personal Property - Cyprus HENSLEY, 1 tithe, 2 horses, 2 blacks;

!TAXLIST:1819 * Not listed in Orange Co, VA;

!CENSUS:1820 Montgomery Co., TN p. 231
Cypress Hensley age 26-44 (1775/1794)
000010-31010, Slaves=0101-0000;

!CENSUS:1830 x 
Hensley, Cypress (I97724)
1680 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!MARRIAGE BOND:23 Feb 1808 Halifax Co, VA Jonadab George and Polly Hubbard;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Halifax/Pittsylvania;

!CENSUS:1820 x Can't find in KY or VA or elsewhere;

!CENSUS:1830 Russell Co, KY pg 110 Jonadab George age 40-49 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1840 Russell Co, KY pg 28 Jonadab George age 50-59 (1780/90)

!CENSUS:1850 * Not found anywhere; 
George, Jonadab (I36278)
1681 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!COURT:-- 1799 Caroline Co, VA Reuben GEORGE, decd, "all my children, namely Reuben, Molly, William, Byrd, Lucy, Oliver, John, Ann and Molly ROGERS";

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;
!CENSUS:1810 * Caroline Co, VA pg 41 w/John Oliver age 45+ (bef 1765)
!CENSUS:1810 * Caroline Co, VA pg 41 w/John Oliver age 45+ (bef 1765); 
George, Lucy (I5061)
1682 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!NAMED: 7 Feb 1797 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 190 pr 20
Feb 1797 John GRANT, wife Anne, 5 children: James GRANT, Sarah
GRANT, William GRANT, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary GRANT. Wife Anne and
Joshua STONE executors. S: John Grant. Wit: Zas LEWIS, Francis IRBY,
Lencey IRBY. David HUNT, security for Joshua STONE;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Pittsylvania Co, VA;

!NAMED: 9 Mar 1818 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 484 pr 16
Mar 1818 Rebecca MARLOW. Many names, no relationships stated:
William R. IRBY, Nathan CLEMENT (s/o Daniel), George CAMP Jr, Nancy
C. CAMP, Frances H. CAMP, James M. CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary
GRANT, Sarah GRANT, Anna GRANT, Patsy MUSTAIN, Widow, Amey IRBY,
Prudence IRBY, Mary CAMP, Mary ROBERTS, George CAMP Sr. Executor.
Witness: Francis CAMP, Nancy CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT;


Grant, Mary (I90558)
1683 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!NAMED: 7 Feb 1797 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 190 pr 20
Feb 1797 John GRANT, wife Anne, 5 children: James GRANT, Sarah
GRANT, William GRANT, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary GRANT. Wife Anne and
Joshua STONE executors. S: John Grant. Wit: Zas LEWIS, Francis IRBY,
Lencey IRBY. David HUNT, security for Joshua STONE;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Pittsylvania Co, VA;

!NAMED: 9 Mar 1818 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 484 pr 16
Mar 1818 Rebecca MARLOW. Many names, no relationships stated:
William R. IRBY, Nathan CLEMENT (s/o Daniel), George CAMP Jr, Nancy
C. CAMP, Frances H. CAMP, James M. CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary
GRANT, Sarah GRANT, Anna GRANT, Patsy MUSTAIN, Widow, Amey IRBY,
Prudence IRBY, Mary CAMP, Mary ROBERTS, George CAMP Sr. Executor.
Witness: Francis CAMP, Nancy CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT;


Grant, Sarah (I90554)
1684 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!NAMED: 7 Feb 1797 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 190 pr 20
Feb 1797 John GRANT, wife Anne, 5 children: James GRANT, Sarah
GRANT, William GRANT, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary GRANT. Wife Anne and
Joshua STONE executors. S: John Grant. Wit: Zas LEWIS, Francis IRBY,
Lencey IRBY. David HUNT, security for Joshua STONE;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Pittsylvania Co, VA;

!NAMED: 9 Mar 1818 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 484 pr 16
Mar 1818 Rebecca MARLOW. Many names, no relationships stated:
William R. IRBY, Nathan CLEMENT (s/o Daniel), George CAMP Jr, Nancy
C. CAMP, Frances H. CAMP, James M. CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary
GRANT, Sarah GRANT, Anna GRANT, Patsy MUSTAIN, Widow, Amey IRBY,
Prudence IRBY, Mary CAMP, Mary ROBERTS, George CAMP Sr. Executor.
Witness: Francis CAMP, Nancy CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT;


Grant, Elizabeth (I90552)
1685 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!NAMED: 7 Feb 1797 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 190 pr 20
Feb 1797 John GRANT, wife Anne, 5 children: James GRANT, Sarah
GRANT, William GRANT, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary GRANT. Wife Anne and
Joshua STONE executors. S: John Grant. Wit: Zas LEWIS, Francis IRBY,
Lencey IRBY. David HUNT, security for Joshua STONE;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Pittsylvania Co, VA;

!NAMED: 9 Mar 1818 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 484 pr 16
Mar 1818 Rebecca MARLOW. Many names, no relationships stated:
William R. IRBY, Nathan CLEMENT (s/o Daniel), George CAMP Jr, Nancy
C. CAMP, Frances H. CAMP, James M. CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary
GRANT, Sarah GRANT, Anna GRANT, Patsy MUSTAIN, Widow, Amey IRBY,
Prudence IRBY, Mary CAMP, Mary ROBERTS, George CAMP Sr. Executor.
Witness: Francis CAMP, Nancy CAMP, Elizabeth GRANT;

!CENSUS:1820 Pittsylvania Co., VA p. 75
Ann Grant age 45+ (bef 1775)

!CENSUS:1830 * Pittsylvania Co, VA pg 350 Ann GRANT *; 
Anne (I90370)
1686 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!NAMED: 7 Feb 1797 Pittsylvania Co, VA Wills 1767-1820 pg 190 pr 20
Feb 1797 John GRANT, wife Anne, 5 children: James GRANT, Sarah
GRANT, William GRANT, Elizabeth GRANT, Mary GRANT. Wife Anne and
Joshua STONE executors. S: John Grant. Wit: Zas LEWIS, Francis IRBY,
Lencey IRBY. David HUNT, security for Joshua STONE;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Pittsylvania Co, VA;

!CENSUS:1820 Pittsylvania Co., VA p. 75
James Grant age 26-44 (1775/94)
Grant, James (I90369)
1687 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!NOTE:From Laura S: Albemarle Co.VA deed book 12,page 310;Sept.4,1790;Samuel Hinsley and Wm.Hinsley of Albemarle Co.,Va.sell to James Atkinson for 100 pounds.-163 acres of both sides of Green Creek.(Signed;) Samuel Hensley,Libby Hensley,Wm.Hensley,Elizabeth Hensley..

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!CENSUS:1810 Albemarle Co, VA pg 6 Sibba HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1765)

!TAXLIST:1813 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 11, Sibbey Hensley, 0-0-1-1
Mar 11, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 11, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1814 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 1, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2
Mar 3, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-3
Mar 3, Savitha Hensley 0-0-0-1
Mar 3, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-0
Mar 9, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-7
Mar 9, Elijah Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 9, John Hensley 1-0-0-1; 
Sibba (I97498)
1688 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;

!PETITION:1798 formation of Tazewell Co, VA (from Russell and Wythe): ... Daniel HANSLEY, Robert HANSLEY, James HENSLEY, William HENSLEY ...;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;

!TAXLIST:1802 Tazewell Co, VA Daniel HENSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1807 Kanawha Co., VA (WV)
John Wilson's District, Upper End
- No Hensleys
William C. Wilson's
White Tithes, Blacks 12-16, Blacks 16+, Horses
Robert Hensley 1-0-0-3
James Hensley 1-0-0-2
Daniel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!DEED:-- --- 1808 Tazewell Co, VA 1-398 (from Laura S files) James PEERY and Pheby his wife to Daniel HENSLEY of Kanawa Co, VA;

!TAXLIST:1809 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 20, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-3
Apr 21, Daniel Hensley 1-0-0-1
Apr 21, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
Apr 22, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!CENSUS:1810 Floyd Co, KY pg 99 Daniel HENSLEY age 26-44 (1765/84) "10010-20010";

!TAXLIST:1814 Tazewell Co, VA Daniel HENSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1815 Cabell Co., VA
May 11, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-2
Apr 5, Stephen Hensley 1-0-0-8
Mar 22, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-2
Apr 19, Daniel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!TAXLIST:1816 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 27, Daniel Hensley 1-1-1
Mar 27, Robert Hensley 1-0-1
Mar 27, Stephen Hensley 1-0-5
Apr 23, Solomon Hensley 1-0-2
Apr 26, Samuel Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1817 Cabell Co., VA
Apr 4, Solomon Hensley 1-0-3
Apr 6, Samuel Hensley 1-1-1
Apr 21, Stephen Hensley 1-0-3
Apr 21, Daniel Hensley 1-1-1
Apr 21, Robert Hensley 1-0-2;

!TAXLIST:1818 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 7, William Hensley 1-0-0-4
Mar 7, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 7, Stephen Hensley 1-0-1-5
Mar 8, Elijah Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 8, Daniel Hensley 1-0-1-1
Mar 8, Solomon Hensley 1-0-0-4
Mar 25, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-2
May 12, Solomom Hensley 1-0-0-4 * Marked out, as it was a duplicate;

!TAXLIST:1819 Cabell Co., VA
Mar --, Solomon Hensley 1-0-03
Mar 18, Daniel Hensley 1-0-1-1
Mar 18, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 11, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-1
May 11, Samuel Hensley 1-0-0-1;

!CENSUS:1820 Cabell Co, VA (WV) pg 85 David (sic) HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1775) "000001-52011";

!TAXLIST:1820 Cabell Co., VA
Mar 28, Joseph Hensley 1-0-0-1
Mar 28, Sollomon Hensley 1-0-0-3
Apr 10, William Hensley 1-0-0-3
Apr 11, Robert Hensley 1-0-0-1
Apr 11, Daniel Hensley 1-0-1-1
May 5, Samuel Hensley 1-1-0-1;

!CENSUS:1830 Lawrence Co, KY pg 291 Daniel HENSLEY age 50-59 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1840 Logan Co, VA (WV) pg 81 Daniel HENSLEY age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 Logan Co., VA PHF 159-557-557 Dist. No. 32
Daniel Hensly 76 M W Farmer 600 Virginia
Jemimy 66 F W “
Elizabeth 24 F W “

!CENSUS:1860 x 
Hensley, Daniel (I40835)
1689 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;
!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;
!CENSUS:1810 Caroline Co, VA pg 893 w/John Brown age 10-15 (1794/1800);

!CENSUS:1820 Caroline Co, VA pg 157 w/Martha Brown age 16-25 (1794/1804);

!CENSUS:1830 Henrico Co, VA pg 334 w/John Hutcheson age 30-39 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1840 Henrico Co, VA pg 234 w/John Hutcheson age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 Henrico Co, VA pg 471 # 387/387
John Hutcheson, 53, Brickmaker, VA
Brown, Mary Dudley (I52575)
1690 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;
!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;
!CENSUS:1810 Caroline Co, VA pg 893 w/John Brown age 16-25 (1784/94);

!CENSUS:1820 * Caroline Co, VA pg x John Brown age 26-44 (1775/94) "000010-11010" 6 slaves;

!CENSUS:1830 Hanover Co, VA pg 221 John D. G. Brown age 40-49 (1780/90)
"2014101-100001" 18 slaves;

!CENSUS:1840 Hanover Co, VA pg 117 John D. G. Brown age 50-59 (1780/90)
"10211001-0210001" 14 slaves;

!CENSUS:1850 Hanover Co, VA pg 347 West District # 106/106
John D. G. Brown, 61 Farmer, $ 3500 VA
Harriet, 49
John S. 24
Lavinia, 17
George G. 13
Booth Brown, 65 Farmer, $1500 VA;

!CENSUS:1860 Hanover Co, VA pg 419 Upper Revenue District # 1/1
John D. G. Brown, 70 farmer, VA
Harriet L. 60
John L. 34 farmer
J. Booth, 32 teacher
G. Guilford, 23 teacher 
Brown, John Dudley George (I5345)
1691 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for VA;
!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for VA;
!CENSUS:1810 Caroline Co, VA pg 893 w/John Brown age 16-25 (1784/94);

!CENSUS:1820 Henrico Co, VA pg 225 w/Ambrose Hutcheson age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Henrico Co, VA pg 303 w/Ambrose Hutcheson age 20-29 (1800/10);

!CENSUS:1840 Henrico Co, VA pg 266 w/Ambrose Hutcheson age 40-49 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1850 * Henrico Co, VA pg 546 # 625/651 *; 
Brown, Mildred Woolfolk (I5346)
1692 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia & Tennessee;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia & Tennessee;

!TAXLIST:1806 Knox Co., TN
Capt. Haislet's Co.
..George W. Hensley, 1 poll, 0a
Capt. Tipton's Co.
..Francis Casteel, 40 a 1 lot
..Abednigo Casteel Jr, 100a 1 poll
..Abednigo Casteel, 150 a
..Meshack Casteel, 50a 1 poll
..Shadrack Casteel, 150a 1 poll;

!MARRIAGE:26 Apr 1808 Knox Co, TN to Abednigo CASTELL to Agnes HENSLEY, Daniel CASTEEL, bm;

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for Eastern Tennessee;

!COURT: 8 Sep 18_ (1815/19) Scott Co, VA Abednigo CASTEEL and Agnes, his wife, et al, heirs of Larkin HENSLEY;

!COURT:Feb T, 1819 Scott Co, VA Court 1-385, In Chancery. HENSLEY, Sarah, Abednego CASTEEL and Agness, his wife, Daniel CASTEEL and Rhoda, his wife, Susannah HENSLEY, Polly HENSLEY, Catherine HENSLEY, Samuel HENSLEY, Nancy HENSLEY, Ichabod C. HENSLEY, and Thomas HENSLEY, Complts. vs. Polly BENHAM, widow of William BENHAM, deceased. John, Samuel, Catherine, Joel, Sampson, Isaac BENHAM, heirs of said William BENHAM, deceased. & Elizabeth GODSEY, widow of Gilbert GODSEY, deceased, Abraham, Jane, Sarah & Elizabeth, heirs of said Gilbert GODSEY, deceased. Catherine JOHNSTON, widow of Thomas JOHNSTON, deceased and Jane JOHNSTON, his heir at law. Defts. Rule awarded against said defts to give security and as to nature of said cause;

!CENSUS:1820 * Lost for Eastern Tennessee;

!CENSUS:1830 Knox Co., TN p. 359
Abednego Casteel age 40-49 (1780/90)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 40-49 (1780/1790) Abednego Casteel (c1780/90)
1m 20-29 (1800/1810) Abraham Casteel (c1800/10) son
2m 15-19 (1810/1815) 1. James M. Casteel (1812) son
.................... 2. Benjamin Casteel (c1818) son
1m 10-14 (1815/1820) George W. Casteel (c1820) son
1f 40-49 (1780/1790) Agnes Hensley Casteel (1780/90) wife
1f 20-29 (1800/1810) Daughter?
3f 5-9 (1820/1825).. 1. Hazy Casteel (c1824) daughter
.................... 2. Amanda J. Casteel (c1826) daughter
.................... 3. Eliza Casteel (c1828) daughter
1f 0-4 (1825/1830).. Mary Casteel (c1829) daughter;

!CENSUS:1840 Blount Co., TN p. 96
Abendnigo Casteel age 50-59 (1780/90)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 50-59 (1780/1790) Abednego Casteel (c1780/90)
1m 20-29 (1810/1820) George W. Casteel (c1820) son
1f 40-49 (1790/1800) Agnes Hensley Casteel (1780/90) wife
1f 20-29 (1810/1820) Hazy Casteel (c1824) daughter* Not a great fit.
1f 15-19 (1820/1825) Amanda J. Casteel (c1826) daughter
2f 10-14 (1825/1830) 1. Eliza Casteel (c1828) daughter
.................... 2. Mary Casteel (c1829) daughter
1f 5-9 (1830/1835).. Adeline Casteel (c1831) daughter; 
Casteel, Abednego (I5214)
1693 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;

!CENSUS:1810 Washington Co, VA pg 224 w/Fielding HENSLEY, age 26-44 (1766/84);

!CENSUS:1820 Scott Co, VA pg 192 w/Fielding HENSLEY, age 26-44 (1776/1794);

!CENSUS:1830 Scott Co, VA pg 14 w/Fielding HENSLEY age 50-59 (1770/80);

!NAMED:23 Jan 1838 in Revolutionary Pension Application of Ankey GODSEY, widow of William GODSEY: Scott Co, VA, Nancy HENSLEY appeared before Zachariah HENSLEY a justice of the peace and said she heard her late husband Fielding HENSLEY decd speak of his service in the Revolution and of being at the taking of CORNWALLIS and thinks she heard him say that Wm GODSEY was also at the taking of CORNWALLIS but knows for sure that GODSEY was in Revolution. Nancy was raised in Buckingham Co VA from which county GODSEY went into service and that 10 or 15 years ago GODSEY called on her late husband to prove his services for a pension and that her husband did prove his services.Nancy signed with mark. 3 Mar 1838.

!CENSUS:1840 Scott Co, VA pg 279 Nancy HENSLEY age 60-69 (1770/80)

!CENSUS:1850 Scott Co, VA PHF 366B-228-228 Western District
Nancy Hensley 68 F 300 Va
Nathaniel 50 M Farmer Va
Mahala 30 F Va
Lavenia F. 6 F Va
Joseph N. 5 M Va 
Cornett, Nancy (I54582)
1694 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;



!CENSUS:1830 Saline Co., MO *

!CENSUS:1840 Saline Co., MO *

!CENSUS:1850 Carroll Co., MO Distict No 15 # 741/741
Burton Godsey 66 Stone Mason $- VA
Sarah 66 VA
* Other Godseys nearby, probably their sons; 
Godsey, Burton (I19473)
1695 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;


!WAR OF 1812:Washington Co, VA SC-14350 Served Cpt Willie Jones Co, VA Militia;

!COURT:Dec 1816 Scott Co., VA MB 1 Nathan Livingston recommended to Gov. to be Capt of Militia of the south battalion and Zachariah Hensley for Ensign;

!TAXLIST:1817 Scott Co, VA Zacaariah HENSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1818 Scott Co, VA Zachariah HENSLEY;

!MARRIAGE: 5 Mar 1818 Scott Co., VA Zachariah Hensley and Jane Mage by James Gibson;

!TAXLIST:1819 Scott Co, VA Zachariah HENSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1820 Scott Co, VA Zachariah HENSLEY;

!CENSUS:1820 Scott Co, VA pg 192 Zechariah HENSLEY age 26-44 (1775/94)

!TAXLIST:1821 Scott Co, VA Zachariah HENSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1822 Scott Co, VA Zachariah HENSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1823 Scott Co, VA Zachariah HENSLEY;

!TAXLIST:1825 Scott Co, VA Zachariah HENSLEY;

!GRANT: 9 Feb 1829 VA Grants 78-73 Washington Co, VA to Zachariah HENSLEY, 28a on the North Fork Holston River;

!CENSUS:1830 Scott Co, VA p 14 Zachariah HENSLEY 30-39 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1840 Scott Co, VA p 287 Zachariah HENSLEY 40-49 (1790/1800)

!CENSUS:1850 Scott Co, VA PHF 400B-674-674 Western District
Zach. Hensley 56 M Farmer 600 Va
Jane 56 F Va
Elizabeth 30 F Va
Mary A. 28 F Va
John A. 25 M Do Va
Nancy 17 F Va
Joseph 16 M Do Va
Jane 14 F Va
Margaret 6 F Va
Barbara 37 F Va

!CENSUS:1860 1860 MORGAN CO, KY Page 389B House/Family # 415/ 415 -- 2ND DIVISION Twp WEST LIBERTY P.O.
HENSLY ZACHARIAH 64 M W FARMER 180 832 VA 1795/1796
HENSLY JANE 64 F W VA 1795/1796
HENSLY MARY A 38 F W VA 1821/1822

!CENSUS:1870 WOLFE CO., KY Page 400 House/Family # 16/ 16--PRECINCT NO 1 Twp HAZLE GREEN P.O.
HENSLEY ZACHARIAH 76 M W FARMER 600 600 VA 1793/1794
RICE NANCY 38 F W VA 1831/1832 
Hensley, Zachariah (I19410)
1696 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1806 Washington Co, VA Personal Property Tax List -
Gilbert GODSEY, 1 tithe, 0 horses, 0 slaves;

!TAXLIST:1809 Washington Co, VA Personal Property Tax List -
Gilbert GODSEY, 1 tithe, 1 horses, 0 slaves;

!CENSUS:1810 * Nicholas Co, KY Gilbert GODSEY *;

DECEASED: 8 Sep 181_ Scott Co, VA as wife Elizabeth listed as widow;
COURT:Feb T, 1819 Scott Co, VA Court 1-385, In Chancery.
HENSLEY, Sarah, Abednego CASTEEL and Agness, his wife, Daniel CASTEEL and
Rhoda, his wife, Susannah HENSLEY, Polly HENSLEY, Catherine HENSLEY,
Samuel HENSLEY, Nancy HENSLEY, Ichabod C. HENSLEY, and Thomas HENSLEY,
Complts. vs.
Polly BENHAM, widow of William BENHAM, deceased. John, Samuel, Catherine,
Joel, Sampson, Isaac BENHAM, heirs of said William BENHAM, deceased. &
Elizabeth GODSEY, widow of Gilbert GODSEY, deceased, Abraham, Jane, Sarah
& Elizabeth, heirs of said Gilbert GODSEY, deceased. Catherine JOHNSTON,
widow of Thomas JOHNSTON, deceased and Jane JOHNSTON, his heir at law.
Rule awarded against said defts to give security and as to nature of said

!NOTE:This person has a webstie with Gilbert GODSEY, listing him as son of William GODSEY and Agness HENSLEY, but no documentation offered. ALso lists GIlberts wife Elizabeth as a HARTSOCK, born 27 Nov 1783 d/o Samuel & Elizabeth (Hamm) Hartsock, again, no documentation:
OXFORD, MI 48370
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April 4, 2001; 
Godsey, Gilbert (I19405)
1697 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1797 Washington Co, VA Gavin HEAD, 1 Poll;

!CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;

!TAXLIST:1806 Washington Co, VA Gavins HEAD, 1 Whites, 0 Blacks over 16, 0
blacks under 16, 2 horses;

!CENSUS:1810 Washington Co, VA pg 234 Gavin HEAD, age 26-44 (1765/84);

!CENSUS:1820 x lost for MO;

!CENSUS:1830 Boone Co, MO pg 93 Gaven HEAD age 50-59 (1770/80) "01211001-10120001";

!CENSUS:1840 * Apparently deceased, as Catherine HEAD was head of household; 
Head, Gavin (I19501)
1698 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;

TAXLIST:1797 Washington Co, VA William BENHAM, 1 Poll;

CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;

CENSUS:1810 Washington Co, VA pg 228 William BENHAM age 26-44 (1765/84) "41010-10010";

!COURT:12 Mar 1818 Scott Co, VA Minute Book 1. Ordered Andrew McHenry be appointed guardian ad litem for John, Samuel, Catherine, Isaac, Sampson and Joel BENHAM, infants under 21 and heirs of William Benham, deceased, in a suit of chancery now reposing in this court and Sarah Hensley and other plaintiffs against Polly Benham and other defendants;

COURT:Feb T, 1819 Scott Co, VA Court 1-385, In Chancery.
HENSLEY, Sarah, Abednego CASTEEL and Agness, his wife, Daniel CASTEEL and
Rhoda, his wife, Susannah HENSLEY, Polly HENSLEY, Catherine HENSLEY,
Samuel HENSLEY, Nancy HENSLEY, Ichabod C. HENSLEY, and Thomas HENSLEY,
Complts. vs.
Polly BENHAM, widow of William BENHAM, deceased. John, Samuel, Catherine,
Joel, Sampson, Isaac BENHAM, heirs of said William BENHAM, deceased. &
Elizabeth GODSEY, widow of Gilbert GODSEY, deceased, Abraham, Jane, Sarah
& Elizabeth, heirs of said Gilbert GODSEY, deceased. Catherine JOHNSTON,
widow of Thomas JOHNSTON, deceased and Jane JOHNSTON, his heir at law.
Rule awarded against said defts to give security and as to nature of said
Benham, William (I19398)
1699 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;
CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;
COURT: 8 Sep 181_ Scott Co, VA Abraham GODSEY, heir of Gilbert GODSEY, decd,
not a resident of Virginia vs. Heirs of Larkin HENSLEY, decd;
COURT:Feb T, 1819 Scott Co, VA Court 1-385, In Chancery.
HENSLEY, Sarah, Abednego CASTEEL and Agness, his wife, Daniel CASTEEL and
Rhoda, his wife, Susannah HENSLEY, Polly HENSLEY, Catherine HENSLEY,
Samuel HENSLEY, Nancy HENSLEY, Ichabod C. HENSLEY, and Thomas HENSLEY,
Complts. vs.
Polly BENHAM, widow of William BENHAM, deceased. John, Samuel, Catherine,
Joel, Sampson, Isaac BENHAM, heirs of said William BENHAM, deceased. &
Elizabeth GODSEY, widow of Gilbert GODSEY, deceased, Abraham, Jane, Sarah
& Elizabeth, heirs of said Gilbert GODSEY, deceased. Catherine JOHNSTON,
widow of Thomas JOHNSTON, deceased and Jane JOHNSTON, his heir at law.
Rule awarded against said defts to give security and as to nature of said

!CENSUS:1840 * Monroe Co, IN pg 84 Abraham GODSEY *;

!CENSUS:1850 * Don't know for sure that this is same person, but:
Monroe Co, IN Marion pg 287 # 882/882
Abram GODSEY, 43 VA
Mary, 33 VA
Joseph, 10 IN
Isaac, 7
Abram, 4
Marion (m) 9/12
Eliza DAVIS, 19, Unknown birthplace; 
Godsey, Abraham (I19508)
1700 !CENSUS:1790 * Lost for Virginia;
CENSUS:1800 * Lost for Virginia;
COURT: 8 Sep 181_ Scott Co, VA Elizabeth GODSEY, heir of Gilbert GODSEY, decd,
not a resident of Virginia vs. Heirs of Larkin HENSLEY, decd;
COURT:Feb T, 1819 Scott Co, VA Court 1-385, In Chancery.
HENSLEY, Sarah, Abednego CASTEEL and Agness, his wife, Daniel CASTEEL and
Rhoda, his wife, Susannah HENSLEY, Polly HENSLEY, Catherine HENSLEY,
Samuel HENSLEY, Nancy HENSLEY, Ichabod C. HENSLEY, and Thomas HENSLEY,
Complts. vs.
Polly BENHAM, widow of William BENHAM, deceased. John, Samuel, Catherine,
Joel, Sampson, Isaac BENHAM, heirs of said William BENHAM, deceased. &
Elizabeth GODSEY, widow of Gilbert GODSEY, deceased, Abraham, Jane, Sarah
& Elizabeth, heirs of said Gilbert GODSEY, deceased. Catherine JOHNSTON,
widow of Thomas JOHNSTON, deceased and Jane JOHNSTON, his heir at law.
Rule awarded against said defts to give security and as to nature of said
Godsey, Elizabeth (I19511)

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