Marty and Karla Grant (TNG)



Matches 1,751 to 1,800 of 83,474

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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1751 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/David BAKER no ages (bef 1790); Webb, Mary (I56083)
1752 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr age 16+ (bef 1774);
Moore, John (I95038)
1753 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr no ages (bef 1790);


!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co, NC pg 128 w/Jesse MOORE age 45+ (bef 1765);

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 99 w/Jesse MOORE Sr age 45+ (bef 1775); 
Johnson, Alley (I88644)
1754 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr no ages (bef 1790);
Moore, Alley (I95039)
1755 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr no ages (bef 1790);
Moore, Biddie (I90201)
1756 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr no ages (bef 1790);
Moore, Rebecca (I90200)
1757 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr no ages (bef 1790);
Moore, Betsy (I90199)
1758 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr no ages (bef 1790);
Moore, Judith (I90198)
1759 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 107 w/Jesse MOORE Sr no ages (bef 1790);
Moore, Nancy (I90061)
1760 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 108 w/Isaac GRANT no ages (bef 1790);




!CENSUS:1830 Jefferson Co, TN pg 328 w/Isaac GRANT age 60-69 (1760/70);

!CENSUS:1840 Jefferson Co, TN pg 293 w/Isaac GRANT Sr age 70-79 (1760/70);

Elizabeth (I83379)
1761 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 John MOORE age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-0-3-0-0";

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 179 John MOORE age 26-44 (1755/74)

!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 122 John MOORE Sr age 45+ (bef 1765)

!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 360 John MOORE, C. Creek age 45+ (bef 1775)
Moore, John (I25711)
1762 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 w/Ben HENSLY no ages (bef 1790);




!CENSUS:1830 Hawkins Co, TN pg 46 Betsy HENSLEY age 90-99 (1730/40)

Elizabeth (I37385)
1763 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 w/John MOORE no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 179 w/John MOORE age 10-15 (1784/90);





Moore, Armenella Oats (I25713)
1764 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 w/John MOORE no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 179 w/John MOORE age 26-44 (1755/74);

!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 122 w/John MOORE Sr age 45+ (bef 1765);

!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 360 w/John MOORE, C. Creek age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 458 Jane MOORE age 60-69 (1760/70)

!CENSUS:1840 * Macon Co, NC pg 161 w/Mary MOORE age 60-69 (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1850 Macon Co, NC Tennessee Valley pg 334 # 255/261
Jane MOORE, 85 SC
Polly, 40 Burke Co, NC; 
Patton, Jane (I25712)
1765 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 w/John MOORE no ages (bef 1790);

CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 179 w/John MOORE age 10-15 (1784/90);

!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 122 w/John MOORE Sr age 16-25 (1784/94);

!MARRIAGE: 6 Dec 1812 Rutherford Co, NC Silas R. MELTON & Margaret MOORE, James MOORE, bm;

!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 359 w/Silas MELTON age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Rutherford Co, NC pg 460 w/Silas MELTON age 40-49 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1840 Rutherford Co, NC pg 271 w/Silas MELTON age 50-59 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1850 McMinn Co, TN pg 323 # 1336/1394
Silas MELTON, 59 NC
Margaret, 61
Amy, 18; 
Moore, Margaret Erwin (I25714)
1766 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 w/William GRAHAM no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 170 w/William GRAHAM age 45+ (bef 1755);





? (I83136)
1767 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 w/William WISEMAN no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Burke Co, NC pg 803 w/William WISEMAN age 26-44 (1755/74);

!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co, NC pg 114 w/William WISEMAN Sr age 45+ (bef 1765);

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 61 w/William WISEMAN age 45+ (bef 1775); 
Bedford, Lydia (I10025)
1768 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 109 William WISEMAN age 16+ (bef 1774) "4-4-5-0-0";

!CENSUS:1800 Burke Co, NC pg 803 William WISEMAN age 26-44 (1755/74) "10010-10110";

!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co, NC pg 114 William WISEMAN Sr age 45+ (bef 1765) "21001-20001";

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 61 William WISEMAN age 45+ (bef 1775) "111101-11101"; 
Wiseman, William (I10026)
1769 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 Jane PATTERSON no ages (bef 1790) "0-1-2-0-0";


!DEED:10 Mar 1808 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 13-144 Joseph DOBSON to Jane PATTERSON, 150a Jacks Creek;


!DEED:13 Sep 1813 Buncombe Co, NC Deeds 13-143 William McDOWELL to Jane PATTERSON, 400a Jacks Creek. 
Jane (I90270)
1770 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 John RENFREN age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-2-8-0-0";

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 186 John RENTFOE age 45+ (bef 1755) "11101-21001"; 
Rentfrow, John (I37208)
1771 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 Samuel MACAY age 16+ (bef 1774) "2-1-6-0-0";


!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co, NC pg 121 Samuel MACKEY age 45+ (bef 1765) "01001-00201";

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 25 Samuel McKEY age 45+ (bef 1775) "100001-00011";

!CENSUS:1830 Burke Co, NC pg 161 Samuel McKAY age 90-99 (1730/1740) "000000000001-0001001";

!NOTES:Estate file in Burke mentions Will (now lost).
Heirs named in petition. Michael Trout almost always listed clearly as Michael Grant; 
McKey, Samuel (I88485)
1772 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/Henry HENSLY age -16 (1774/90);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 Washington HENSLEY age 16-25 (1774/84) "10100-00100";

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 254 Washington HENSLY age 26-44 (1765/84) "31010-11010";

!CENSUS:1820 * Wayne Co, TN pg 329 Washington HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1775) "110201-31010";

!CENSUS:1830 * Several possibles found:
George HENSLEY age 40-49 (1780/90) in Jackson Co, TN.
George HENSLEY age 40-49 (1780/90) in Montgomery Co, KY x not him
George HENSLEY age 40-49 (1780/90) in Greenup Co, KY x not him


Hensley, Washington (I37370)
1773 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/Hickman HENSLY age -16 (1774/90);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 w/Hickman HENSLEY age 10-15 (1784/90);

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN, * Not found in NC;

!CENSUS:1820 Maury Co, TN pg x William HENSLEY age 26-44 (1775/94) "120010-30010";

!CENSUS:1830 Maury Co, TN 374 William HENSELEY age 40-49 (1780/90) "2001101-0201001";

!CENSUS:1840 Maury Co, TN 352 William HENSLEY age 50-59 (1780/90) "00020001-000000001";

!CENSUS:1850 Lewis Co, TN pg 783 # 40 William HENSLEY, 65 (1784/85) born NC, residing with Abel HENSLEY, 28 (son?);

!COURT:Apr 1851 Lewis Co, TN William HENSLEY Sr, Jury Duty;

!CENSUS:1860 Lewis Co, TN 39-521 William HENSLEY, 77 (1782/83);

!CENSUS:1870 Lewis Co, TN 6th District pg 132 # 60/60
John M. SHARP, 63 TN
Nancy, 59 TN
Fountain P. 23
Margy A., 20
William HENSLEY, 86, Invalid, TN
James JOHNSTON, 14; 
Hensley, William (I37221)
1774 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/Hickman HENSLY age -16 (1774/90);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 w/Hickman HENSLEY age 10-15 (1784/90);


!CENSUS:1820 Wayne Co, TN pg 327 Samuel HENSLEY age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Hickman Co, TN pg 254 Samuel HENSLEY age 40-49 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1840 Hickman Co, TN pg 172 Samuel HENSLEY age 50-59 (1780/90);

!CENSUS:1850 * Effingham Co, IL Samuel HENSLEY, 70 (1779/80) born NC *; 
Hensley, Samuel (I37218)
1775 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/James HENSLY age -16 (1774/1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 w/James HENSLEY age 16-25 (1774/84);

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 79 Berrey HENSLY age 26-44 (1765/84) "10010-20100";

!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 100 Berry HENSLEY age 26-44 (1775/94) "310010-62021";

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 288 Berry HENSELY age 40-49 (1780/90) "3010101-02222020001";

!DEED: 7 Apr 1831 Yancey Co, NC Deeds 1-3 John Gray BLOUNT of Beaufort Co to Berry HENSLEY of Buncombe Co, for $8, 25a both sides Cainy River, west side of Pine Swamp branch. Wit: Thomas GARDNER, Dillard LOVE;

!DEED: 3 May 1832 Yancey Co, NC Deeds 1-4 James H. POTEETE to Berry HENSLEY, $150, 199a waters of Cainy River, James HENSLEY's old corner. Wit: D. ANGEL;

!DEED: 8 May 1837 Yancey Co, NC Deeds 1-233 Thomas WILSON, Esqr, Sheriff of Yancey to Thomas GARDNER of same, by exec from Superior Court of Burke Fall term 1836 against James B. HENSLY, Berry HENSLEY and John BAILY for $408.53, land in Yancey County, 100a, also 1 other tract 75a beg on E side Ales Creek. Wit: Joseph SHEPHERD Jr, James J. GARDNER;

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 270 Bery HENSLEY age 50-59 (1780/90) "00301001-00022001";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co., NC # 960/1004,1005,1006 (three families, same house)
# 960/1004
Berry Hensley 67 Farmer $130 NC
John W. 20 Laborer
James B. 15
Elizabeth 63 VA
Susannah 41 NC
# 960/1005
Jemimah Hensley 27 NC
Hester J. 8
# 960/1006
Blanchey Hensley 23
William 6;

!CENSUS:1860 Yancey Co., NC Paint Gap PO # 64/64
Berry Hensley 77 Farmer $720/100 NC
Elizabeth 74 VA
Susan 51 NC
Gemima 44;

!CENSUS:1870 Yancey Co., NC Cainey River, Balel Creek PO # 79/79
A. J. Hensley 22 Farmer $-/- NC
Margaret E. 22
William R. 6/12 Jan.
Berry Hensley 86;

!CENSUS:1880 x 
Hensley, Berry (I37369)
1776 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/James HENSLY no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 w/James HENSLEY age 10-14 (1784/90);

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 256 w/Jesse SPROUSE age 26-44 (1765/84);

!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 96 w/Jesse SPROUSE age 45+ (bef 1775);

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 288 w/Jesse SPROUSE age 50-59 (1770/80);

!DEED: 3 Apr 1837 Yancey Co, NC Deeds 1-216 Jesse SPROUSE and his wife Milly SPROUSE, formerly Milly HENSLEY of Yancey Co, being heir of James HENSLEY, decd, to Thomas GARDNER of Yancey for $10, the 1/3 part 2 tracts in Yancey Co, formerly Buncombe on waters of Cainey River both sides of Aylers Creek. 1) 100a 2) 70a above where Berry HENSLEY now lives ... wit: Thomas WILSON, Sally HENSLEY. Milly SPROUSE examined sep and apart ...;

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 285 w/Jesse SPROUSE age 60-69 (1770/80); 
Hensley, Milly (I37592)
1777 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/James HENSLY no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 w/James HENSLEY age 0-9 (1790/1800);

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 256 w/James HENSLEY age 16-25 (1784/94);

!CENSUS:1820 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 100 w/Berry HENSLEY age 26-44 (1775/94);

!CENSUS:1830 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 288 w/Berry HENSLEY age 40-49 (1780/90);

!DEED: 3 Apr 1837 Yancey Co, NC Deeds 1-216 Sebey HENSLEY of Yancey Co, being heir of James HENSLEY, decd, to Thomas GARDNER of Yancey for $25, the 1/3 part 2 tracts in Yancey Co, formerly Buncombe on waters of Cainey River both sides of Aylers Creek adj George WILSON, sd GARDNER, Joseph & Thomas RAY, 1) 100a, 2) 70a above where Berry HENSLEY now lives ... Wit: Thomas WILSON, J. GARDNER;

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 257 Sibbe HENSLEY age 50-59 (1780/90) "0-00001001";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 28 Sibba HENSLEY, 60 (1789/90) born NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Yancey Co, NC pg 772 Sibey HENSLEY, 72 (1787/88) born NC; 
Hensley, Sibba (I37375)
1778 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/James HENSLY no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 w/James HENSLEY age 45+ (bef 1755);

? (I37591)
1779 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/Jane PATTERSON age -16 (1774/90);


!DEED:10 Mar 1808 Yancey Co, NC Deed Book 1-395 Joseph Dobson of Burke to Robert Patterson of Buncombe for $150, land on Jacks Creek and Sames Branch, Robesons corner, John Hughes old line, Edwards line, including Joshua Wiles improvements on Sames Branch. Witness John SAMS, Nancy YOUNG;

!CENSUS:1810 Buncombe Co, NC pg 250 Robert PATTERSON age 16-25 (1784/94);

!CENSUS:1820 Buncombe Co, NC pg 104 Robert PATTERSON age 26-44 (1774/94);

!CENSUS:1830 Buncombe Co, NC pg 283 Robert PATTERSON age 40-49 (1780/90);

!VOTER LIST:1835 Yancey Co, NC Typtons Precinct Robert PATTERSON;

!CENSUS:1840 Yancey Co, NC pg 265 Robert PATTERSON age 50-59 (1780/90) "01001001-1002001";

!CENSUS:1850 Yancey Co, NC # 209 Robert PATTERSON, 60 (1789/90) born TN;


!NOTE:Query from Old Tryon Co, GS Vol 9, # 1, Feb 1981 Mrs. Juanita WIlburn, 50 Whatcom, Yakima, WA 98903. "Reserching G.G.G.F James W. PATTERSON b 1817 Yancy Co, NC m Levincy ROBERTS, son of Robet PATTERSON (1789) and Catherine ___? Robert & Catherine had 10 children, some of who were Jehu, William, James W., Nancy J., Ruben, and Malinda"; 
Patterson, Robert (I92762)
1780 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/John MACKY age -16 (1774/90); Mackey, Thomas Jefferson (I28152)
1781 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/John MACKY age -16 (1774/90); Mackey, William (I28151)
1782 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/John MACKY age 16+ (bef 1774);

!CENSUS:1800 Burke Co, NC pg 776 John MACKEY age 26-44 (1755/74) "21010-10100"; 
Mackey, John (I28150)
1783 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/John MACKY age 16+ (bef 1774);

!NOTE:Ca 1805 from NC to Rutherford Co, TN and ca 1815 to MO; 
Mackey, James (I28145)
1784 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/John MACKY no ages (bef 1790) Mackey, Anne (I28148)
1785 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/John MACKY no ages (bef 1790) Mackey, Nancy (I28147)
1786 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/John RENFREN no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 * Buncombe Co, NC pg 172 w/Hickman HENSLEY age 16-25 (1774/84);

!CENSUS:1810 * Lost for TN;

!CENSUS:1820 Hickman Co, TN pg 22 Elizabeth RENTFRO age 45+ (bef 1775) "221101-00001";

!CENSUS:1830 Fayette Co, IL pg 239 Elizabeth RENFRO age 50-59 (1770/80) "00022-00000001";

!CENSUS:1840 * Hickman Co, TN pg 172 w/John RENTFROW age 60-69 (1770/80);

!CENSUS:1850 * Effingham Co, IL pg 319 # 493 Elizabeth RUTHER (sic?), 75 (1774/75) born VA; 
Rentfrow, Elizabeth (I37338)
1787 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 110 w/Samuel MACAY no ages (bef 1790);


!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co, NC pg 121 w/Samuel MACKEY age 45+ (bef 1765);

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co, NC pg 25 w/Samuel McKEY age 45+ (bef 1775); 
? (I88474)
1788 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 95 6th Company Elijah Patten Jr age 16+ (bef 1774) "1-1-2-0-0";

!CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 135 Elijah Patton age 26-44 (1755/74) "11010-21010-0-0";

!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 423 Elijah Patton age 45+ (bef 1765) "00101-03001-0-4";

!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 395 Elijah Patton Senr age 45+ (bef 1775) "000001-00101"; 
Patton, Elijah (I33241)
1789 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co, NC pg 95 6th Company w/Elijah Patten Jr no ages (bef 1790);

!CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co, NC pg 135 w/Elijah Patton age 26-44 (1755/74);

!CENSUS:1810 Rutherford Co, NC pg 423 w/Elijah Patton age 45+ (bef 1765);

!CENSUS:1820 Rutherford Co, NC pg 395 w/Elijah Patton Senr age 45+ (bef 1775); 
Morrison, Margaret (I33237)
1790 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC 8th Company p. 98
Saml Steward age 16+ (bef 1774)

!CENSUS:1800 x 
Stewart, Samuel (I16257)
1791 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 105 13th Company
John Macky age 16+ (bef 1774)
* Four houses away: Saml Macay 2-1-6-0-0
* Four houses from Samuel: Thos Macay 2-0-4-0-0
* Same district, 20 some houses away: Jas Macky 1-1-1-0-0; 
Mackey, John (I20053)
1792 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
1st Company
Wm Neall age 16+ (bef 1774)
Neill, Cpt William (I51735)
1793 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
6th Company
Elijah Patton age 16+ (bef 1774)

!TAXLIST:1793 Burke Co., NC
Captain Caison’s Company
Wm Cathey, 0a 1 white
Ely Patton, 267a, 1 white
John Reed, 1 white
Archibald Cathey, 1 white
George Cathey, 589a 1 white;

!CENSUS:1800 Burke Co., NC p. 782
Elijah Patton age 45+ (bef 1755)

!CENSUS:1810 Burke Co., NC p. 343
Elijah Patton age 45+ (bef 1765)

!TAXLIST:1815 Burke Co, NC Cpt Dobson's Co. Elijah PATTON, Nix Creek, 0 polls, 922a, $230. For William PATTON;

!TAXLIST:1815 Burke Co, NC Cpt Dobson's Co. Elijah PATTON, Cataba R, 4 polls, 587a, $1600;

!CENSUS:1820 Burke Co., NC p. 93
Elijah Patton ae 45+ (bef 1775)
000001-00010. Slaves=1130-1101;

!ESTATE:1829 Burke Co., NC Elijah Patton
John Logan, administrator (and heir)
Sarah Patton heir
no other heirs named though many pages were illegible.
Slaves named George, Isaac, Sam and Sophie are named. 
Patton, Elijah (I16357)
1794 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
George Cathey age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
2m 16+ (before 1774) 1. George Cathey (1755)
.................... 2. Brother? Brother-in-law?
3m -16 (1774/1790).. 1. William Cathey (1777) son
.................... 2. George Cathey (1787) son
.................... 3. James Cathey (1790) son <---
4f no age (bef 1790) 1. Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
.................... 2. Nancy Cathey (1780) daughter
.................... 3. Ann Cathey (1783) daughter
.................... 4. Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter;

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co., NC p. 165
George Cathey S. age 45+ (bef 1755)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1755) George Cathey (1755)
1m 10-15 (1784/1790) George Cathey (1787) son
3m 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. James Cathey (1790) son <---
.................... 2. John Cathey (1792) son
.................... 3. Joseph Cathey (1795) son
1f 45+ (before 1755) Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
1f 10-15 17784/1790) Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter
2f 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. Rebecca Cathey (1798) daughter
.................... 2. Abigail Cathey (1800) daughter

!CENSUS:1810 Haywood Co., NC p. 60
George Cathy Sr age 45+ (bef 1765)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1765) George Cathey (1755)
2m 16-25 (1784/1794) 1. James Cathey (1790) son <---
.................... 2. John Cathey (1792) son
1m 10-15 (1794/1800) Joseph Cathey (1795) son
2m 0-9 (1800/1810).. 1. Son?
.................... 2. Son?
1f 45+ (before 1765) Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
1f 10-15 (1794/1800) Rebecca Cathey (1798) daughter
1f 0-9 (1800/1810) . Abigail Cathey (1800) daughter

!CENSUS:1820 x
* None for MO;

!CENSUS:1830 x
* Death date of 1845, but Nancy is listed as head of household in 1830. Could he have died in 1825 instead? 
Cathey, James (I11534)
1795 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
George Cathey age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
2m 16+ (before 1774) 1. George Cathey (1755)
.................... 2. Brother? Brother-in-law?
3m -16 (1774/1790).. 1. William Cathey (1777) son
.................... 2. George Cathey (1787) son
.................... 3. James Cathey (1790) son
4f no age (bef 1790) 1. Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
.................... 2. Nancy Cathey (1780) daughter <---
.................... 3. Ann Cathey (1783) daughter
.................... 4. Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter;

!CENSUS:1850 x

!CENSUS:1860 Cooper Co., MO Boonville Township, Boonville PO # 575/575
Katherine McCarty 59 ~ $10,000/1000 NC
Ann E. 21 MO
Nancy McFarland 80 NC;

!CENSUS:1870 Henry Co., MO, Tebo Township, Clinton PO # 575/581
Robert F. Comar 33 Farmer $- MO
Araminta 34 Keeps house
Edwin B. 6
Aldridge 3
Emma 6/12 Nov.
Nancy McFarland 91 NC; 
Cathey, Nancy (I11531)
1796 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
George Cathey age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
2m 16+ (before 1774) 1. George Cathey (1755)
.................... 2. Brother? Brother-in-law?
3m -16 (1774/1790).. 1. William Cathey (1777) son
.................... 2. George Cathey (1787) son
.................... 3. James Cathey (1790) son
4f no age (bef 1790) 1. Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
.................... 2. Nancy Cathey (1780) daughter
.................... 3. Ann Cathey (1783) daughter
.................... 4. Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter <---

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co., NC p. 165
George Cathey S. age 45+ (bef 1755)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1755) George Cathey (1755)
1m 10-15 (1784/1790) George Cathey (1787) son
3m 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. James Cathey (1790) son
.................... 2. John Cathey (1792) son
.................... 3. Joseph Cathey (1795) son
1f 45+ (before 1755) Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
1f 10-15 17784/1790) Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter <---
2f 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. Rebecca Cathey (1798) daughter
.................... 2. Abigail Cathey (1800) daughter

!CENSUS:1840 Union Co., GA p. 10
Sarah McCluer age 50-59 (1780/1790)

!CENSUS:1850 Union Co., GA 85th District # 1032/1032
Sarah McClure 65 $- NC
Andrew 32 Farmer $1000 MO
Mary M. 30 MO;

!CENSUS:1860 Towns Co., GA Brasstown PO # 265/265
John McClure Farmer $1000/200 MO
Nancy 30 NC
John 13 GA
James 8 GA
Andrew McClure 42 Farmer $1800/250 MO
Sarah McClure 77 Widow NC
Mercilla 40 MO
Mary 11 GA
Sarah 8 GA; 
Cathey, Sarah (I7531)
1797 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
George Cathey age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
2m 16+ (before 1774) 1. George Cathey (1755)
.................... 2. Brother? Brother-in-law?
3m -16 (1774/1790).. 1. William Cathey (1777) son
.................... 2. George Cathey (1787) son
.................... 3. James Cathey (1790) son
4f no age (bef 1790) 1. Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
.................... 2. Nancy Cathey (1780) daughter
.................... 3. Ann Cathey (1783) daughter <---
.................... 4. Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter;

!CENSUS:1800 x

!CENSUS:1850 Cooper Co., MO District No 23 # 1205/1205 *
William H. Moore 84 Farmer $2000 NC
Ann 78 NC

!CENSUS:1860 Cooper Co., MO Palestne Township, Cole Bank PO # 863/863
L. C. Stephens 62 m Farmer $10,000/14,000 VA
Margaret P. 56 NC
Margaret L. 22 MO
George W. M. 19 Farmer MO
Ann Moore 77 $-/500 NC; 
Cathey, Ann (I7530)
1798 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
George Cathey age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
2m 16+ (before 1774) 1. George Cathey (1755)
.................... 2. Brother? Brother-in-law?
3m -16 (1774/1790).. 1. William Cathey (1777) son
.................... 2. George Cathey (1787) son <---
.................... 3. James Cathey (1790) son
4f no age (bef 1790) 1. Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
.................... 2. Nancy Cathey (1780) daughter
.................... 3. Ann Cathey (1783) daughter
.................... 4. Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter;

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co., NC p. 165
George Cathey S. age 45+ (bef 1755)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 45+ (before 1755) George Cathey (1755)
1m 10-15 (1784/1790) George Cathey (1787) son <---
3m 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. James Cathey (1790) son
.................... 2. John Cathey (1792) son
.................... 3. Joseph Cathey (1795) son
1f 45+ (before 1755) Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
1f 10-15 17784/1790) Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter
2f 0-9 (1790/1800).. 1. Rebecca Cathey (1798) daughter
.................... 2. Abigail Cathey (1800) daughter

!PETITION:1806 for formation of Haywood County from western Buncombe ...
George CATHY Jr...;

!CENSUS:1810 Haywood Co., NC p. 60
George Cathy Jr age 16-25 (1784/1794)

!CENSUS:1820 x
* None for MO;

!CENSUS:1830 x

!CENSUS:1840 Pettis Co., MO p. 42
George Cathey age 50-59 (1780/1790)

!CENSUS:1850 Cass Co, MO P-H-F 65-83-83 Sixtenth District
Cathey George 63 M W Farmer and Tenant 200 NC
Cathey Anna 63 F W TN
Cathey William 38 M W (Insane) NC
Cathey Thomas 18 M W Farmer MO
Cathey John 37 M W Farmer MO
Weaver Susan M 19 F W NC 
Cathey, George (I11535)
1799 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
George Cathey age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
2m 16+ (before 1774) 1. George Cathey (1755)
.................... 2. Brother? Brother-in-law?
3m -16 (1774/1790).. 1. William Cathey (1777) son <---
.................... 2. George Cathey (1787) son
.................... 3. James Cathey (1790) son
4f no age (bef 1790) 1. Margaret Chambers? Cathey (bef 1755) wife
.................... 2. Nancy Cathey (1780) daughter
.................... 3. Ann Cathey (1783) daughter
.................... 4. Sarah Cathey (1784) daughter;

!CENSUS:1800 Buncombe Co., NC p. 165
William Cathey J. age 16-25 (1784/1794)

!PETITION:1806 for formation of Haywood County from western Buncombe ...
William CATHEY, Pigeon ...;

!CENSUS:1810 Haywood Co., NC
p. 59 William Cathy age 26-44 (1765/84) 10110-00010-0-0 *
p. 60 William Cathy age 26-44 (1765/84) 11010-10200-0-0 * William s/o William Sr
p. 61 William Cathy Sr age 45+ (bef 1765) 02101-00201-0-0 William Sr

!WAR OF 1812:"Muster Rolls of the Soldiers of the War of 1812..." pg 72 William CATHEY, 1st Major, 7th Regiment of Lincoln, Rutherford. * NOTE: May be other William CATHEY instead (s/o William);

!CENSUS:1820 x
* Lost for MO;

!DEED: 3 May 1821 Cooper Co., MO Deed Book B, p. 96
William Cathey and wife & Caty Cathey of Cooper Co., MO to David Troter for $30, 3 acres.
S: William Cathey, Caty (X) Cathey
W: Jacob McFarland, Jobe (X) Self
Ack 3 May 1821 by William & Caty Cathey;

!CENSUS:1830 Haywood Co., NC
p. 360 William Cathey Junr age 20-29 (1800/10) 20001-00001001
p. 364 William Cathey age 40-49 (1780/1790) 0012101-0100001
p. 364 William Cathey age 50-59 (1770/1780) 00000001-000000001, Slaves=010000-00000 *

!CENSUS:1840 Haywood Co., NC
p. 106 William Cathey age 30-39 (1800/10) 021001-030001
p. 124 William Cathey Sr age 60-69 (1770/1780) 000000001-0001000001 *

!CENSUS:1850 Haywood Co., NC # 573/590
William Cathy 73 Farmer $- NC
Catherine 80 VA
A. F. Hartgrovers, 24 m Black Smith NC
John C. 26 Black Smith NC;

!CENSUS:1860 Haywood Co., NC Division 37, Forks of Pigeon PO # 115/115
Wm Cathey Senr 83 Retired, $1000/1000 NC
* Next to son Joseph; 
Cathey, Maj William (I11532)
1800 !CENSUS:1790 Burke Co., NC p. 88
Jesse Stroud age 16+ (bef 1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 16+ (bef 1774) Jesse Stroud (1760/70)
3m -16 (1774/1790) 1 Ecclesiastes Stroud (c1785) son
3m -16 (1774/1790) 2 Isaac Stroud (1784/1790) son
3m -16 (1774/1790) 3 John Stroud (nd) or Thomas Stroud (c1790) sons <---?
1f no ages (bef 1790) Naomi (---) wife

!CENSUS:1800 Rutherford Co., NC p. 144
Jesse Stroud age 26-44 (1755/1774)
My analysis (who each person *might* be)
1m 26-44 (1755/1774) Jesse Stroud (1760/70)
3m 10-15 (1784/1790) 1 Ecclesiastes Stroud (c1785) son
3m 10-15 (1784/1790) 2 Isaac Stroud (1784/1790) son
3m 10-15 (1784/1790) 3 John Stroud (nd) or Thomas Stroud (c1790) sons <---?
3m 0-9 (1790/1800) 1 Jesse Stroud (1794/1800) son
3m 0-9 (1790/1800) 2 Peter Stroud (c1792) son
3m 0-9 (1790/1800) 3 John Stroud (nd) or Thomas Stroud (c1790) sons <---?
1f 45+ (bef 1755) Mother? Mother-in-law?
1f 26-44 (1755/1774) Naomi (---) wife
2f 0-9 (1790/1800) 1 Daughter?
2f 0-9 (1790/1800) 2 Nancy Stroud (1798) daughter

!CENSUS:1810 x
* Lost for 99% of Tennessee;

!NAMED-WILL:24 May 1834 Weakley Co., TN p. 139 Jesse Stroud, recorded 17 Jul 1834
Wife Tabitha and *her* six children:
Richard (note by Marty: That's seven children!)
My son Howell
my son Silas
Having had eleven children by my first wife Naoma, to each one dollar (viz)
John, <---
Wit: Harden S. Adams, Samuel Hall, Thornton Jones.
S: Jesse (R) Stroud 
Stroud, John (I107933)

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